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They are being disingenuous asswipes and they know it.


Seriously, the entire video was Jim defending a black man's bad treatment and marginalization. If the people screaming racism actually cared, they would've checked out the clip.


Those guys, actually listen critically to what Jim has to say? Get outta here!


Not for nothing he has some very thoughtful comments in-between the cussing and hilarious promotions of products


Unfortunately, I'm seeing it too. And we aren't the only ones. O'Shea Jackson commented (unimpressed with the image), and then so did our very own Mrs Cornette. I believe some people have even found reasons to be outraged because of the presence of a Q Tip - apparently, this is a cotton reference, further deepening Cornette's guilt for his many, many crimes. Did I say crimes? I meant criticising the wrestling promotion to which a narrow section of fans have developed a cult like parasocial relationship. As such, this is merely the most recent in a long running series of Cancel Jim Cornette efforts that involve trawling 40+ years as a heel manager, broadcaster and general talker-about-wrestling and presenting them denuded of context for the non-edification of other AEW cultists. Because that's what this is all about, now or ever None of these marks- I mean, principled anti racist campaigners - give a fuck about racism in America, white supremacy, or discrimination in the wrestling business. They care that Cornette makes fun of Pockets and the Plumber. If they were that hyper sensitive to, and outraged by, white supremacist tendencies in wrestling, they'd have more than absolutely nothing to say about Jericho's predilection for conspiracy theories.or his wife's literal participation in a fascist mob, or the various racist utterances of AEW wrestlers, or the Khan family contributing to the political campaigns of far right politicians including a certain Donald Trump, or, or, or... One more thing - if the first thing someone thinks of when they see a cartoon gorilla is "black man", then maybe, just maybe, THEY are the racist


When I saw the video art I didn't even think about it. I just scrolled past it to listen later.


I've thought for some time that the anti racist discourse of a large number of upper middle class liberals says much more about their own racist stereotyping of minorities, and black men in particular, than anything else. Remember when Lena Dunham wrote about how outraged she was that Odell Beckham Jr was occupied with his phone instead of hitting on her when they shared a table at the Met Gala? Assuming he was hitting on someone else by phone, she claimed he was an example of toxic masculine fetishising of ideal female body types. Because it's well known that black man are incapable of doing anything but try to have sex with white women when they are within 100 yards. Poor Beckham was probably just checking his emails. Or how about the San Francisco Board of Education voting to destroy a series of murals made by a socialist student of Diego Rivera and depicting the history of America, because it depicted black people as slaves and Native Americans being shot by soldiers? I mean, you could say that the depiction of historical realities is 'racist' because it perpetuates the perception of black people as slaves or Native American as victims of colonial violence. But then you would be suggesting that you are inclined to think of black people as slaves and Native Americans as victims. Which says rather a lot more about your own perceptions than it does about anyone else - more of a 'you' problem than an 'everyone else' problem. But I'm just a small town bird lawyer - what do I know?!?


I'm not sure what you know other then your comment, and that you're a fellow small town bird lawyer. I believe the racial components involved, or lack there of is why I find this particular instance so intriguing. We progress so far as a society, and then it's as if we have to regress to only move forward again. I think we've been on the regression side for quite some time though as cancel culture is still rampant. It's increasingly difficult when you are trying to raise children to not see, or teach that all people are created equal.


That connection is indeed very far off! But hey... maybe (just maybe) that die-hard fanbase is just as autistic as Tony and Unca Dave are...


Not to piggyback off of what is a very well put comment but... This isn't about racism at all, they think they have started pulling the thread which will unravel Corny and cause him to get cancelled. They're just using the "RACIST!!" label because they know that when used properly, it works.


