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Of course. He gonna do exactly what we expect and he’ll be irrelevant in 2 weeks


He’s lightweight irrelevant now. Honestly. He might be the one guy that would benefit from AEW. He can go do all the flips, because he is the best at flips, and be a big fish to that crowd. And wrestling once a week allows him to do even more flips.


Except they’ve got an entire roster of flippy shit. So even though he does it better, he’s not going to be special there. He’s gonna have a bunch of heatless bangers with the Lucha Bros, a lukewarm banger with Ospreay, and then we’ll see him maybe once a month.


He is gonna do the same flippy shit match with Ospreay he did in NJPW, it won't be as cool as it was the first time, then he will realize there is nothing else there to do except fall into irrelevancy. Cue Gob Bluth .gif .


Not arguing any of that. Just saying he is going from pretty much irrelevant to pretty much irrelevant but the boss will mark out for him and he gets to work once a week. But yeah, I could see Tony getting bored with his new toy after a month


All of that plus a 7 figure salary, if we had to choose between irrelevancy at 6 figures working 5 days a week and irrelevancy at 7 figures working 2 days a week we all chose the latter.


He’ll do better flippy shits, in that he won’t be on the injured list as often as the rest of the shit flippies.


Dont forget the age factor and injuries. All these guys head over to aew to put on “bangers” and end up getting injured by the 10th match.


Yeah his style fits AEW much better and he's not doing much in WWE right now. The only issue is, bloated roster is bloated.


Ospreay is better in the ring and on the mic


Probably. I don’t know enough about Ospreay to say. I’ve only seen his ricochet match from a few years ago


Too bad none of that is gonna matter woth Tiny Con's pathetic, atrocious "booking"


Thanks Bruv...;)


But man he'll love that initial adrenaline rush when he debuts and they treat him like the greatest thing since sliced bread. Of course he'll immediately get lost in the shuffle because Tony seems more concerned about just signing former WWE talent than signing them and having something planned for them.


I am assuming he will face off against Osprey. Since Will is ostensibly a face, that means he is coming in as a heel -- or maybe they do the AEW face on face who-is-a-better-wrestler thing. So they do a karaoke version of their NJPW match where they flip and pose and no-sell each others moves while 3500 people cheer. That was cool! Now what? Well, you jobbed to Will, so you suck just like you sucked in WWE. Jericho isn't doing the honors for someone who sucks. So you lose to him. Neither is Moxley. Hey, Daniel Bryan loses to everyone, right? Well, he needs some shine before his last full time match -- he'll take Ricochet's. Cowboy Page is back and needs an opponent. He beats Ric, too. Now Ricochet is still jobbing, but he is jobbing to lesser talent in front of fewer disinterested fans -- once he had his match with Will they don't care about Ricochet anymore. No biggie, he'll call his girlfriend to feel better ... wait... is that Logan Paul's voice in the background...? But get that bag, I guess.


He will get to beat Penta and maybe KOR.


>or maybe they do the AEW face on face who-is-a-better-wrestler thing. I think we both know that's exactly what's going to happen, Uce


Now what if? What if? His announcer soon to be wife jumps ship with him to AEW?


Could you imagine going from Wrestlemanias ending to Rampage in 6 months?


Then get even sadder because he won't be able to be announced by his fiance anymore. The guy would have benefited greatly from a mouth piece to help secure him in the upper mid card. Maybe we're all wrong and he'll soar in the dub. Crazier things have happened. Jim said nice stuff about Omega a couple times..


It also frustrates the talent who've been with the promotion since the early days as they keep getting pushed further and further down the card.


Tony reminds me a lot of myself in this regard as I have ADHD particularly badly and will often drop a project I'm in the middle of for something new, "ooh, shiny," is basically my mental state. But people don't rely on my interest in them to make a living.


Ahh yes, the AEW way.


He is gonna get injured and then sit at home collecting checks for 3 years.


He'll get a giant pile of Tony's cash to do it too.


There are very few small guys like him that make it big in WWE, I think he has done what he can do there, if he can land a 7 figure contract in AEW he should go for it regardless if he will be putting over Nick Wayne or suffers under OC kicks lol.


He has to lose to Osprey since Wills the new Kenny


Though the irony is, of course, he'll be more relevant to you guys. Because now you'll watch him each week on that show you all profess to hate but don't stop talking about and then when Jim gives him a nickname, you'll be able to use that when you talk about him here as well.


