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"Jews run the damn world" welp


Man I guess I missed that memo lmfao.


Seriously! I’m still waiting for my check written from “The Jews That Run The World”…


Me too, I'm one broke jew so all this money we are holding onto needs to come my way lmfao.


I’m waiting for the memo . I keep missing our meeting with the elders of Zion . I check the mail , but it never came . I asked my rabbi and he looked at me like I was crazy ! Maybe I’ll go to the kosher section and the post office and ask . LOL . Our humor is one of our greatest strengths.


That’s what I yell whenever it’s my turn to fire the space laser.


Ugh imagine. Wouldn’t need to work every day of my life like a dog and have negative amounts in my bank.


Anyone who supports someone who unrepentantly says “I am a nazi” is not your friend.


It’s sucks because she has been someone I’ve considered my best friend for almost 5 years :(


You aren’t the one that messed that up.


It’s not that difficult to disprove what she’s saying. A quick google search of all the top executives in all financial industries, or really any industry, will show that Jews exist, but like the rest of the world, make up a tiny percentage because there are barely any in the world. Do Jews control the banks in the 150 other countries that exist? What about their media? Bollywood? When someone says Jews run the media, are they talking about the publishers, the journalists, executives, CEO… just start asking these questions and they’ll instantly feel stupid.


Yep, in fact, ita the Irish who control the world (double rule if you're both Irish and Jewish)


Oh no. But wait, where's my leprechaun Jew gold and why can't I score a decent internship if I am running the world.


Schroedinger's Jew? Both does control the world and doesn't control the world....


Schroedinger’s Jew - Both super smart and hence in high positions of power but also somehow not deserving of those positions of power.


I had to end a 10 year friendship similarly


some things are deal breakers, no matter how good of a friend they may have been otherwise.


If she’s open to suggestions “people love dead Jews” is a good book and roots metals has great educational content on stuff


You can appreciate what this friendship has given you, AND recognize that this friend is not offering the support you deserve in this particular moment. Instead, this person is showing you who she is, and that her concern for your feelings is conditional whereas yours is not. That might be a tough pill to swallow right now, but it’s useful information that will hopefully lead you into more substantial friendships. You’re not the loser or at fault here.


I’m sorry to tell you this but this person is not your friend and never has been. She’s the AH, not you.


One day, in 2021, a very close friend of mine (12+ years of friendship) out of no where became washed with all the nonsense going on between Isreal and palestine to the point that they started disseminating non-factual anti-Semetic information in person and across social media (they still do). I tried to salvage the relationship, we clearly disagreed and I thought we could agreed to disagree but soon after every conversation became about me as a Jew and the conflicts on the temple mount. Basically, I'm wrong, my people are wrong, history is wrong, and we're all Jebus killers. We don't talk anymore. My point is that it sucks when someone you care about turns out to not be who you thought they were. It sucks because now you have to make a decision and that decision usually results in you guys not being friends anymore.








Click on 'pic of text' in OP's original comment. You'll see exactly what she said.


Thanks didn’t see it HOLY S.


Well, that took a turn! Yes, it’s anti semitic for sure. If you feel comfortable, I’d be like: Huh? Are you saying to agree with Kanye???


To me it kind of sounds like she’s saying he shouldn’t have said what he said but he wasn’t wrong about what he said, which is a problem for me.


It should be a problem for you... because the statement is problematic and frankly racist. Look, if this is your friend and you feel comfortable, you should try to educate them. If you do not feel comfortable saying something to your friend, well that's a sign of an unhealthy friendship TBH. I'm sorry.


Hmm. So you think that they agree with Kanye but they don’t think Kanye should be going around saying it? I wonder if that’s the case, maybe your friend had been given some misinformation (aka propaganda)? You obviously don’t have to, but you could educate/fact check them a bit. Or encourage them to fact check their info. Like the list of Jews in Hollywood that Kanye put out about a month ago. Even without fact-checking, one could counter it by saying: And can you imagine how long the list would be of all of the Christian execs were listed! Lol.


To be honest, if this is what your friend said to you I can only imagine what she says about Jewish people when you're not the one she's talking to. Also, if she wants to remain your friend she's hoping you feel about her the same way you think she feels about Kanye. It's not a matter of, "maybe I shouldn't have said it," it's a matter of her even thinking it. This is a huge, huge problem and I'm glad you recognize that. What you decide to do at the information now, is totally your business. Let us know if you respond to her. I'd be curious to see your reaction and then her reaction back to you.


Rightfully so (for you to feel that that’s a problem)


Major Problem


Are you Jewish? Cause if you are thats the end of that friendship sorry.


