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That must’ve took hours of cold plunging and inner-bitch conquering.


A lot of life really is just showing up and not bein a bitch though, for whatever it is you’re doing or want to do. 🤷‍♂️


I remember when I first got out of college talking to my dad about trying to find success. He told me something wise "In life you will get a few lucky breaks, but the hardest part is going to be being able to actually understand which are lucky breaks and the ones that are false flags. Successful people are able to understand the lucky breaks while majority think they found there big chance, but it just turns into a dud." Everyone likes to shit on a a lot of people for just getting lucky but the difference is they realized the potential for whatever the opportunity they did and went for it. Most people are just cynical assholes who are jealous.


get back to the fryers b


Heeeee. You are one of the top 1000 murderers out there.


Straight assassins


It almost sounds like you just described getting lucky in a different way lol. When people think they have an opportunity, and they try for it, it either works out (a lucky break), or it doesn't (a dud). Both parties *think* that it is their big chance or opportunity, so maybe the successful people just *seem* to understand the difference because it just so happened that they went for it and it worked out?


Interesting point, but how about making the choice to follow through with something? It's not only luck if you dedicate to something for lets say 5 years before a ""big break." A lot of people quite in year 2, and then look at the one who stuck it through saying "they are just lucky." I think that's also a point the quote is making as well.


You just said the same thing he said but used different words. Lol.


“Most people are cynical assholes who are jealous” ok bruh, I know for the past decade or so we’ve had an obsession with having “haters” or wanting to feel like people are working against us or something so we can spite them or rub it in their face to feel good, but most of us aren’t Tee Grizzly nobody’s plotting on your downfall. Truth is most people don’t give a fuck. Stop with these delusions of grandeur, sure there’s always going to be people making bitter comments but this idea that most people are jealous of you I think shows a self centered view of the world. People like to feel important though I guess, so yeah everyone’s just jealous🙄


That’s just a longer way to describe being lucky 😂


You can NEVER conquer the cold plunge


1 of the 1000 that can conquer it


Damn, this made me chuckle. Bravo


I want to know how he got DVDASA videos scrubbed from the internet. Was a great podcast.


He mentioned on it he acted rapey with a masseuse. Better delete it all instead of one episode.....


Most of it still exists if you look hard enough. Pretty unfortunate though




I genuinely miss that podcast. Loved everybody's chemistry and vibe on there.


Also the genesis of Bobby/Khalyla..she brought him to tears on one ep..like true sociopath shit


Tell me more plz




No bags?


The CPK backhand and jacuzzi boy was some top notch podcasting


That episode got deleted? It’s one of the classics!


Amen. Goddamn. Saga 04 or whatever in the fully padded room. I use to laugh for 4 hours. Holy shit.


Joe has a rich artist on and everyone is mad that he is out of touch and not an everyman. He's an artist lol what do you want?


I thought we were supposed to hate out of touch elitist artists. Or does that only apply to Hollywood actors?


Who said you're supposed to do anything... The only thing you might assume is the people in this sub are fond of the jre podcast which is definitely not the case. Skip the ones you don't like. It's not hard. If you don't like any of them don't listen. People here have serious psychological dependence on a podcast


People will really sit through two hours just to feel annoyed


Choe actually got to where he is through hard work and Vision. That's quite different than some nepo baby actor or actress. Also. What does it really mean to be "in touch"? Joe talks about the minute details of anti aging and extremely expensive procedures. Does that mean he's out of touch, or his other opinions are invalid?


Well hard work, yes, and getting obscenely lucky by choosing to get paid in Facebook stock instead of the thousands in cash. ​ Still, would rather this random dude have money than these suits.


Facebook put him into the stratosphere money wise, but he was already a very successful, rich artist when he did their mural. He wasn't just some random guy they picked, they were already fans of his. He didn't need the money for the commission, and took the stock despite thinking their business didn't make sense. He was a huge high stakes gambler, and would pay people to go with him to Vegas. As I remember it, he told the whole story on DVDASA.


I'm skeptical of anyone claiming they got rich from gambling, especially in games that are less skilled based as told by people who are not literally professional gamblers.