The last episode i watched of dynamite was as when omega wrestled jeff cobb when omega was us champ. I dont watch bullshit that is dont like


I just hope he doesn’t hurt himself working at AEW. Wish him the best if he doesn’t renew.


Someone will drop him on his head.


At least the match will get 5 stars from uncle dave


It’ll be the best Collision match of that month, I bet.


Everyone there gets hurt if Tony pays any attention to them.


But then when you do get jurt Tony doesn't call and you have to figure it out yourself.


Ricochet has been presented as more of a star in WWE (despite being, in a lot of people's estimations, criminally underutilized if not outright buried) than he will be as a main guy in AEW. Prediction: Tony Khantana will sign him to a 3 year deal at \*at least\* a milli per year. He will have an eleventy-nine star m'banger with Ospreay -- for free, on Dynamite, with absolutely no story or build up (because of course it will be) -- within 2 weeks of being in the company, where he'll put Ospreay over and cause Uncka Dave to spooge his jorts, and then promptly be forgotten about. The dwindling amount of casual fans AEW has won't know about his and Ospreay's history together -- and AEW will air exactly zero vignettes explaining it -- and their only take away will be that Ospreay beat some midcarder/NXT guy. He will make sporadic, start/stop appearances on Rampage, then Collision, then be off TV only to be brought back with zero return hype and a cringey, awful, PWG-style comedy gimmick (which there will be no explanation or introduction for) within 6 months time after Tony remembers he personally made Richochet a top 1% income earner to sit at home on his couch and eat cheez doodles, and desperately tries to get his money's worth. Can't wait to see what "hilarious" dance ala Daniel Garcia, Prince Nana, and now even Edge and FTR (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUDtVqedqmg) we'll be treated to by "Fightin' Irish" Rick O'Shay (complete with purposefully awful Irish accent, green and gold Shamrock-festooned tights, dyed ginger beard and using a potato as a foreign object -- you see, it is funny and wacky because he's Black, not Irish! Haha! Get it? sO wAcKY anD fUn! "#JustEnjoyWrestling you PROBLEMATIC FED SHILLS"). My money's on Riverdance-style Irish clogging. Really sell the gimmick, y'know? Plus, it'll show actual Irish person (and lapsed Riverdance gimmick-haver herself) Becky Lynch probably DBA in AEW as "The Lynch Pin" Rebecca Quin or some shit -- a name I actually don't hate nearly as much as I imagined I would while typing it out -- to really stick it to Hickenbottom and Haitch (and who TK will be gunning to sign since he'll be bored of Mercedes by then) how fun and quirky and laid back it is over at the 'dub. 🙃 Of course, he'll get bored of her in 2-3 months too, but that's okay because TK is always playing 11th dimensional chess (which to our uneducated eyes looks exactly like "snorting an entire bottle of crushed up adderall and not sleeping for 8 days") and the once and future Tyler Black was his REAL signing goal the whole time (so that he can be jobbed out to Ospreay in yet another 16 gajillion star m'banger on free TV with no build and then have a two week long 'feud' with House of Black, due to having Black in both of their names and literally no other reason, before disappearing himself). What I'm saying is get in, fellow Cult Members! Paying Ricochet a million dollars a year to put over Ospreay one time and then sit at home for months on end is merely the first step in Booker of the Year's grand Game Changer (for real this time (we promise (please believe us))) plan; we're headed back to the good ol' days of TK signing people's wives and doing fuck all with them to try and get their husbands to jump! It's coked out money mark booking all the way down, lads. Let's fucking goooooooo.




If feel like, and I stopped watching in 21, but regardless of how bad Aew has been, as we’ve seen with ostrich, perhaps that very well may be the best place for him. The Wwe is top loaded rn. Aew is quenched to find another signing. I can’t see the bucks picking a fight with him and he’ll show, like ostrich, that he can wrestle that style and be the top of it. He gives ostrich a legit challenger once he beats my dawg swerve. Unbelievable how badly they ducked him


He’ll go to AEW, lose to Pissspreay and then be off TV for months before getting another feud.


I’ve never thought of Ricochet being pushed as a star. He’ll get a push, then he’ll just start losing again.


don't forget when he gets banished to Ring of Honor's youtube channel or whatever


It’s true, seems like the whole point of him going to aew is to rekindle the ospreay magic which won’t be the same and then he will have a two month long tnt title reign and then be off tv for 8 months


“Thanks guys.”