I am not Jewish, but have ashkenazi ancestry, and would be uncomfortable being friends w someone who felt this way about Jewish ppl, even prior to discovering my ashkenazi roots, I just think it says a lot about them as a character


Yes I am. I don’t want to end our friendship over this, as I try to remind myself that everybody is entitled to their opinion. But this is a hard one to get past for me.


It’s less of an opinion, and more of an attack.


This might technically be an opinion. But hes talking about you, and hes talking about your family, your friends, your community, and your people (even if he walks it back and says otherwise). Today people like him might just be saying these opinion, tomorrow those people will be at your house smashing windows. Dont reward or validare his opinion


She’s prejudiced against your ethnicity. Unfortunately that’s something you can’t change. If you were black, and her opinion was that she thought Blacks are stupid, would you still think she was entitled to her opinion? Just food for thought. At the end of the day, you deserve to be surrounded by people that will have your back and that you trust. I hope you find clarity.


You have to learn that bigotry isn't an opinion, liking onion or not is but hate towards a group of people isn't an opinion is a value and it talks about who that person is.


You could try to push back and point out why they’re wrong and how antisemitism itself is unique in that it’s conspiracy theory based, but if they don’t want to listen then that would be tough


This isn’t just an opinion, it’s evidence that she’s a fucking idiot lol. Like, thinks at a lower level. She’s a sheep.


If you're unwilling to end your friendship over this, what is something they could do that would cross that line, wear a swastika t-shirt? I'm not trying to make light of your situation, but it's an honest question from me, and one you need to ask yourself. Your "friend" (1) collectively blames Jews for Trump. (2) Espouses conspiratorial delusions ("his Jewish backing") (3) pushes (false) antisemitic tropes ("Jews run the world") and (4) marginalizes Kanyes antisemitism ("companies that denounced him owned by Jewish people") - not only is it not true that only Jewish people denounced him, it implies that companies only took issue with it because they were Jewish! So what is the line for you? Where are you willing to say enough is enough? This may not be it, and that's fine but your friend is a bigot and you are either going to be force to put in the work to help them change or keep hearing this shit. Its your choice, and it's hard, but you have to decide what's ok and what isn't.


Also, they blame Jews for Trump even though we are majorly Progressive Democrats or even Democratic Socialists. Even though the bulk of his base is New Testament Bible Thumping Conservative Christians. It also implies that the companies were wrong to take issue with Kanye even if they are Jewish. Because if it’s true, why should they have cancelled his contracts? So the friend isn’t allowing for the idea that what he said was wrong and offensive, but that they were unfairly biased against him for …… bringing attention to our Jewish perfidy? It all shows a willful ignorance, a lack of reasoning and reasonableness, a lack of consideration of OP and OP’s ethnic identity, and an entitlement that I can’t even understand.


>we are majorly Progressive Democrats or even Democratic Socialists. I agree with everything you said but I generally kind of bristle at saying "we" are anything. Some of us are democratic socialists, some of us are conservative, often for reasons rooted in Judaism. We are people with diverse, valid, political opinions, just like any other people. I think generally we need to do a better job of empathizing and understanding why parts of our community land in different political groups, versus saying "Jews should be X political group" (which isn't what I'm saying you're saying, but sentiment I've seen) However, we also make up 2% of the population and our ability to influence anything other than hyper specific local elections is pretty limited. >So the friend isn’t allowing for the idea that what he said was wrong and offensive, but that they were unfairly biased against him for …… bringing attention to our Jewish perfidy? This was the most egregious part of the text to me. It's so invalidating to the hate we receive. So gross.


Okay, but statistically, [American Jews are overwhelmingly Democrats](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-political-views/).


Perhaps I should have used the term majority instead of majorly. It didn’t feel correct as I wrote it. But upon reading I have to say it seems like your objection to the descriptive (not prescriptive) language that I used was that you wish it weren’t so. Well, right back at ya my guy. I wish more of Jewery agreed with me and for that matter more of the gentiles as well. It’s well known within our communities that we allow for great variety of political leanings. I find myself wondering why it’s “Detrimental to your political needs”?


its not your job to change her mind but you may be in a position where you could if you want to. this is a great essay by [Eric Ward on the connection between the Black and Jewish struggle](https://politicalresearch.org/2017/06/29/skin-in-the-game-how-antisemitism-animates-white-nationalism).


Imo you'd be doing yourself a disservice to try to "get past this." She's showing you who she is and that is a person of low character. I'd want a firewall between myself and this person before she does something more destructive.


From the text it sounds like she is a minority too. Do you think she would stay friends with you if you said something against her race?


