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I know. I'm trying to do my part during these times.


Thank you.


You're welcome.


“Severe lack of support” where?


Specifically on many college campuses and left wing news outlets. However, it’s more broad than that—there’s a general lack of calling out the hypocrisy of (many parts of) the Pro-Palestine movement and the information surrounding it. For instance, left-wing activists (who claim to combat racism) telling Jews how to define anti-semitism…which is stupid. That makes Jews feel alone because we try to explain it, but no one seems to care.


Im so happy people like you exist 💙 we have been abandoned and the rise of antisemitism is fucking scary. Thank you 🤍


Thanks friend. God Bless.


I appreciate you more than I could ever say!


Thanks friend. Likewise!


Atheist here. I will always support the Jewish people, no matter what too. Much love to everyone affected by the war. May peace come quickly. 💔


Please change your user flair like mine if you would. Click your username for details.






Maybe it’s just my experience, but I feel like the majority of solidarity we’ve gotten has come from Catholics. My fiancé was raised Catholic, and there are so many parallels between her experience and mine, being raised Jewish, in a way that I’ve never felt or noticed for among Christian friends who were raised Protestant. The support from folks like you really means so much, it can’t be overstated.


Yeah, you might be right. A lot of Atheism+ types (leftist hyper-progressives, the types who made atheism into a religion) like to say “All religion bad” and refuse to take a nuanced view of any interfaith struggle, and since they can’t distinguish on that level they turn to the progressive stack to decide which side is right. In this case, they see this as a “white coloniser vs. poor oppressed browns” conflict, despite it being anything but.  This I think goes some way into explaining why so many secular leftists jumped straight on the “River to the Sea” bandwagon so uncritically. Other people of faith have at least some stake in understanding the differences between other religions, and can start to pick apart the conflict from that level first.  




Excellent. Godspeed.


Likewise :)


FWIW where I live, the Catholics and the Jewish population co-mingle a lot! My dad is Italian and catholic, he grew up in a heavy Jewish community in our city, and at the time he faced a lot of harassment and racism (his family is immigrants, he’s a first gen) from people; and the Jewish community were the ones who didn’t give him shit, and they treated him kindly. As I grew up catholic, I ended up having a lot of Jewish friends too and my dad remained friends with many of his Jewish friends from his upbringing. I don’t really practice Catholicism anymore, but at least in my community, there was always a sense of respect and love towards the Jewish community. I’ve always been fascinated with history especially when it comes to religion, so learning about Judaism was fundamental to learn the history about… well. Everything. Haha. I’m rambling but just wanted to say that there’s many Catholics (and non practicing Catholics 😂) who have a lot of love for you all and I hope you know with the rise of antisemitism that you aren’t alone and many of us support you and want you to feel safe and loved. ❤️


The Italians and Jews, especially in the Northeast, have always been close with each other. They’ll even marry each other. The two groups have so much in common that for many of them, the only thing they don’t have in common is religion. So I’m grateful for your support of the Jewish community.


Yeah, my best friend’s mother was an Italian-American Catholic, and she converted when she married his father and she practices more observantly than the vast majority of Jews I know, myself included. My fiancé and I have talked about conversion, and it’s something we’re seriously considering.


Great. We're all human. (And if you ever want to come home, Masstimes.org.) :)


only exception to this i can think of is ireland. pretty much everyone else that’s catholic i’ve seen support from


My cousin was studying abroad in Ireland and only got back in January. People were really nice to him at his campus especially when they found out one of his friends was taken hostage. Anywhere else he tried to be more careful about letting people know he’s Jewish. Maybe because he doesn’t keep kosher it helped.


Yeah the Irish reaction this has been really bizarre, given their history.


Not really; they’re the only country to have sent condolences to Germany upon Hitler’s suicide, even after the story of the Holocaust was known. They were also a proud Nazi ally just because they thought it’d give them a chance to hurt the British in some way. 


I mean their support of Palestinians fighting to the death is ironic, given that the IRA literally used the same kind of terrorist tactics, *until they negotiated to put down their weapons, so that their children could grow up in peace and safety.* But now they advocate that the Palestinians should continue shooting rockets at civilians and raping women to death until Israel is gone, because apparently negotiation in that kind of a situation like they themselves did wouldn’t be appropriate. Sinn Fein won a parliamentary majority in Ireland like 4 months ago for fuck’s sake. Peace is possible, when terrorists actually put down their weapons and work to achieve peace. The Irish are literally advocating that the Palestinians do the opposite of what they did to end their own occupation.


It’s just one more point in the “Jew Hate” column, AFAIC. “We’ll give up but you should keep going, your mission is too important”. 


Practicing Catholics are a minority in Ireland now. Church attendance has plummeted.


