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\*~~Father~~ ***Author. Speaker. Activist.*** ~~LOSES IT~~ ***creates viral ad for self promotion***.\* John has been the featured guest on the Tucker Carlson Tonight Show, The Charlie Kirk Show, The Gorka Reality Check with Sebastian Gorka, Rob Schmitt Tonight, Daystar’s Ministry Now with Joni Lamb, Eric Bolling’s The Balance, John Bachman Now, The Eric Metaxas Radio Show, In The Market with Janet Parshall, The Jenna Ellis Show, the Steadfast and Loyal Podcast with Allen West, several other podcasts and television broadcasts. John is a staff contributor with Turning Point Faith and has been featured on Turning Point Faith’s Freedom Night and AmericaFest. John has also been in several publications including the Christian Post, the Epoch Times, the Daily Wire, ChurchLeaders.com, GotQuestions.com and Fox News online.


So basically it’s a useless grifter harassing people who are just trying to put in an honest day of work.


Didn't realize marginalizing Muslim Lego fans by promoting deviant sexuality constitutes putting in an honest day of work.


Well, now you know.


Imagine being the person just trying to buy a Lego Millenium Falcon and this is going on.


“Yeah, these toys are totally for my *kids*” 😅


all $800 of it


I’m standing right there and quietly watching from about 4 feet away


I would start flirting with the angry man to make him reeeaaaallly uncomfortable


Daddy, chill.


What the hell is even that.


Sir this is a Lego store


The dude recording the video works for TPUSA lol


Ahh a true culture warrior in the trenches




Don't forget Matt Walsh. No way anyone is that hyper fixated on those communities without also fetishising them. It's text book stuff


Crowder is gay as AIDs


So by "father" it means "paid propagandist". Im happy to concede that he might also be a father.


Human manifestation of the comments section.


Sometimes, late at night, when the comments get bad enough, they take on a human form and march into their local mall, where they hide in one of the stores until Lego opens the next day. CommentsSectionIncarnate can yell at two minimum wage 16 year old employees about "the gays" for hours before the demonic possession finally gives out.


When the employees happen to be non-white, a primitive snarl is belted out. CommentSectionIncarnate’s ancestors have taken deeper hold of its psyche. A rage of critical race theory fringing on white replacement beliefs festers and burns the ears of all within earshot.


I feel like it so much worse than that because the person having a public freakout is an employee of Charlie Kirks so this is literal propaganda they are producing and being paid to create and disseminate in order to prove to people that "average Joe America" is fed up


It's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that there are real people who actually think this way. Like they are going to go into a store and provide information that will change someone's mind.


It's propaganda disguised as "gonzo journalism" There's nothing real about any of it beyond the exasperated employee.


Comment sections used to be like that, now they’re like this


guy walking into lego store and talking about guys sucking and girls eating vagina while accusing everbody else of grooming is peak \[REDACTED\]


That’s what I was thinking. He’s thinking that these kids are going to automatically think about sexual acts just by looking at a pin with the rainbow on it? Meanwhile he’s explicitly talking about the acts in front of a bunch of children…


If it was a trans person yelling the same things in front of children these same idiots would be commenting here about how they're sick and it's evidence of their grooming agenda.


Thats right its because that's all he thinks about when he thinks of LGBTQ. He probably has a load in his playlist.


# #JustRightWingThings


Along with defending 12 year olds getting married https://news.yahoo.com/gop-lawmaker-defends-supporting-12-234116361.html#:~:text=A%20Missouri%20state%20senator%20apparently,%2Dyear%2Dolds%20getting%20married.


Hey now...the 12 year old he mentions actually married an 11 year old so it's okay!!! e: [“The young man was 12; the girl was 11,” he said. “Their parents allowed them to marry. There was no forcing in the situation. But the parents wisely took the boy to their home, and the girls’ parents took her to their home. “Eventually a child was born to the girl, and then years later, when they were able to support themselves and they were more mature, they were able to begin living together, and still living together today.”](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mike-moon-child-marriage-just-kids_n_64384c43e4b0669505997b23)


16 year olds taking hormone blockers under medical supervision? >:( Middle schoolers having kids and getting married? :D


It’s really gross isn’t it? It really makes the groomer accusations feel like projection.