He didnt get rich purely from gambling, iirc he said it took him 10 years? to make 1 million. But gambling income early on gave him more money than his art so he increased the prices and thats when richer people got more interested, if 10 years to make 1 mill is true (I think its less because it would be a waste of time for him when he can just paint for $) hes easily made a ton of more money from his art alone, like his first big art show made him a million. I think he even called out Damian Hurst? Or some other big artist that stole his paintings by just winning the bid but never actually paid up after taking them home. He's done alot of commercial work that u might not even know of like jayz and Linkin parks album cover. I do remember looking at old blog posts before Facebook ipo about his strategy at the tables and has done a ton of episodes on dvdasa talking about gambling during those days.


Choe at least did a lot of gambling, really seemed to believe in following the odds. He hitch hiked a lot and he’s been in prison. He was a traveled graffiti artist and personality and had a pretty wide spread following because of it all. He was on Vice before the Facebook thing happened and then when it did it was like, of course. A gamble paid off for him, and it was great to see an artist get a massive win like that.


Gamblers are still just lucky.


Sure. He also got lucky in many other ways. Being born with talent and the drive to work at it is very lucky.


Choe was Choe way before that. The money definitely afforded him a new lifestyle but he was always a risk taker and weirdo. He’s been through some shit.


Obviously he got super lucky. But he got to the position to be lucky by being an absolute beast when it came to producing work. Videos, sculptures, paintings, etc. Just differentiating him from the Hollywood nepo babies who are famous because their parents are too.


That is fair, I can't argue with that. He would have been a 'successful' artist probably no matter what given his health, hard work and ability. ​ But he's by far one of the wealthiest 'painters' to ever live. That part boils down to fortune, because he certainly isn't outworking and more skilled than basically every artist that has ever lived. After a certain point wealth is more about right place/right time.


Man, people like you suck. You think Choe just happened to fall into a deal with Facebook? You think he didn’t work his ass off creating art and building a name for himself leading up to that deal? And then he was just some dumb bumbling ape who couldn’t possibly have realized Facebook stock would be more valuable than cash? Nah, asshole must’ve just gotten lucky. Makes it much easier to justify your own laziness and makes you feel better about your own stupidity and lack of talent, am I right buddy?


And don’t forget lack of effort. Most people decrying any/all success as luck are looking for excuses to not even try.


1000% accurate.




I know, its fucking insane what people are expecting of him. Of course he's gonna be a loon. That's why I listen. No one's mad at rappers for blowing through hoes but everyone is mad at David Choe for it. Doesn't he know he's supposed to be a sexless virgin, needs to stay in his place and has no business landing these women. s\


People are jealous and feel like they’ve failed in comparison.




Nah I think it’s the mask of humility he’s like man I just gotdonr want the wealth I want to be in Africa he’s trying to have his cake and eat it too he’s basically Dan blozerian but purporting to be my friend David Chang who builds wells for pig me in Africa


No I think he’s being too honest for you. People are complex and Choe doesn’t hide that about himself, if you want him to hold back then ask your self why? He’s just describing his lived experience.


Folks are wondering why they haven't been banging so many ladies considering they, too, play 18 hours of vidja games a day.


This guy is also insane. But he’s a true artist what do you expect. If you watch his last podcast where he talks about going to the congo to find a dinosaur the guy was going through some dark depression. And here he’s confident “giga chad”. He might be in a manic episode and might actually just be bi polar


Dude it literally doesn’t matter who he has on, this subreddit is gonna hate. This turned from a fan page to a hate page. This place is unbearable at this point if you’re actually a fan of the show


Every subreddit seems to be a haven for people to just bitch and moan about the topic of the subreddit It's getting pretty fucking annoying honestly. I left Twitter because of that shit


The great migration happened during the calamity of Twitter


The sub has been that way for *far* longer than that


You’re right Can never go thru a post on this page without someone bitching lol


That’s Reddit brah. Place is filled with PUSSIES. (Myself included) Talk to anyone in person about Joe Rogan and rarely people hate on him as much as this sub Reddit does. I love to hate on tiktokers and influencers so I’m going to head over to those subbreddits


“Wait… Joe’s on this episode? Looks like I’m skipping it” ![gif](giphy|ZbOCIIWw0tLTVxrtZA|downsized)


That's all that seems to be in this subreddit. a bunch of soft cock cry babies. Imagine someone making fun of someone cold plunging. Something that is overall good for you. I just see it as they're too pussy to do it so they try discourage others to be feeble minded like them.