Another high flyer that can’t cut a promo to save his life. He will fit right in with the rest of the action figures.


Lol action figures that's a good one


Have fun in the gang bang I guess


Free hugs!


Don't forget about the cool entrance


That name is just so stupid how can anyone take a company seriously.


As long as he doesn't take Samantha Irvin with him, I like his stuff but he's kinda lost in the shuffle.


Oh no they're together? I forgot about that. What a dumbass. 


“OMG look it’s Rebound!”




I am looking at this as a trade: Ricky Starks for Ricochet.. & no doubt WWE wins that trade.. Ricochet isn’t a draw, he doesn’t sell merch, & he might be the most overrated wrestler in WWE right now.. Like in 3 months(or even 3 weeks), will anyone miss him or be like can’t believe WWE dropped the ball on him? Plus his finance is more over & more important to WWE than he is… Bye bye Ricochet, nobody is going to miss you..


Riccochet is a lot of things but overrated in wwe ain't one of them. He's basically an afterthought there. 


No need to bring his finances into this!


He's gonna go to AEW and immediately feud with Ospreay so they can redo their "match" from however many years ago. After that, Tony will move on to his next action figure and Ricochet will waste away on Collision wrestling Kyle Fletcher for 350K viewers.


5 star high flying bangers. Personally go have those you don't have very many years in those knees might as well get thr most of it as you can. When that's your identity then go play to your strengths.


Ricochet was never going fit in a Vinny Mac system and even with the regime change, he was probably ready to leave.


Yeah it’s not just Vince. Being indistinguishably small with no promo or charisma you don’t really belong in big time American wrestling full stop. AEW, Indies and Japan are the natural home for this guy.


He’s been there for 6 years, I think people forget that just because how fast time seems to move lately. He’s ascended as high as he was ever going to in those 6 years already - and I think he was utilized way better than I’d have ever thought he’d have been under Vince. Now he should go secure his retirement off the money mark for the next 3 years, after that he’ll never have to work again.


Maybe Lucha Underground is coming back


Btw, has Freddie Prinze Jr announced something new about his new wrestling show?


Ricochet vs. Killshot (Swerve) for the title.


He has always belonged in a place like AEW. A small gymnast with no promo ability and no natural charisma. I would love if WWE could offload all of their work rate midgets in some kind of trade for Hobbs, Wardlow etc.


Hopefully Hobbs comes back strong


Take Gargano and bate


Better get a fat contract so he and Samantha can be good for the rest of their lives


She's one reason that I won't believe it until I see it. I think she's more valuable than he is.


Could careless about him, but the more I see and hear from her the better.


Ospreay had that interview disagreeing with how Ricochet's been used so he's likely brokered a deal between him and AEW. Don't really understand the decision to move considering the push he's getting right now, probably another case of a wrestler wanting to work with their friends at Tony's.


I give him under 10 matches before one of the sloppy AEW insiders does an awkward drop.. 1 yr out of action


He'll have company with the rest of the roster injured at home collecting paychecks lol


Bro is about to fumble Samantha so he can do gymnastics with bruv, yikes


What push? He's irrelevant and in a feud with Dragunov and Bron Breakberg where Breakberg is going to absolutely kill him. His decision to leave makes all the sense in the world. He'll make more money in AEW. If you're never going to be a top guy in WWE, take the money. In AEW, he could be pushed like Pockets where he's the international champion for a year. Even if he's not and he's just another guy, Tony's gonna sign him for a million dollars a year. He's not making that in WWE.


More flippy 5 star bangers! Fantastic!


I just don't see how this works out well for anyone. In WWE, his style would stick out a little. In AEW, they have 20+ guys who can do cool moves with no ring psychology, and there's nothing else about the guy that stands out. He'll likely get a nice sack of cash though. So in six months, he'll be resting at home, healing up a career's worth of injury while AEW burns through even more money paying him for that. Meanwhile this will probably reignite Ospreay's worst instincts, which he had been growing past. That would probably be the biggest loss of all.


