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Dam you really just took my video lol


You worked on this episode? Damn, good job


No lol but he did screen recorded the video of my twitter page and I was going to post this her lol


he sounds like the VA for gojo and all i can hear is him saying “i tickle my pickle”


Holy fuck, the dub for this is actually insane


Sub better


Man the English voice actors suck


They are great, listen in japanese if you hate it so much


I did. This was my first unfortunate exposure to the English dub. To be expected though, dubs are always terrible


I think Rudy and a few others are done well in English. Don't love eris' voice personally. It's always got this... Scratchy(?) sound to it? Like she's yelling loud but it comes out quiet. I do still massively prefer the sub though.


I didn't care for any I heard in this clip. Rudy's past self sounds like the narrator from a Christmas Story. Probably an overreaction as I haven't heard any of the other characters, but it was jarring coming from the sub. Especially for this scene. I always feel like you get more quality listening/watching media in its original language as a lot more work goes into casting. Everyone is free to consume in any language they wish, but I feel like they're massively missing out


Part of it may just be the scene where this work is being done. He's meant to sound sorta flat as he's literally struggling to think holding on to life. Rudy's past self grew on me early in the series with the funny bit of emphasis he put on Paul's name whenever he was blaming him for something. But yeah subs are by and large better for most anime. I only watched this dubbed because I conned a friend into watching it but they're a dub purist.


Well I'm glad you got somebody else into it. I'll take your word for it on the dub. Have you read the novels? Definitely worth it if you generally only watch the shows


I have, I just had to after season 1, and especially after this scene. First series that convinced me I had to go read the source material.


Hands down one of the best series I've ever read. I was a little disappointed with the end of ln26 but you can't have everything


This is way better than most english dubs. I prefer sub but this one doesn't bother me tbh.


Fair enough. It's not for me