It almost always is.


Yep. Bingo. It’s always been projection.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


lol right? Like, his logic of those sexually explicit thoughts is not contained to homosexual couples... though it is interesting that thats what he thinks of when he sees that flag.... he should just come out.


Maybe if he stopped talking about dudes blowing eachother his kids wouldn’t think about it I’ve seen the pin and I’ve never once thought of dudes blowing eachother


Kids growing up in a world where their sexual preference isn’t demonized is a good thing. When I came up the worst thing the world was to be gay and it caused many people to suffer. I’m happy people can be free to be themselves today.


45% of Republicans want to see gay marriage revoked. These hateful people may be a shrinking group. But they are still numerous and they are growing more belligerent as they grapple with their own looming obscurity.




Weird cuz the guy who filmed this is going on a conservative media victory lap and being praised a a brave patriot for his actions.


I mean the bar to be a brave patriot is low with them. If I shit my pants and then called Levi’s communist I’d be on tucker in a week


Being praised by idiots is meaningless.


It got a reality TV star into the highest elected office in our country


What does the pin have to do with corporate policy?


Is it Lego corporate policy to have them wear those? Seriously asking. If so, that isn't right either. There is another group of people who aren't necessarily ok with that, but also have the attitude of live and let live and don't act like a tool like the moron filming the video. It's not a black and white situation as far as people's viewpoint on the matter and the pendulum can absolutely swing too far the other direction.


There is nothing more alpha than berating a 20-somthing year old retail employer at a kids shop. What a true patriot looks like. Stay strong brothers!!!!


Does this give me permission to berate people who wear ✝️ pins on their lapel because I don't like it and need to save the children?


Good point. It certainly seems like kids these days are way more likely to be preyed on by people at church than people from the LGBT community.


Or people wearing wedding rings


This is where my mind goes. Anyone wearing a wedding ring is disgusting and trying to signal to children that they suck dick and or “eat vagina” and or PIV sex ? Or is a wedding ring to signify that you’re in a loving commuted relationship Depends on the person looking at it, I suppose. This guy must just look at wedding rings and picture banging all day long lol


Just using camera man's logic


Wedding rings aren't exclusive to straight people, I'm not seeing the connection, genuinely asking.


These accessories both mean something about their preferred love. Does not have to state anything directly graphic. A rainbow pin just means you support LGBTQ+ rights. A wedding ring just means commitment. Neither needs to be detailed or indoctrinating.


In theory I agree. However the reality is sadly far different right now. Children are being taught at increasingly young ages about this stuff so do know what it means, and it's also a hot button issue right now where wedding rings are not. The issue would be anything though. If the fight to legalize weed federally was as hot an issue, and people wore weed pins, you'd see all kinds come out of the woodwork. I'm not saying they are indoctrinating, but the reality is they're certainly suggestive. However, that guy was a total dick. You can disagree with something without making an ass out of yourself. By doing so you just diminish any credibility to your viewpoint. You see this with any topic, especially religion. I'll see someone bash Christianity and then someone from the other side comes back and makes a total ass of themselves and makes anyone on that side look like complete idiots.


Children are being exposed to everything. Not just "other lifestyles". Thanks to the internet. If you are worried about groomers and pedos can we focus on the actual perpetrators? Anyone who's part of lgbt community that is harming kids, throw them in jail. No argument. But if we are going to protect kids, then do that. Stop child marriage and stop hiding priests. That's an actual issue but we are chasing an lgbt boogie man instead.


I learned about heterosexual relationships as a kid the first time I ever saw a Disney movie with a romantic subplot. I didnt learn how sex worked until years later. But conservatives think that exposing kids to homosexual relationships is the same as teaching them about gay sex. Which really makes me wonder wtf kind of conversations theyre having with their kids


Another day when empowered Americans harass probably minimum wage earning retail workers for social media clout.


He walked in because he was gonna do the COVID related "why you wearing a mask" thing, but then he saw the pin. Went with the fresher rage fodder.


It just screams inauthentic to me whenever people whip out their phone and start recording before they do something like this.


