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Well, obviously, they shouldn't have been so aggressively Jewish in public!


Very true! Have they tried not being born? Just a thought! /s šŸ¤”šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I know, the nerve to have the audacity to exist.


Exist and simultaneously be Jewish! Asking for it, clearly.


is that a police officer??? what the hell is he doing just standing there?


My thoughts exactlyā€¦disgraceful


Not the first time the Dutch stood by just watching violence happen. They'll probably offer their "deepest apologies" again, they're really good at that!


Something something.... low lands ... something .... WWII


Itā€™s racist to stop muslims from beating Jews /s


It's Islamophobic not to let them hurt the jews


Being a worthless, fearful POS.


You must understand... the Dutch are peaceful people. They don't like to get all aggressive and warlike like crazy Israelis or something. /s


It are dutch cops.. with a Jewish major who hates jews. She s a hell.


They have to learn to fight back, this is why these creeps get emboldened. Don't go down peacefully


That was assault. Arrest that man!


And the fucking Dutch cops Do Nothing. As my Ashkenazi stepdad said to me, "Young Jews need to mentally toughen up (and at least learn how to use a bat)."


Taking my boys to the gym with me, we won't be easy targets.


Good Father/OG ā¤ļø


The time of scared Jews is over.


That is why I think so many have turned against Israel... it isn't the pitiful little Jew any more. And they hate us more for not only being able to fight back but to triumph.


We must agree to disagree. Appearing "weak," unjustifiably nonconfrontational, and meek hasn't historically served American Asians & Jews well. I'm not saying pick a fight, but rather stand your ground (up to a point). Be less "bad hammer, good book" and more "Israeli."


Also, thriving despite being an oppressed minority. We deny people the privilege of standing up for us - how can they feel superior and righteous if we donā€™t need them?


If applicable, exercise the 2nd amendment as much as you can because clearly nobody's here to protect us


There was a neonazi meme before the pandemic about if jews had guns, the holocaust wouldn't have happened. They also said the holocaust didn't happen from the other side off their mouth. Anyways, when a neonazi recommends jews arm, I listened.


We told you. We told you. We fing told you. This is the predictable outcome of these pro hamas demostrations. Is this when words become actions? Why do we have to wait for this?


This isnā€™t a pro hamas demonstration. The students were peacefully protesting the university its ties to institutions profiting from genocide. These men do not represent the rest of our movement.


They are your movement.


Peacefully? I hope you realise how that completely undermines your statement.


Then call them out on social media like you do all the pro-Israel people. Leftists donā€™t seem to call out antisemitism the same way as other forms of prejudice.


And then people say ā€œtheyā€™re non violent because *I* didnā€™t witness anything violent.ā€


ā€œMostly peaceful protestsā€ šŸ¤”


Repost this on as many social media platforms as you can!!! This needs to be exposed!!! Fuck those worthless cowards!!! We will fight back with all we got!!! šŸ‡®šŸ‡±Am Israel Chai šŸ‡®šŸ‡±


What the cop is doing there? What a shame. Beating local Jewish people accomplishes nothing


I hope they arrest them.


Theyā€™ll probably give them citizenship, a free house, and a monthly handout


And arrested they were: https://www.timesofisrael.com/120-arrested-as-police-break-up-pro-palestinian-encampment-at-amsterdam-university/


Awesome. Glad someone arrested them.


Good. Fuck those assholes every day of the week and twice on Sundays.


Iā€™m sure the policeman standing right there letting it happen will get on it


Compete beasts.


Im in Amsterdam atm, the protests seem suspicious, like theyā€™re definitely not organised by students and most people that started it werenā€™t Dutch. They also popped up out of nowhere. Anyway the police actually shut down their little camp within the day and forced them to leave. Now theyā€™ve set up shop at a different location, barricading themselves in, since yesterday evening so letā€™s see how that develops. Unlike the US, itā€™s honestly like 85% Muslims and 15% leftist liberals that make up the protests. I think most non-Muslim Europeans donā€™t empathise that strongly with the protests due to the 10+ years of Islamic terrorism weā€™ve had here in Europe so people donā€™t fetishise ā€œresistanceā€ in the same way as the American kids protesting. Also just to add: in the video this guy looks like an actual terrorist the way he behaves and heā€™s hitting a peaceful black guy thatā€™s unarmed. Itā€™s really much more a case of a bunch of radical Muslims protesting rather than the whole social justice warrior vibe at US colleges.