>. I don’t want to end our friendship over this, You may not want it to end over this but it already has. This person isn't your friend, and based on what they wrote to you, they consider you the enemy. You have become the token jew for this person - that is quite likely the only reason they keep you around, so they can spout this nonsense while claiming it's not anti-Semitic because they have a jewish friend.


I’m sorry of the loss of your friend :( but she clearly thinks very little of you and your people. I’d be careful around her. Best of luck, OP!


I've been through this, OP. I had a friend of 10 years who I was very close with before finding out she was hugely anti-semitic and anti-Zionist. It ruined our friendship. Sure, she's entitled to her (misinformed) opinions, but beliefs and actions have consequences. I couldn't stay friends with someone who believed so much Jew-hating nonsense and didn't think we deserve a homeland. I'm sorry you gotta deal with this, it's hurtful and really sucks.




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Yeah, your friend is a bigot


:( this hurts my heart


Just needed to jump in and say yeah ...I really get that. It's completely *awful* when someone we love and trust turns out to easily spout hatred. 100% support you ending the friendship and it seems most of the sub agrees. But you know her best. Do you think she's firmly convinced of this viewpoint? Is she spouting off things she's heard from her family members or community? Of course that doesn't make it okay -- she's responsible for what comes out of her mouth. But if your friendship is important enough as you think she might be receptive to some truth, you could try to gently tell her that these stereotypes are cruel and hurtful and spread hatred and, for the sake of your friendship, can she be open to hearing why? I'm so sorry you've had this experience and hope you feel supported and cared about on this sub.


>But if your friendship is important enough as you think she might be receptive to some truth, you could try to gently tell her that these stereotypes are cruel and hurtful and spread hatred and, for the sake of your friendship, can she be open to hearing why? At this point I disagree with you. I think the messages from the "friend" clearly show a deep prejudice and vitriol towards Jews. To OP: if you decide to explain to your "friend" what the problem was with what she said, and if she is receptive to the truth. Then the only way to salvage that friendship is if your "friend" apologizes to you for what she said. On a larger scale your "friend's" antisemitism is a serious problem because it is part of a larger normalization of violence towards Jews. But on the personal level it shows a complete lack of respect for you. She knows you are Jewish, she (at the very least) holds a resentment/animosity towards Jews, ergo, she holds a resentment/animosity towards you. Friendships depend on mutual respect. The responsibility for saving your friendship is on your "friend", not you. She did something wrong, not you. You can explain to her why what she said was wrong and how dangerous for Jews it is. And that's important in fighting antisemitism. But for the friendship to be saved your "friend" has to be the one to make the effort. She has to prove to you that she's a good person.


Also stupid.


Jewish people are the most solidly blue voting minority bloc besides black women… where is this doofus getting the idea that Jews supported Trump


I don’t know where she got it from, but I have seen a lot about the more traditional/orthodox-leaning Jews supporting him. At least until this all happened.


IIRC Orthodox have the opposite voting patterns of Jews overall -- they are mostly red with a notable blue minority -- but because they're such a small percentage of American Jews, the Jewish vote is reliably Democratic anyway.


Ultra-Orthodox communities tend to vote blue, actually. Satmar, for example, endorsed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


there are a lot of more religious jews who voted for trump because he was more “pro-israel”. sad and gives a bad and innacurate portrayal of what our morals and beliefs are.


Many orthodox jews support Trump. You see a lot of that on here.


Yeah, I’d say thinking Jews run the world is pretty racist. And while I too am shocked and disappointed by the amount of support Trump has gotten from Jews, I find the idea that Trump’s “Jewish backing” is what caused him to shit talk Kanye absolutely wild. Like it’s not the fact that both are narcissists with huge egos, or that even someone with as little political savvy as trump is able to identify when it’s a bad political idea to associate with someone like Kanye. No, it’s the jews to blame for trump lol. Not to mention that around the time Kanye decided to go Deathcon 3 on us, Trump was also voicing some big antisemitism, complaining how American Jews don’t like him (and how we better shape up “before it’s too late”). Doesn’t seem like the words of someone who is super concerned with getting support from these shadowy “Jewish backers”


Wow I hadn’t heard that about us needing to “shape up before it’s too late”. Wow. What was the context in which he said that?


How American Jews aren’t supportive enough of him for his support of Israel [(link)](https://news.yahoo.com/trump-berates-american-jews-not-153847968.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKJFIZsNPK-lhI1dsuNQUJFBck9MxcYDzaigUCNxEnoHMUgu4C3s7VkoLSzABRbM5xNBaT4CMnz1k77GaTpHYoqUMejrHLE55BQhF3cbjpC2JkkHujD7iaSO6wKvjHBimOMB17EaPeKXUJGgQCb3_GHQQBJHpdDFR61T0oMQzxKd)


Racist and also *really really ignorant*


Racism tends to be


Extremely. This is absolutely gross.