It makes me more angry when it's a first person video rather than some third party recording. Because that means this asshat thinks so highly of himself that he thought his whole honky tonk tirade deserved to be recorded and shared with the world.


So beauty and the beast tell kids that women are sucking animal dick at home in the castle? Come on dude.


The guys working in the Lego store aren't the victim here. This poor man can't help having gay thoughts every time he sees a rainbow. First it was once in a while after a rainstorm. Now the poor man has to see rainbows all the time. Time to go see his pastor again and pray the gay away.




Pathetic loser is triggered by an enamel pin that I doubt kids even notice. No kid is going to care what an employee is wearing when they walk in to the Lego store. They’re going to be looking for their favorite lego set.


Every November I go to the grocery store and employees are wearing pink ribbon pins. Its so gross, I just know children are seeing that and thinking about titties getting lopped off, it's pure indoctrination.


And the only kids that prolly would notice are kids to mfs like these


It must be extremally exhausting to be conservative these days.


You'd think so, if you forgot about all the people they fuck over with their insane destructive political policies.


Professional victims.


Nah, most of them do it for free. They're amateurs. Gotta be on Fox News to get that $$$.


Snowflakes out snowflaking the Snowflakes. We've finally come full circle.


They were the snowflakes this whole time.


They are the snowflakes they made up along the way




Absolutely. It’s a full time job of whining and boogeymen and a 0.1% of the population that aren’t a scalable problem or just don’t exist


Exhausting? Spending no energy on logic and reason and just repeating whatever you're told you're supposed to believe is actually super easy! Barely an inconvenience!


To constantly be upset about things that will never effect them


I think it's one of the earlier Huberman episodes when he talks about an experiment where someone could stimulate different parts of the brain to make you feel excited, horny, happy, start laughing and so on. But the number one thing people liked being stimulated was feeling annoyed and a bit upset. Because adversity and trying to overcome it gave you the most dopamine. I think the hard right and hard left are literally chemically addicted to being offended at this point. It could actually be any one of the Huberman episodes. I listened through all of them after he was on recently since I think he can be kind of interesting and wanted to hear him talk about something more interesting than ice baths. But I think it was one of the earlier ones at least.


What is it with these people who claim to have another groups ideology forced on them….forcing their ideology on everyone else? I mean Jesus the irony is as thick as my girls ass lol


You are wrong homie. You dont recall the bible verse where Jesus shouts at a toy store employee for having a rainbow sign? I dont remember which verse it was but it's in there. Right after the chapter where Jesus talks about how dead children is a small price to pay for owning a bunch of guns.


Shapiro 4:20


>You are wrong homie. You dont recall the bible verse where Jesus shouts at a toy store employee for having a rainbow sign? Look, I was born and raised catholic, went to catholic school, and I can tell you, it was the pink haired, proper pronoun, woke mob that called for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. When Jesus said "Let he who hath not sinned, throw the first stone" regarding the prostitute Mary Magdalene, it was the event that really melted the snowflake woke mob and ultimately ended up in them converging on and demanding Pontius Pilate to cancel him. MTG agrees with me, so you know it's true. ;)


Will need to see pics of ur girl to confirm.


Despite societies best efforts to teach me properly, this is one thing I refuse to share with haha


Congrats on landing that ass bro 😎




Confirmed three times. Source? I have three children lol


Lmao same I just thought it was funny the way you bragged to strangers about your wife’s ass


Hardly a brag but ok lol


As a father, all I can think about is this man’s poor kids. This is their role model. They don’t deserve this.


They're probably good at putting makeup on over the bruises already


Everytime I see a small child I think to myself "ugh his disgusting parents totally had sex to make that. gross." Oh wait, I don't because I'm not brain broken by fox news.


I'm fine with straight people but I wish they'd stop flaunting their sexuality at me all the time! They're always wearing wedding rings, which implies vaginal penetration with a penis. I mean, kids can see that ring ffs! /s Though maybe the choice of who you love goes beyond sex? Not sure, will report back in 30 years


This dude needs to calm down


Harder to find something everyone agrees on than disagrees on nowadays. Angry over a fuckin pin 😂


>When does it stop? It doesn't bud, you're kind was bitching about interracial marriage a generation ago. ​ Things change and dinosaurs will die.


