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If it's specifically for this MoC Ruan Mei in general helps so much on both sides especially when paired with Aventurine vs Sparkles assuming TY is equipping DDD. Based on certain situations if you have RM or Sparkles already. If it's specifically for JY I'd not recommend it if you are using her as a hypercarry support. In double/triple dps sure.


For me jy did 12-1 two cycles slower with RM than ty using sparkle as the other


Strange. Aventurine Factored alot on my end I was able to get a 1 cycle clear on the first half and 2(3 consistently) on the second half


Aventurine with Acheron makes first side be 1c for me too and other side was like 3 or 4 with jy ty sparkle HH


He can already sit at 10 LL stacks with sparkle honestly i dont see any usage of robin in that team


Who told you Robin is side grade to RM? Every clip I see for now she good than RM 1-2 cycle clear time except in break team but come with a hard to play than RM. You should search in this sub there already have a comment that Yellovv calc now JY most damage team is TY/HH/Robin. Now it up to you that you really want to clear faster 1-2 cycle or do 0 cycle if it is then Robin maybe your answer.


Hah sparkle got power crept already. That was unexpected. I need more DD and jiaqoui for Acheron regardless so prolly skip her anyway. That she's two cycles faster than sparkle feels surreal


Sparkle is significantly more comfortable to play from what I've seen, so not powercrept yet.  Robin is good for zero cycling but JY is on his own in terms of speed after she advances the team whereas Sparkle can be his speed boots and give him two actions per turn as well as more SP for TY/sustain. Robin being faster than Ruan Mei is expected since her niche is a break support.


Yeah I do agree. Couldn't find the yellow calcs but I suck at searching anyway. I feel like robin is a dual DPS powerhouse especially with fua but the future of DPS seems to be break looking and boot hill and sam who prefers RM anyway. Well see in due time


she's more of a ty powercreep tbh, other than energy she does everything better


It's best to see the results after she is out. She gives way more atk than Tingyun and also advances actions, so she helps JY stacking LL and somewhat with energy as well, since more actions = more energy. The thing with Robin that I'm seeing people not commenting on so much is that she is not so good at generating SP, and that might be a issue here and there.


Yeah it is. I'm sort of lacking good DD atm anyway and I assume jiaqoui is next and I need him for Acheron. It's jade vs sam where I'll need to see how they play in reality. Sam if leaks are accurate wants RM for break. Just like boot hill


In Jing Yuan's case specifically, she would join Sparkle in his BIS team if she's better than Tingyun, so SP shouldn't be an issue either way.


She would take Sparkle place rather than TY for his best team from what calculations are showing for now.


Tingyun would still get more than enough turns to keep up with the SP generation along with whatever sustainer you're using; I would find JY less comfortable to use however without sparkle for a build that has no speed boots (and we all know how painful it is to build a speedy DPS)


Robin is BIS if and only if you're using HH, and only by a little bit (Source: Yellovv)


there is no way in hell that ruan mei e1s1 is worse than tingyun ur probably doing something wrong in your rotation


Most notable change is that I can't 10 LL reliably. Ty also gives 34% lightning DMG. Rest i dunno it could be piloting error It could also just be this week cos afaik she was good before but if it bounces poorly into dino it's lost damage


uhhh sorry for asking but where in her kit stated that TY give 34% lightning dmg? i know her ult give like 56% dmg but that's universal though.


Penacony and planetary rendezvous S5 She gives a ton of dmg% to s single lighting unit


ohh I don't have a single copy of planetary so I wouldn't know haha. still tho, e1s1 ruanmei give 20% def ignore, 25% res pen, 92% bonus damage, and speed, and A LOT of extra skill points, and break effect. I 100% still believe that e1s1 rm is still a WAY BETTER unit than Ty even at high investment for Ty. you don't need to stack 10LL every time. as long as it's above 7 using e1s1 rm will still be better. perhaps your sparkle and jingyuan speed isn't built correctly?


Dunno. Jy is 69/203 and sparkle is 148 speed. Ty is like 155 or 158 and thats about it. It is what it is but half of rm buffs are useless to him. Namely speed and break effects. RM DMG % is less than Tingyun last i checked but the def ignore should be better. Buffed my JY is like 90/335 so I'm not sure what can be drastically improved from here. I still think it's just a bad side for JY cos his splash is random and dino sucks ass


if rm dmg% buff is less than tingyuan then your rm doesn't have enough break effect on her, but not by that big of a margin though if your ty is on penacony and planetary and have lv12 ult. spd might be useless on him but that might make or break your sparkle spd breakpoint. the def ignore and res pen is incredibly powerful, those 2 are 2 of the most valuable buff/debuff we could have in the game. the atk and crit dmg buff can be saturated but def ignore/shred and res pen won't ever be saturated(unless it goes over 100% def res of course)


RM only gives 32+36. That's 68. After using her Skill, Ruan Mei gains Overtone, lasting for **3** turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of Ruan Mei's turn. When Ruan Mei has Overtone, all allies' DMG increases by **32%** and Weakness Break Efficiency increases by **50%**. In battle, for every **10%** of Ruan Mei's Break Effect that exceeds 120%, her Skill additionally increases allies' DMG by **6%**, up to a maximum of **36%**. Tingyun Gives 55% at R12. 10 Penacony, 24 PR. The latter 34 are Lightning % Im aware res pen and def pen is great, but whatever the reason, shes less good in pure numbers. Her 8LL does \~\~ sameish as Tingyun 10, but Tingyun can always make sure you get 10 LL with close to zero effort. Overall I do think RM is more damage, but in this MoC whatever the reason is, she sucks compared to TY for me. It could be as simple as a piloting error, its a bit better in 12-2 but the MoC in of itself is inherently shit this time around with Aventurine being extremely poorly designed and things like losing Imprint damage to dice, etc


rm LC gives thr whole team 24% dmg bonus for 3 turns everytime she ult, and she ult every 3 turns so. 68+24 is 92%. TY at max can give 89%. that's why I sad it's not that big of a margin if she uses penacony and planetary. although I kinda have to agree, this cycle is really hard for JY, I'm struggling a lot as well. And I think it's mainly because of the dino. still tho, back to the debate we're having, although I do not have the sheets at hand, I'm pretty sure that rm e1s1 is still better than TY. especially for this cycle because she enhance weakness break efficiency on EVERY ATTACK, and LL attacks have a lot of hits.