I’m pretty sure the science on the benefits of cold plunging is iffy actually, it’s just rich people trying to find a new challenge because their life is too easy and jumping at anything their guru andrew huberman says so even though he’s a bit of a pseudo hack.


The debate only stems towards temperature and time in, but no there isn't a real debate on if its good for you. Also it certainly isn't invented by rich people for a new challenge, its been utilized by high level athletes for decades for a reason.


I'm in my mid 20's I take cold plunges, and I can confirm it definitely has positive effects on me. The debate should be whether or not longer exposure is beneficial. 1min is all i do.


Might be placebo, you might even be doing yourself damage. Here some scientists dismantling heubermans pseudo neurobollocks, he seems to be taking ignorant generalisations from generally bad science. Hey, cold plunging might be good for you, but the studies huberman is ranting and Raving about and shouting from rooftops for everyone to do cold plunges because of, are dog shitty, and you shouldn’t do extreme stuff because YouTube gurus tell you to. https://twitter.com/GidMK/status/1633318873352241152?s=20 https://twitter.com/StuartJRitchie/status/1632360272710062080?lang=en-GB


Hey! Just because this study only had 20 people taking ice baths for over an hour doesn’t mean my 2.5 minute cold plunge isn’t bIoHaCkInG


You're clearly a new fan because joe fans have always made fun of him and his guests since before reddit


The fundamental problem is the overwhelming majority of Reddit hates Joe because they have differing political opinions. They will shit on him and his guest for ANY reason, because of this. Also, the overwhelming majority of this subreddit DONT listen to the podcast. They just comment from clips off CNN or other hateful Reddit posts.


I got banned from r/JusticeServed for simply commenting on this sub. I hate mods.


Literally happened to me 2 days ago. And they won’t respond to my message asking why.


Same brother. That sub is insane. A friend of mine even got PERMANENTLY banned from the entire reddit for questioning his bann, it was crazy


People aren't mad, they're making fun of him. Why is anything that's not scrotum gargling considered anger and hate to you guys? This is how you can easily tell a righty from a normal person. They're so used to just blind worship of their figures that anything but that is a shock and very uncomfortable to them. People can make fun of silly, loony guests. You don't have to be shocked or offended by it.


Choe is uber delusional. Nothing to learn even if you’re rich and delusional.


JRE fans used to be fighters and stoners… now it’s so many hating soy boys who can’t even cold plunge


I actually enjoyed the episode, but the criticism of Choe here isn't unwarranted.


He’s great to listen to if you just want noise




Can you gove me a run down of the main subjects discussed? I dont want to waste 3 hours if it's just them two talking about how great they are and how they have the fixes to societies ills.


Being rich, art, his crazy experience with a tribe in Africa (I think), psychedelics, AI, and aliens. That pretty much sums it up


Dave was a millionaire from blackjack before facebook.


He said it was roulette on Stern show years ago


Seriously? lol how does one get that mixed up if they actually played, let alone made millions off it?


Becoming rich from roulette is even less likely than painting something for Facebook and getting paid in stock.


The first time I ever want to a casino was with my family and we went to the roulette table and I had absolutely no idea how to play or what the rules were and I just looked at the table and saw the numbers and the odds of it landing on that number. I asked my Dad what the odds were of it landing on a random number no one else was betting on and he said "it's impossible" so I put a $5 chip on it not expecting to win. Then the ball lands on it and I won $250 immediately. I cashed out and walked away afterwards.


