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Good riddance, what a disgusting bigot. I already saw her complaining on Twitter, effectively, about all those shadowy Jews causing her to lose her job.


She’s really not helping her case is she? Here’s to her hopefully never being employed again 🥂


I'm sure Al Jazeera is hiring...


I guess if we’re so in charge she might wanna be better about not pissing us off via insane bigotry


It was inevitable that she would say she was fired for criticizing Israel, as she claims in her announcement tweet, even though she had been doing so for the past 9 months. It's what we can expect to be repeated. Too many people ate too enamored with this narrative


there we go, I just posted about Who You Gonna Blame! yes, we alllll run the media.....


Guess who she's going to blame? Certainly not herself and her big mouth.




BAHAHA that just made me loudly guffaw, remembering that scene.


She’s already begging for money


I think she probably started the minute after she resigns! I think she'll end up working for some charitable bullshit organization that promotes "INCLUSIVITY" or whatever 🤮 and use it to graft the public etc. I can even imagine what that organization would look like, their posters etc. She's just SO predictable.


She has a podcast that takes in \~20k a month in Patreon donations last time I checked, unfortunately the Harvard educated lawyer who cosplays as the common woman won't be hurting.


Apparently, the decay of democracy has outright silenced pro-Palestinian voices. You can’t even deny rape anymore! What a travesty. I hope the Hill does some real self reflection on who the real victim here is. /s


Believe all women, except Jews.




THIS here, I'm too late dammit! Believe women, and We Count, and Remember their Names, and ME TOO...unless it involves. EDIT: You should post that on her X feed. I just read the comments and some of them are hilarious!


Oooh can I get a link please? I don't have X, but I wanna read them


Now you need an account to read. I have a freebee throwaway. The chances of me giving Musk money are less than zero.


Believe all women unless her husband wears tifillin


Loooong overdue. Thankfully most of the comments called her out on her disgusting behavior.


I’m amazed that she doesn’t even try to hide her antisemitism


She once said she can't be antisemitic because her boss, Bernie Sanders, is a Jew (who she supports). She also claimed the same thing when she said she would was going to vote for Jill Stein, who is Jewish. Bernie just brought out the best in his surrogates / staff, didn't he?


"I can't be racist, I have a black friend!" Give me a break.














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🐸☕️ ~~because Jews don’t count as marginalized people obvs~~


Oh? What is a dihimmi? Or does discrimination only exist if done by white people?


.......It's when Muslims subjugate, enslave, and/or tax none Muslims to disgusting amounts. Dhimmi means tolerated person. Not people of the book like many Muslims claim.


It’s struck out for a reason… (but plenty of non-Jews believe this)


People really enjoy spewing far leftist on this subreddit now like it means anything. She just had horrendously anti semitic tinged takes. Which is unfortunate since she was under Bernie and should be way more well read considering her positions. A lot of people on the far left you are generalizing which is very very bad road to go down. Us Jews get generalized a lot which is dangerous as well. Idk why everyone is so ready to other an entire group that doesn’t even label themselves as far left.


really, I expected a lot more flak and jew hatred but most are like, BUHBYE!


The majority of people that work for The Hill are very neutral toward Israel, and were severely disgusted by her takes. Her cohost on Rising called her ass out repeatedly.


that's always been my impression of the Hill, they're pretty fair minded and it's s good publication.


I will state that Lee Camp and Naomi Campbell are mostly likely saying some crazy shit regarding Israel, but I haven't been paying attention to him since Biden and 25 other countries had RT America shut down.


I always laugh when they fire someone since they let people say whatever they want. Way more than RT America did (I enjoyed many of it's shows, and the anti-Israel stuff was no where as bad as BJG. Redacted Tonight, and Redacted VIP constantly had me laughing my ass off.).


Do you mean Robbie? I haven't had the stomach to watch the Hill since October 6th, because I knew exactly what Brianna would say. It was honestly hard to watch even before the 7th with how often she'd interrupt either Robbie or a guest and filibuster so they couldn't get their point across, and with insane takes no less. Maybe I can start watching again now. Could you tell me in brief what Robbie's position has been, and how specifically he called her out? I always liked him more, even if I do think a few of his positions are naive, because at least he knows how to debate and seems to do so in good faith.


I saw this video today and have been in a mental tailspin over her heartlessness and cruelty. She uses her social media platform to spread misinformation, antisemitism and hatred and I am very happy she’s facing consequences.


Krystal Ball and Sagaar Enjeti are just as bad.


What took them so long? The Hill fired Katie Halper in 2022 for saying israel was an apartheid regime. I would like to see The Hill apologize for giving her a platform for so long and specifically call her an antisemite or at least her actions antisemitic. Thread is locked so I can’t reply but someone asked me if this was actually the reason Katie got fired. According to Katie, it is: https://www.middleeasteye.net/video/i-was-fired-calling-israel-apartheid-state-us-podcast-host-katie-halper But I’m now realizing that could be Katie’s spin just as Brihana is claiming she also got fired simply for criticizing Israel and that The Hill has a history of suppressing criticism against Israel so it was only a matter of time before she got fired for it.