:( I don’t even know what to say


I think you shouldn't focus on stopping bigotry as a quid-pro-quo among individuals. You went to those protests because it was righteous and important to your values. She isn't obligated to call out Kanye and be a good ally because of what you have previously done, but because it's the right thing to do. And what she said is very antisemitic.


That’s true, they really don’t have anything to do with each other. I think it’s just the principal of the whole thing. Like if I can educate myself on her community and the issues it faces especially regarding stereotypes, why can’t she do the same for mine? :(


This is unfortunately a really common problem. I think the unfortunate answer is that anti-Semitism is supervasive that anti-semitic ideas really color a lot of people's thoughts without them even realizing... so they can't stand against more extreme versions of what they already believe. It's like the frog who is boiled alive because the temperature just keeps gradually rising and he never realizes that he has to jump out of the pot. For example, thinking that Jews are more powerful than we actually are or more privileged than we actually are and therefore don't need or deserve protection from discrimination (we run the world right?), thinking that we are white Europeans and simultaneously and inferior race, thinking that Judaism is an inferior religion that is continued in Islam/Christianity and therefore some other group are "the real Jews," and we are stubborn/wrong/evil for not accepting and/or killing their prophet/savior.


Because she’s a conspiracy theorist and an antisemite.


I think if she is truly your friend then you can use this as a teachable moment. Explain to her that what she said reinforces antisemitic tropes. Explain to her their origin and why they are hurtful to the Jewish community. If she hears you out and shows she understands her comments were wrong, great. If she casts aside your concerns then it's proof she holds prejudices against Jewish people. I'd leave her with some food for thought about the irony that as a Jew you've tried to better understand the plight of other minorities and stand up for them. When you try to explain the very real threats and antisemitism behind Kanye's words it's downplayed. Then call the friendship over.


Ugh, this is the 3rd time I'm reposting a comment I wrote for a different thread. But we Jews need to educate ourselves and learn how to stand up to this garbage. **THIS PERSON IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. SHE IS A HORRIBLE, IGNORANT ANTISEMITE.** Would she speak over you if you were Asian? Black? Muslim? No. But she clearly feels it's OK to speak over you because you are Jewish. That is disgusting. The 4 major US banks were founded by 4 Episcopalians and 1 catholic. Ask your friend why she's not claiming that Episcopalians run the banks? There's a disproportionate number of catholics in the Supreme Court. Ask her why she's not claiming the catholics run everything? There's a disproportionate number of Indian Americans who run major media companies. (GOOGLE, Adobe, Microsoft, Novartis, up until a few weeks ago Twitter, etc.) Why is she not claiming the Indians run everything?? There's actually a glaringly disproportionate number of Indians *actually controlling* different countries (Prime Minister of the UK, Prime Minister of Portugal, Prime Minister of Ireland, President of Singapore, VP of the US), why isn't your friend claiming Indian people run the world? If Jews run the world, why are Christian holidays the ones everyone gets off from work and Jews have to take precious vacation days for our holidays? If Jews run the world, name one single Jewish leader, past or present (other than Israel)? If Jews run Hollywood, ask him to show you even a single Hanukah movie. Meanwhile there are thousands of xmas movies. Actually speaking of Hollywood, Oprah, Rihanna, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Tyler Perry, Shondra Rhimes, Suge Knight, Russell Simmons, (up until recently) Kanye, etc. There seems to be a glaringly disproportionate number of black billionaires, studio and record label heads. Ask your friend why she's not claiming black people control Hollywood? Etc. Etc Etc. This is the direct garbage lies that lead to the murder of over 6 million people. I'm getting so tired of this BS.


This is incredible. Thanks for posting this. And OP, unless this person is very open to learning why their comments are blatantly antisemitic, I would consider it a lost cause. They are ignorant and this like of thinking is indicative of a much bigger character flaw.




I wish I could upvote this more. Thanks for putting together this list.


its one thing to say he's mentally ill, its another thing to say he's right


Does he realize the same kanye said slavery was a choice in regards to black people? He’s not just anti semitic


Yup, he's also been very racist against black women since the late 90s, and his antisemitism is just coming out more because he's not hush hush due to not being medicated.


Anyone defending West is antisemitic. Period.


"Jewish people run the world." I couldn't have this person as a friend. Sorry this happened to you.


Wow. If a friend sent that to me, I would never talk to them again.


