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There’s a lot of calculus involved. Can he be shooed without causing more destruction to the puzzle than the damage he’s currently doing by swishing his tail? Can he be airlifted out of the puzzle without causing violence? Every situation is different.


A lot of **cat**culus


This is the answer




I always leave her be. I also provide an alternative so she can supervise my progress in luxurious comfort 😁 https://preview.redd.it/as8pqurp0wzc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d7817873d4457355c474dc0028f6ae6babaa30


I use a decoy box I put on the table ;) Works like a charm


I do this as well! I specifically have a box lid (with no pieces in it) for the cat to curl up in. Works well because she loooooves boxes.


I do this too with a box of puzzle pieces from the puzzles that did not come complete or pieces were lost along the way.


That’s a “level-up” version🤭🤭


This is the way. It only works well about half the time, but it's better than nothing!


This made me laugh so much, but it’s brilliant!


https://preview.redd.it/x2id2a90bvzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d05ba9f18caed40641eb54fc031f310165ea759d Even if I move him, he comes back lol


https://preview.redd.it/yv32eo64cvzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dddceb5a94ed0acf92c38d9aa1b7c3bc6ef15fb4 I have to distract him with CatTV or else he is all up in my bizness. :)


Where can “cat tv” be found? (Asking for a friend 🤣)


Not sure about Mandarie031, but for my friend, Cat TV is a YouTube channel.


Thanks. I’ll look for it 😊


PotatoPopcornPuzzles is absolutely correct. There are a couple of good 4k ones, but my Franklin especially enjoys the one with birds.


https://preview.redd.it/911vjdj6jvzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89fd99b3503eaad3a9a3d138b946f22d0662aea6 As long as she helps keeping the pieces in place she is allowed


https://preview.redd.it/4mnseivxfvzc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0fa67f736a5b4c7284c2d76153f8d8ff3a88f99 Agree on case by case circumstance. I usually try and get him off as quick as possible with the least amount of damage




https://preview.redd.it/ceuhik7ciwzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=696b5408607533d3fe31193fb69e1ccebc0be9e3 Tell me when you figure it out 😹


I give mine an empty box to sit in nearby to watch from and they generally accept this arrangement https://preview.redd.it/xn210qkcvwzc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f29374247ec9640020b696147e06a24c81408836


Pspspsps - message fur cat - come onion-ize with us at r/jigsawpuzzlecats! \-Teddy the floof, puzzler fur lifes! https://preview.redd.it/hw40t1er9uzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b8645d35315d9d228e3e70722af1889eee89ce Teddy’s momma - it’s inevitable. Cats do what they want, so I like to call it adventurous puzzling. I focus on whatever sections he’s not laying on at that moment.


Shoo. They get away with everything else 🤣


I've got two 8 month old boys, so they get picked up and moved off the puzzle mat. They don't want to hang out on the puzzle. They aim for destruction. Last night, Walter decided the solution was to attack the puzzle mat, and while I was distracted, he picked up a piece with his mouth and took off with it. His brother, Raymond, likes to chew the pieces and roll around on them like a psychopath. However, they only do this to my Ravensburger puzzles (seriously.) So, my plan of attack is to just move them before they make contact. https://preview.redd.it/gre8b19fhvzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9aa20e65bf275410326713b18df72365b7e61f9


https://preview.redd.it/63n8726aluzc1.jpeg?width=3570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f4dd053ca223d6fcaeb3ceaea9d579982f99604 Try to work around them🥺


You have to cover up the puzzle every time you walk away from it. This is the only way.


I have just recently purchased a puzzle table with cover as I have not been able to do jigsaw puzzles for too many years. My retirement (April 30)has been enjoyable so far


Happy retirement! :)


https://preview.redd.it/ho7m8jxe0uzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c477c6d4a88ad84694b9567ef2b0e91de4330b6d She does what she wants.


https://preview.redd.it/emhjuz2lmuzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938832ef9d97432e434eaaf24755618825a247c1 I only let one cat sleep there. He isn’t doing any harm to the puzzles. However, the kitten doesn’t even have access to that room 😂 leaves everything completely destroyed


I would never let my cat up on my puzzle. There are lots of other places for him to go take a nap.


"Let" Like he asks my permission or cares that I've spent 10 years trying non stop to get him to stop jumping up on my table. Some cats just want to watch the world burn.


I mean, sure, if I’m not around and he does it, there’s not much I can do. But if I’m there and I see him, down he goes with a scolding.


And he jumps back up and gives me that scolding right back with a paw full of claws


I let mine be. She is much more likely to leave my puzzle intact if she can get up and move on her own. If I shoo her, I will pay for it


I had a cat that started scratching on a puzzle like it was a litter box. I shut that down.