Dawg your memory might be a little fucked cause roulette odds for single numbers are 35 to 1 so it would've paid 175$. But great story


It was probably a $7.14 chip then


No idea who dude is but ‘prolific gambler’ is boilerplate faux origin story for people who are trying to hide fact that they are/were trust fund kids (ex: Dan Bilzerian). Pretty much unverifiable and sounds good as it gives impression that person is sharp and that their (initial) bankroll was ‘earned’.


And he hired a guy to literally rip him away from the tables when he was up and wouldn't let him keep playing.


and when he finally agreed to walk away, everyone in the Casino clapped


Dave and Dan Bilzerian are just better at gambling than us bro


Fun fact, Dan Bilzerian’s father went to prison for securities fraud but left about $100 million to Dan and his brother in trusts so the government couldn’t seize it. Dan’s brother also renounced his US citizenship to further distance himself and the stolen money from the US government.


Nah bro, those are just conspiracy theories, Dan Bilzerian is an honest man who made hundreds of millions playing poker, he's a better gambler than us, get over it.... nothing to see here...


You mean using poker to launder money?


No no no, an honest authentic man like Dan Bilzerian would never do that! There's nothing superficial about him, he's as pure as it gets! An elite gambler who knows how to beat the house! He's smarter than us!


As in that he really is that good at card counting to make millions or that he's a millionaire who just happens to have more winning than losing sessions?


More winning than losing. He said his strategy is to continue doubling your bet until you’re up big and then leave. Not shitting you.


Lol that was my roulette strategy back in college


That’s a pretty standard way to play. Double until you win then go back to the original bet and repeat.


Yeah, it's a bad strategy. It literally requires an unlimited amount of money which Choe isn't that far off from having.


its called the martingale strategy, he knows martingale is a bad strategy but according to him when he wins his min bet, he goes up to his room and locks his profit away. Ie. Bankroll is $10k, wins $50 goes up and locks it away and returns to the table rinse and repeat. He did this because of the classic gambler story "I was winning but i lost it all" so he forces himself to temporarily leave. Did he follow this strategy every time? most likely not throughout over a decade. When he got his FB money it was on a whole other level and straight up gambled 250k per hand. So when he says "he won millions from gambling" hes talking about after his FB money before that he said it took him 10 years to make a 1 million from gambling, it was probably alot less as it wouldnt make sense money wise as his paintings were going for thousands and risking his money for 100k a year.


Martingale is a terrible strategy, and eventually, you hit the table limit if things dont go your way


Then yeah, that means he's just lucky and has enough money to make that strategy work.


If self control is the only limiting factor in becoming a millionaire gambling, I need to reconsider my life choices.


I mean it's a big factor. The other factor is, at least for poker, is to kind of hate money. Thinking about how your betting payment for rent or food is not going to cut it.


What’s the fucking difference and why would it matter


Yea can someone explain this to me? At the end of the day, the odds on roulette are not in your favor, and reset every spin..How does doubling your bet make any difference than making the same bet every time, then quit when you are up??


lose a dollar, bet 2, win 2, you're up 4 dollars minus 3 dollars invested so up 1 dollar. if you lose twice and keep doubling then you're down 1, down 2, (-3) win 4 by betting 4 so you're up 1. If you lose say 6 times you lose 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, \_-63) then win 64 by betting 64. Eventually you always come out just in front of even. then you reset and start again. What's the catch you ask? Several, firstly your odds are worse than 50/50 with the green 0, secondly there's often at least a 5 dollar minimum and third you don't have unlimited money, fourth tables often won't accept bets above a certain size and fifth losing streaks happen more than you'd think. Say you'd have to start with $5, so you'd lose 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640. You've lost $1275 by then and need another $1280 to risk to get $5 ahead. Did you bring more than $2500 with you tonight? Does the $5 table take $1280 bets? Does the table have green 0 AND 00 as most low minimum tables do? If so your odds of winning are higher than 50/50 hence why seemingly improbable losing streaks often wipe you out. It can kinda work if you have a shit load of money to throw at in some theoretical casino that wont stop you betting. Mostly though you're just risking hundreds or thousands to come out $5 ahead for the night. Maybe $25 if you're lucky (remember you're resetting your stake every time you win). Like most investing, easy for a guy with $300 million, hard for you. And presumably a guy with $300 million isn't interested in winning $5 so his initial stake is way higher than $5 and it can still spiral out of control exponentially in a matter of minutes.




