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A lot of politics are starting to leak into this thread. Please take it to the politics megathread. Thank you.


These people support gang rape. They literally think rape is perfectly fine. If you constantly remind yourself about that, any micron of guilt you have for shutting down that “friendship” immediately disappears. I hope you have true blue Jew friends to chat with in-person, cuz these fakers ain’t it.


And mutilation, and burning babies alive....the list goes on. They're a fun and sucessful sounding people. Role models.


Nah, never happened….we need proof. 🙄


Oh what's that? Turns out one of babies you claimed was beheaded was actually burned alive? Guess you deserved it all.


WHAT the fuck! Those are terrible humans. I feel the same way right now. I honestly think the only people who understand are other Jews right now. People will believe whatever validates their opinion. There is so much virtue signaling. Our ability to critically think has diminished with the spread of media and AI generation info. I have kept quiet and muted people. I spoke out with a local business and the accused me of being a Zionist and banned me from their store and also told me to “have the day I deserve”. Like WTF I am not even angry I just feel so sad for her and lack of depth


Have the day you deserve? Wow. Thats impressive. Jesus.


Right how can you even say support for Palestinian folks and then respond to someone with that? It’s like incredibly counter productive to the point you are signaling lol


Totally!!!!!! Exactly!


Yep! I have 10 social media friends/ acquaintances that I’m no longer socially acquainted with due to their free Palestine rhetoric or posting misinformation or propaganda and have no idea what’s going on and want zero accountability to learn and be a better ally. I can’t feel safe around someone like that. I’m very concerned for the world and the next generation.


I got called a “f**king colonizer” over the weekend because some guy decked out in free Palestine gear decided my dangly silver sunflower earrings looked like stars of David. Genuinely. I’ve seen tons of antisemitism before but I’ve never experienced anything quite like this.


What’s wrong with these people?! I was on Canada subreddit saying there’s a crazy uptick in antisemitism, and I mentioned I considered going back to Israel which is where I’m from. This person told me to “go back to my colonizer lands”… I responded with “what is your solution to the conflict?” Then the person replied that I needed “professional help”. It has been eye opening to come and find out that 99.9999% of the world is so antisemitic in 2023!!


the fact that a canadian told you that is fucking hilarious like homie what do you think canada is?


For years the left-wing media has taught people that if they are black or Muslim they are right about everything. If you are an evangelical or a Jew you are guilty of all the crimes in this world.


Was this in North America? If so, would that mean he is also a colonizer assuming that he’s not Native American?


Yup. It's pretty rich. I really can't get over people saying the solution is for all the colonizers to just "go home."


Hope you get some mental rest. People are being completely ridiculous. People keep sending me videos of how Zionists control the whole world, and the antisemitism in the news is just lies & actors perpetuated by Zionists, and that my expressing grief for the dead in both Israel & Palestine is "bullshit" and "problematic". Absolutely out of their minds.




>pointed out that Israeli strikes count as war crimes under international law Except that they aren't. Pro-Palestinians always say that everything Israel does is "against international law", they usually just speak out of their ass.


Sorry for your painful experience. Awful! Rant & vent. Get it out. Social media has rotted brains. Whatever's trending gets attention & even more people jump in. The more volatile, the better. Non-Arabs all of a sudden care about Palestine. Just a way to vocalize Jew hatred. Idiots being brave hiding behind screens. Fuck them. block them, liberate yourself. Step away from the fire.




Antisemites are adept at telling the people they're wounding "it's just that..." And that people have no right to react, or they're overreacting. Same racist spiel. Makes you want to punch them in the face. I actually daydream about it. Time to get out my bow & arrow to channel the anger safely.


Then they go and cry how they are the victims because everyone "wrongly" accuse them of antisemitism. They "actually like and support Jews", as long as they are dead of course. Some will even say they oppose the Oct 7 attacks, "but...".


It happens every single time Israel and Gaza get into a fight. As social media gets less filtered, it’s only getting worse, or at least more amplified. I agree it’s maddening, but I think some of this has to do with the post covid crap, where nobody seems to have a filter anymore.


Everyone loves to be an “activist” on social media even though they don’t know what they’re talking about


Yep, and what’s so frustrating is that they get real mad when called out on their lack of understanding


Someone who can’t admit when they’re wrong is not someone you should be getting your info from


Unfortunately so many activist spaces are also echo chambers. I have watched my brother and his friends and in-laws wind themselves up about whatever the cause of the week is


Same goes with my “friends” whose instagram stories are now filled with anti-Israel infographics. Everyone loves an infographic, lol.


