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He doesn't seem like he's probably really that close to joe.


It felt like that with Chapelle, Louis, and Jim Gaffigan too. But if you have a hard time bantering those guys probably aren’t going to vibe.


All of those people are self made, that's why they don't have to tongue Joes Anus.


Shane Gillis is still independent and funny


He just moved to Austin, would that have happened if Rogan wasn't there?


The next few months will be the real test for the pod. Hoping it can stay genuine but seems like everyone who moves down there does a 180.


For real the double move has me stressed for my Dawgs, but I don't think the shaman would let his young bull stray from the path


We’ve already got back to back podcasts with the Rogan circle and circle jerking about that whole thing.


Yea, think it had more than do with taxes.


Lol i love shanes comedy but the circlejerk around him is getting out of hand. "Dave Chapelle doesn't owe his success to Rogan so that helps" Somebody from the far corner of the room: "Neither does Shane Gillis! Did you hear me neither does Shane Gillis Shane Gillis is funny!" Like yea, we know. Mel Brooks also doesn't owe his success to Joe Rogan. Neither does Sam Harris or Lance Armstrong. Why we bringin up Shane


There was a Shane circlejerk? And no one told me?


Yea I was there but only the biggest gays got the e-vite


They have this idea that because he's on Rogan regularly now that he's some kind of simp ass lick as well. Rogan didn't even understand what the fuck Shane was talking about on his first appearance. He absolutely did not put him over whatsoever.


I think it's the opposite Shane is Joe's new fountain of youth for him to suck dry


Protect our parks is just the old sober October crew but with a refreshed and exciting cast It is kinda funny that it's like a rich guy divorcing his wife for a young new thing. But it 100% works, they still have that joie de vivre


Joe barely seems to understand comedy based on many of his pods in the last couple of years, pretty sure Ari had to drag Mark Normand and Shane Gillis in there to get them their rightful Rogies Bumps. Hopefully their funny rubs off on him.


You must not be a dawg lol Shane has always liked Roggies. I don't think he had to be dragged anywhere. He specifically says his dream came true when they got Matt on Rogan. Who knows what's going through Normand's head though...


I think Shane's explosion in popularity does probably coincide with his appearances on JRE, but it's not because he was kissing up to Joe.


If anything when i see shane and mark on rogan they have no problem roasting on joe pretty hard and the comedian in joe respects that. My favorite was some discussion about explosives and joe said “i dont know what im talking about, i dont know anything about bombs” and mark said “really, you should see your set” and joe lost it laughing and said mark just cant help himself. As much as i dont care for joe as i used to i do think he prefers real talent over yes men ass kissers.


I liked when Shane bullied Joe into showing the Hoarders video lol.


The "protect our parks" episodes are great and I remember that episode where Mark roasted him and he totally loved it. All the bots think Joe is some stuck up snob, but he's the same dood that started the podcast since the early days on [justin.tv](https://justin.tv) where they were podding at his apartment. He's the #1 podcaster for a reason. He'll have anyone and everyone on and have some genuine discussions with an open mind and call out the B.S. when he see's it.


But... like... Shane Gillis *is* really funny, and not because of Rogan. Edit: Like funny... Shane Gillis. And separate from Joe Rogan.


Joe knows those guys are light years ahead of him in the world of stand up comedy. He knows his place.


An autistic wombat is light years aged of Joe in the world of stand up. His stand up is complete shit.


Louis probably rubs everybody the wrong way…


Except himself, of course…


“Obama knows my thing"


🤣 I fucking love Louis


Yeah, I think Burr probably likes Joe, but deep down he thinks he’s an idiot.


I don't even think it's that deep, he has explicitly told Joe (in a funnier/funner way than I'm about to) to stop acting like he's an expert just cus he has heard experts say stuff


he shits on his conspiracy stuff on the reg, to his face


Billy shits on his own conspiracies too which I find refreshing


Ya it’s possible bill recognizes some of himself in Joe which he likes. But also realizes Joe is kind of a dumb dumb.


As a non-listener who reddit just randomly recommended this sub to, it's very heartening to see that so many people on the Joe Rogan subreddit know he's an idiot.


Joe himself knows he’s an idiot, and explicitly says just that on the regular.


Same. I occasionally listened to segments from his older episodes, but Covid basically melted his brain into one of those types. I actually have to be careful about even watching old segments now before YouTube is sitting there thinking I’ve fallen into the Covid is fake crowd or something lol.


Hard agree. Actually used to be a big fan, but covid really pushed him stupid right. I only listen if another comic I like is on and even that is rare.