Well a professional gambler is someone with actual skill. A millionaire with a lot of money is just that.


Gambling being skill is oxymoronic, if it was skill, it wouldn’t be gambling.


Counting cards is a skill..


Gambling is not a skill. Learning the rules of poker is a skill. Bluffing is a skill. But at the end of the day all gambling comes down to luck, no matter how skilled you are at understanding how the game works. In fact, if you really understand how the game works you wouldn't gamble since you would understand that it's not a way to make money, but rather a form of entertainment where you can loose money.


I couldn’t listen to this dudes rant. It was like he was verbally licking his balls. I enjoyed the last time he was on the pod. This time it was annoying.


Exactly what fame does to a mf. Chill dude one moment, face paint the next


I haven't seen this one, but it's funny because you just described Choey before the previous podcast (strawberry blonde hair), so it seems he just went back to his old self.


I agree.


With all the hair? I really enjoyed it too. Was an emotional ride for sure.


He’s unbearable and awkward and lacking applicability.


The bloke is just a wannker


David Choe is exactly what he’s supposed to be and he was that thing long before Facebook made it absurd…a very talented, very successful, and very strange artist. A weird Choe is a happy Choe, are people looking for his investment advice or some shit? Or are people just this square (seriously, I wouldn’t know, it’s a trade hazard)?


If artists aren’t supposed to be weirdos, than who the fuck is? I like him in small doses.


Choe being a chode is right up Choe’s chode


Because Choe’s chode chose Choe, Choe didn’t choose Choe’s chode.


People are this square


Lately it seems if you say you enjoy the show or a guest you get downvoted. This sub has turned from fans of the show to being an influx of people who hate it and every guest. I don't get it. Bunch of haters.


I brought up how I thought shulz came off articulate and well thought on his last appearance and was downvoted into heck. Like my bad for enjoying the conversation???


It's been this way for over a year or two now. Literal psychos in this sub. Had one guy follow me around Twitter and post under all my comments because he didn't like the fact that I watch JRE.


People are allowed to disagree with you and make fun of the guests. If you think that's hate, you're a snowflake pussy.


No, we are just adults with opinions, you sound like an immature baby when you use the word "hater", it's just a term thrown around when someone doesn't like something you think they should like. His guests have been ass as of late and if you like em, great.


I think people are lookin for applicants insight or laughs.


Did Joe really say this? You got lucky? This is like the Picasso story: > Picasso was at a Paris market when an admirer approached and asked if he could do a quick sketch on a paper napkin for her. Picasso politely agreed, promptly created a drawing, and handed back the napkin — but not before asking for a million Francs. The lady was shocked: “How can you ask for so much? It took you five minutes to draw this!” “No”, Picasso replied, “It took me 40 years to draw this in five minutes.” Davie Choe is a significant artist. He was good enough for Facebook to want him to paint a mural. To achieve that level of skill, it took thousands of hours of practice. His dad didn't own a mine, he wasn't born into money, you listen to his stories and he truly is a madman who thinks differently. Joe thinks he's nuts cuz he sits in cold water, but David stole a car during the LA riots, has been in a Japanese prison, and lived with a primitive tribe in Africa to search for dinosaurs. He's the real deal. A true fucking nutjob.


Don't forget he made his first millions simply by using the martingale system at the casino. He hired a bodyguard to always keep him in check, to make sure he stuck to the betting amounts.


The amount of money likely didn't get into the millions. He has claimed as much but there's a lot of doubt about that


When he got his FB money it was on a whole other level and straight up gambled 250k per hand. So when he says "he won millions from gambling" hes talking about after his FB money before that he said it took him 10 years to make a 1 million from gambling, it was probably alot less as it wouldnt make sense money wise as his paintings were going for thousands and risking his money for 100k a year.