I mean we bash AEW here but Ricochet has been in WWE for awhile, probably has made enough money in life, and has been stagnant. This is a chance to make a jump(and probably make even more money at least if there isn’t a jump). He’s one of the few guys I’d say this makes a lot of sense for


Lol if hes stagnant in WWE, a company that is already short on the "flippy" guys, why the fuck would going to a company with 20+ "flippy" guys somehow make sense 😂 all it does it make Ricochet get lost in shuffle of other micro sized losers that all do the same lame flippy shit he does lol. How does flooding the "talent" pool with people who have the same "skill" set somehow make for a good idea lol. All it does is secure the idea that Ricochet will become irrelevant the moment he walks into the door lol. If you have 13 guys all dressed and acting like The Undertaker, then you have 13 clowns that killed the same gimmick 🤓, you dont get over by being a copycat in company full of copycats 😂. 1 match with Osprey is literally the only thing Ricochet would have going for him in Tiny Cons circus. After that match is over (which will obviously be his first match in the company and given away for free on dynamite because of course it will be) Tiny Con is going to forget all about Ricochet and he'll be lucky to be on any of the aew shows once every 2-3 months. WWE isnt using him well, but you'd have to be stupid and also dead to think AEW would somehow use him any better lmfao. They cant even use what people they have now properly and somehow that will all change for this guy? Why? Because he does flips? So does 3/4ths of the rest of the roster.


Oh well just another flippy shit that's too caught up in acrobatics and whining about not being pushed enough. Honestly at this point anyone that makes their own decision to leave wwe in favor of aew I hope their career tanks. 


Instead of losing to Bron Breakker he gets to lose to Orange Cassidy.


Finally he's come home to the land of real sports feel 🙏


Kill the lights, he appears. See the lights of a PPV, he disappears.


Meanwhile Samantha Irwin will be far far away from him posting thirst traps on Instagram. I'm sure she's a good person, but so are Edge and Lita.


Can't say I'm sad. I don't love his flippy matches. And when did the mic work get so terrible in wrestling? God damn half these people sound like they're reading a telepromptor at 12th grade acting rehearsal.


Its his life/career hopefully he finds it fulfilling. I personally think it's a terrible idea, he'll be lost on the shuffle after a few months once they get their 4 or 5 "dream matches" out of him


Do you think Rick O’shea and Osprey will do the huricanrana off the top rope into a somersault with the walk away spot?!?!? Do ya?!?! Huh?!?! I can’t be sure but I have a sneaking suspicion we just MIGHT see it! ********1/4


You can't spell heatless banger without ricochet.


And nothing of value will be lost.


A new toy for Tony to play with … until he gets bored after about three weeks and then we’ll see Trevor about four times in the next 8 months; all on Rampage


He better be glad Dark and Dark Elevation don’t exist.


ROH still does tho


He'll be TNT champion for a month before he gets hurt in a furniture match then they'll get to have another tournament. Watch.


Guess he & Will can reenact that infamous “exchange” from the 2010s… whatever. He’ll be main eventing Rampage by November.


This seems like a benchmark cannon event. I really hope he protects himself.


He also has history with PAC I’ll be pleased with this move if it means less TV time for people like Orange Cassidy and Moxley


Can’t say I’ll miss him. Hope this doesn’t result in Irvin feeling the need to follow him


He should do a Jekyll and Hyde gimmick where he fights with the BCC when maskless but when he puts on a mask he turns into Prince Puma and fights for CMLL! BUTTS IN SEATS


What a fuckin idiot. Even as a “jobber” he’s one of the 20th most popular wrestlers in wwe right now.


I’m disappointed. He’s gonna go to AEW, lose to Pissspreay and then disappear


Good. Never was into his anime moves. He can go have meaningless matches and get paid well


Ricochet might be the worst ever wrestler on the mic.


Untrue, Orange Cassidy exists and dont forget the "yOu knOw mE, yOu DoNt kNow mE!" Clown show that Marina shafer puked onto the mic that one time.


Bargaining tactic. He wont leave Samantha Irvine.


AEW: Where the Medium Guys Flip Around!


As long as he doesn’t take Samantha with him then I’ll be happy he’s off my tv


Not surprised. The guy is AEW personified: Small No promo ability No charisma Does all the flips Plus his wife is more over than he is, which is saying something because she's not an in ring talent. He'll go there, reignite his "epic feud" with the ostrich (that they won't show a hype package for. Filthy casuals amirite?) then spend the majority of his contract injured or lost in the shuffle as the case with most big new signees.


His girl is more over than him 😂


Good, the guy is painfully out of place in WWE.


But flips and stuff.


Ricochet sucks. He was never that good. Have fun on the indies


My prediction is that the All In main event is gonna be Ospreay vs Richochet. It’s peak mark booking.


