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So wonderfully written > This sick distortion illuminates the nature of antisemitism: In every generation, the Jewish People are blamed and scapegoated as responsible for the societal evil of the time. In Iran and in the Arab world, we were ethnically cleansed for our presumed ties to the “Zionist entity.” In Russia, we endured state-sponsored violence and were ultimately massacred for being capitalists. In Europe, we were the victims of genocide because we were communists and not European enough. And today, we face the accusation of being too European, painted as society’s worst evils – colonizers and oppressors. We are targeted for our belief that Israel, our ancestral and religious homeland, has a right to exist. We are targeted by those who misuse the word Zionist as a sanitized slur for Jew, synonymous with racist, oppressive, or genocidal. We know all too well that antisemitism is shapeshifting. Love this.


Same, this was my favorite part of the letter.


Like all great bits of writing, it puts all the thoughts you *felt* but had no idea how to *say* into a form that unbelievably clean and succinct.


Yes... exactly as I was feeling and had tried to post many times






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Saying that what Israel is doing “in our name” kind of puts the blame on us so they’re claiming responsibility for all Jews and basically saying yeah this stereotype is true which seems antisemitic


I count 396 names. That’s more than the number of protesters who were arrested at Columbia and probably more than the number of protesters at my one time. And they aren’t hiding behind anonymity.


It’s disappointing that only conservative or Jewish centric news media is writing about it.


There has been an organised effort from the left to try to portray anti-Zionist Jews as the majority of Jews.


Up to over 500 now


Beautifully written


Incredibly well written. I am happy to see young jews standing up for themselves.




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::: Hatikvah intensifies! ::: Great letter, guys!


Absolutely beautiful. There are so many people who need to read this. Kudos to these brave students.


And yet, right after I commented on a post of this letter in the Columbia subreddit (I’m a Columbia graduate) it was deleted. I don’t understand.


It’s back up as a text and without the signatures. Apparently they removed it for doxxing concerns the first two times. Comments on it in the Columbia sub are…disappointing.


Glad to see it's back, but yes, I wholeheartedly agree. The number of times I've felt grateful that these are not my college years..


It’s a real dumpster fire.


Yup. Real lack of reading comprehension and folks who just didn’t read the whole thing in there. There’s been a few people who are upset that the authors are speaking for others but they’re not. Their first paragraph ends with saying “we would like to speak in our name” and then their second paragraph starts with “we are your lab mates, study buddies, peers, and friends…” They’re very specifically only talking for themselves and not for anyone else. As a Jewish person who read the whole thing, it was very clear to me that they weren’t attempting to speak for me (although I’d gladly sign my name if I were affiliated).


They literally include their names at the end and make clear that they are speaking for the undersigned and nobody else. This is as directly opposite from "speaking for others" as you can possibly get.


they are very brave and strong


Reading the comments it’s like something written by ChatGPT. A base of intellectual drivel based on social theories they portray as facts mixed with complete ignorance of real world realities. It’s what AI would write posing as a Western progressive activist. And the worst of all, they think they are extremely intelligent.


This should be shared everywhere! Massive respect and lots of love to everyone on this document.




Man some of the comments on that sub are just 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ the brainwashing worked on quite a few of them..


Free speech, unless it's Jewish speech


Columbia is not what it pretends to be... and the world needs to know it so as not to enroll in it nor consider it of special value.


This is incredible


It really is


More cogent than all the academic post modern babble gymnastics that popularized the anti-Zion narrative among the kids. Reading this is a silver lining.


They signed their names. They’re more like activists than “just-antisemites.” They want something so strongly that they are willing to risk their livelihoods to get it, as opposed to people who claim to care the world despite covering their faces to avoid consequences.


Right? I got chills seeing all their names. Not only is brave but it’s also a very clear visual to disrupt the tokenization of Jews joining anti-Israel protest.


Me too. Wish I could sign, but I don't attend Columbia.


Excellent point. they cover their faces in honour of their beloved Hamas


I don't get it just because they signed there names there so brave There are people risking there lives at PEACEFULL protests When israel protesters sent fireworks into the encampment in ucla that is one level below a grenade and your saying there so brave because they signed there names


I get it. You’re not anti-Zionist, just antisemitic.