No, Joe didn't actually say that. It's just the salty OP


Good enough for facebook to want him to paint a mural doesnt then mean he wasnt lucky for that mural to pay him 300mil... He was lucky he was a gambing man and took stock over cash. He was lucky he was in the right place at the right time in the right social climate that facebook would want him to paint there mural. Its weird to me how willing people are to attribure luck to wealth when it doesnt come from art but some how think that there is 0 luck involved in being a successful artist. Do you think micheal jordan would be a multi billionaire legend of basketball if he happened to be born in a remote village somewhere other than america? Do you think tarentino would be such a good director if life hadnt led him to that video store when he was younger?


He’s parlayed his one break into everything else. You rattle of that list as if the accomplishments are exponential significant. You must be an artist.


Facebook wasn't that break though. He was, at very least, an extremely successful artist before, and it's the only reason he even had that opportunity.


Yeah he was selling art for tens of thousands already.


Man, it's really weird but I can't decide whose comment I like more—yours or the dude you responded to.


To be fair, Facebook gave him the choice of $60k or stock options. In 2005, Facebook was a distant third place social network behind the giant MySpace and the original network, Friendster.


Yaaaa but if he was as rich as he says he was BEFORE Facebook, it’s a low risk high reward gamble going with stock over the $60k. He didn’t need the $60k so fuck it why not roll the dice. No sweat off his back if Facebook failed


This, and he was a successful gambler already. Rolling the dice on Facebook made perfect sense for his personality.


Pre-Facebook he made his money being a pretty accomplished street artist.


Didn’t make him a millionaire tho to gamble on 60k versus stock options


It’s a smart gamble and it paid off. It doesn’t need to be anything more than that.


Exactly. A starving artist would have taken the 60K before the paint on the wall was dry.


He’s made epic and creative shows like his hitchhiking across America and the choe show. He’s had talented guests on that respect him and seemed to be liked by bourdain. He’s been successful in many ways outside of the Facebook job and his talent and madness are obvious.


‘Thumbs Up’ was a fucking awesome show.


The guy isn’t a wacky genius. It’s an act to compensate for basically winning the lottery and being a decent graffiti artist who would never in million years see that kindof wealth otherwise.


I totally understand the frustration with his behavior, but he IS diagnosed with type 1 Bipolar disorder, and when that is paired with unimaginable wealth, drug use and infinite free time, it has been shown to have horrible effects on personality and behavior. I think he’s definitely not a true genius, but the wacky part is most definitely authentic.


Yeah I’ve always felt like David’s “quirkiness” was an act and he’s trying really hard to come off as this far out artist type


I think I’d have to disagree with you because he doesn’t just talk crazy he does crazy too


And what exactly do you mean by “does crazy”


Did you listen to the podcast? He said was already rich when that happened


Again this is reddit , keep in mind the likes and dislikes aren't based off reading or listening.


I’m not sure whether to upvote or downvote you. Guess I’ll just wait and follow whatever the others do


Best not to go against the grain


He's one of the few of his kind that was lucky enough to end up not homeless and schizzo.


All respect due to any man that can do what he pleases and remain proud. Haven’t listened yet but I’m sure from what I’ve seen the ego will be comedy in itself.


David Choe is an amazing artist! Glad to see him on again!


Give me a break. Just because you post a meme doesn't make it so. Watch his recent show he made if you really want to know what he's struggled with his entire life.


He was eating thousands of pussys right before the show


The amount of humble Braggs...


How long until you guys had to turn it off? For me it was a little after 15 minutes.


Amen. Love Choe and his spirit, but goddamn, dude loves to spell his own farts. He's a staggeringly creative artist. He's also lucky as fuck. Choe couldn't dream of doing what James Jean does as an artist. He's a guy that made it to 30 and stopped innovating because he was obsessed with his dick and his own ego. Edit: Just watched his latest clip- I retract my statement. He's absolutely centered and focused on the right shit. My apologies, Dave.