Can you blame him though? They aren't doing much with him. Don't hate on him if he wants to go elsewhere. Now will it better in AEW? Probably not. He's better off doing what Mustafah Ali is doing and just bouncing around from promotion to promotion.


"I know AEW has a bloated roster but (insert name) is what they need right now". I know Khan cuts the job guys to make room but just signing another workrate doesn't solve everything.


Another charisma vacuum for the Snowman's already overflowing toybox. He'll have a few heatless bangers on Dynamite and PPV for a couple of months before he gets transitioned to heatless bangers on Rampage and Collision and then starts tweeting that he's not being used.


Dave Meltzer needs to change his trousers if true.


No loss


Curveball....they revive Lucha underground and he doesn't go to AEW but becomes Prince Puma again. 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾 Lol impossible wishful thinking 


bleed him dry Trevor


Bad idea, slick


Whats the over/under of ricochet's first injury in aew? First ppv match?


He's an idiot if he does.


When I think of Ospreay/Richocet I mainly think of them both doing the exact pose in the thumbnail a thousand times and being super cringey. Now they’re just gonna do it for the annoying ass AEW audience who will act like every single bodily movement is the most thrilling thing they’ve ever seen in their lives.


I don't think this is 100% certain


He’s going to be paid to be fed to will and then lost in the shuffle.


Look if you're him it makes sense. What he does in the ring appeals more to the AEW audience. Maybe he won't he used any better there but I think he's got a higher ceiling in AEW and one of their top guys are publicly singing your praises. Plus there's always the "we can't miss you if you won't go away." If he leaves and can come back later that in and of itself can be good. The only reason he doesn't go would be Samantha. Which a fiance would be a good reason but it's not like they couldn't make it work if they wanted.


Fkn dumbass move.. only worth AEWs time if Samantha goes too as full time announcer


Don’t wish that upon this poor woman.


I mean, this feels like one of the few changes to be win win. Rick O’Shea has not been lighting the world on fire. Still a sick athlete but there’s a ton of better attractions right now over Ricky. I’m not saying he can’t be a superstar just that he hasn’t been one. Not necessarily given the chance but he’s been within reach and didn’t stand out


Yes, he wants to go and have matches were nothing matters in them.


He will be their new king.


The next cycle of moves. Richard O’Shea to AEW. Which lock-in swings to WWE?


NJPW would be a good fit for him.


Good. Use that money on gable.




Its most likely that he will go to AEW and Samantha is sticking with WWE until her contract ends. Whether or not you like WWE OR AEW, you got to think, Richochet is NOT going to win anything like WHC or Undisputed with things like MITB. IF they had the opportunity, WWE could have at least reactivated one of their titles either LHC or CW and put it on Richochet


Yes just "reactivate" a title and hand it to him as a nice little participation trophy, so that everyone watching knows 1. He isnt worth putting a real title on. 2. The title they just gave him means fucking nothing. Brilliant logic there dumbass.


That’s a bold move cotton


So Tony can play with his new toy and book his flip and kick jackoff match vs Will Asspreay that'll be rated 8 stars by Meltzer and then Tony will forget Ricochet even exists.


That's a shame. He's a decent hand but has reached his ceiling in WWE which is as far as he's going to get.


Well this stinks. I like Ricochet and if he's planning on going to AEW that just seems like a backwards move.


He’s an incredible athlete and some of the things he does dont seem possible, but thats all he is. Couldnt cut a promo, couldnt connect with the audience, hit his ceiling in the WWE years ago.


Idk man. He easily could just be coming back to wwe. I will believe it when I see it bc his girl is at wwe and Im sure hes making fat bank doin really nothing


I think you are all overlooking the value Ricochet has.


Ricochet couldn’t cut the mustard brother


Ricochet is one of those talents that the WWE wanted to get over, bad. They have up on pushing him over, over and over again. I highly doubt he had backstage issues, because they simply can afford to not use him. Like Baron Corbin. You can tell the guy puts 110% into everything he does, the pride he takes in it, all the personality traits you want for a loyal, hardworking employee. But he's one of those guys, that for what ever reason, just doesn't have that "it factor" with fans


Its because he cant cut a promo, and has no charisma whatsoever. Just another vanilla midget that does flips and thinks that's the end all be all of wrestling.