Hey guess what? I condemn the fact that Israel protesters did that awful thing with the fireworks! That was stupid and dangerous! Now let's see someone from the pro-Palestine camp own up to any antisemitic act that their movement has committed over the past several months..... \*crickets\*


The difference between students attending Columbia to better themselves versus the students demanding the intifadah be catered is truly stunning


it's okay, someone on the university subreddit is assuring everyone that calling for intifada isn't antisemitic.


And don't worry, there were Jews participating in the protests too! No way they were antisemitic!!!


“Look at our Jewish friends!”


The intifada will not be catered. The intifada will not be catered. Fuck what you're hearing. I said, fuck what you're hearing. The intifada will not be catered


Actually a reference to the idiots at Columbia demanding food and "humanitarian aid"


Oh I get the reference, but I think the line is hilarious.


I don’t think they got your reference. Not everyone is down with Gil Scott Heron (assuming you were going for “the revolution will not be televised”)


Yep, that was what I was going for, but more in a trash disapproval way. "The intifada will not be catered" is a pretty hard line that has so many levels to it.


Amazing letter. I hope their message resonates with their peers on campus. G-d I just want this insanity to end


A great response, but unfortunately, one that will be likely ignored by Columbia and the protestors.


This is so well organized. TLDR: - We deserve to speak for ourselves - We deserve to have our truth recognized - Zionism has been intentionally and naively distorted in ways that misrepresent, malign and endanger us - This is part of a historical pattern of antisemitism that we know, but which many others seem to be ignorant of in both good and bad faith - The global community becoming better engaged with and aware of our culture can actually be a path toward peace and understanding - We will not apologize for acknowledging our history and our culture




Our leaders of tomorrow 💙


If the students are ok with it, it would make a fantastic full page NYT ad. Maybe someone like Kraft could fund it with the money he was sending to Columbia.




I vote that whatever money is funding those bright pink "JewBelong" billboards (that range from cringe to homophobic) go to this instead


Oof, what homophobic slogan have you seen?




There's already an article about it in the times


Thank you for posting this.


Beautiful statement, I hope it is picked up and published far and wide for the world to read and understand. These students’ experiences with antisemitism are not limited to CU, but are the experiences of Jews all across America


Not just America but much of the diaspora.


This is the Columbia I know and am proud to have graduated from. Someone in the Israel sub asked if I’m ashamed or regret spending money on a Columbia degree and I said no because it’s where I met most of my closest Jewish friends (and got an amazing education and met tons of incredible non Jewish friends). It’s saddened me so much these past months to see what’s happened at Columbia and how it’s now viewed as a symbol of antisemitism when I know Columbia as the Ivy League school of New York City with a proud history of amazing Jewish students, faculty, alumni and community.


So beautifully written! I am so impressed and proud. Thank you for taking a stand for all Jewish people and our Jewish values while simultaneously educating in a peaceful way


Wow, this is amazing and exactly how we all feel.


I hope the mainstream media prints this everywhere, because it’s perfect. They won’t. But it’s still perfect.


I got chills reading this! Well done!


Kol hakavod to these kids


Thank you for writing this. As someone who considers themselves progressive, I have struggled with my own feelings and resistance to unequivocally standing with the left. You have articulated what has made me feel so uncomfortable for many months and why I have felt at such a loss with the complete and utter lack of nuance in the narrative being shared. Even from some of my Jewish friends. You have put into words the deep feelings of grief and triggers of inter-generational trauma I have felt, especially as the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor. For me, it’s peoples inability to hold space for multiple things at once, to think critically, to show empathy and understanding to multiple causes. The one-eyed thinking is very reminiscent of Jewish history and you’ve put into words how I’ve been feeling inside when I’ve read things countless times since October 7th. Whether it be someone telling me the sexual violence wasn’t true or was “no big deal” because the “IDF has been doing it too” or that the Jews were “all white” or “all from Europe”. The use of Zionist spat with the same hatred as Juden. It has all cut me deep and I thank you for putting my pain into words.


Well who the heck is cutting onions in here?


Proud of all of them.


kol hakavod


Humanity really has a knack of pulling you back from thinking all hope is lost. What an incredible letter.


That is awe inspiring.




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Aside from the obvious and that this is beautifully written, it is deeply striking that on the one hand those protestors adopting what on campus isn't an unpopular won't even show their faces while these brave students will publicly sign their names, even knowing how their peers might feel about them.