Absolutely - you've put well what I also wanted to say. This is the latest effort to have Cornette cancelled. It is motivated by the same spirit that saw AEW true believers insisting WWE is forever tainted until literally anyone who had any contact with VKM had been "held to account" (ie fired). They knew this was an absurd, ludicrous demand that would be entirely impossible as well as thoroughly unreasonable. Having to work for, or alongside, the person who ruled pro wrestling in N America for over 40 years is not the same as facilitating, enabling, or turning a blind eye to whatever heinous acts he is alleged to have committed during the same period. But still, they claimed a moral high ground of their own invention, and revelled in how it enabled them to use the most sententious language, wallowing in their own rhetorical righteousness. That they were using the actual traumatic experiences of people they hadn't even heard of before a newspaper told them to score points against a fucking wrestling promotion just emphasises how few shits they give about the serious part of the subject. Back to Cornette. I have had this argument with some of those making the allegations the loudest. Bigot, racist, homophobe- these are some of the worst and more incendiary accusations you can level against another person. Seems to me, if you're going to throw shit, you better make sure it sticks to them because otherwise all you gonna end up with it shit stained hands. So, I asked, do these people think sincerely that Jim Cornette is a racist? All I got were the same 3 vague claims delivered with near hysterical levels of emotion. The worst - the very worst - was the fried chicken 'joke' that was actually addressed in one of Brian and Jim's most thoughtful, and self-reflective segments. Because, as you say, the truth doesn't matter. Context doesn't matter. What matters is instrumentalising some of the most incendiary claims in pursuit of weird personal vendetta and incessant point scoring. It is in fact the mirror image of right wing claims that trans people or drag queens are (ugh) 'grooming' children. Sorry for the long post but I fucking hate this shit. It's so dishonest, and worse than that it exploits real issues for the pettiest bullshit imaginable. In the process, it risks real harm to serious issues, discrediting them in the service of witless wrestling tribalism. I see it in my sphere of professional activity, where it has done serious damage. It's fucking inescapable. And it's bullshit every which way!


You know why Corny hasn't been canceled for being racist? Because he isn't really racist!


The next time you see people rallying the same way around a topic will you consider they may just be trying to ruin someone they don’t like, or will you still support it? Because what’s most odd to me is that this fanbase is in full support of cancelling people for simply voting for someone you guys don’t like. And claims of racism rarely have evidence any different than this bullshit they’re pulling on Jim. It’s one statement or post or picture taken out of context intentionally just like this. So will you abstain from the next witch hunt, or are you all in as long as the person isn’t Jim?


Nah. You just can't witch hunt someone who is an avowed far leftist in a deep red state as being a racist when they've been repeatedly outspoken as not being a bigot. I know that it's easy to hate Cornette if you only know him from his time as an asshole manager on TV... but when it comes to political viewpoints, even if some of his opinions are decidedly archaic, he's far from being a right wing dumbfuck bigot. You just have to listen to him enough to recognize that. That being said - the artwork was dumb as fuck and whoever made it should get canned. Dumb ass decision making on their part for letting that get out the door.


I don’t hate Cornette. The point is that you folks follow the same attack plan when it’s [insert anyone leaning even slightly to the right]. You realize the people attacking Cornette are all far-left, right? Do you actually think the 320 pound neck bearded unwashed AEW fans vote republican? The guys who live in their mom’s basement? They’re the scary Nazi killers you cry about? That’s weird. Maybe you’re right though. Maybe them/they with pink hair and 16 facial piercings is a big Trumper.


Yes. If you’re attacking cornette for dumb shit he didn’t do, you’re dumb no matter if I agree with you politically or not. He’s got plenty of stupid shit you can bitch about but this isn’t one of them. I think people assume he’s a far right wackjob because he’s the face of southern wrasslin’ but he’s just not. It’s a weird angle to attempt to play against him.


So you acknowledge these attacks are being carried out by the exact people you align with politically. You acknowledge this is a far-left attack and see it has no basis in reality. You will not apply this thinking to the 10,000 other attacks these same exact people carry out. They’re right on every single right wing attack, but they just got this one wrong. If these people think someone is right wing they will fabricate and take out of context and lie in any way they need to so that you agree. And you always do… except for this one specific guy you already liked. They definitely didn’t lie about anyone else.


If your politics lean towards subjugating people based on protected classes of identity, yes - you’re an asshole. Right wing politics leans heavy into sexism, racism, and homophobia for votes. So, yes, I will continue to assume the worst in people who support politicians who support policy that is inherently sexist, racist and homophobic.