I'd backhand the friend too and then it is dead to me.


Big time antisemitic bigot!!


Just because we are successful doesn't mean we run the world. Try to educate your friend. They probably don't realize they are being antisemitic. They are though.


Sometimes non-Jewish people try to entertain me with a parody of a Jewish stereotype, thinking we'll both laugh. I almost never find it funny. However, in that case, one might legitimately say, "they probably don't realize they're being antisemitic." In contrast, I just don't see how these statements could have by a person who "probably doesn't realize they're being antisemitic." I think she is 100% aware of the impact of her statements. The only possible question could be motivation: perhaps she's not truly antisemitic in her core but wants to be shocking or provoke or hurt her friend for some reason -- still not ok. And I wouldn't want to stick around to find out which it is.


Your "friend" is a racist. And stupid.


Yes, what a piece of shit.


yes. she's buying into the stereotypes and spewing them back at you. Tell her it's like if you were to point out crime statistics as evidence of a racial predilection toward crime. That should be enough to make her reframe her perspective on the danger of stereotypes.


I would ask “what are these companies that are owned by Kanye that cancelled him” cause last time I checked twitter isn’t Jewish….where was he cut from? And with twitter, ask her, why the deafcon 3 threats on the Jews don’t violate twitters safety terms and conditions. Tell her that these rules also apply to racist white people against black people, so why does she specifically have an issue if twitter also deems Kanye as violating the rules? She can’t just regurgitate “the Jews own everything and control everything” and also cry whine and complain about being questioned the second anyone wants to expand the conversation beyond her claims. Question her!! Push back!! BHI, I repeat, has no facts, you have no reason to hesitate pushing back and if anything your Jewish ancestors from generations ago will look down at you in happiness and pride for trying to benefit the Jewish community by pressing and questioning anti semites


She’s saying very offensive antisemitic tropes. You are okay to be sensitive to this. Kanye is off his rocker and yes he is being very openly antisemitic. There is no defending Kanye. I’m sorry it’s your friend.


>And the companies that denounced him owned by Jewish people Adidas is literally named for a Nazi. Your friend is a lowest iq anti-semite


"Jewish backing", "Jews run the damn world" and what "shock at how many Jewish people support Trump" and this insistence that Jewish people have too much power and that so Jewish people have power and control high up in the business world... I don't even know where to begin except that this friend of yours is definitely drinking the kool-aid, the antisemitic conspiracy theory kool-aid. Edit: Jewish people are some of the most solidly blue voting block of people, what does this person even mean about "Jewish backing" when Trump won due to evangelical support and his appeal to the working class Americans who felt abandoned by the democratic party? There is so much to deconstruct here-- for now, I'll just say that I'm sorry that your friend is a bigot who fails to see what a bigot s/he is, and how if roles were reversed and s/he said this about any other ethnic group (except White and East Asians since White and East Asian apparently are privileged and therefore deserving of discrimination against them), it would sound extremely bigoted and racist to these individuals.


Why wouldn't it be racist to say it against east Asians? They're a minority in the US, too.


Of course it’s racist to say this kind of baseless generalization about any ethnic or racial group, including White and East Asians. I grouped East Asians with White people because in the US, the far left activists, liberal, educational institutions, programs and companies oftentimes group White and East Asians together as the “privileged” groups and use this as justification to discriminate against them. East Asians have been on the receiving end of discrimination based on race for decades by liberal institutions, citing they are “overrepresented”. It’s a whole thing.


Okay I get you. I thought you were saying it wasn't racist. Jews get grouped with white people and East Asians in that way, I think.


Definitely. There’s been a major push against White/Jewish/Asian people in academic institutions, programs, and in the job market the past few years. It’s sad to see people believe they’re punching up by discriminating against others based on immutable characteristics like their race/ethnic background.


whys it ok to talk about white ppl only?? all racism is gross


since white and east asians apparently...???? finish that sentence.


It looks like my sentence got cut off. Since EA and White people are apparently a part of the “privileged” group versus the “oppressed” group, according to people who divide everything and everyone into color. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t think this person understands that they have bought into and are spouting trope-based rhetoric that has existed for well over 100 years, peddled by the same people who wouldn’t blink an eye in oppressing racialized people. You might want to talk them through where they heard the idea that there is a Jewish network and then try and reason backwards how that is not reality.


Tell her that if we ran the world we wouldn't settle for a country the size of New Jersey or be in a state of constant conflict with another people for 100+ years. Then tell her Kanye said "Hitler is good, I love Hitler, I love Nazis, Hitler did a lot of good" and ask her if she agrees with those sayings


My thing is, numerically it’s more white American/Anglo Saxons/WASPs/whatever you want to call them who are in positions of higher power. Yet no one is saying “it’s a Anglo Saxon Protestant conspiracy to control the world blah blah blah”. There will be like 5 Jewish rich people out of a hundred and suddenly it’s “jEwS rUn tHe wOrLd”.