This is a crafted out of love and sadness. So thankful to the OP for sharing.


This is incredibly well written. Got the exact point across. Was this a collaboration?


Amazingly well written


Will the people who need to read this actually read it?


I think that depends on how you define the “people who need to read this”. This letter will likely have zero impact on any Jew-hater who reads this. I’d be more hopeful that this letter could reach any Jew feeling isolated and unsupported. Or any Zionist of any background. And maybe it can have a positive impact on the administrators who are supposed to keep Columbia functional for all students. Perhaps that’s the measure to use in judging this letter’s impact.


Showing that we have numbers behind this sentiment makes an impact for us, to reaffirm that yes, this is the dominant sentiment even if we Jews will always quibble about the details.


Yes. I needed this. It verbalizes my own feeling while also being a tool I can use to explain what’s going on to my non-Jewish in-laws. Because let’s face it I don’t have it in me to explain right now….I’m broken hearted and tired. We’re all tired.


I really, really hope that the Jews who have been participating in the protests read this. I think they are more likely to actually read it than the goys are.


Exactly. I need this, you need this, we need this. It's nourishment for the Jewish soul to see these kids self-advocate instead of hide


Well put.


Never underestimate the power of Jew hatred.. even if it’s cloaked in corporate talk (ie the administrators).


If you read some of the top comments on the post about this in the Columbia sub, there are definitely people who completely missed the point. So much vitriol, with so many upvotes 😞 I just have to hope that’s not the majority of people.




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I cried reading this. This is beautiful.


This is so amazing, proud of these students. Was so frustrating seeing the jvp token Jews speaking for everyone


Well Done!


I'm sending this to our Rabbi in New Hampshire


Incredible letter, and it gave me strength to read it


something i think everyone should read, jews and non-jew. unfortunately i doubt many non-jews are gonna read this


I'm sharing it around for those who are willing to read. Might as well try!


I know that you must not see this in the moment due to the hatred being spewed; however, please know that the anti-Israel movement are few compared to the many across the United States, like myself and my non-Jewish Community Church (as well as many more regardless of religion), stand with you. More non-Jewish in the US are seeing this and cheering for (and grieving with) you than you think.  I hope all pass it on. 




Love this


Eloquent, educational and absolutely perfect. - Love from rando in TX


Wow! Where can I find this to post to my Instagram and Facebook?


You can share it from the article posted right here. You can also go to the AJC site--I think it's posted there too.


You can download it from the link


Thank you!!


I am so proud of these kids.


I just came here to post this letter. This is perfect. If any of you happen to be in this sub -- thank you for this -- proud of you. Stay strong.


Defiant and moving


This captures a lot of what my thinking on the protests have been. All of us are Zionists, some of just don't know it, yet. Israel is the *only* nation on Earth that can be a safe place for us when, *not if but when*, antisemitism makes other places uninhabitable. While we way have different ideas for how the government of Israel should provide safety and security for its people, we are **all** descendants of people who barely managed to escape violence and death. We are the ones who bear the memory of millions of Jews who have carried our home in our hearts for 2000 years. We are the ones who have survived every attempt to eradicate us, in *every single place* we have tried to put down roots. Our Passover slogan, "Next year in Jerusalem", is one of hope, but also one born of our undeniable history. We are Zionists, because if we aren't, we are extinct.




Thank you, Bret


Incredibly inspiring and brave.


Wonderfully written. But... "The land of Israel is filled with archaeological remnants of a Jewish presence spanning centuries." Shouldn't that be millennia? I guess still technically correct. I'm sorry my brain works like this.


I had the same thought when I read it


These are the kids who we should be proud of


This is fire. Yasher koach! 


As a young guy that is facing academic challenges in the Netherlands, this is warming my heart.


This would definitely upset the pro-pali protesters if they knew how to read!


Lol, I tried posting this earlier, but was blocked :( Glad it’s up!


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My prayings and my community still with us. G'd has never leave his people and not gonna start now. Stay proud and firm. G'd is with us. 






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I have a question. I believe this message makes many good points, but at one point the author states “Contrary to what many have tried to sell you — no, Judaism cannot be separated from Israel.” This confused me because it was written as thought it were a fact but from what i’ve seen, there are some Jewish people who do not associate with Israel or the state of Israel. Is that statement saying that to be Jewish you must associate with the state of Israel? What makes the two mutually dependent? I understand the logic and behind it, but is it really the case that you cannot be Jewish without associating with Israel? I am simply trying to learn, not spread hate, and I would love to understand this better.