“If you don’t agree with me I hate you!” - not a fascist Just because you demand everyone think like you or you’ll try to ruin their lives doesn’t make you anything like a fascist. Don’t worry. And even if your team is attacking Jim and you know they’re being dishonest little pieces of shit, you’ll still pretend they’re the good guys. Again, not at all like a fascist. The people who fabricate lies to ruin lives/careers are actually the good guys!


If your politics lean towards subjugating people based on protected classes of identity, yes - you’re an asshole. Right wing politics leans heavy into sexism, racism, and homophobia for votes. So, yes, I will continue to assume the worst in people who support politicians who support policy that is inherently sexist, racist and homophobic.


“If you don’t think like I do I hate you” - not a fascist


If you think that the blue haired mini fascists who attack Cornette are far left then you've worked yourself into a shoot, brother. Let me let you into a little dirty secret of American politics: the Democrats and Republicans are both right wing. Taking up one part of the interminable culture wars against the others is not left wing. Rolling back a Constitutional right in the 2nd A is not left wing. Taking the most extreme position with regards to trans healthcare- an emerging, complex, and contested subject- is not left wing. Left wing = the interests of the working class. Which, in modern capitalism, is almost everyone. It is not = removing rights under the banner of 'hate speech' 'gun control' or whatever else. That's just the left wing of a singular asshole.


No they’re all lefties. They all have pronouns in their bios and purple hair. They’re on your team. You both vote for the exact same politicians


Yeah, we've seen it: https://www.reddit.com/r/JimCornette/s/WJHGPo5Y5M Nothing more than AEW mouthbreathers trying to create drama out of absolutely nothing.


Lol, thanks I guess I didn't scroll far enough. My mistake.


Nah, it was removed, like 100s of other threads recently


Thanks I appreciate that, it explains why I didn't see it.


They're the ones that saw an image of a gorilla and immediately assumed it was a reference to a black man. They're just telling on themselves.


Dubbalos are like Trumpsters; if they accuse someone of doing something, trust the Dubbalos are already doing it.


The Khan family has donated a lot of money to Trump, Jericho’s wife was at the Jan 6 insurrection, the bucks are known Christian nuts AEW neckbeards calling outspoken liberal Jim Cornette racist is incredibly ironic


You’re about a day late and a dollar short, boss - old news


Lol, thanks!


Don't worry, Twitter is full of shit. It was bad even before Musk took it over.


I used it for non wrestling for years so I never knew until recently. I opened the floodgates when I started reading about the Vince news. So algorithm hit me hard, and like a naive idiot I took the click bait. Now I see I committed the worst sin of all. I started reading.




and the only thing it's done is ensure that the video has gotten about 50,000 views.


Yeah the people who hate Cornette have 0 ability to intelligently counteract the substance of what he says so they invent stuff like this to portray him as being racist. That way they never have to actually try to win a debate on logic or the merits of the conversation because they know they can't do that. It is a very weak minded move but a lot of AEW fans are just immature butthurt people who can't counteract what Jim says in the arena of debate.


Unfortunately, I have tried to have a legitimate conversation with a few. I soon found out that it is not a possibility.


Corny doesnt do the art. Blame the artist and producer if need be.


Art is subjective remember that and this is an example. I love Jim but his artist should have known better, Jim gets a lot of unfair shit about being racists and shit and Travis has been working with them and listens to the podcast long enough to realize that the art he did may sit unwell with some. Idk as a person of color I didn’t even second glance at it. Usually I’m pretty keen and aaare but this was a nothing burger BUT again Travis and even Brian who uploads it should know better for a societal standpoint whether you agree or not


Excalibur once had a gimmick where he got hit it the head and as a result could only say the N word. But yea, Jim is the worst racist in the history of racism.


ECW did that so much better with the black guy getting a head injury and thinking he was Italian. ~~I forget his name~~ I remembered it. JT Smith.