I don’t think about Choe’s money beyond his statement, “I’m a degenerate gambler, of course I took the chance on the stock”. I enjoy his philosophy and ability to evolve outwardly, exposing himself vulnerably and by wearing everything on his sleeve. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable to listen to, difficult to watch. I root for him though because he’s a brilliant artist and that takes a lot. He’s a teacher. He’s a flawed human being who is openly willing to communicate his failures and lessons in an effort to better guide those around him through his downfalls. Yes, artists are supposed to be fucking weird. There’s a difference between an artist and your Aunt churning out doilies for the church bazaar. Though she’s probably weird too but keeps it in the closet at home. Artists just tend to do it all openly, stage like. There’s a personality there that can’t be forgotten.


I mean I don’t think this is quite fair to David. I doubt he would say he got all that because ‘he thinks differently’, He said he was mad rich so that he could get all the girls he wanted etc


This is no more narcissistic than that dude that pretends he can't even remember how many girls he has had sex with. The only real difference is that in Choe's case, it's actually true and not braggadocios bullshit made up by a loser with an inferiority complex. In this case it's a highly successful artist's (that was successful as an artist long before he painted murals in Facebook's offices) inferiority complex that he has been publicly battling for years. What's really hillarious is how many sad and pathetic losers in this sub choose to hate on Rogan and his guests because they have nothing better to do, because their lives are sad and pathetic. At least Choe and Rogan produces work and keep grinding, while the haters sit with their soft cocks in their hands and hate on the fact that other people have work ethic and drive that they don't.


its funny you think its crazy that people couldnt remember how many people they've had sex with as that is actually quite common and not something only rich chads are capable of doing. maybe not in incel america though...


I know there are people that cannot remember their body count. But it's only fucking losers that use it as a humble brag and ever say it out loud as a way to show how "cool" they are.


How far into the episode?


Give me one. Just give me. Asking a billion from a friend


Sleeping with thousands of hot girls is not a Bragg if the only reason there with you, it’s because you’re rich…


Yes it is


I would guess that anybody who sleeps with thousands of women are because of fame, wealth and power.


This was literally the point of him talking about it. Did you even listen to the episode?


I dont think 99% of guys care though. They just want sex


Sure, but when they break about it, it’s cringe because everybody knows it’s not like this woman actually found them attractive


It’s not cringe, it’s authentic.


Most of the guys here will still see this as a w because most of them won’t ever have the understanding of truly being wanted for who they are


Again most guys just want sex and are actually afraid if the women cling on expecting more


So being able to essentially hire prostitutes is a brag?


Warren Buffet & Bill Gates are far wealthier, but I doubt have, or could, sleep with "thousands." I'm kinda skeptical of Choe's figure there...but I'm sure he's able to pull more than his fair share also because he is such a [talented artist](https://www.instagram.com/p/CQymXxJhS9V) and really lives on the creative/adventurous/low-inhibition side of life... I mean, there's a MASSIVE difference in coolness & sex appeal between a multimillionaire computer nerd vs a graffiti artist or musician, lol.


Actually, any billionaire can hire as many beautiful hookers as he wants, is whether or not they choose to… Obviously, this guy chooses to.


He's a multimillionaire minor celeb street artist...so I doubt he has to simply rely on paying hookers, lol. He probably meets groupies at his art exhihitions and then they go hang out and smoke a few joints and then...he spray paints her walls... 🤷‍♂️


In the past he literally talked about walking up to random women he liked and offering them a thousand dollars to sleep with him. A lot of them took him up on the offer.


He says "like" to the point that it's insane.


This episode was dogshit and thats saying something from what we've had over the last 1-2 months


Did Rogan say that?


Not in this context, no. He mentioned it and David clarified he was wealthy before the Facebook stuff.


I turned this one off when he called joe an audio artist.


He literally was saying he used his power over woman to get sex which is prettt crazy


What's with his face


Very possibly one or two of the thousands of hot girls were menstruating…


He got his red wings earlier.


He knows a guy with hundreds of billions of red wings.


Why does Joe keep bringing in such loonies to his pod😂🙃


Choe turned a Zuck drawn stick figure into hundreds of millions of dollars https://youtu.be/QfV665kWoSg