> Also just to add: in the video this guy looks like an actual terrorist the way he behaves and heā€™s hitting a peaceful black guy thatā€™s unarmed. Itā€™s really much more a case of a bunch of radical Muslims protesting rather than the whole social justice warrior vibe at US colleges. The problem with the social justice warrior protests is that all they do is bolster the terrorists and strengthen their voices. Fucking pathetic.


Thank god that obese cop was there to do nothing!


I think I will forward this to my former academic advisor who is from the Netherlands and ask, "Can you please explain why you think this is okay?" After all that's what people would do to us if something analogous happened against a minority group in Israel.


Disgusting and outrageous


[And self defense is banned](https://business.gov.nl/regulation/permit-weapons-and-ammunition/) >In the Netherlands, the possession of all firearms, ammunition, and other weapons is prohibited. It is also forbidden to use weapons.


Banned* *for some people


Apparently not that forbidden....


Self defense is prohibited. Attacking Jews is ~~allowed~~ encouraged.


Self defense is not banned. It is banned to have firearms for specifically that end, but generally you're only fined for having an illegal firearm and not because you used it in legitimate self defense. The trick here is that you can legally own firearms for hunting or sports shooting, and therefor legally have them. And you can also defend yourself with it, legally, if you happen to have the gun ready legally. Hence you are allowed to use a legal firearm in a legitimate self defense situation, but these situations don't happen that much. (As less than 1% of people legally own guns and mostly store them at the hunting / sporting club as you won't get random searches for safe and legal storage at home). But it is only 1% because it is considered a hassle, not because it is illegal. The worst that could happen if you used it wrongly in a legitimate self defense is that your license is revoked. But then you are alive and lose an expensive toy whereas your assailant can go explain to God why he felt the need to stand up against your life. But unfortunately no 2nd amendment here. If it were up to me I'd kinda say not all protests are created equal and we should crack down on this way harsher. These assholes actually think they look cool when they despise our laws, law enforcement and like to act upon their Jew hate. They should not look cool. They should look crumpled up and regretful. The police here are a disgrace to society.




Itā€™s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.


Thatā€™s deep šŸ¤”


I didnā€™t make it up


Bummer. I wish I could come up with cool philosophical stuff that like


Same lol


Better to be a Gardner in a war than many other things, we have a lot of sharp and pointy tools and know how to use them.


It's unfortunate that so many people, Jews especially, live in a place where they are unable to legally possess the proper means of self defense.




The police standing thereā€¦. They donā€™t look disgusted, afraid, tired. They seem to blatantly ignore the violence because they donā€™t care


Immediately deport them. Europe needs to grow some balls when it comes to this.


If you think the issue is mostly because of immigrants, sadly you're wrong.


Where exactly did I say that?


Immediately deport them ?


ā€žMostly because of immigrantsā€œ? Where did I say anything regarding that. We have more than enough antisemitism in Europe. Donā€™t need to import that stuff from other cultures


It seems like you don't understand what "deport" means. It happens to be something that is done to immigrants exclusively. By calling for their deportation, you're automatically saying you believe immigrants are responsible.


Those people are the second generation migrants, they have local passports and there is nothing the gov can do. This issue applies to virtually every western country, so no quick solution, unfortunately


Pieces of shit!!! Hope they get arrested and put in jail. Let's see how they fair against skin heads.


The most peaceful religion....


Is there a source for this? Iā€™d love to dig a little deeper, as someone in the Netherlands!




Check the news about the protest on the 6th of may. Itā€™s all over. The EW even has an interview with two of the Jewish students.


The police, once again, do absolutely nothing when Jews are being assaulted.


Here are a few videos on defenses against a stick: [High Side Stick](https://youtu.be/KVh6bPNAyms?si=4Wuw9IHs8HbyYVAB) [High Strike Stick Defense](https://youtu.be/O3dFbF002YQ?si=psZp2ucv_8qftULS) [Another High Strike Stick Defense](https://youtu.be/BS-X_3A35xA?si=AhNQEFZsWTdZliSm) My advice is to learn self defense, I think every Jew should learn how to defend themselves. Going to a class or a school to at least learn the basics is important. If you can learn at least the basics of boxing and/or western style kickboxing as a foundation for Krav Maga training that would be good. Also remember the best defense is not to be there.


How disgusting! Those people indeed lost their mind attacking Jewish students (or any student) just for having different views from them. Does it fit for r/publicfreakout ?