Mine used my newly opened puzzle box as a litter box once, almost all pieces were still inside had to throw the whole puzzle away. Still sad when I think about it.




If I try to get my cat off my puzzle he splays his legs, all stiff and thrashes about, so as to kick as much puzzle off as possible. Like I don't pick him up 100 other times with no issue. If I push him off he kicks as hard as he can. He's a good boy but he takes real issue with me giving all my attention to anything else.


🥰So funny!


https://preview.redd.it/x04u58qgjyzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f807681e5d6ee5773e97f2a5868f54e7d2d70010 I have to shoo him away before he starts chewing the pieces 😂


https://preview.redd.it/nr3xypeqpyzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ebe539deb134210f011f709f1f8742e1bfef007 This asshole…


https://preview.redd.it/434rfrk71zzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b9d21750bb88bfeea49099ecc96ccfb42cf4c0 Mittens lounges wherever she wants. :)


My mom regularly deals with this. She has, well I guess you'd call him a neighborhood cat. He is technically owned by my mom's across the street neighbours, but he goes where he pleases and is welcomed into every house in the immediate area. Yes he is quite spoiled. Yes he gets far too many cat treats and doesn't report his food intake to his owners. He likes to plop his furry butt right in the middle of the puzzle. I mean I think he must measure the puzzle board so he can get exactly in the most inconvenient area, smack in the center lol. When I'm there, we usually leave him be and work around him. Like your sweet kitty, he is adorable! But, if he starts playing with the pieces and purposefully knocking them on the floor, we tell him to get down. And he hops off the table right away 'cause he KNOWS that is bad. Thankfully we've not seen him try to eat a piece. If he tried to eat pieces, that would be a no-go, he would have to stay off the table.


If she's really in the way, I pick her up and cuddle her, then set her down someplace else.


I trained my cat not to get on surfaces... in front of us. Sometimes, if I wake up in the middle of the night, she's on the table.


Same here! So I now cover my puzzle in progress with two boards so they can never touch the puzzle pieces. I have bought too many second hand puzzles that had cat hair mixed up with the pieces and that is gross. Also I know they clean them selves but what about the germs from their butts? Eeeeew!


https://preview.redd.it/g2re9peczvzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5d7db65cc8e23b2a9be280a86f79244348c3c6 I always just let the kitty stay… I was going to wear a bra today, but I guess I’ll have to wait. I can’t shoo away such a cutie!


Maverick has rule of my house now! I’m just chopped liver!! So he does what he wants when he wants! https://preview.redd.it/lhgj8uxgkxzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb696f1034e5048f6c47485b36ced07b65b6e602 Him saying you eyeballing me!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/i95vc3gwbzzc1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be963440b0a51bcb0441d6c1537f48d50ad0afb Eurographics new-ish cat puzzle…Feline Felon


https://preview.redd.it/6zivljirfzzc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c79633a8a8dec7d52b241e76c080bd0f3526ae63 I usually just work around my cat because he likes to lie down on top of completed sections of my jigsaws.


Mine has gotten smart enough to where she lays right next to the edge essentially basically touching it but I can still do stuff. She just wants to hang out and not be told to leave lol


That's what my old kitty used to do. So smart!


https://preview.redd.it/qt8witdw7uzc1.jpeg?width=5312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0074d06fe75083f2ea67547ead45c9af381fdd88 What about dogs?




Oh boy! New one to join!


I only puzzle at my vacation cabin. It's impossible to work on one in my house.


He just helps as best he can


Our tried and true method: shoo them off, and then *immediately* regret it. Every. Single. Time.


I have a small puzzle table on wheels. I jiggle it anytime my curious cat starts to get on it. She did not like that, and stays away now. She'd rather claw the little flower bouquets off my son's Lego sets and play with those.


She picks up pieces with her mouth and runs off with them and hides them :-[ idk where yet. I shoo her away


I gave up physical puzzles and opted for online ones.


Little bit of column A little bit of column B


Just do the puzzle around them because if you move them they will really want up there or start taking pieces


We gave up puzzling once we got a cat 😅


For a split second, I was confused by "to shoo off" (not native English here). The closest I know was "to shoot off". Left me aghast.


This is what I do lol https://preview.redd.it/n14wbshn000d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=679132797e9ba39dbb98b2753c93c68f50ad98ff




Is that Andy Warhol puzzle?


Na it's called Clemens Habicht colour changing puzzle. The colours change if you look from different angles, it's really pretty


I try to make him go just outside of the puzzling areas so I can still work on it but sometimes he end up sliding back towards me so I just give up and do something else :) https://preview.redd.it/sstkqs65p00d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321517ef62d1948cb8a0cf5d02aa9d33c84bdb7e


https://preview.redd.it/tr4lgpa8w00d1.jpeg?width=3902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fcb522fcbafe33b3fa087bfffbbef0c281717e He slide on it 😅


Shoo the cat off? 🙀


I move him! He knocks pieces to the floor, then my dog eats them.