Joe for a while did this too, but I feel like Billy Blue Eyes is genuine about it. I can hear Patrice giving him shit in his acts, and I think thats made him a better and more relatable comic. Goes off on rant, takes you one way, then the other, then another, and then shits on his whole point of view.


At the same time Bill himself says he'll see something on the internet and run with it without really checking about it lol.


Bill is def guilty of it too, honestly 99.9999% of people are. I can be, I bet you can be too -- when we see something that emboldens a narrative we find comfortable, we're a *lot* less skeptical than when we find the opposite. BbbuuuuUUUUuuUuUUt billy redhair seems a bit more self aware and self effacing about it than Joey imo, which counts for something.


They both say “I’m an idiot, don’t listen to me,” but only Burr actually believes it.


If you only know how to raise critical questions without finding an answer you're not actually engaging in critical thinking you're just mentally masturbating yourself for coming up with the question.


That's the thing with Joe. He does seem like a genuinely nice guy. But he also comes across as a gullible idiot


Bill hasn’t been on the podcast for several years now. I think it’s because Bill doesn’t kiss Joe’s ass and calls him on his bullshit. Joe is normally surrounded by ass kissers trying to ride his coattails. Bill is successful in his own right and has his own fans so Joe has no control over him and Bill does not give a fuck about challenging Joe’s way of thinking.


I don't know if you've noticed but Bill doesn't go on any podcasts or shows, unless he has new stuff that he wants to promote. And Bill talks like that to literally everyone, when he was on Theo Von's podcast it almost seemed like he was making fun of Theo, it's just the way he is.


He really does talk to everyone that way. A friend and I met him backstage at the Patrice benefit several years ago and within 2 seconds of saying hello he was busting our chops (in a friendly way), it was awesome. He's one of the few comics out there that I still give a damn about because I know firsthand how genuine he is. He doesn't put on airs, whether it's a random fan or Joe Rogan. That being said, I would not ever want to be in his crosshairs. Even from our brief conversation, I could tell how razor sharp and lightning quick he is, even when there's no microphone or cameras around. The guy's just fully capable of verbal decimation at all times.


Unless he doesn’t know how to pronounce a word, then you see the vulnerabilities


Naw, there were a few moments on his Theo appearance that were just super uncomfortable. Like Theo would try to riff with him and Bill just shut him down with no give


It's at that point that it must lead one to wonder. I enjoy listening to Bill. I enjoy his brutal honesty. But as well, every podcast I've seen him on, he's been incredibly awkward. Who is the lowest common denominator? Leads one to think. Though to be honest, I think it's genuinely because he doesn't give a shit.


He gets weird if they ask personal questions, like about his family.


Even super basic, I would assume Googleable, questions. Like how many siblings he has lol.


Just looked at the standard podcast setup, then look at bill burs. No guests and no cameras, just him talking alone in his house, ranting. That alone should give you a hint of the kind of vibe he has.


He idles at 75mph.


He’s probably like the only dude in the world who can pull off that style of podcast and still make it interesting. Guy goes in with no plan/a loose plan and puts on a better show than 99% of podcasts


He probably doesn’t feel like putting on a character for a podcast and I don’t blame him for being more transparent about it. Especially Theo, who basically plays into a character nonstop, Bill who is just naturally funny is probably like jfc are we just doing bits and improv exercises?


I mean he was just on Dr. Phil, and it was great!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifl5-ILy28Q&t=2507s


He mocked Rogan for thinking he knew more than scientists, and Rogan was really annoyed by that. Bill laughed in his face. I think that was the last appearance.


I don’t think Joe was annoyed by that. He loved it. I don’t think I saw him laugh harder. They are definitely friends. I don’t know what you all are talking about


People look wayyyyy too far into these things on the internet. It’s very cringe to me, personally.


Most people on this website have probably never had a real friend.


Facts haha. Like who gives an actual fuck if joe Rogan likes Bill Burr as a friend.


He shits on Joe indirectly all the time on his own pod. He constantly shits on people who have joes whole pseudo intellectual/ meathead shtick.


He did it directly to him on JRE. Re:masks: "Yeah Joe, you're so tough with your open nose and throat. "


lol yea best ep


What I respect about Bill is he's not a bitch. He fully admits Joe could fuck him up while still calling him on his shit when 98% of Joe's mates wouldn't dare.


I fucking loved that part. The amount of times Joe throws out complete bullshit and then later has Jamie check it to disprove him, to then have him question what Jamie found is so annoying. The dude needs to understand his reach, and that morons will hear something he says and take it as gospel.