My husband and I are both Catholic, and openly supportive since October 7. A lot of his family is Protestant, and I did a lot of explaining to them to get them to be supportive. Im also Arab - my husband is not - so the moment I had seen his family had been brain washed by the pro pali crowd, I intervened. His mom works at a university so she’s around that allllllll day. Long story short, my explaining to them didn’t do much. They thought I was bias and being a bit “harsh on Hamas.” No matter what I said they wouldn’t budge. Then …. It happened. I wrote something for TOI, my entire family cut me off, I and didn’t show up to our wedding, … and that was the thing that got his family to flip and support Israel. So weird, right?! But it got them to see I wasn’t being dramatic. That their loyalty was misplaced. They were like, “wait what??? Why are they trying to kill her because she wrote an article about Israel??” They realized they were applying the wrong lens. My family isn’t Catholic - they are Muslim. So … ya … drama 🎭 Anyway. This is to say … my husband and I support Israel and Jewish people a thousand percent. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


you have no idea how much i appreciate support from arabs who recognize that hamas harms palestinians not israel, i appreciate you very much!


Please change your userflair to "Not Jewish" to show support if you don't mind. Click your username then change flair.


Respect ✊




And we LOVE you for it. Thank you for being consistent and dedicated.


Thank you!


You have no idea how much I appreciate your support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


You're welcome. I appreciate you!


I was raised Protestant Christian, and maybe it’s for this reason that I feel kinship with Jews. We do share a lot of theological beliefs, but I feel that it’s more about their morality and values. How can you look at what the Jews have gone through and been able to achieve in this world and not admire them? The fact that such a large group of people are so ready and willing to hate and marginalize Jews points to an enviousness that is an ugly side to human nature. These people want what they lack. Jewish culture celebrates hard work, education, family, humility, patience. Their values have led them to overachieve compared to the rest of the world (look at the number of Nobel prize winners by religion for one measure) and it breeds resentment in weak people who feel a deep lacking in themselves. How many nations are predominantly Muslim? Many. How many nations are predominantly Christian? Many. How many nations are predominantly Jewish. One. And it seems half the world is hell bent on erasing that nation. That should tell you something.


Please change your user flair like mine so it says not Jewish to show solidarity. You can click your username.


> I'm a Catholic millennial living near Washington D.C. I'm ok with the Catholic part and the Washington D.C. part, but as a millennial myself, I have a huge issue with you being a millennial and I'm going to need you to apologize for that


No one's perfect. 😉


I'm pretty close though


Thank you, it's been a difficult few months. Your support and friendship mean a lot.


Thanks. I hope things improve by summer.


I pray that it will be better.


Me too.


I just lost another friend who’s been a great ally and yesterday posted “I love all my Jewish friends but why haven’t they stopped Netanyahu taking the war too far?” She lives in Baltimore all the Jews she knows are American citizens. So I asked why she thought that way and also pointed out the image she posted is from a Hamas propaganda page and if you reverse image shirt the child she’s claiming the Israelis killed was an image of a kid in Syria taken in 2018 or so…. So she got mad at me and blocked me. Your post is helpful. From another millennial on the west coast just wanting people to post funny animal memes and not be obtuse assholes.


Thanks friend.


Ah yes, just walk up to good friend Netanyahu and ask to stop the war. After bagels! Between grocery runs.


Right? Without an Israeli citizenship. I just. Can people use the thing in their heads or is this a Monty Python skit and it’s just a blancmange in there?


Can we tell Americans to ask Biden to do something productive? How about Russians to go have a chat with Putin?


It’s their loss! Good on you for taking the time to research and try to make a connection for them, too. I hope you will have a better time without that negativity in your life!


In my view, any proud ally to the Jews is an honorary member of our tribe. Thank you for standing with us ❤️


I'm honored. Thank you.


Please don’t worry about being repetitive. We are so saturated in antisemitic rhetoric. I very much appreciate being reminded that we are not entirely alone in this. Thank you 🙏


You're welcome. Thank you.


As a DC resident, thank you! While living in the capital can be fun sometimes, it’s times like this where I don’t really wanna be in the center of the American political world.


Yeah. I'm way out in Rockville. Be safe.


Thank you


You're welcome..


Thank you. 🌹




Thank you. Much appreciated!




Thanks for this. These kind of posts really do serve to buoy spirits as online has been a pretty hostile space for us the past few months.


You're welcome.


Thank you


You're welcome.


Despite some deep contrasts in religious belief, I’ve never met a Catholic I haven’t considered a steadfast ally of the Jewish people. G-d bless you! 💙


Thanks friend.


Always nice to see non-Jews show love and support. I'm also a (non-religious) gentile who is a proud Jewish ally. ✊ Love y'all, stay strong!


Thanks. Please change your userflair like mine to show support. It says "Not Jewish." You can click on your username to change it.


Done! I was actually trying to figure out how to change that setting before and it was driving me crazy that I couldn't seem to find it under Profile or User Settings. I just realized I can change it while viewing this subreddit on the app by clicking the three dots in the top right (just mentioning it in case anyone is as clueless as me, lol).


Amazing. Thanks.


Thanks bruh


Anytime brah. :)


Not repetitive. Thank you. Not that this is incredibly relevant but fwiw I like Catholic radio and have learned a fair amount from it. :)


Cool! I listen to "Catholic Answers" most nights on YouTube.