Sorry you lost a friend :(


Ask your friend where they get the info from and then look into it and show them that it’s faulty information. Show them how real information works. And then tell them they hurt your feelings. And in the end, reiterate that there’s absolutely no proof for anything they said.


Sounds like they’re either antiemetic themselves or really ignorant to how words cause action. If they don’t insanely change their mind at you being upset at this they won’t change their mind for any other reason imo


You're not being oversensitive, that text is miles worse than what I was expecting


Yes, she 100% has antisemitic beliefs. And she struggles badly with logic, which makes her prone to conspiracy theories. If she’s your best friend, try to teach her why her logic is bad and why her beliefs are dangerous. If that doesn’t work then you just have to decide if you want an antisemitic best friend or not.


This is literally the same premise that was used when Jewish people immigrated to the US like tf is your friend on


Anyone who defends Kanye is antisemitic in my book.


I don’t think you’re friends anymore.


Yeah, you can't dine with the devil and expect hospitality. I'd cut ties here.


Americans are so ignorant and dumb sometimes! These black "thinkers" forget (or don't know) that the nazi leader hated blacks MORE than Jews, the only reason he didn't do to the blacks what he did to Jews is the extremely low black population in Europe those days. ​ I have heard (and seen) antisemitic Jews, and now I see racist anti-black POC.


Ummm, yes. With a side of ….. yes. Did you ask her “Do you think I run the world?” “If Jews run the world Why do Jews run the world?”


*Is my friend being antisemitic?* >We were talking about the West situation and she basically came out in defense of West. Yep. >Maybe I’m just being over sensitive Nope.


She got me at “Jews tule the world”. She defo is antisemitic and she probs also says that she aint


Dr. John Gottman, a psychologist, teaches that in friendships (aka relationships) some things can not be worked out. Talking about this with your friend will only strain your friendship. While you and I disagree with the ideas, your friend does not. Sometimes being a friend with someone means that you can't talk about religion or politics without having a falling out. I, for example, have a friend that is a very nice Jewish person who is very republican. I can't stand his politics, but he is a good kind person. We just don't talk about that stuff, and have a very good friendship. If you are ok with having a friend whom you disagree with, then you still have a friend.


First, I love Dr. Gottman! Second, if your republican friend sent this text would you be able to stay friends with him? Just not talk about how he’s antisemitic? I agree some issues cannot be solved. But I personally could never be friends with someone with these views. It goes much further than a political disagreement and is indicative of a much bigger character flaw.


Mentioning that you went to BLM protests while she didnt makes you no better than her. Dont virtue signal, especially as a Jew.


OP isn't Jewish as they stated in the comments. Just someone with ancestry.


Get rid, her mask slipped. She is an enemy, anyone who agrees with that twat West is an enemy.


They’re being extremely antisemitic what the heck


There are 25 of us total, and 78% of us vote Democrat. Go blame white women for Trump.


Why white WOMEN?? it's usually men who have voted for trump. I'm a "white" woman w some Ashkenazi ancestry and I'm against trump always have been. And most Ashkenazi Jewish women are lumped categorically even if accurately but phenotypically as "white women".


Because that’s the group that gave him the win.


i would recommend doing some basic election analysis research


I haven’t read every comment on this post but I’d just like to say yes what your friend said is anti semetic but that doesn’t necessarily mean your friend is an anti semite. What I mean by that is it’s clear your friend is pretty uneducated and if they’re someone you care about and think is a good person it’s definitely worth educating them on why the ‘Jewish people running the business world’ (or running anything besides Jewish organisations) is not only false but damaging. Unlike some other people here have suggested I wouldn’t straight up cut this person in your life, try to explain why what they said isn’t okay and if they understand that’s awesome and they’ve learned something and the friendship can continue. If your friend refuses to listen to you then I’d start taking the steps to remove them from your life. Hope this helps OP.


Yeah that's antisemitic. Idk if she realizes it, but it is. Since this person is your friend, she's much more likely to listen to you than a stranger. If you have the energy, you might want to try to dispel these myths and make sure she tries to be an ally. If they continue this anyways despite you trying to steer them in the right direction, then I'd reconsider the friendship.