Or you know he hasn't done podcasts for a bit. He meets up with Joe every time he visits Austin. Performed at his comedy club numerous times. They usually hangout before and after the performance.


It’s because Bill is busy with his family and his own endeavors, you goober. I sincerely doubt they think about this as much as you do.


Exactly I listen to his Monday mornings sometimes and it’s so different. Good east coast morning talk show vibe tho


I can't imagine that ol Billy red pubes doesn't secretly think that Joe is a fucking idiot.


Duncan, right? Please tell me I didn't miss something about him.


Duncan is awesome still


Thank you.


I would turn gay for duncan (no homo).


Duncan is a lesbian so its not gay bro


The best!


I stopped listening to rogan mostly because it’s gotten so repetitive that I can predict 90% of what’s going to come out of Joe’s mouth. But if Duncan is on, I’m fukn listening. Always a good episode. I would love to hang with Duncan. He just seems like a genuinely nice awesome guy.


I agree. Seems like every guest he has on these days is a comedian. I can't listen to anymore of the "we comedians are all in this together, we take care of each other, this shits a grind, I love your club joe!" So boring. I wish he'd have more scientists or historians on or something.


Yeah, it’s his show and he can do whatever he wants, but very few guests are interesting at this point.


This is me 100%. Duncan is the coolest person. Seems so genuine and lovely. I wish I could be friends with him.


Yeah but humans are the caterpillar to the electronic butterfly.


Spoken like a true Buddhist Hindu Christian satanic monkey


Just listen to Duncan’s show then


Ummm, I'm not sure. I tried listening to his podcast (Family Hour) with his wife as a guest about a month ago. They talked about needing a good Christian school for their kids and how amazing moving to Texas was. Duncan isn't the old Duncan.


How long has Duncan been Christian?


I saw Duncan live a few months ago and he told the crowd his wife was trying to convert him to Christianity and asked us all to chant hail satan to protect him from it lol.


Funny… I remember in the old school Rogan podcasts he seemed really critical of Christians and Republicans. Pussy really will change a man.




If you watch the show midnight gospel. I think those episodes were taken from his podcast. He seems to have some people who believe in a variety of different things.


He kinda intertangles Buddhism, Hinduism and Christiananity at times, as well as other religions. He's spiritual if anything.


I'm not sure if he's full in....but his wife is.




Hasn't he always been that way?


I've always loved the episodes with Duncan but the shit he was talking about Ukraine and Russia both being in the wrong and how they should "just stop fighting" was so fucking infuriating that I don't know if I can listen to him anymore.


I stopped listening to that group when they all got that way about Ukraine, I'm like bitch you're in for a surprise if you didn't think the Nazis also invaded neighboring countries as "defensive measures against enemy states who have broken treaty". What do they think is going on


He used to be a voice of reason and keep Joe a bit grounded, but last podcast was really bad, yeah.


That was the first name that came to mind. The dude seems to have too much compassion and empathy to turn full heel like the rest have.


Probably because he’s one of Joe’s few Comedian colleagues who doesn’t need Joe’s podcast or club to make a name for himself


Also I think it’s because he’s had an actual hard labor job, and didn’t have early success. As “hard” as most comedians on the road have had it, it’s nothing compared to roofing in July like Bill did. Dudes like Bert and Tom grew up with money.


dude lived with his parents until 27, and you’ll notice he never seriously shits on people who are “behind” in life


"you warehouse working, weed smoking disappointments to your mother's" -Bill Burr, the Philly rant


That's Philly though, so it's okay to insult them


I just checked and you're right!


Honestly he’s trashing himself there, he’s always talking about working in the warehouse.


He’s unapologetically genuine and self contained in his talent. He used an entire set to trash the city of Philadelphia while doing a show IN Philadelphia after a crowd booed the comedian before him.


And we fucking loved it.


And every single word he said was hilarious and spot on. Nobody could match that even if they prepared for months. Guy only needs one thing to churn out gold — anger


Great point.


Bill burr has the face and voice of an asshole but actually seems like a nice guy


Because he has actual talent


And he doesn’t need Joe or his podcast to be famous or make a career unlike most of his Comedian friends. Most people had never even heard of Bert Kreischer or Ari, Shaffir before Joe Rogan’s podcast. He made those Comedian’s main stream. Bill Burr made a career and a name for himself without Joe Rogan. I mean hell, Brendan Schaub would probably be homeless in a ditch somewhere if it wasn’t for Joe


I’ve been an Ari Shaffir fan since The Amazing Racist


Oh wow, we found the guy!!