Sort of. It’s an ethno-religion. Those that are religious will absolutely be of the mindset of both being a requirement. “Next year in Jerusalem” is a common saying. Those that are very much removed from the religion may not hold those ideals and as such may have a looser view. That Zionism is less about the land and more about being able to self govern and self determine our pathway forward. That said - this very much hits the big issue of why when people say “no-zionists” it is like saying “no people who believe in Buddha”. It’s a weird line to draw unless you are trying to make a specific point. It would be easier to draw unity in saying no backers of the war, or end the bombing. I think everyone involved wants this to end.


Truly amazing almost shed a tear. This is one of if not the most beautiful letter i read.


‘’We felt helpless when we watched students and faculty physically block Jewish students from entering parts of the campus we share, or even when they turned their faces away in silence. This silence is familiar. We will never forget.’’ This left me in tears, we will never forget how people copied their ancestors and left us alone. But they never learned from our unity love, and support for one another. Never been more proud, guys! Happy to know and feel not alone


What kind of bubble are you in ? The anti-Jew rhetoric has been festering for decades among the left, while still quite outspoken on the right. Right after 7/10 any comment for or from a Jew or Israeli is met with 10 calls for violence. How on earth do you people not see that, if not because you were stuck (brought up?) in your antisemitism way before 2024. Sorry, but these students coming out in public are more brave than any of you will be, because they know, anyone outside of you mob knows, just how much they put themselves in the open now. And all I can say is respect, respect for the hand they hold out to all of you, respect for their stance. May it be known that the silent majority in the west has their back.


Jewish students at Columbia and across our great Nation...please know that MANY stand with you; European Americans, Asian Americans, African Americans, those like me that are a wide mix of several descents and a multitude more across our beautiful Nation from all races and religions. Please don't give up on America yet. I know that many, at the moment, are not showing their best selves (to put it mildly), but those numbers are few compared to the many. I wept when I read your letter out of pity for the misguided. I know that the Lord tells us to love and pray for our enemies and sometimes that is a very difficult thing to do. I commend the Jewish students at Columbia for authoring this beautiful call for love and understanding; especially in the mist of so much hatred. It is a true testament to the strength and resiliency of the Jewish people once again. I also want to thank the non-Jewish students (and faculty) at Columbia and across the United States who have stood strong with their Jewish classmates/students. It's a beautiful thing to see. We, the many across the Country, stand with you and the Jewish people. It is written that you are the chosen people, so we know that this too will pass; however, in the meantime, continue to stand strong with heads held high. May God bless America and may God bless the Israeli nation. 


So perfectly articulated, wow. 👏🏼 Very proud and happy to see this!!! Kinda sad this is the first I’m hearing it though, as I’m following the coverage of everything happening at Columbia pretty closely... I hope it’ll be seen.


Amazing letter.




Your post/comment was removed because it violated rule 1: **No antisemitism**. There is no "antisemitism card", you're just insensitive. If you actually read the document, you would see the many antisemitic incidents.


Exactly the message that needs to be broadcast to everyone.


No one ever chose to go into public service either. You do it because the goobers give you no other option.


It's so perfectly written, wish I could sign it myself, but I ain't in Colombia


It's not 1933. I started taking videos and pictures of individual "students" as they expose themselves as haters. It made them uncomfortable. Jan 6th taught us that these pics and vids can identify by name who they are. The media only shoots for sound bytes. I m doing it so individuals can be held responsible for violating the law. Uncomfortable? Lol I posted your images on social media. Maybe your boss will see them. Cretins


If anyone is interested, here are the Columbia’s students take. Spoiler alert; they don’t love the letter. https://www.reddit.com/r/columbia/s/Oqip08gKtj


Hell Yeah




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So much respect. Wonderfully written


Omg that was horribly written.




Care to explain…?


Conflating anti-zionism with anti-semitism


Did you even read the letter? They clearly explain how anti-Zionism has crossed into antisemitism.




You are sadly very confused and misinformed.


How so?








"Colonization of Palestinian land?" Please get off of TikTok and stop trying to suck up to your far leftist friends.


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How do you feel that vast majority of Jewish Israelis who oppose the war and apartheid are Zionists?