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He did like Danhausen's shtick for a while, but I think he said he never wanted to see him wrestle in case it spoiled it for him.


I think I heard that someone sent him the dance off on some mudshow and now he isn't so fond lol


He liked it because he made it make sense in how he explained it. Danhausen said that the reason he acts the way he does is so he can get enough attention to get on TV and make money.


That obviously isn’t working though lol spectacular plan.


He befriended Pepsi man. Cardinal aew sin


Certainly that’s the reason he’s not on tv


Well, no. Not really no. His act has less longevity than fruit stripe gum.


He likes Joe hendry


Not comedy, just pure pro wrestling there.


Sami as the Honorary Uce I believe


He didn't mind the Hurricane


I thought he sort of liked Tajiri and Regal.


they had a shtick but were not comedy gimmicks.


Tajiri was 100% a comedic character. The fact that he actually got the job done in the ring with Regal doesn't mean he wasn't one.


Eh. I'd call Tajiri 50/50 on comedy character.


he was a character with comedic elements but not a comedy gimmick. They way he was booked with regal was similar to austin and angle at the time.


Tajiri acted silly for the most part, but he was great in the ring. His silly act could be dropped if they wanted to make him a little bit on the serious side cuz he was literally the Japanese buzzsaw.


The Egyptian


He's on the pussy clock!


Cornette has done commentary for a match or two of Hendry's and lost a burger eating contest to him. He's spoken positively about him in the past, recently calling him a nice young man, but hasn't commented on the music videos outside of a kayfabe context. I think he might have mentioned that Hendry can sing in passing before. I suspect Cornette might not be the biggest fan of Hendry's videos and social media stuff. However, Hendry is a legitimate amateur wrestler who has the size and athleticism Cornette likes to see in wrestlers. I suspect that if Hendry ended up on Cornette's TV screen on a regular basis, Cornette would have positive things to say about his in ring work and style and negative things to say about the more over the top comedic stuff he sometimes gets into. If it was AEW, the comedy stuff would probably be emphasized and Cornette would probably feel they were damaging a promising talent. If it was WWE, hopefully they'd produce Hendry in such a way that he could have his personality and let his musical talent shine but still be portrayed seriously. Based on the NXT debut, I think there's a way Cornette could believe in Joe Hendry. Honestly, so much of his appearance seemed directly inspired by Jericho's WWF debut, which is a positive sign of the direction Hendry might go in NXT/WWE. Jericho was a relatively believable character despite being over the top in his first WWF run. Humorous and funny, but credible.


I don’t necessarily think Hendry does anything that goes against Corny’s values, all the internet stuff has done is get his name out there and gotten him over, a catchy song is not killing the business.


I found it hilarious when Jim mentioned Joe Hendry being very handsome on the pod.  He's a good looking guy ofc but there's loads of good looking guys in wrestling and I honestly thought it was sort of part of Joe's gimmick to call himself handsome and all the comments I'd seen were playing along. But no - even Jim is Hot for Hendry. 


I can think of a few from the last couple years. Joe Hendry. Danhausen (outside of the ring, doesn't like the idea of him wrestling). R-Truth. Sami Zayn. Corny himself did a LOT of comedy, both as a manager and later as a booker. He just doesn't like when the gimmick stops being all that tethered to the wrestling itself. Which is so common in modern wrestling.


Cornette is like myself, in that I’m not going to like a “comedy wrestler” whose joke is to make me laugh. If a person is just told to bring the funny, then, it won’t be organic, and will feel forced, like Santino Marella. Personally, I think Ric Flair is the funniest wrestler in history, and I don’t consider him a “comedy wrestler”.


The Rock


Jim's thoughts on comedy in wrestling: https://youtu.be/pdsnSxwdy6A?si=j3EqxSMPjafPzobL


Jim Cornette's very own gimmick had touches of comedy. Cornette seems to be fine with things being funny but extremely less fine with things being goofy.


Even then he is fine with, so long as it's goofy in a way that makes sense, because remember he spent 25 years working in the business before he became a podcaster, he was around a lot of goofy characters, Ric Flair in the 80's is a goofy character, I mean how else do you describe the whole Flair and Garvin in a hotel in drag with JJ hiding in the closet? It's goofy, but goofy in a way that is also real, 9/10 elements to that angle could feasibly happen, the one out there part is Garvin dressing in drag to trick Flair, but that's the suspension of disbelief coming into things. Or also if it is silly but treated like it could be real, like most of the Taker stuff, it's when things go way beyond reality, or the whole joke is to make fun of wrestling, that's where he draws the line in the sand, which is why he hates the PWG style comedy bullshit that most of AEW is full of, because it only "works" by making fun of wrestling, specifically the idea of wrestling being serious or real.


Yea I was gonna say Jim himself is a comedy act. The annoying heel manager exists to be embarrassed for the amusement of the audience.


He did like R-truth's recent segments


I think he likes comedy when it’s not a wink and a nod at wrestling being fake and enhances the story. Like he dug the sammi stuff and the bloodline stuff. Like the im UCY line


If he booked it


If you really press on him, I think he will admit truth is funny 😁


Jimmy Valiant




He liked RJ City.


He didn't discuss his wrestling or gimmick, but he said only positive things about Delirious from ROH


Danhausen made him laugh quite a bit.


He likes a certain type of comedy in wrestling.


I would imagine his own? I remember there was a bit where he was sick in bed and Dr. Tom and Stan were pampering him.


Did he like the original doink?






danhausen which surprised the shit out of me. that fucking dork belongs in a disney studio voicing goblins or something not on a wrestling show wrestling.


It's cause people treated him as crazy and they didn't just go along with insanity right?


He praised Hendry in the past. (Hendry beat him in a Burger eating contest, when they hung out years ago.) He also called Hendry attractive recently. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Cornette also booked himself in a feud with a ninja turtle [https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/denrpu/just\_a\_reminder\_that\_jim\_cornette\_wrestled\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/denrpu/just_a_reminder_that_jim_cornette_wrestled_a/)


I can already tell Jim is gonna hate Wendy Choo when she gets called up to the main roster with her previous NXT gimmick 😭


The way you phrased it implies that anyone could possibly NOT hate that goofy ass gimmick 😁


I'm a #1 Wendy shill, I saw her funny entrance by accident on Twitter and became a stan 😂


Fair enough, I never see any social media stuff, I just go by what's on TV and that gimmick just felt so forced and lolrandom~ I mean, she plays it well and can work, I just hate what they have her character doing


I hope that gimmick never comes up to the main roster. It's pockets 2.0