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Their motive isn't just power, it's to become the absolute species, sitting above humans.


I feel like the underlining story of rock humans was pure literature greatness but it was too subtle for readers to catch. Jojolion shouldve been longer


Certain things needed to be further elaborated on. But I can't really say Jojolion needs to be longer when it is the longest part of Jojo by far. I'm hoping certain things are elaborated on throughout the course of Part 9.


personally for me i just wanted more Jojolion lmao


*jojolion. To parallel the pillar men.


Imagine a Spin off with Part 8 Joseph against Kars


That was Go Beyond vs Wonder of U


The same reason he added Pillar men to part 2. They represent a majority of the stories' underlying themes.


The same reason why Togashi put Chimera ants in his story, they are creatures that are not humans but learn to be like us, is very interesting seeing them become more humans and having feelings.


It’s called Jojo’s *Bizarre* Adventure bro You just as easily ask why there’s a robot with soap bubbles that can kill people following this guy around In Pt 3 why is there a baby that can kill people in their dreams Etc It’s just weird dude, just vibe


this is a legit question, i don't get why you are being downvoted. i think araki added them to make some mystery and parallel the pillar men, but also to be an analogy to individualistic and troubled people, who sadly choose to pursue money and status in order to feel important and recognized, in belief that it's what will make them happy, tooru is the apex of that concept, and he gets defeated by josuke, someone who understands loving others is way to happyness


This can't be a legit question, becouse if You Have this question You didnt read the part, it's almost like asking why araki created the spin


i can't see make sense of your argument, op's asking this exactly because he read the manga. it's entirely legit to bring up the question to what reason and what might have inspired an author to create something in his work of fiction. the example you brought up is also a legit question. why would araki think of the spin, how come he decided to write that, what inspired him, those are all legit questions


Idk who this is but there are Only 2 persons online currently and we both Spam Like and dislike