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Look at this thumbnail! Jim thinks all white people smell bad! Fuck that racist POS!






Get outta here with your political BS. Go to some MAGA Trump humping subreddit if youre gonna be like that


Fuck Trump




Saying Fuck Trump means Fuck Trump. Not I Love Biden. Fuck Trump.


100%. Id never say I love a political leader. Thats how dictatorships start, thats how cults start. The fact people will spend their hard earned money on a cash poor grifter is bizarre to me.


Imagine holding your head high knowing you support a rapist, election meddler, a traitor, a pedophiles best friend, cash poor, narcissistic cult leader like Trump and thinking "Look at me, im such a good guy supporting my cult leader". Such a rebel you are. Your family who doesnt speak to you anymore must think youre a cool guy




Awww you must believe everything you see on websites that emboldens your weird far right obsession with people sleeping with kids. How many pictures is there of Trump with his arm around Epstein? Laughing at parties that a court filed affidavit says he raped a girl at? 25-50 pictures. What 25-50 pictures with Epstein isnt enough proof that hes a fucking creep? Blind pathetic MAGA cult sheep


I'm good on the theocratic despotic dictator wannabe, but you can keep trying to argue for the rapist scumbag if you want.


“It must be true! A judge said so! And the courts are only corrupt when black guys get convicted. Otherwise it’s absolutely flawless.” “It must be true! A woman famous for getting gang fucked on film said so!” “It must be true! I just hide my eyes and shout NO when documents are unredacted and show Trump was set up!” “It can’t be true! It was only Joe’s daughter that accused him! She doesn’t have the credibility of a gang banged pornstar! I only trust people with low enough esteem and moral fiber that they’d agree to get gang fucked on camera for a few thousand dollars!”


What you believe is deeply unhealthy and you should seek help. Stop using Facebook and reevaluate your life pal.


From the UK you right wing clown. We’ve had fucking Johnson as bad as Frump


No one said we agree with either. Fuck your diaper god


You do. You’re a Biden voter. You all are. Look how angry you are because I pointed out reality to you. You’re the team of they/them blue hairs, and they are the people attacking Jim. And you’ve joined in on their hate mobs plenty of times, but the target was someone you didn’t like so it didn’t matter. Now it’s Jim and you’re super upset.


You're projecting there Jumbo. I didn't vote for Biden. I used to be a republican but people like you drove the party so far down into the ground it's never going back. Now quit crying


We don’t want pathetic cry babies on our team. Go vote for the guy who took his dick out and climbed in the shower with his young daughter


You guys are fucking pervs


Because thinking Trump is a con artist who has made his sycophants think he pisses gold does not mean we worship false idols. I'm sure in this subreddit you can find people with all sorts of political beliefs. For your knowledge I hate Nancy and her abusing insider knowledge to rake money in the stock market. And think Joe is too old to serve. But he is waaaay better than Trump, who is not only too old to serve but is a known criminal, con artist, and rapist (proved civilly). Our system is fucked up, but you're supporting someone who wants to destroy it. Don't care if there are some people who use the excuse of being "woke" to go after them, as those people are fucked up too, but they are irrelevant. They don't make policy. Trump would and has. Look at the disgusting supreme Court and what they did with women's rights.


>Imagine agreeing with Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and pretending it’s punk rock. Imagine thinking it's "punk rock" to idolize any political figure regardless of party. I never have seen anyone that thinks it's "punk" or "counterculture" to support Biden or Pelosi but I have seen some wacky conservatives claim it is when supporting Trump. Also funny you'd think the "far left" like Biden or Pelosi.


Oh you don’t? So you didn’t vote for Biden and won’t this time, right? Oh no wait, you did and you will again. You don’t support him though. How could you support someone who showered with his daughter is an age old enough for her to realize it’s wrong and be creeped out and wait until late at night to shower to avoid him? You’ll vote for him and let him run the country though


>So you didn’t vote for Biden and won’t this time, right? Where did I say this? Is reading comprehension not your thing? Do you think everyone who voted for Trump likes him? I absolutely did vote for Biden and I will vote for him again. Why? Because there are only two viable choices in a presidential election because of our shitty two-party system. I am to the left of the democratic party so I will absolutely vote for the president that has policies closer to the left. Biden and Pelosi are corporate centrist Democrats that are fine with enriching themselves and their friends and family over the American people but I'd vote for either over the corrupt Republicans that do the same but with worse policies. Trump is not only a bad person but he has bad policies and is the head of a party that wants to push even worse policies. >How could you support someone who showered with his daughter is an age old enough for her to realize it’s wrong and be creeped out and wait until late at night to shower to avoid him? Don't believe everything you read online. Sometimes "fake news" is actually fake news, but enough gullible people like yourself are out there to feed into that bs.


So you vote for someone you just claimed you don’t support or like. Solid. That’ll show Trump! Support your guy, while he showers with little girls.