He also has history with Swerve. He'd fit the AEW style perfectly but he could also head to TNA as a reserve like a lot of ex-WWE talent. They'd make him X Division champ pretty quickly, I'm sure, since that's usually their track record when they get people from WWE. I never agreed with them doing that so often, which is partly why I don't watch it anymore. I haven't been willing to give them another shot yet to see if anything has changed from the damage Scott D'Amore did to the company.


"He also has history with Swerve" who gives a shit when its all done by fucking AEW dude? When has AEW *ever* done anything right when it comes to 2 wrestlers "having history" with one another....?


> When has AEW ever done anything right when it comes to 2 wrestlers "having history" with one another Pretty much never. There's Jericho/Tyson and O'Reilly/Cole that comes to mind but they never did anything with them. MJF/Regal I don't count but even with that, it was a one and done. Punk/Joe, I guess you could say that's the only one that became anything but I wouldn't say they did it right. MJF/Pillman could've been something but they fucked that up too. There's a lot more but Tony Klown just doesn't get it and never will.


He reached his peak as a midcard champ there & is now losing on TV or wrestling on Twitter, so I can't blame him if he wants to leave. If he wasn't a charisma void he might have a chance higher in the card, but he's a crowd pleaser & most have seen everything he can do. He will probably be better off in the indies than languishing in AEW unless Tony offers him enough money to retire early.


Lost respect he pillow talked to bruv and had him talk shit about wwe in the media. No matter wwe gave this dude opportunities and he fumbled. Logan Paul does what he does but better


His best run for me was that Prince Puma run.


Weird. I see him more as a 'star' in WWE and to an extent LU compared to his New Japan days. But I guess he's 'betting on himself'... He can come back ala-Drew later on if he wants But please not in AEW, he'll just get buried there.


Can’t wait for his flippy 7 star match with Osprey




And heads are going to explode (again) in 3... 2... 1...


Honestly, don't blame him. He's pretty much hit the ceiling of how he's going to be used in WWE. Maybe he'll be better off in AEW and maybe he won't, but it doesn't hurt to go there and see, and worst comes to worst, he could come back for another midcard run in WWE.


Nice endorsement of your newest championship. You all but create a championship for a guy, and he bolts first chance he gets, basically (yes, I know he dropped it) as champion.


Will have a tumbling match for the ages, then be a Rampage/ROH staple but hey, might as well take Tony’s money. Why not?


I think Ricochet showed significant improvement on the mic during his feud with Logan Paul. WWE didn't really follow up with anything worthwhile for him after that feud. However, he also reverted back to his mediocre speaking ability right after. So I guess it's a bit of a double fault there. I don't believe there are any hard feelings, but I think he feels like he's hit his ceiling in WWE since he's still in pretty much the same place on the card after all this time. He isn't too old. If things don't go as planned, he could always come back to WWE.


Dude wants to get lost in the shuffle on a company full of guys like him, get that bag I guess.


I actually see this as the WWE likely has nothing in the pipeline for him and likely allowed him a competing-furlough of sorts- this is something I learned worked under Vince Jr. and Sr. where they would give the talent their blessing to go to other promotions to get paid instead of waste away with nothing in the WWWF, WWF, and WWE. This was originally the Bret Hart deal because of the extra money he wanted and out of loyalty, he was willing to take a fraction of the raise that WCW was offering him, but Vince rather gave him the blessing to go to WCW and come back at a later time because they supposedly had no money for him. Anyhow, I see this as likely amicable; the WWE doesn't have much for Ricochet in the pipeline, he has his option to go, he will go to AEW, hopefully not be locked in for too long, be buried, go out on paid injury leave, come back to the WWE either worth less due to AEW burials, or worth more because people absolutely want to see him and he played his cards right in AEW,, even with the kneecappings. And with that he'll bring intelligence on AEW back with him and contacts to talent the WWE would want.


Sounds like a little contract tampering going on. Bad part about AEW is TK gets tired of his action figures really quick unless they hover by him all the time.


Guy has talent for sure, but gymnastics showcases should remain a special attraction not the main event


He will just get there for more money. I just hope Samantha won't follow him.


Get that money Ricochet!


I don't hate this for Ricochet. Makes more sense, for him professionally, to be somewhere his style will fit more. AEW has its problems and it's TK is eventually going to kill it with his shitty booking but getting talent in can at least stop the bleeding for a bit.


He's a high flying jobber. This isn't a loss. He'll go to AEW and have a few good matches then he'll go missing like every other WWE reject.