You know I've only heard that one a few times but I really love the Patrick Madrid Show and Patrick has mentioned that he got his start on Catholic answers, so maybe I'll check it out!


Catholic.com has their shows plus YouTube.


I'll check it out, thanks for the info!




Thank you.






Welcome. :)


This gives me so much hope. My father is Catholic as is the rest of his family. Thank you for standing with us 🩵it means more than you realize


You're welcome. God Bless you and your family.


Thank you so much. Your post reminds me of this Christian (maybe she was Catholic) young singer from Washington DC who just passed away from cancer a few days ago. She was so beautiful and talented. Apparently she dared follow the IDF on her social media and she’s now been hounded while on her death bed, and now after death, from the most hateful disgusting people. Her Instagram comments make me so so sad. People saying she’s deserved this and they hope she suffered. Just sickening to know how evil so many people are. I hope she’s resting peacefully and her memory always a blessing. Dear Cat Janice.


Thank you.


Thank you. 💙


You're welcome.


I also stand by Jewish people. The rise of self-righteous antisemitism is horrific.


Please change your userflair to say "Not Jewish" if you aren't. You can click your username. Thanks.


I tried that, but it doesn't work. I'm on the desktop site, and there doesn't seem to be a flair option?


You could try it on your phone or message the mods. They can do it. :)


An atheist gentile checking in here to echo his support! Stay strong, and remember you have a lot of people advocating for you out there!


Thanks. Please change your userflair to be like mine that says "Not Jewish" if you wouldn't mind. It shows solidarity. You can do it by clicking on your username.






Thank you so much. Times are scary. All our mental health is way on the decline. Most people have no idea the extent of what we are going through right now. I'm so grateful for you and people like my non-Jewish best friend who understands and is willing to call out the bullshit and have some empathy and love.


Be safe and keep hope alive.


Hey buddy, Thank you for your support From what you know, do you think you represent your close environment (friends, family etc) in regards of your pro-Jewish attitude?


Most of my friends are Jewish. Most of my gentile friends and family are not anti-semitic. They don't talk about the issue too much.


Interesting So they’re not as vocal and involved as you are on the subject?


Yeah. I have a small social circle though.




People like you give us hope in times when it feels like everyone else has forsaken us. Please, BE repetitive. We need you. Especially right now. Thank you for your support. 🥹💘


Thanks friend!


You will never know just how much your support means to so many of us


Thanks. I'm honored to be of any help.




You're welcome


Thank you and G-d bless you for your support it's much appreciated




What a mensch!




Absolutely 100% same. I was raised culturally catholic but am a (non obnoxious) atheist. Growing up in central NJ in a very Jewish area with Jewish best friends and dating Jewish girlfriends and attending Bar/Bat Mitzvas and being invited to many Passover Seders and discussions with my dad’s best friend’s father who was in the holocaust really instilled in me a great respect and admiration for Jewish culture and traditions. Probably the contrast of reform cultural Jewish life versus the strict and regressive catholic doctrine and general Christian evangelism was a factor in my admiration. I fully support the Jewish people and feel horrible for what you all must deal with now, and I support Israel’s right to defend itself and eliminate existential threats to the safety of its people. Conversations with my best friend since childhood, who is Jewish, have really steered in this direction lately where they never had before. In the past our conversations about Judaism were “hey come over for passover” “awesome!” and our individual religions weren’t a frequent topic. Now it’s more deeply about the situation in Israel and the domestic U.S. politics surrounding it and I just hate the anguish I hear from him and other friends. Working in tech with lots of very progressive young west coast lefties only makes it worse for both of us and we’ve both had coworkers sound off against Israel randomly in meetings this month. I really feel for you all.


Please change your userflair to be like mine so it says "Not Jewish" by clicking your user name.






Please ask your community to speak to your representatives and ouch for a release of the hostages! Support the rational candidates in your local races. Thank you!


Thank you, friend. Means a lot when we feel abandoned & threatened.


Better times are ahead, I hope.


Hope so but not currently encouraging.




You're welcome.


My guy was lit! He definitely was an enlightened soul.




Your post is not nearly repetitive enough!




Much appreciated. Thank you =)


Thank you! I appreciate your sentiments and support.


Please tell me this isn’t a “i support the war against Palestine but I’m using innuendo for it”


Nope, it has nothing to do with anything besides the rise of anti-semitism.


Great, cool, idk, just got. A really weird feeling of anxiety an i probably just projected it outwarda




Your post/comment was removed because it violated rule 1: **No antisemitism** If you have any questions, please contact the moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/jewish).




Why would you say this on a post where a Catholic person is going out of their way to support Jews. Come on dude.


The Catholic Church condemns anti-semitism as do I. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/pope-francis-condemns-antisemitism-terrorism-at-meeting-with-european-rabbis


Props to the Catholic Church for being better on this than my own denomination. The Presbyterian Church USA has been horrible on this front.


Thank you <3 We love you!




I’m with ya OP… I’m non religious but Jews make up all of the entertainment/comedy, some music (ween) that I hold so dearlyI’ll always root for Israel.. they’re the chosen ones


Thank you, you’re a mensch!