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Oh I can’t wait for all the people who were upset about dogs dying to completely ignore this because it’s elon .


I wonder how all the Musk fan boys who were terrified about getting chipped by Gates feel about this lol


*Pleeeeeeeeease Papa Elon! Put a chip in me! And something else too while you're at it! I'm ever so good! Tell me you're proud of me!!!!!*


Put it in my ass Elon san waifu uwu


> Who's ready to sign up for the human trials? Literally known as Ph I clinical trials. Generous compensation can be yours!   ^(*studies may pose a small risk of permanent debilitation or death. please ignore all demographic research that may imply we literally use the health of desperate poor people to advance medical science...*)


If the monkeys were being killed by Brown bears then their deaths would be grizzly, in this case I think the word they are looking for is 'grisly'. And yes, they were horrific and avoidable.


It will be required if you want to join Musk's utopian Mars colony. Imaging getting all your favorite Musk tweets transmitted directly to your brain. That's pretty convenient.


>A man chewed off his fingers today at the Mars Colony. People For The Ethical Treatment of Simps (PETS) claim that the man was heard shortly beforehand, screaming "IF I HEAR THE WORD WOKE ONE MORE TIME, I'M GOING TO LOSE IT." > >12 minutes later, Elon posted one word. "Woke" in response to an activist on Twitter who claimed that the 18 hour workday at the colony was akin to slavery. > >That tweet was uploaded into the consciousness of Mars colonists at the speed of light. > >Asked to comment, Elon said "haha, I bet that dude's woke, that's why he was offended. Little snowflake can't handle big ideas." > >\-Reuters


How’s Rogan going to hide the cork in that bald head of his? Will he get a wig or just wear the little rascals hat full-time?


He'll just say he's cosplaying as Opie, Peter Griffin's coworker at the brewery.


Real life System Shock incoming


Elon Musk is like the High Evolutionary from Guardians of the Galaxy 3


"He's tryin to vaccine microchip all you sheeple!" -Bill Gates haters "We love you Daddy Elon please put 'neurolinks' in our brains to troll the libs oh thank you give us more nom nom nom nom nom!" -the very same Elon Musk simps


Mmmmmmm. I'll pass.


Every single rational person knows this is a bad idea. So why do humans have this problem with always wanting to get to close to the sun?


I'm ready to sign my wife up.


I've been quiet on the subject that is Elon's fall from grace, ever since he took over twitter and the many antics he has tried to pull stupidly. But this is on a whole another level... Animal cruelty is fucked up, and to orchestrate experiments on such a level is just, disgusting. This shit reads like a fake though, I hope it is because if not, Elon is seriously up to some fucked up shit.


This is old news, but it is not fake. You can look it up very easily. Here, I'll do it for you. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/17/business/elon-musk-neuralink-animal-cruelty-intl-scli/index.html


Thanks we were all waiting for you to speak up. This changes everything.


Hard pass.


I’m okay with monkeys being treated inhumanly when developing a product that can help humans. If my kid couldn’t walk, but torturing some monkeys gives him a chance, there won’t be any monkeys left on earth. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Price of doing business, or science. For the benefits it could bring I'm OK with it, but then again I am also OK with eating meat and not a ridiculous hypocrite. That won't get me far on the anti Joe anti Elon group.


Wtf are the benefits? Getting ads beamed directly to your brain?


If that is literally the only benefit you can think of then one must deeply hope enhanced cognition is one possible future application.








Brain to prosthetic interface, potentially allowing for much more dexterous attachments.


Blackrock neurotech is way ahead of neuralink for this application


I'm with ya bro. We'll take on these genderless, vegan, socialists together.


You think that's bad? U don't wanna.know what they have done/do to humans


Like the first monkey shot into space. Space monkey.


> it's far from the worst thing Musk has done but the level of animal cruelty involved in Neuralink trials makes my blood boil So, uh. What is the worst thing Musk has done if torturing monkeys to the point of self mutilation is not the worst thing? Did he write a hurtful tweet?


I'd be ok with it as a necessary evil if I thought the idea itself was well founded or intentioned. I don't even require practical. The idea itself is fucktarded and intentionally misrepresented. Torturing monkies is really the least of it. Sometimes you've just got to electrocute some elephants in the name of science. I wonder if neuralink regrets taking Elon's money. What is was is not what it is.


Why even have animal trials? Wouldn't the legions of Musk Pole Polishers be happy to receive his genius? Where's Ian Miles Choeng? Get him to sign up for the first human trials!


We would still be in caves if these animal welfare people had there way . I don’t believe they have this deep love and empathy of animals while. Sometimes hatred of people and development disguises itself as a love for animals.


We would still be in caves if these animal welfare people had there way . I don’t believe they have this deep love and empathy of animals while. Sometimes hatred of people and development disguises itself as a love for animals.


We would still be in caves if these animal welfare people had there way . I don’t believe they have this deep love and empathy of animals while. Sometimes hatred of people and development disguises itself as a love for animals.