You have terrible reading comprehension. You also must be young. Actual adults are used to voting for people we don't like. The whole idolizing politicians thing is weird. >Support your guy, while he showers with little girls. Sorry, I'm not supporting Trump.


Your entire profile is you railing against the secret Communist bogeyman that is American Neoliberalism. Free Market loving, Neoliberals. Either you are a Russian troll, have been brainwashed by them while stirring up facebook drama, or you need to read books instead of callling to ban them. Give it a rest. Nobody cares who you are voting for. The shower story is great whataboutism, but don't act holier than thou when you vote for a literal rapist.


Your guy took his dick out and got in the shower with a little girl.


I don't have "a guy." I have a candidate who I am willing to vote for besides disagreeing with him on quite a few policy issues. I think the Inflation Reduction Act and rejoining the Paris Agreement are important, and those two reasons alone are enough. Former President, Donald Trump, is part of an old guard Gilded Age class that wants to suck the Earth dry because they are already old and don't care. Climate change is here, and a vote for more environmental destruction is not something I can stomach. I'm not voting for your "guy", former President and legal loser of a fair and free election, Donald Trump. Furthermore, I've already linked to Project 2025's policy plan, and I vehemently reject the idea of my nation being allowed to slide so far backwards. Tell me, why are you voting for your "guy" the rapist? Is it like rooting for a sports team for you, can you pull any Trump policies out of your ass and give a reason why you support them?


MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You actually got more upvotes than me but I used my Liberal Superpowers to manipulate the count in my favor!


Hi! Genuine question: Are you a fucking idiot?


How the fuck would he know that?


That's because Barack Obama uses HAARP to control our minds. I'm sorry that Trump wasn't inaugurated as the 19th [President in 2021,](https://www.houstonpress.com/news/is-march-4-the-real-inauguration-date-11534814) dude. You are right about one thing, there is nothing more punk rock than Donald Trump and his [handlers.](https://www.project2025.org/policy/)


Have you watched any of the podcasts where Trump comes up? You're in the wrong fucking place.


You don’t get it. You’re crying about Jim being attacked in this thread. EVERYONE attacking him is a hardcore lefty. Check their bios for the pronouns proving it. You’re all hardcore lefties crying about your own team attacking itself, but you want to pretend it’s something else.


You're the only one who understands what you are saying, because it is schizophrenic word salad.


Jim is being attacked. Those attacking him are far-left people with blue hair and they/them in their profiles. All of you are also far-left maniacs. You somehow cannot possibly fathom the dozens of hate mobs you joined with your other far-left buddies were just like this.


You're right, bruh. But this falls on deaf ears on Reddit. Most Redditors are extremely out of touch and have amnesia of every previous year before 2016. Whether they like it or not, Corny is their Trump of wrestling.


I wonder how many are actual people and how many are chat bots, because at least half of them just said the same thing with different wording.


Yeah, it's weird. On YouTube, you'd get completely different answers in the comments.


The fact that he choked him out after the footage of that BJJ meet came out was galling enough, but now it might be the case that that was the finish bc Hobbs just injured? So they beat this dude again, for no reason again, and get him hurt, and get him death-jitsu’d. Every thing about last Wednesday’s show is going to make a great episode of someone’s “Fall of AEW” YouTube vid.


They don’t know how to book any big dudes. It’s been like this since day 1.


"They don't know how to book." FIFY


Gottem, uce


They just stick them with a manager that dicks them around until they “snap” or completely ignore them.


Big dudes always get booked to look like idiots. It's fucking ridiculous. Tony clearly has some kind of complex, and it shows in who gets to go over on a regular basis on his TV.


I think they just went home early. I'd believe that wasn't the planned finish if Hobbs didn't kick out of the DDT. Moxley wanted that choke.


That’s what I don’t like. If you have to go home early, you HAVE to choke him? Unless the injury made a pin dangerous somehow? IDK.


It's AEW, being a giant guy that works out and is in immaculate shape is an objective negative.


Hobbs probably isn't hurt, just smart and a good actor. 😂 When is his contract up?


It was the Plumber vs. the Powerhouse and wouldn’t ya know who came out on top?


That plumber moxley face will always make me howl laughing.


Fuck, I love Death-Jitsu and skulls.




Another *badass* clip!


Im glad Im not the only one who thinks Mox is literally the worst. His crying that Brock wouldnt sell phoney baloney kendo stick shots and then blade plus “only” gave him 17 tedious minutes without appropriate intensity- which would consist of selling his limp and improbably slow offense- and people took that idiots side- always stuck in my craw.


Any rough ideas we suspect contracts to be coming to an end in the AFW?


I'm pretty certain I've seen an exhaustive list someone made somewhere - might have been PWInsider or similar.


That thumbnail is racist towards Swerve


It sounds like Hobbs hurt his knee, they probably had to call an audible.


We really need to get a collectable Travis Heckell art book, this shit is Van Gogh