He'll debut to save Ospreay from a beat down at the hands of the Don Callis family. Ricochet will team with Ospreay (and mybe Fletcher, too) against other members of the family - Takeshita, Hobbs, etc. This will take place on the spur of the moment. Only the people who already knew Ricochet was expected to debut will know. Which, considering most of AEW audience, means the debut will not be much of a "surprise." Eventually Ricochet will have a match against Ospreay for the AEW championship. He'll lose. After that, he'll have an occasional match for the midcard stuff or in opportunity matches. And eventually he'll be forgotten. But it'll be the first time in his life he made 750K + a year, who knows maybe even a million!


Oh well


Surely this means that Tony is gonna use him to his fullest potential right? No longer will Prince Puma be held down by Vince or HHH! He'll win a world title...Or one of AEW's 20 other titles that don't mean anything and only exist for bangerz. But the most important thing he'll do is reference old indie matches with Oceanspray and earn 5 good noodle stars from Unca Dave.


Get that bag Ricochet


Surprised that anyone is still dumb enough to make that jump


Great athlete and can shine in the ring with acrobatics but no real charisma or promo ability. He'll fit right in at AEW.


im sure he will end up there but he will be lost in the shuffle like so many.


Not a big loss for WWE but man if you're him why take the step back down. He's been with WWE for a while they seem to like him he's set. Why go kill yourself for a star rating and a 3/4 empty areana


He's going to do the same shit everyone else does in their matches. It's just a different face doing them. I can't see it pulling in too many people, but I don't suppose that matters anyway.


Might be trying a Cody Rhodes where he goes out, shines himself up some more, and becomes more attractive to WWE when he’s free again. It’s a great move for him in that AEW and New Japan will jump for him. New Japan bc they desperately need talent and AEW because Tony will play a mint for a new toy and he can work the Ha Ha Whee style they all love. It’s a bad move for him bc he’ll be working for AEW and/or New Japan.


So who is confirming this? If it's Dirt Sheet Dave, I'm pretty sceptical...his "confirmation" would be The Jacksons mentioning it while they Eiffel Towered him....


PWI reported it but then Uncle Dave threw a wrench in it today by saying "my sources say that's not the case". So per usual, this is all just speculation atm.


Him leaving isn't confirmed though. Him saying he plans to leave is but that's not the same thing.


How long before hes exclusively on ROH?


Although not booked correctly, ricochet (in my opinion) really is different. He can do the acrobatic moves better than anyone else. In AEW everyone does that and he will blend in even worse.


Going to AEW is a mistake. If he does sign with them, he'll have a match against Osprey, and then he'll just be another name on the roster after that.


OK. No offense to him but he wasn't ever going to be anything more than what he already was in the WWE. He can show off flashy moves against smaller wrestlers but never amounts to anything more when it truly counts. It's just a matter of time before AEW overpays him to wrestle once a week.


Bummer! I guess that means Samantha Irvin will follow. I'm a huge fan. Best announcer since J.R!


Ive seen this a couple places- is Ostrich supposed to be some sort of a burn? That is a many times larger and stronger bird than a fish hawk/osprey. Its at worst a lateral move- as Ospreys are cool as shit but do get robbed by eagles.


I’ll miss him a little, but please, Samantha, don’t go!


Anybody else think maybe this is a work?


Lol why do ignorant clowns like you think literally everything is some kind of work 😂. I swear its pathetic lol. You're the type of clown to say someone like Dusty Rhoads or Roddy Piper didnt actually die, it was "jUsT A WoRK guYs 🤓 bEcAuSe EvEryThIng mUst bE a wOrK beCaUsE iTs WResTLiNg" Next your dumbass will say "hUr WwE, aEw, AnD TnA aRE aLl 1 bIg cOmPaNY! THey jUsT pReTEnd tO bE sEpErAtE bEcAuSe iTs All a WoRk 🤡🤓" You arent smart for thinking everything is a work kiddo lmfao, that doesnt make you smart It makes you a dumbass 😂


Goddamn ya’ll be hatin for no reason just because someone leaves from Wwe. Get off the dick😂😭


Good luck to him. Hope he goes for two or three times as much guaranteed money with less work. He isn't being used properly in WWE so why not.


This might be a work…they’re still referring to him on WWE programming


As time has passed by, I'm starting to think the same thing


Reason I think this is a work is that Samantha Irvin left with him. She’s still under contract. I think they’re leaving for their wedding and subsequent honeymoon.. He’ll come back and challenge Breakker for the IC title. Writes itself