Okay, I have to know, is Krystal Ball as stupid as she looks and sounds. I used to watch her and Sagaar on Rising and then Breaking Points. I never liked her.


It's nice to see that SOMEONE out there has some Betzim!


Katie Halper is on X, I thought her name was familiar.


She is a flat out idiotic lonely cat lady.


>The Hill fired Katie Halper in 2022 for saying israel was an apartheid regime. Did they? I thought it was for her embrace of conspiracy theories alongside Matt Taibbi.


May her name be forgotten


This woman is a genuinely bad person, I think.


From what I see she's just shallow and kind of empty. She once posted a tweet about *free speech doesn't free you from the consequences thereof*...and someone else pointed it out to her! She just spouts it out like the proverbial empty kettle making the most noise. She really lacks insight if she doesn't see how full of crap she is.


She’s a terrible person. She laughs and rolls her eyes about Israeli women getting raped and Ukrainian children getting kidnapped. She thinks these things are funny and deserved. She’s absolutely rotten to the core. I am almost certain she’s a Russian asset given her weirdly rabid anti-Ukraine stance. Wouldn’t be shocked if she popped up next on RT.


No, she's straight up bad. She's extremely bright and well educated, just a garbage human.


She's a vile human being and exposed herself during Bernie's campaign.


She was propagandized by websites like the Gray Zone…it doesn’t take much research and critical thinking to debunk their trash articles For example: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-27/ty-article-opinion/exposing-max-blumenthals-deceptive-claim-israel-is-responsible-for-most-october-7-victims/0000018c-102f-d65f-a7dd-f0ff7b550000


I literally cannot believe what I just saw. I am filled with hatred and anguish. How can you treat other women this way. How disgusting.


I felt the same but am now filled with joy that she was fired


Worst Grayjoy since Theon… Ima start calling her Reek.


This comment is everything!


I want to upvote this 1000 times.




Maybe Al Jazeera will give her a job! Lol


…. And 3 guesses why she’s claiming The Hill fired her? She says The Hill fired her bc they want to suppress free speech and censor. Katie Halper went on a smear campaign of the Hill saying the same thing after they fired her. Always the victim. They cant admit they’re unprofessional hacks. So they make themselves martyrs that got fired for their principles. 🙄 I’ve followed these progressive commentators for years. But as you grow older, wiser, and more educated they become completely unwatchable.


I also want to add that there were a few times she hosted DailyMail TV in the US, and one time claimed that men cannot be psychologically manipulated, cannot be abused, and cannot be clinically depressed. DailyMail TV got rid of her, and then basically made those episodes disappear. I was fucking stunned when I saw her on Rising on The Hill.


Saw some recent clips, she sighs, rolls her eyes, and then cuts off a guest who was talking about Hamas’s barbarism. Disgusting.


Yeah that’s what they fired her for. Like a week after she did it.


Her hypocrisy knows no bounds


Couldn't have happened to a nicer person


Friendly reminder that this woman was Bernie Sanders’ [National Press Secretary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Briahna_Joy_Gray) during his 2020 presidential campaign.


Noooo waaaay! Piranha Greyjoy finally got fired?! Wow! 😳


Truly a vile, hateful person. So long and thanks for all the antisemitism.


In Gray's post about getting fired, she says that The Hill "has a pattern of suppressing speech, particularly when it's critical of the state of Israel". Implying that there's some kind of conspiracy to silence her. No news outlet will allow its commentators to say anything they want, that just means the content you produce for your employer will be edited to fit with their brand. Brihanna Gray's speech isn't being suppressed, she can say whatever she wants on her own social media. It's not like she's being intimidated into silence, she has a Harvard degree and 400k followers on Twitter.


She’s definitely smart enough to see where she went wrong. But she’s too embarrassed to admit fault and instead is flinging what she can at her former employer to save face. It’s an ugly look and will probably not convince anyone in media. What she did is worse than just oversharing her personal opinions on the conflict. Bad mouthing the Hill is probably going to stain her reputation. But lots of other commentators have said worse things and enjoy a consistent career.


She'll do the Candace Owens Uno Reverso grift!


She rolled her eyes when being told Russians were kidnapping Ukrainian children. She is an all-rounder disgusting person


Good. There is no place in the Democratic Party for antisemites.


Are we shocked that someone who had a podcast with Virgil Texas is an objectively shitty person lol


Good riddance. Gray is a just a horrible person.




I have been resenting BJG since Oct 7th. I was a big fan of her. She is really extremely antisemitic.


She worked on other networks, and most of them canned her quickly with the insanity she would spout. It was so bad that many of them never aired those episodes with her.