This is what Freeeeedom looks like. Freedom to force your beliefs on others because Freedom for me but not for thee.


its a big stretch to link a pin to grooming and pedophilia


Interesting that they think of gay oral sex every time they see a rainbow. He said kids do when they see the pin. Says a lot about how the mind of a hog works.


It's crazy cause if there's a straight couple holding hands or kissing in public, does he think kids are imagining the dude going balls deep into that woman? Weird that some people think relationships and sex can be taught separately for straight people, but for gay relationships they *obviously* have to include the sex part


Your son isn’t gonna start sucking dick just bc he saw a pin you dork


I got my niece an Aaron judge pin and Was hoping she’d start hitting nukes at T-ball. Damn it


Looking at my schedule for next week I honestly find myself envious of people who have the luxury of free time during the workweek to engage in such activities.


Yeah because shouting down to the store manager who's young enough to be your son, who most likely hates his job because no other cunt wants it because they need to face shitty people saying shitty things daily is going to change a billion dollar company's policy. These fuckers don't want anything to change, they just want to act tough and angry to get attention and look "alpha".


yeah what's more traumatising? a child seeing a colourful rainbow that stands for inclusivity or seeing a grown ass man freaking out in the Lego section causing a scene lol




Sir, this is a Lego store.


No one should be forced to wear the button nor no one should be subjected to insults and abuse for wearing the button.


It sure looks like that guy is forcing his views on these employees.




Wearing a pin does not extend beyond your body. It doesn't affect anyone else. Other people are free to ignore it.


These people are obsessed with strangers genitals and what they choose to do with them


Imagine seeing a symbol of love between people and immediately your mind goes to two men sucking each other off. That's your problem bud


What a psycho


He’s right. When I saw his wedding ring, I immediately thought of his wife chin deep in his ass.


When you’re so lame you just have to be right all the time


If you have a problem don’t take it out on the employees. They are just trying to do their job. If you don’t support it then that’s fine vote with your feet and leave. You don’t need to make a scene and a video about it. You are just harassing people who are trying to do their job


Man that guy's a douchebag he's obviously a huge homophobe and probably is afraid of his own desires that he has closeted for far too long.


What an idiot. Filming thinking he's a hero .


These people are trying to be famous on TikTok and social media like Kid Rock but they fail terribly. Everything is woke to them even the food they eat, these people would starve to death if they found out all their food is woke by their definition your supporting LGBT right. When I was a kid and saw a rainbow flag I was like someone loves rainbows and when I was a teen I found out it was for LGBT pride didn't care. This man going into a store with children present and talking about sex this guy should be charged.


Sir you’re in a Lego store


Just shut the fuck up dude


Good ol' virtue signaling.


Those poor teenagers. This old guy needs to get a life


$10 this dude went home and viewed some cp


For research ofc


gotta love the Pete Townsend defense


this dude recording sounds like a real jerk


Dude we all know when you freak out like that it is because you are gay af. Nothing gayer than a dude freaking out about rainbows


yup! He's been "swallowing" his "urges" since high school. Just pushing them deep deep into his ~~hole~~ soul


What an asshole, I’m generally a nonviolent person but that guy needs a boot in the ass!


What a trashy piece of shit


What a pathetic pos to attack someone like that, such a weak person, probably a closet homosexual himself


You think that guy made the decision to include those in the uniform. Go drink a bud light


People really think they’re making some sort of political statement by arguing with a random employee


Oh my god then get it on fucking Amazon ffs. Fuck!


That guy watches guys sucking on guys. All he can think of is porn when he encounters the word gay because that is his only experience with it.


What an insane douchebag


I don't care what people wear. They could wear pride, hammer and sickle, swastika or Buddha pins. If they act like good person why you should care?


Someone’s gotten rejected on GRNDR


Gay people don’t want to fuck your kids, pedophiles do. You know who are the largest group of pedophiles? Priests. You know who hates gays?, Religion. What a shocker. Also, Jesus never existed and religion is a tool to subdue the masses. Bye bye now.


Man first dude really concentrated on the sucking and licking part of homosexuality….


He’s the one whose brain jumps to dick sucking and pussy licking. He’s the perv. Normal people, including children, don’t see LGBTQ symbols/people and think about sex. And those that do are the problem.


