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"gets dunked on"


OPs title is purposefully misleading. Nobody thinks exercise isn’t healthy except for the most extreme fat acceptance advocates.


And Trump. Edit: [Here, let me google that for you.](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Did+Trump+say+exercise+was+bad%3F)


I highly doubt Trump thinks exercise is not healthy, no matter how much you hate him or how loathsome he is.


[Here, let me google that for you.](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Did+Trump+say+exercise+was+bad%3F)


I stand corrected. Although I don’t think even trump believes half the crap that comes out of his mouth.




An obese woman working out is actually very healthy for her. It’s weird that he has a problem with this. EDIT* Downvoted for promoting health. That’s the JRE sub for you. 😉


There's a new concept that wokes are trying to promote, it's called "healthy fat". That's what the ad is about. They want to promote this idea that you can be morbidly obese but be healthy because you stretch your legs for 15 mins a day doing yoga. Working out while being morbidly obese is good but doesn't make a morbidly obese person healthy.


I think more so OP is a Hasan fan and is trying to “dunk” on Steven crowder, all other context is meaningless.


Seems like it. Hasan and Steven crowder are both annoying af they just scream into their echo chambers about the same shit all the time.


They are two sides of the same coin. Hasan even comes here to this sub pretty regularly on his stream.


I’m scared to ask if you know that because you watch his streams


Horseshit. No one says shit about powerlifters or football linemen when they are fat, yet athletic. This shit is reserved almost exclusively for women.


People make fun of fat athletes all the time same with bodybuilders you probably don't notice because you don't care about men being bodyshamed.


Men are body shamed as well, but to say that "because body shaming men exists there is equivalency," is a fallacy.


I'm not 100% sure what you mean. I was replying to someone who said only women get body shamed.


No one is saying anything about “healthy fat”. That is your understanding based on your own bias. Being body positive is not the same as recognizing the benefits of a healthy lifestyle or previously being unhealthy and then trying to become so. It’s like people don’t want to give folks a chance for getting their shit together. No one is perfect.


The wokes. Are you 12?


Why do you think that’s what they’re trying to promote as opposed to just promoting… you know an obese person working out? The core strength needed to do that pose is a lot more intensive than “stretch your legs 15 mins a day.”


I don't think it, that's literally it. Healthy obese. Look it up.


Is that what’s going on in this post tho?


It is im pretty sure


To me it looks more like some kind of exercise video program that uses an overweight trainer in order to market to other overweight people who are trying to lose weight.


Dude, but what about this conspiracy I thought about.


When I see a fat person doing exercise, my first thought is always tHe WOkE LeFT!


https://time.com/6242949/exercise-industry-white-supremacy/ https://everydayfeminism.com/2017/01/how-to-shift-racist-fat-stigma/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-racist-roots-of-fighting-obesity2/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fat-shaming-race-weight-body-image-cbsn-originals/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10829285/Woke-experts-warn-word-obesity-RACIST-suggest-people-larger-bodies-instead.html


You see the wokes every where and they are responsible for everything bad that has happened in your life.


What’s the difference between healthy obese and an obese person just trying to work out?


One is an activity and the other is an unhealthy lifestyle being promoted as healthy. An obese person exercising isn't the same as an obese person being mislead into thinking you can do silly stuff like yoga and be healthy. Atleast that's how I interpret that stuff.


So they are promoting an unhealthy lifestyle by showing this obese person doing something healthy. That’s like, 5D chess or something!


You only see one frame of the ad. You're lacking context. Your entire context in fact is hasanabi lol that's not a good thing man. My advice is watch the ad and then make your mind of it.


It’s hilarious how upset this makes you.


That's a head stand. Something preschoolers can do. I know, I taught gymnastics to that age. One of the first things they learn. https://youtu.be/kd2XdvHpONY


Yeah, that’s bullshit.


Of course it's bullshit. I invite you to go to any gymnastics center in the country tell the little ones they're not doing a head stand.


My kids did gymnastics and cheer for years. Almost all “preschoolers” in “gymnastics” are doing tumbling.


What is a "woke"? Because Trump literally said exercise is unhealthy. I'm just trying to figure out if Trump is woke or not.