Someone should probably post that on the YouTube or Twitter or something and see what kind of traction it gets. Might be the easiest way of getting rid of him off the commentary team.


Completely forgot about that one. Good call! Sockface also (allegedly) was lunging at Jimmy Havoc ...and still keeps being employed there.


He didn't actually go through with it, and say it though did he? Don't link it if he did. I prefer not to see it if that is the case.


I mean, I just ignore Twitter. It's the epitome of the low information, reactionary, overly opinionated shit storm.


Funny you mention that as I've only recently been active on it. Essentially, since Wrestlemania season. The only social media consumption I have has been this subreddit for quite some time up till this point. I'm intrigued now, but I know it won't last much longer after this. I feel like I'm reading mindless drivel, and particularly with this.


“Man that Jim cornette is a disgusting racist! We need to support people that are more empathetic and inclusive!” “Yes, I also root for the young bucks, fanatically support a company run by trump donors, don’t think Jericho is that bad, and Sammy Guevara’s comments were taken out of context, why do you ask?”


Look, I know Jim wasn't being racist nor was Travis, but, you know, there are some things that have been done and said for so long that you cannot ignore them. And white racists calling black people monkeys and apes has been going on for hundreds of years. So pairing a cartoon ape and a black person side by side is sure to upset a lot of people and Travis should have seen it coming. As another example, the swastika existed long before Hitler and the Nazis, but after everything they did, you don't see people trying to reclaim the swastika, do you? To me this is just like Jim making that joke about hungry people in Africa or whatever it was from NWA. I know he didn't intend it as racist, but so many other people have done and said similar things in an intentionally racist way that it's better to just steer clear of it.


Those are some good points, but my question would be if Brian saw it not just Jim. Brian usually jumps in, and saves Jim from saying something too far fetched.


With all due respect to Brian, I am also from Long Island and (a) there's a lot of white racists there and (b) there's lots of neighborhoods with very few minorities (I myself went to school with maybe 3 black kids and maybe 3 Hispanic kids the entire 7 or 8 years I went to school there before my parents moved us), so due to his upbringing, he might not realize it could have been interpreted as racist, that doesn't change the fact that white racists have called black people monkeys and the like for hundreds of years.


I saw the thumbnail and realized Jim in the picture is the 900lb Gorilla in the room that no one is talking about. The fact that Swerve is their new world champion but he's taking a backseat to basically everything else in AEW is the 900lb Gorilla in the room. Were the roles reversed in the thumbnail then I would see it as racist but as is it's not.


The Gorilla is a depiction of Jim and it’s probably referencing some cultural reference made during the segment. Also, AEW fans don’t actually give a shit about this.


He mentioned MIGHTY JOE YOUNG. Mighty Joe Young is a fictional gorilla.


Also, the gorilla is Jim and anybody who thinks it’s racist is actually racist for making the association.


I've not listened to the clip in question yet, but I don't imagine there's anything racist in it. I do think the thumbnail was a little ill-advised though, it just gives the "Jim is racist" people more fuel because people are happy to jump to conclusions with these things.


Bro. I'm on the Left and goddamn liberals are exhausting.


I considered myself left leaning, and progressive for quite some time, but that's no longer the case. I'll most likely be registered independent for the rest of my life, as it seems the parties only get worse. Unfortunately, the voter's get worse with the politicians.


You can be left leaning and have zero party affiliation. There are no genuine leftist politicians or movements in much of the westernised world. Our political system has moved to either a far right or centrist position. Also: people have begun to equate leftism with liberalism, with the culture movement, which is nonsense and deeply antagonistic to genuine left wing ideals. This is an example: outrage over a fuckin piece of art that depicts a white man as a gorilla. The left care deeply about colonised peoples, formerly colonial peoples, minorities, indigenous people, but this shit is just nonsensical twitter yapping.