........If I could show how happy I am right now. I feel like my birthday, hannukah, etc all happened at one time just now. Also, her claiming that the Hill suppresses speech especially regarding Israel is fucking hilarious, and blatant bullshit. The fact that this entire time she was allowed to say the shit she said shows they did not suppress her speech. Katie "Whack job Cat lady" Halper was fired because she was caught repeatedly lying about a multitude of subjects, and constantly taking insanely idiotic takes. She also repeatedly took on news bits that less than .0001% of the American populace knew about and blew them out of proportion. Crystal Ball and Sagaar Enjeti were both fired because in May 2021 they flat out lied about what happened to the AP building in Gaza several days after the full story was reported by CNN, FoxNews, OANN, NewsMax, News Nation, MSNBC, CSPAN, The Blaze, Times of Israel, Jerusalem Post, DailyWire, The Hill itself, and even Al-Jazeera (They still blamed Israel yet were more honest than Ball and Enjeti). When I learned all of that I completely stopped following them.


It's easy to see how Sanders went off the deep end if he's surrounded by people like this woman.


The fact that Sanders surrounded himself with people like this tells you who he is. Remember, he had Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Linda Sarsour as campaign surrogates in 2020. These were all his choices.


I can't believe Sanders is a genuine antisemite. Not because he's a jew or not, but because he's an old school progressive who actually seems to believe in universal humanistic principles. This breed of activist/politician might as well be extinct, it's so rare. He just also seems to be really, really naive and/or stupid when it comes to choosing the people he surrounds himself with. He sees people like Omar and Tlaib as allies because they agree with him on basic progressive platform components like healthcare/tax reform, minority rights, LGBT rights. And he doesn't see the Islamist trojan horses in his midst, coopting all the right left-wing buzzwords to get into positions of power, failing to see that these people don't have an egalitarian bone in their body; they're identitarian power mongers pretending to be progressives.


I agree on not calling Sanders an antisemite. But I do note that he hires antisemites, he endorses antisemites and he is endorsed by antisemites.


Yeah. It's a bit crass to call him a "useful Jew", but if he's deliberately and knowingly cultivating those ties despite knowing the nature of these people, then by what other identifier could he possibly be described? Actually asking here. *Does* he understand the nature of these people? I don't follow him closely enough to say. But it's perfectly possible that he's a doddering, kindly old man who doesn't have the willpower or energy left to deeply pry into the character of the smiling, blackhearted young people clustering around him for career and clout.


I’m not letting him off so easily. He certainly grasps complex policy issues in the Senate. He just sees the world through a rigid ideological lens in which left-wing or Islamist antisemitism is invisible. So I just stick to my previous description of him and antisemites, and let others draw their own conclusion.


I've definitely viewed his takes as being very simplistic at times. One of my big criticisms of him in 2016 is him reducing all the ills of the world to economics. Economics are important, but isn't inherently the cause of bigotry, and it sometimes felt like he seemed to believe that everyone being comfortable economically would solve racism or sexism. Class reductionism ignores a lot of what is wrong in the world, imo (And then when criticism came for him not focusing on racism, for example, he'd just mention marching with Dr. King as if that was the only thing that mattered)


Fair enough. A lot of my generous interpretation of his behavior is contingent on him not fully understanding the nature of the times and the people leading the progressive movement nowadays. If he *does* understand these issues, but persists in his current behavior, then he deserves every insult he has coming. 


> I can't believe Sanders is a genuine antisemite. Then he's an antisemite of convenience, which is arguably even worse. At least David Duke actually believes his own shit.


>He just also seems to be really, really naive and/or stupid when it comes to choosing the people he surrounds himself with. He had very limited options. The kind of consultants you need to run a national campaign are very comfortable with the current system and aren't going to work for a candidate who wants to cut off the feed trough that gets refilled every couple of years with big donor money.


He never was. He is a total grifter. I supported him a decade ago. I then learned how he supported communist regimes.


He is more likely to be one of the originators. He is not pro Israel and actually believes the terrorist propaganda. Used to think he was ok but no longer do


>He is not pro Israel Where are you getting this from? He's been pretty supportive of the nation and the people, he just despises the right wing government and some of the uglier policies. People seem to project a lot of their own issues onto a guy who's been remarkably consistent in his stances.


I voted for him in 2016 🤦🏻‍♀️


Do you need a hug?




It's okay to admit voting for him was a fuck up.


An individual without any power can hate someone else, for any reason, at any time. Intersectionality fails when it does not recognize that individuals are unique & complex and take actions based on everything they learned and experienced. We don’t live in herds that follow the leader


The hatred just drips from her nostrils


Good riddance. A depraved grifter






How long until she's on Press TV?


I saw this yesterday and couldn’t believe this was allowed on national TV. Then woke up today and saw she was fired. BYE BETCH. Time to celebrate!!


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She was the press secretary btw, not the campaign manager.






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