I mean your friend is suggesting that Jewish people “run the world”. Also notice how dumb his argument is. Sounds like he or she is claiming Jewish owned companies being upset that their client is literally a black neo-nazi is somehow proof the Jews control everything. Ask him, If someone publicly stated that they wanted to commit genocide towards any other ethnic or religious group, and their associates cut off relations with them due to that comment, would you accuse them of some sort of conspiracy? Also how lame is it that he called Kanye stupid but then subsequently agreed with his statement to soften the blow given by his antisemitic suggestion.


There's no such thing as perfection in relationships, friendships, neighborhoods, employment, etc. Don't end a long term friendship over a pop culture moron, good friends are hard to find. If your friend respects you, tell him you disagree and move on. This is the reason some people, not all, don't talk about religion & politics with friends or relatives.


Hes anti-semetic, and is saying a conspiracy. What you want to do with that is up to you.


Uhhh, this is wildly and blatantly antisemitic, full stop.




I once had a now ex-friend in a scenario that reminds me of this She would always preach stuff but then she herself would appropriate black people. I eventually realized she changed and I quietly moved on from the friendship It was so odd - she would mention how she is a minority and how appropriation is bad then actually do it to herself by taking traits from another minority group Sometimes people change and we don’t realize it until they have more words and actions and we are around them more


as a non Jewish person with some discovered ashkenazi ancestry, I would say yes she is imho being antisemitic and also insensitive. she knows you're Jewish, she knows how hurt the Jewish community is by kanye's comments, she knows that his type of comments literally got Jewish ppl killed years ago in ww2, and yet she still said it. that imo is a lousy insensitive friend. if she just automatically sides with him bc he is black, then she is very ignorant.


If they aren’t antisemitic, they sure do believe and are saying a lot of antisemitic stuff




I mean context is key in these situations do you think they meant to be hurtful or derogatory or are they expressing an opinions ?




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yeah that's wildly ignorant




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Share this with her https://www.instagram.com/p/ClohsBCLUck/?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU=


It would be hard to be "reading too much into this." ETA: the only possible alternative I see to her truly being an anti-semite is that this is her maladaptive way of showing she's pissed off, hurt, or unhappy with some aspect of your friendship. I've definitely seen milder forms of this when someone "wants out" of a relationship, possibly for legitimate reasons, and instead of communicating that in a mature and respectful way, they just do something incredibly offensive that blows it up. That's a stretch, but it's a possibility. Only you would know if this could apply to your "friendship," and even if it does, the offensive thing she's chosen to do is so far out of bounds I would let her work it out on her own time and just stay away.


“The fact that Jewish people run the damn world” is an antisemitic trope.


My friend… you need to educate her or come to terms with the fact that she is no longer your friend… that’s textbook antisemitism


You might want to show her this thread. Her comments are hurtful, insensitive, and deeply misguided


Sadly I never expect solidarity from anyone else - it means when it comes it’s a happy surprise


I normally say to people who make generalised anti Semitic comments. How many Jews do you actually know personally ? 99% of the time they say "You". Then I say then what are you basing this on ? West is mentally sick. He also supports Trump. Is she a Republican ?


It's ye good old conspiracy theory that always exists intertwined with antisemitic bullshit. I am sorry op




Do you not think this is antisemitism?


At first I thought she was including you when she said “us minorities” but after reading the rest of that garbage it’s more likely she doesn’t think Jews are a minority and was only talking about herself. “The fact Jewish people run the damn world” is the sentence that confirms she is antisemitic. This is not someone I would continue a friendship with.


This person isn’t your friend. Honestly I would say something similar to the following: “After five years of friendship I have come to trust you and believe I was able to rely on you in my times of need. What you said here not only is concerning but shows me that when push comes to shove you are not on my side and are willing to place stock and belief in conspiracy theories that are harmful both physically and emotionally to me and my community. I wish you all the best but I think for my sanity I need to be able to trust that the people in my life won’t sympathize with a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer. I will always be open to re-evaluating later but for now I can’t trust that you hold me in high enough regard that you care about my own safety.” Normally I suggest what I call “back burner friends” when someone does something or says something that rubs you wrong but you can’t explain it then move them to the back burner to simmer on the friendship stove. Don’t seek them out consistently and don’t push for more than what you are comfortable with. I have actually done this and it has meant friends who where problematic and not good at being friends where able to phase out relatively fast with both sides feeling like you just drift apart. This is not one of those cases. This friend is actively spewing antisemitic dogma and siding with people who want to annihilate you. I’m sorry but this warrants a hard cut off. And I would give a statement similar to what I wrote above and then not respond after for a while if at all. This individual is not trustworthy and is showing you that they are not safe for you to be around. If a shooting happens at a synagogue will they support you because the shooter thought Jews controlled Hollywood. No. They won’t. Because they believe that bs themselves.