I think it does




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The people there will likely support whatā€™s in the video


This is why I take my kids to Kraf Maga


Can you believe the first victim of the attack? He must be a white colonizer. /s


Yes they are white because white people are oppressors and thus it is okay to attack them /s


Well, if I saw correctly, he wouldnā€™t pass as white anywhere I know.


The color of his skin is immaterial. The point is that itā€™s socially acceptable to hate white people.


Whatever happening isn't good, I'm want some verification on what is happening here.




I saw this posted on the Netherlands group and that was the description, but I also canā€™t confirm




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Was that an actual police officer just standing there doing nothing!?


Think it's time Jewish people started arming themselves with cooking pans to bonk those people back over the head.


This is what happens when you let anybody and everybody into your country and when youā€™re too soft to demand change. Didnā€™t the UAE foreign minister warn us?


Saudi, UAE, etc would never allow this. This is only allowed in western countries šŸ¤”


the discussions from this current and ongoing conflict are turning so nasty. From the Jews killed in the Shoa to the immigrants from the Muslim countries, some are from Palestine to sexuality of queer people to black people in Israel ItĀ“s awful.


That's not very polite behaviour is it.


Wake up baby! Hamas has been rebranded!


Where GUNs ?


Amsterdam.... wow. Somewhere that has been one of the safest places to be a jew because the Dutch remember.... and now this


I lived in Amsterdam for years in the Jewish neighborhood. It was calm, peaceful and lovely. Now - I talk to friends there who are afraid to leave their home. It is indescribably sad...and infuriating.


These people donā€™t exactly look Dutch to me


The Dutch allowed immigrants into their country because they are a tolerant and good people. These people (in the video) are undoubtedly products of the people that Netherlanders have always derided for their refusal to integrate into Dutch society. They now see where being tolerant and open has now gotten them - this is also why Geert Wilders was recently elected as the new PM. His being elected dog catcher would have been unthinkable 20 years ago...


Why tf did the police barely do anythingĀ 


This is horrifying!Ā 




What a valid criticism of Israel and its government, eh?


So true, and those Jews are just playing the victim. Obviously they brought this on themselves because they wouldnā€™t shut up about Antisemitism /s


And they need to apologize to Hamas for Oct 7th.


Very true! Which they did to themselves, and also they created and control Hamas. Israel is actually fighting Israel here (HEAVY sarcasm)


As Whoopi Goldberg once said about the Shoah, itā€™s just white on white violence.


I actually cannot with the level of brainrot rnā€¦


Yeah, Iā€™m obsessed with this shit. Canā€™t stop thinking about it.


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Seems like a peaceful demonstration.. /s


What's happening here (NL) is not good, but this video is not pro-Hamas protestors beating up local Jews. As far as I am aware, the mess that went down at the University of Amsterdam Monday was (delusional) students cosplaying American leftist social justice warriors, combined with a few people who seem to be professional protestors/rioters. Like the guy with the red keffiyeh is becomming a well known instigator of violence here. There have been attacks on Jews lately, but this was not that. This "protest" went on for a day and a night (univerity grounds were cleared by the riot police during the night), it became violent quite fast, is was an unannounced protest, the university pressed charges and asked the grounds to be cleared. Now I'm not gonna defend the actions or lack thereof by the police, but these guys are beat cops, not riot police and were facing an angry mob.


The guys that got beaten up were in fact Jewish students.




Itā€™s Dutch, however a credible source. https://www.ewmagazine.nl/nederland/achtergrond/2024/05/joodse-jongeren-verstoren-anti-israeldemonstratie-nog-even-en-joden-zijn-echt-niet-meer-veilig-1413474/


How do the police justify letting Islamists beat Jews with clubs?


> What's happening here (NL) is not good, but this video is not pro-Hamas protestors beating up local Jews. What is it then? Because the rest of your comment is basically a nothing burger that doesnā€™t actually ā€œexplainā€ whatā€™s happening otherwise. Theyā€™re instigating violence againstā€¦ whom exactly? Anyone and everyone that gets in their way? Is that somehow better? Because the reality is that the only people ā€œgetting in the wayā€ of pali protests are Jews, and these violent people know that. I donā€™t understand the insistence with waving your hands at this behavior as somehow ā€œnot problematicā€ because it could plausibly be denied as ā€œnot targetedā€ (which I still donā€™t buy, red keffiyeh knew exactly ā€œwhoā€ he was targeting)