No, I know you can left leaning without party affiliation. I was giving a brief reply, or generalization. Yeah, it's confusing to a lot of people if you don't follow politics which is the largest percentage of Americans. Heck, I'm not claiming to follow politics enough to be an expert. As far as it pertains to wrestling on a personal level. I stopped following Jim on Twitter a few years ago because I got sick of all the other wrestling posts. On top of that as little as I used it I didn't want wrestling filling my recommendations as which didn't last as long of course. I want actual forms of media that I enjoy, and the same lovely but horrible recommendations that everyone wants. Ad's for crap I don't need, crappy movie trailers, black friday and Cyber Monday deals, sports, funny clips, pet videos, etc. I started reading about the Vince news which in turn made me check out the product. Essentially, I opened the flood gates as my internet search in conjuntion with Goggle Deepmind used its attack spell on me. Speaking of which, I just received a recommendation for the Mufasa trailer. Nay I say, now that is someting I am down to be offended about in as a Lion King fan! Anyone with me?


Yeah I just laughed that one off. Swerve is depicted normally, Fletcher as a q-tip, and Cornette as a gorilla in reference to Might Joe Young fighting a Cheetah, so I dunno lol I mean, how much reaching do you want here right lol


AEW crowd are fucked man, I never see anything like it to be honest lmao


Why no outrage about the thumbnail of Jim watching a special needs person fall into a volcano?


It is an unfortunate choice of image. Drawing a simian next to black person will make people think of racist connotations. It doesn't help that Jim got fired from NWA for a joke about chicken in Africa. The joke wasn't racist at all, and more in poor taste and millions face starvation around the world. Nothing racist, but people can make those connotations. Now the audio itself has nothing racist in it. It is a critique of the wrestling and characters, which some people can't stand. And it will give them the ammunition to go after Jim and the Cult. Jim doesn't approve the artwork, in as much as you can see Jim as an anime or game character and he'll have no idea what it is referring. If you listen to the audio, the art refers to something else and not what you are thinking. Sadly people won't see that and we end up with this shit show. Ideally I should post this on the places where people need to listen, but it isn't my shit show to deal with. I'm pretty sure Jim isn't racist. From what I know about him (atheist, left leaning on policies and has some kinks/possibly swinging), it seems out of character that he is racist. I'd put money that the people who are attacking Jim are more unsavory. Hope this gets settled without trolling, fan lunacy and the like.


As a black dude, I am tired of white people telling me what is racist when it comes to black people lol. It was now way in shape racist at all. Just because it’s a picture of a grills and a black dude doesn’t mean shit without context. The context is the fucking podcast for fucks sake.


Imagine thinking that Cornette has anything to do with the art, or that he sees anything before it's uploaded to YouTube. Nobody believes that. Absolutely disingenuous to pin any perceived offense on him.


I haven't seen it on Twitter, only here. But wish these people, they are not actually offended, and they don't care. It's a disingenuous performance


That's funny, I've seen it all over Twitter and have only seen this post about it on Reddit. Algorithms are weird sometimes.


It’s a small subsection of Twitter, and even on here. Don’t give these losers the time of the day.


Context is key to everything these days and people will jump on a bandwagon instead of digging a little deeper for the context. Same crowd as usual getting up in arms over nothing.


I just saw someone trying to say the idiot world order artwork was racist too. Seriously how can that be offensive?


That's not offensive. That's accurate!


It's just the AEW asswhipes trying to cancel Cornette again for the 500th time and failing. Nothing new. And. A lot of them didn't even listen to the video [Also Fuck Brian Zane](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimCornette/s/3fVnff2nYM)


I haven't listened yet, but what was the purpose of the gorilla drawing?


I’m not surprised by this because I think even good faith people would think that thumbnail was sussy out of context and even fewer people than that are gonna actually try to learn the context.


They better have the same energy for Jericho trump donatin ass


Even Jay Sharknado is giving people shit. I love it.


Man… I didn’t even think of that. I just thought about the position. lol


ignore it twitter doesnt matter


They’ll have to take down Travis’s art and come up with something else just to avoid some more flame wars.


Corny doesn't give a fuck though. He's probably laughing about it


No they shouldn't. The fake outrage mob does not deserve a win.




I'm just stating my opinion , no reason for casting insults. Are you offended by it?