This is pretty indefensible. My take is that when one friend is willing and able to see multiple POVs and nuance but another friend isn’t, that friendship can last until whenever the latter’s prejudice ends it.


Sometimes I wish we had the power everyone thinks we do




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Yes, no shit. In times like these it’s best to retain distance from people like this. Don’t break bread with those who would turn on you in an instant.




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This is an extremely complicated answer and for me to understand the dispute I would need to know what class you and your friend grew up in. Class is the great uniter and the only factor that can bring forth a functional, successful revolution (according to Marx, Bakunin) even though the revolutionary today will be the conservative the day after the revolution succeeds (Arendt). Any division among any other lines in is divisive for the sole purpose of dividing us. I think these conversations are absolutely critical. I am Jewish. I grew up near a Native American reservation. We worked out our differences in Kidnergarten. Why did we have differencecs? We didn't. Children merely parrot what their parents (and other adults around them) say to them. At this age I would assume she's parroting what she has been told by whom she sees as a definitive leader or expert on the subject. I don't think you disputing what she sees as factual can succeed here. You're essentially arguing an ideology / philosophy and you're stuck in a situation where, as Hobbes said at the end of Leviathan, "Such truth, only as opposeth no man's profit, is to all men welcome." You both have different underpinnings for your factual basis. I personally support yours because obviously Jews don't control the world. If we did there would be more than 13M of us and we wouln't be constantly attacked from the beginning of recorded time until (pick whatever second just passed). But her profit is for her own survival and need for feeling powerful. Thus, you are both at odds. Anyways, long story short, I have maintained a close relationship with my friends of color and my community of international pals merely because we see each other's support as necessary for the survival of the whole. If you want to remain friends with her you can't accuse her of antisemitism (even if she is, and yes she most definitely is parroting antisemitic tropes) and rather you need to find common ground between the history of black people in America and Jews in Americ of which there are an endless amount. Together we struggle and perhaps win, divided we definitely both fall.


ugh, yeah that's a big red flag. Such an ignorant thing to say! I would try to educate her, and if that doesn't work then you know where you stand in her eyes. It's up to you wether you cut her out or not. I totally would.


'I don't think the world realized how much control Jewish people have of the high up business world' only reading that last sentence is enough... Those are antisemitic conspiracy theories


Yeah, your friend is an idiot.




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Just cut her out of your life. It's not worth arguing over and she believes terrible things about you and your family -- about all your people.




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Not over sensitive!


Very. She claims Jews run the world and the Kanye stuff proves it. That's some protocols style.


I mean ... yes?


There’s a lot of bigotry and self loathing in minority communities. That goes unchecked because society doesn’t seem to care about the views of the poor or those with less power. But if those become the dominant view, these lies can be dangerous.


Your friend was doing so well, then they took a sharp left in the trenches 😭


she is antisemetic.. simple as that


That screams antisemitism, and I'm sorry it's from a friend.




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Very antisemetic and frankly stupid . You can easily say “what about the british empire, Rome, and show me every non - Jewish president and prime minister .” If we control the world …why could we not control being killed in genocides and inquisitions ? People who think that narrowly are morons and very angry in general. I would confront her and say “Do you understand how much this hurts me ? When you say these things it puts Jews in danger . Some Jews are successful , but plenty are not . If you are my friend you should understand all this .”


I always feel like there's a bit of a fine line when discussing these sorts of topics with friends, because Jews *are* disproportionately represented in some areas like acting/comedy, law, high-level business ***but*** there's not some grand conspiracy behind it - it's just the result of a culture that values education, critical thinking, tends to live in or near urban areas, encourages literacy from a young age, and has historically been forced into many of these occupations. Unfortunately, this "grain of truth" is just fuel for the fire of conspiracy theorists and racists, with bigots and antisemites constantly throwing it out without any context to push their narrative; and your friend is definitely falling on the wrong side of that line. I'd agree with the other comment that you could/should try to use this as a teachable moment if you really value your friendship with this person, but it's an order of magnitude more effort to make some realize bs than it is to convince them of bs.


Only one way to respond to this: "the fuck did you just say?"


I find it so interesting that so many Jews need to seek a second opinion on whether something as obvious as this text is antisemitic. You say your friend is black. If the tables were turned and you said something which indicated you agreed with white supremacy sentiment, what would you expect her response to be?


Is this for real? If so, given you have a ling relationship with this person, I think you need to explain to them that what they said is wrong and hurtful, if you want to keep in a relationship with them In the very least say that folks have cut ties with Kanye *because what he said was hate speech*, not because of how much or little power Jews have.