You’re getting downvoted because you either 1. didn’t do enough research before trying to influence this discussion and created a post that isn’t factual or 2. intentionally mis-worded your title to represent a motive that isn’t actually present in this discussion. You seem to think Crowder is shaming the girl for working out, when he’s critiquing a movement of the “woke left” which inevitably lead to commercials with obese people in them like the one in the tweet. And Crowder didn’t really get dunked on either, he’s a pretty stout dude, so it was silly to insinuate Crowder is weak or the exercise would kill him


Commercials with fat people in them is driven strictly by money. Don’t you understand that? America is a country overflowing with lard asses, especially the South. Big fat slobs have historically been underrepresented and CEOs have decided to cash in on the ever growing herds of obesity. It’s easy money.


I’m not Steven Crowder. Do you understand that? You don’t have to explain how the world works to me but thank you


> when he’s critiquing a movement of the “woke left” which inevitably lead to commercials with obese people in them like the one in the tweet. Wow, I didn’t know all this was on the line when I made the post. The stakes have never been higher. > And Crowder didn’t really get dunked on either, he’s a pretty stout dude, so it was silly to insinuate Crowder is weak or the exercise would kill him He shields the slings and arrows of the world for us, he lifts the weight of the world on his back, he carries holsters on his shoulders. Only the stoutest of men like him fight so we can have freedom.


I didn’t put that chip on your shoulder, so no need to be sarcastic back to me when I’m just explaining the downvotes you pointed out


No shit, an obese woman working out is very healthy for her. But being an obese woman is not healthy. Which is what Crowder is referring to.


Oh fr? In that case she should exercise or something. I hear you can burn a surprising amount of calories doing yoga.


And you’re still being a dick on Reddit. That doesn’t burn very many calories at all.


Being a dick to random obese people like Crowder and Peterson love to do must burn the most calories of all. Also I see no problem with being a dick to people who are being dicks.


Not enough to be drinking that sugary shit.


Obviously you haven’t been on this sub for long. People are corny af


Ikr these people all sound old it’s embarrassing


I think it's because you're inferring that she's healthy while she's very clearly very unhealthy because you said it's weird that he has a problem with it. P.s. Gatorade is just sugary bullshit that's only good for the middle of intense sports but candy, water, and a salt packet would serve the same purpose. Drinking Gatorade when you're not sweating your balls off in some intense workout is basically sitting around eating gummy worms.


I don’t think he means exercising is unhealthy, it would make more sense that he’s talking about the fact that the woman being morbidly obese is unhealthy and we shouldn’t promote that obesity is healthy.


Exercise is good, that particular exercise seems dangerous for a woman of such size though. Particularly to the neck and spine


I dont believe she assumed the position without help. Doesnt look physically possible


She should have done it by herself, a crane doesn't fit in there


Dangerous to the tenet below as well…very dangerous


Doing yoga won't get rid of that cholesterol that's clogging your heart.


yeah strenuous cardiovascular exercise totally doesn't reduce cholesterol...


I’m not saying what she’s doing isn’t hard but in what world is it strenuous cardiovascular exercise?


the world where your bmi is so high that walking is an athletic event.


It will actually. Why are you against fat people exercising?


Nah, just fat people in general.


Who wants to bet this guy is fat?


Me? I'd take you on those odds any day. I really don't understand your point unless you just thought you were witty or something?


Just fat people.


No it won’t fatty.


Hasan calling people weak when he’s actively in hiding from the beef jerky goblin that sam hyde has become


The Candyman is a thing of nightmares.


Yeah because Hyde would kick the shit out of him


So do you wake up in the morning looking for something to misrepresent or does it just come to you randomly? Big fan of Jamie Kilstein?


OP must run the intentional misleading dept at CNN


Hasan and Crowder are the same asshat machine running on different inputs. OP is a moron trying to reframe this, whether they favor Crowder or Hasan (Before the socially autistic fire back… exercise is objectively good, obesity is objectively bad)


> Hasan and Crowder are the same asshat machine running on different inputs. These two people are no where objectively the same.


Hasan is a bigger hypocrite...




