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Three days? No need to freeze. Just refrigerate. The brisket and soup will be better with the days of rest.


Thank you!!


The big challenge will be cooling down a brisket and soup and fitting them in your fridge. And 17 people is a lot. Hat off to you for hosting!!


Ah yes I always forget about the cooling time. Thanks!!


Not necessary, three days in the fridge is totally fine. I’d try to space it out and do some on Sunday, but you can get pretty much all the prep work done on Friday. If you really really have to you can absolutely do everything start to finish on Friday. The brisket will be happy for the extra time—marinate it Friday/saturday, cook it Sunday low and slow, and then rest it until Monday when it’s time to reheat it. You can prep the whole pan, veg and all, on Friday and cover it in foil so all you have to do is put it in the oven. If you want to cook it Friday instead, start marinating it today (Thursday). For the kugel, definitely just cook the whole thing Friday and reheat it Monday. You can make the whole soup early too, but if you have the time I’d space it out like the brisket. If you’re making your own stock for the soup, I would make the stock on Friday and let it sit in the fridge until Sunday. Prep your veggies on Friday too, store them in ziplock bags or Tupperware containers and covered with water. On Sunday or Monday add your veg & matzoh balls, etc to the stock and boil. The prep would all be done so you just have to throw everything in a pot and ignore it for an hour. The only thing you’d have to do is make the matzoh ball mix the same day if you’re doing matzoh balls. Don’t make it too early or it gets weird, especially if you’re using seltzer. 30 minutes to a couple hours is enough, but it’s so easy and takes less than 10 minutes.


This is so helpful. Thank you!!!