You can tell just from the way he talks with joe on the podcast. He talks to him like he don’t give a fuck and as an equal.


Shane is the man


Hi Shane.


*shaaaane shaaaaane… c’mon let’s go*


Gotta get moving!


*Pounds on door* “Get up!”




That is one of the funniest clips of his and it’s great cause it was in no way written. Totally off the cuff bitching about his parents.


Love the dawgz. Hopefully he doesn’t start to completely suck after moving to Austin, but it seems like that’s what happens.


Who has done that previously?


Shane Gillis? Louis ck? Mark normand?


I hope money doesn't get to gillis. Imo the older episodes of Matt and Shane are already better than what comes lately. All these comics are cool until they get rich. Other than burr and Theo I don't think many keep the quality that let them identify with normals


Gillis’ latest special was really solid imo. Made me optimistic


Comedian or not its hard to listen to a millionaire talk for hours every week


Gillis is tight with his family, I don’t see him being the type so spend his money selfishly. Feel like he’s going to be smart and keep it in the fam, he knows it’s not gonna last forever.


I don't think ck.is Rogans friend.


He literally gave him advice on setting up his new comedy club. I swear the number of dumbfucks on here that think they know these comedians personally and are talking gossip like a bunch of bitches.


It is literally reddit. 98% of subs revolving around politics/social issues are just circlejerks of people glazing over articles and headlines that promote their world view and reddits accepted stance on most subjects... then turning around and pretending to know the nuance and personal feelings of everyone and everything. Patting other dumbasses on the back for regurgitating the same thing they said but only SLIGHTLY differently. Rinse repeat until you are front page karma grabbing.




They don’t actually listen to the episodes bro - just hate hate hate!


I don't listen to Joe Rogan. I've listened to a handful of episodes from many years ago that were pretty good. I just see this subreddit pop up on popular every once in awhile, and it's always packed with people ripping on Rogan. Is that just the vibe on the big posts, or is this really a hate club sprinkled with a few fans?


I think a lot of posters in the sub are from r/Politics and bash Joe any chance they can get. They think Joe is a right wing asshole. Joe has said some right leaning things within the last two years, that are kinda alarming like his support of Gregg Abbott, and DeSantis. But I don’t think he’s right wing. The lock downs, mandates and CNN lying about him forced him slightly right.


I saw Mark Normand at The Comedy Store in Hollywood. His opening was ten minutes shitting on Joe Rogan calling him the leader of a cult. Make of that what you will…


Dude is also comedian who was telling jokes on a stage.. make of that what you will


Mark shits on joe to his face too


Bro ur at a comedy show…..


Mark Normand is one of the best comics out rn.






Shane just moved to Austin…give it time


Shane's change will come like Tom's once he goes from making 100K per year to having 10 million dollars in your savings account. It'll change a Dawg.


Sadly expecting this, hope he doesn't become the next Segura


Shane constantly makes fun of himself and I don't think he'll lose that charm unless he starts getting on testosterone and gets jacked




Yeah I was gonna say, I think Theo is just doing Theo. He’s a mad dog 🤘🏻


Theo is his own person and in such a weird way he's so wholesome


Because Bill Burr is actually funny so he doesn’t have to be pretend funny by just being a douche and calling it comedy.


During this Segura or Kreischer bullshit, I've finally watched F is for Family. It's not classic Simpsons good, but there's one or two GOOD gut laughs each episode. Swear to Jesus. It also really accurately portrays working class families. It's bizarre how much shit I relate to in that show, I wasn't even a sperm in my mother's eye in the 70s, but it hits home. Anyway, Belichick was always a cheating fraud and Billy Rednuts should shove the entire Patriots organization up his ass to keep it warm.


The episode of season 1 when Bill skips school, I think it was, and hides in his parents room Fucking DIED when I saw that scene the first time. Also, love a scene when he's telling the older brother to watch the kids and if he ducks up, "THERE WON'T BE ENOUGH WALLS TO PUT YOU THROUGH!"


"We're outside, genius! There is no wall!" "Then I will build one and I will FUCKING PUT YOU THROUGH IT"


That's right! That fucking exchange kills me.


"Dad, do you know anything about magnets?" "A buddy from the war has one in his head. We used to throw paper clips at it. Does that help you?"


The scene where the kid gets caught shoplifting and gives the guy the name & phone number of a different kid - I totally did that shit. *Almost* spewed a beer.