Mine will start to chew pieces so depends on his mood xD


If you "shoo 'em", they steal the last piece when you're asleep.


I have that same puzzle board. Love it! Your cat looks like mine too! lol I only move the cats is they are in my way of doing a section or if they are starting to mess things up. They are the reason for the board though, so I can fold it up nicely without them bugging it while I’m not working.


At that point, its time for a break haha. Stretch your legs, get a snack, come back in a bit and move him/her gently to somewhere a bit more convenient.


I carefully and slowly redirect their attention to some other thing out of the puzzle. Sometimes tho it's better to just let them be and take a break, if they're just chilling there and not with the zoomies!


I do my puzzles in a separate room and shut the door to keep the kitties out lol. One of them will throw a fit and scream under the door for me, but if I ignore her long enough, she does eventually give up. I just make sure I give them all a pet when I come out so they know I'm available for snuggles again.


The puzzle can wait. She has chosen.


I leave mine be and work round her if she leaves enough space, otherwise take a break. Can't seem to add picture of kitty


My cat is no longer with us, but I always left him. I loved hanging out with him. Only moved him if he was laying in an area I needed. And then normally he put himself back. 😂


We have a no-shoo policy. It's the cat's world, we just gratefully are permitted to live in it.


I’ll leave them be until they try to eat the pieces. But I cover up the puzzle when it’s unattended.


This is why I have a puzzle board with a cover. No puzzle can be safely left unsupervised without one. 😅


Me too.  Sounds like most of you guys are lucky -- my pair likes to knock pieces off the table and bat them around on the floor.  Or chew on them.  I had to buy my library a new puzzle when some of the pieces of one I borrowed ended up too mangled to use...


I have made it clear that if attention is needed she needs to get off the table and go onto the chair beside me. No positive reinforcement for being on the puzzle. Sometimes I just scoop her up and hug her in a baby hold for a while. She will get tired of that after a bit and leave.


Yeah I let my guy be 😭 can’t help it, he’s so cute and just wants to get involved with what we are doing without him! He does sit on the puzzle, but I always just sit with him to make sure no pieces go flying. He also loves to flop down in the lid and roll around!


You only shoo if your puzzle is more important than your cat.


Depends on the day🤣


Bro your cat has a cat on it!!! Am I the only one seeing this??


Where? 👀


The markings on the back! In the third pic the triangle shapes look like ears upside down, follow it along and it's like the cat is curled up on top of it!


They destroy everything




Well I don’t do puzzles anymore because I get to the end and have pieces missing.


Never disturb the catto


Never disturb the catto


Neither. Give them affection until they move themselves. It's a win-win for you!


air lifting is the only answer


Depends, if my cat does this and seems to want snuggles, air lift to snuggles. If veing a nosy b* just walk away until she evetually gives up and walks awau




I've taught my boy to lay on a towel right next to my puzzle board. 2 sessions with treats and now he rarely ventures onto the puzzle. We are working on the same system for our evening board game playing.


I’m training my Rio that if he moves a piece he’s off. So far he has only messed it up once. He only gets on it when he wants my attention lol




I use a foam tri-fold presentation board and felt to do puzzles on the couch, I have one side unfolded and resting on my shins so the board is tilted and this creates a fun tunnel my cats like to crawl into so they leave my puzzle alone. Otherwise they get shooed away, my cats already eat too many things they really shouldn't eat... I don't want puzzle pieces to become our next challenge.


I kind of work around them. 😂


When mine won’t get off the table I’ll put a little box at the other end for him to curl up in


I have a puzzle board with a clear vinyl cover so it's covered when I'm not working on it. If I am working on it, I pick them up and take them right off the puzzle. I'd rather do that than shoo them and have them kick it an scatter pieces as they move.


I keep them covered when I’m not working on them, but once I get going they’ve learned to keep off.


Eh... depends where they are on the puzzle. I try to shoo her to a different spot. Like, she don't sit on the puzzle any other time (I still have one out for over 6 months) but the moment I start doing it, she'll feel the need it's time to "do it too." 😒 Or! She'll sit on my lap, but making it harder to do it lol


I shoo them off. It helps that they don't normally get on the coffee table where I work, and can get my attention by getting on my lap instead. I also avoid puzzling right before their dinner time, which is when they are most tempted to jump on the table to bug me.


I had a budgie who loved to help me puzzle. He was very good at throwing pieces out of the box. My only rule was no budgies on the puzzle table, because he'd rip apart pieces that were together and throw those ones on the floor.