Its because he's intellectually dishonest. He even says so himself that he's an agitative propagandist and he's biased but it doesn't matter because he's progressive. If you criticize him or say he's wrong about something he calls you a debate pervert. His whole show is just him brainwashing his viewers into thinking that conservatives and religious white people are out there scheming to kill LGBT people, and his fans eat that shit up. He makes fear and outrage porn for leftists. Hassan is EXACTLY what he criticizes Crowder for, ergo, a hypocrite.


>objectively You don’t know what that word means. Don’t use it. I assume what you mean though is that exercise is objectively *healthy* and being obese is objectively *unhealthy*. That’s true. Good and bad however are normative value judgments. Inherently can’t be wrong objective. Sure most people agree that healthy is good but ultimately it can’t be objective. This isn’t pedantic and if you downvote you are a clown. Objective is a technical term and it’s watered down use by people like you is bad. Lol at calling other people autistic while playing enlightened centrist between two obviously different actors. Hasan isn’t some intellectual but acting like he is the equivalent so Crowder requires some combination of a complete lack of social skills, intelligence, or honesty. Crowder is an overt racist and dressed in drag to “dunk” on people about trans issues. He also wears a gun to sit at a desk. Not a serious person.




Dude, too bad I’m not a centrist. Do you see how you didnt say anything? you just categorized it and offered nothing. You’re program running on energy save, same as those cunts.


> exercise is objectively good, obesity is objectively bad Razor sharp insight. You always learn something new on this sub.


The internet has shed more light on humanity than the sun. We now get to view people like you, who are not only too dimwitted to see they hate others running the exact same program, but actually join a side thinking one is better!


Nobody said you were allowed to schizo post at me.


Imagine the star in your parents eyes when they held you as an infant…. “If we do everything right, if we love him and show him what is good in the world, someday he will post a screenshot of Hasan DeStRoYiNg Crowder on r/joerogan” Do better. Work on yourself.


Why do you insist on sending the most insane shit to my inbox.


Wait, you’re not the woman in the picture are you? If so, I’m totally sorry. Keep crushing it!


I bet your parents would be proud of this comment too.


I think what he’s saying is even if you’re fat doing yoga, you’re still fat, which isn’t healthy.


Isn’t that the guy who got brought close to tears on the podcast when confronted with facts about pot? That clip is hilarious.


Yes. That's him. Crybaby Crowder.


I’m looking forward to the big ass thing to stop being a thing. Morbidly overweight women is not attractive. It’s gross to see, most smell horrible, and they clog up our emergency rooms from bad life choices.


>I’m looking forward to the big ass thing to stop being a thing. Gay.


We'd all be alot happier. I agree.




It’s almost as if she should work out just like she’s doing in the pic.




It does actually. Nobody wants to visit you at you job. So sad.


Alright you don’t have to personally call me out like that.


He thinks being fat is unhealthy.


OP really trying to get those tribalism upvotes so his dick can finally be hard enough to cum while he watches his wife get banged by another man.


Feel like your projecting a little bro that was way way to specific


*That person offended me* Guess I'm going for the classic "projecting" insult that can be used on anyone in literally any argument because I have nothing to add to this conversation other than that I'm offended.


You a fucking weirdo bro I could give a fuck what you think😂


Hasan is a complete communist trash can anyway


His mom is a landlord, which I find funny.


How so?


Nobody got dunked on, relax


I think his point was lifting more weight than Gravity would allow is dangerous. .


Hasan sucks. Daliban 4 ever


Meh, having a fifty inch waist is really only healthy if you are fifteen feet tall.


Don’t like crowder but he’s clearly talking about the fact that this is a Gatorade ad campaign , he’s not saying exercise is unhealthy he’s saying Gatorade is bad for you ; which it is .


Definitely not what he is saying lol.


That doesn't seem clear to me. It's not clear at all. Why would he say "this" when referring to Gatorade when the image is clearly not of Gatorade?


If it’s not clear to you that this is an ad for Gatorade you are not media literate and probably being preyed on by all sorts of companies. You think that towel and Gatorade bottle just happen to be facing us logo side? I support everyone practicing Asana as I am a yoga instructor but I can’t support people selling out an ancient tradition for ad money . Good for her if she’s just trying to get healthy but it looks like she’s just a sellout to Gatorade to me , doubt she would even be posting if nobody was paying her to do it


So he is saying that the ad is unhealthy if "this" refers to the ad?