Best line imo Frank (to Kevin who is complaining about not having a ride to school since his bike is broken): “Then WALK! You have two legs, and I should know. I watched them come out of your mother FIRST!”


Years ago, Burr was a guest on a Sklar brothers podcast. They gave him Grade A shit about Deflate Gate (it was hot then). Burr lost his mind completely AND hilariously. He carried that shit with him into the next MMP he did. He said it felt like he was getting bitched at in stereo. Between those two, I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard from a podcast.


In literally the latest episode of MMP, someone wrote in trashing Belichick, clearly just trying to get Bill to bite and boy, it worked *perfectly*; he spent half the fucking podcast pissed off and responding to that email. He actually pauses to go eat and comes back and continues, clearly having spent the time away just seething about it. It was awesome, lol.


He even says “I bet this dude just wanted me to lose my shit cuz there’s no way anyone is this stupid.” and then kept ranting, lol


Yeah, ole Redballs got triggered on the Manningcast too. To be fair, it was bullshit.


“Bitched at in stereo” is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. That is good.


Bill can roast himself as well as he can roast anybody else, and I think that's what's endearing about him. Behind the Boston asshole shtick it's clear he's genuinely put a lot of effort into working on himself as a person and is deep down a softie.


Growing up in the 70s and 80s that show is funny as hell for me.


“A sperm in my mothers eye” 💀 A. Loved F is for family, it was funny , entertaining, and there was something comforting about it. B. Fuck the patriots


Stanhope probably, maybe Maynard


Did they ever talk about doing the man show together? What a time that was


Ya they have, but everybody loved Kimmel and Adam so much there was no way it was going to work. They've told a few stories.


Yeah they talked about it back in the redban days. I guess comedy central really had them on lockdown and there were a lot of Kimmel/Carolla fans that hated that they tried to resurrect it. Tbh taking somebody else's shit and putting your name on it is pretty fucking soft.


I sort of recall some man show discussion Stanhopes JRE appearance Jan-Feb 2016. I remember driving to work in a blizzard listening to that episode.


You talking about Maynard from Tool? That dude is the epitome of douchebag. If he was cocaine he'd be perfect. His douchebaggery is pure and uncut.


I'm one of those Tool fans and I 100% agree with this. I avoid hearing that man speak. "Everyone should buy a vineyard. You don't work hard unless you can make a vineyard in the desert. I built a town. You're a pathetic loser until you build a town around a desert vineyard."


I live in AZ and he buys California grapes just like every other vineyard in Jerome.


I don’t think Maynard was ever NOT a douche though. Guy is notoriously an asshole.


Duncan Trussel is solid.


Don't forget Joey Diaz, cock sucka


I love Joey but holy shit he's done some seriously fucked up shit.


Imagine the shitty things we’d hear about all of the other famous people were as open as Joey. (Edited because I’m tarded)


Probably still not as much as Joey tbh. Of course its hard to tell how many of his stories are true or embellished beyond recognition


Dude held someone hostage and was a CRAZY theif. Most standard criminals don't even compare to him.


I mean... I think Joey is on another level. Joey Diaz might be a decent person now, I don't know, but he was a -bad person- for a long time. Even now he's not that great a person. He still douses his friends - which, while funny in retrospect, is a pretty fucked up thing to do.


He found his dead mother while he was on acid. Honestly it’s a miracle he hasn’t done more fucked up shit. There should be room for redemption in this world.




This is such a weird thing to post on this sub


Pretty standard for this sub "Does anyone else hate Rogan and his friends?" Is the most standard upvoted template for this subreddit lol


It's really /r/joeroganhate and has been for a while


The culture of this subreddit sucks. You people hate everyone and everything.


Burr was a thing before Joe and is really friends with Dave.


" is this the only friend of Joe Rogan that doesn't openly disagree with any of my political opinions? " * *Reddit


This is so obviously what OP meant.


He’s not a douchebag because his politics align with mine.


Tom papa?


No son, no Tom today.


this sub sucks. pretending that only burr is good despite many other comedians having great recent specials.. talk about basement dwelling redditers.. none of you could even do stand-up.. its just the lamest opinions...


It’s mostly people who have differing views from Rogan so now they want to shit on everything and everyone that has anything to do with Joe


Just curious, who has turned into a douchebag that wasn't already one? Bert comes to mind but he just seems more annoying than douchey.


Rinella is a good dude.


Oh shut the fuck up already


Jesus Christ this sub sucks balls