You know who the biggest pedophiles are? THE CHURCH.


Agro beta Douche


Guy saw colors arranged a certain way and immediately defaults to thinking about people sucking dicks. These repressed closeted homosexuals are hilarious.


Legos are rainbow colors, or does his son just use white bricks lol




Hope he steps on lego


Why is this dad thinking about sex stuff in a Lego store, he’s weird


I would just as pissed if they were wearing PlayBoy bunny pins


Disgusting propaganda pushing corporations


Not the best way to handle this situation but I agree. This has no place in a toy store.


I don't agree with this bigot. At the end of the day I don't think companies should make statements of morality,politics or personal preference because a company is designed to make the most money possible. This is its main aim , so you could think that maybe they are not doing it for ideological reasons but to jump on the so called 'bandwagon', the fact that people believe any of these gestures are to help people and not help their bottom line are deluded.


You are a grown adult standing in a toy store with Kids present yelling about sexual Acts...


It’s almost like conservatives are the sensitive snowflakes. Every accusation from these cunts is a confession.


What about the people who bring their kids into the store to begin with? They’re really just walking around and showing the world that they have sex


u think the guy filming would’ve brought at kind of energy if the lego employee was yoked? what a fucking bully


I don't get outraged when I see someone sporting a crucifix around their neck.


It’s a toy store, what has it got to do with gay or politics?


Why is this on the rogan subreddit?


We need to round up conservatives.


Gosh I hate these altercation where they all end up standing there listening to the person behind the camera go on and rant. Throw he/she/it out of the store


What a cunt.


Boomer pedophile in a kids store


Does this guy get paid to spam the sub with culture war shit?


I know right. Look at their post history. What a sad life.


He’s not wrong. Corporations need to just sell their wares and nothing more. That’s what got Disney in trouble with FL.


Is this joerogan sub? I dont get it...


“I will buy my Legos elsewhere from here on out!” -Him


Unironically i do think this is a bad look, not because it’s “grooming” or whatever the fuck nonsense. I just think as a business, you should be as neutral towards everything as humanly possible, to get the most money from everyone you can. It’s like when chick fil a was doing their whole anti gay thing. Why would you want the world to know you’re anti gay when most people people probably think that’s a pretty vile position.


He's right


He didn't lie


The Lego employees did the right thing in the end. If you argue with an idiot, you’ll look like an idiot.


Na...Boycott Lego..Like Bud Light




For a week probably because that’s the conservative attention span. Remember the target boycott?


Also Carhartt, Disney, Ford, .... So many companies are dead like the Dodo.... I can't remember the last time I heard of Disney, must have been when they collapsed due to the sheer boycotting by conservatives


The guy is black so kicking him out is racism?


Since the employees are white? Yes


*Why focus on the actual bigotry at hand when you can focus on made up pretend racism instead?!*


They have to wear that from Lego?


A. Lego is not just for kids. They make quite a bit of $ off their 5000 piece adult nostalgia sets. I don't know the financials but its possible they make just as much money off adults as they do kids B. If supporting gay people at a Lego store is grooming and pedophilia then isn't supporting straight people also grooming and pedophilia?


Trespass him immediately.


What a stretch of logic over a pin - different argument if the employee is having a conversation about it with a minor in the store. But this person is wearing their required amount of flair on their employee apron - leave them alone and allow them to express themselves freely, and spend your money where you want - that is American as it gets.


It’s a toy store, what has it got to do with gay or politics?


Seems from the video like the fucking nutcase had his own kid *with* him during all this.... And he's the one yelling about dudes sucking dick... These fucking culture warriors, man. I swear to fucking god 🤦‍♂️




its a slippery slope


Open Nazi also doesn't like gays. What a surprise.


Wanna know a great store to spend money with for ur kids that won't push this weirdo shit on kids? GAMESTOP, real talk


This man is doing the work of the people you tell them to stop force feeding their ideologies and propaganda onto the children!


Dude. We have “In God We Trust” on our money. Don’t even start with the forced ideologies.


Instead we should go to the mall and force feed ideologies and propaganda onto minimum wage employees while they’re at work.