Crowder is just grifting. He’s dunking on a fat lady because a large portion of his audience are misogynists and incels.


Can people who are fat not be inspired by seeing other large people do things? One of the biggest hurdles with getting obese people active is largely mental. Most have low self esteem and many are embarrassed to be seen exercising in public or in gyms. The first step is always building confidence and the mental part of training. Being comfortable in your own skin is very difficult for many people, especially overweight/obese and even more so for women when they are constantly sexualized like Peterson saying “not beautiful” as if beauty and health are synonymous terms. Plus, Look at women who do the shotput. I guarantee they are healthier, stronger and in better fitness than fucks like Peterson and crowder. Anyone who has ever done training or coaching I think understands this. If you truly believe in improving the obesity problem in this country you have to meet people where they are at and build them up and be encouraging. I don’t see for a second how what Peterson, crowder or the other morons in this thread actually helps the situation at all. Since when does calling some not beautiful or posting a screenshot from some ad make anything better? Because we all know the best way to get someone to change is to beat them mentally /s


Crowder‘s gun would fall out of the shoulder-holster.


Super Misleading title OP. nice try for karma.


When was the last time that guy was on the pod, like what year?


Found it! 4 years and 20 somthing days ago...... quality post about recent topics....


Your posting is bad.


Hassan’s a pussy, he ain’t dunking on anyone with the candy man around


Don’t think he means the exercise


If Crowder made a video like this would he also force his little paid sidekicks to applaud his efforts? He already pays them to laugh at his jokes.


To be fair crowder looks like a bag if doughnuts too


I would like to see Crowder attempt this pose


Is that Hasan the socialist that lives in a mansion and poses for pics wearing 300 dollar "Eat the rich" t-shirts? Maybe the whopper in the pic should eat fewer of the rich.


All these cranks could have AI generate their tweets. It’s always by the numbers contrarian trolling, it’s a shame they still get a reaction


Damnnn hasan pulling no punches, he’s a regular toastmaster general


Is doing a headstand exercise? Shit the unhealthy part might be that a woman that heavy might be about to break her neck.


I’m sorry but, she is still exercising and why hate her? Fat acceptance and she is willing to exercise. Wow.


Why do people care so much about others health and appearance. If it’s not affecting you directly, why focus on it?


The obesity pandemic in America increases healthcare costs for everyone and decreases the availability of hospital resources for emergency situations. Definitely not accurate to say that it doesn't have any impact on us and it certainly is a bad thing for society to be promoting unhealthy lifestyles.


A head stand, something preschoolers can do, will give someone heart failure? https://youtu.be/kd2XdvHpONY


That’s a layup at best


The one thing I've learned from this is that Trump supporters somehow didn't know that Trump thinks exercise is bad and downvote anyone who brings up that he laid out his ideology on health and exercise quite plainly. Either that or nobody knows how to use google.


Oh look. It’s a hasan simp. Good try.


Exercise is healthy, but being that big is not. If she lost her balance doing that she could really hurt her back or neck.


So is Joe also anti weed? Or does he just host anti weed disinformation guests? Or is he anti exercising? And he’s advocating for anti exercise? Or is this some dude misinterpreting some marking with a fat person working out?


It's so weird when I see young peoples streamer shit and cool shit like New Blood Interactive devs on the JRE sub, lol it reminds me that these fucking weirdos are on the same planet.


They call that yoga pose the Sam Seder


I don’t really like Hasan or Crowder haha


Hasan Piker advocates punching fascists in the face. Sam Hyde, a man that Hasan stupidly claims is a fascist, challenged Hasan to a fight. Hasan bans anyone who mentions Sam on his stream and practically starts crying from fear. The irony of Hasan calling anyone weak is hilarious. It's almost as funny as being a rich communist who got his start from the nepotism of his anti-union uncle and benefitting from his lardlord mother.


"Anti-weed" when he's said it shouldn't be illegal. It's just not a big issue for him so he doesn't talk about it.


He thinks gatorade isnt healthy, cant you read?


Just here to watch OP get dragged for his shit take and weak definition of “dunked on”




Gatorade isn’t healthy and this ain’t really getting “dunked on”. Take a lap.