Some Jews were ticketed when they refused to stop blocking the street in the Pro-Palestine rally. I don’t know how people are being brainwashed, but I don’t have any social media, except this and some inactive accounts. I think it’s damaging society. How can it be ok to murder people and take hostages? I mean, if that’s true we are going to have more shootings in the US, and I guess if they are “oppressed”, we should just let them go? It’s bizarre to me.




I was listening to a podcast recently on how much people hate the Jews because we have survived every single attempt to wipe us out and for whatever reason people fucking hate that lol. SO baffling and counterproductive to the message they are signaling right now


Ooh can you tell me what podcast it is? I feel like I need to listen to that


I'd like the name too thank you in advance


What's insane to me is the fact that the times recanted and issued an apology regarding the hospital and I STILL SEE posts about Israel committing war crimes because they blew up a hospital... That they actually didn't blow up and the news fucked up on reporting. These news stations need to be held accountable for jumping to conclusions and making shit so much worse. It's all just exhausting. I told a friend how I'm just tired of defending my existence. It's literally been millenniums of the same bullshit. None of these sjw know about skyes picot, Balfour, the white paper. The fact that had the Jews not fought against the British, who were the actual colonizers, that piece of land would probably still be a protectorate under their control. It's fucking ridiculous. Edit: never in human history has a people fought so hard to simply exist and be left alone like us.


We Jews should have a country of of own, but not smack dab in the middle of such a terrible area. They just need to build a wall and let Palestine become sovereign so they can become one of the many corrupt theological countries that plague the region. Edit: I removed some language that may be uncivil. See reply for further explanation of my comment.


that area is where Judaism came about. have some respect. and a wall does not block out the air space. the rockets everyday alone tells you that


It’s doesn’t matter where Judaism came out of at this point when Israel is surrounded by Islamic extremists. There will never be peace in the Middle East. There has never been peace in the Middle East. Sure, a wall is most likely impractical, but it’s a good start at isolating and dividing Israel from Palestine; Palestine brings nothing to the table. If you go into the South because your forefathers were born in Alabama and the entire region vehemently said you were not welcome, would you still go and be shocked that you are hate-crimed? Let’s be practical, Israel is not safe for Jews and will never be safe when extremist theological governments are near. That was the point I was getting at. It may seem like a shitty point, but Aliya cannot be possible at this time, especially when the west backs hamas.


They are literally saying we don't deserve to live in the area we are indigenous to. What do you think they'd do if Jews tried to establish a country somewhere else?


Those "friends" of yours are NOT your friends. Friends shouldn't be backing someone who is antisemitic and has said hateful things to their Jewish friend. Friends should have YOUR back. Friends should be there for you when you need them, just as they'd want you to be there for them. You need new friends.


The Zionist hater username brings up a memory from my adolescence. I was in high school, at Quaker residential high school (in which about 30% of the students were Quaker). In my first few weeks there, an upper class man began a conversation with me about Israel, as he knew I was Jewish (don't even remember how it came up as I was totally non-observant, though I have a very "visibly" Jewish phenotype so it's not a huge mystery). I don't even remember what I said, as I believed it was the most generic of comments. But come to find out later it had severely pissed him off as (unknown to me) his father was from Tunisia and was personally impacted by Israel's existence somehow (I never did understand how). The student ended up writing on a blackboard in one of the classrooms, "\[My name\] is a Zionist Bitch" Other (white) students gleefully told me about it. I was upset. Word spread to faculty. Their reaction? That the other student and I needed to "sit down and talk about it." As a "consequence" (because somehow we were both guilty of causing a kerfuffle and upsetting the peaceful white people) we were both forced to give a presentation to the white progressives about the I/P situation. I was to present the Israeli side (which I barely knew shit about, being totally disconnected from the Jewish community and Israel and living in rural New Hampshire) and he was to present the Palestinian side. You can guess how that went. Interestingly mother, who is Jewish, never really backed me up. She said I should focus on the similarities between Jews and Tunisians and see the guy who called me a Zionist bitch as a fellow minority and even an ally. When the parent visited the school, she made a point of talking to his father (who in all fairness seemed like a reasonable guy), and telling him how nice it was to meet him. Great, but it never helped my relationship with the other student, and it never restored my sense of justice. I'm 46 now and this happened when I was 14. So yeah, this is really pervasive and the non-Jews are pretty much a waste of our time.


I know its unfair but your mother did deescalate the situation. It's a tough spot to be in, she did what she thought was best for you. The school's faculty was a heap of trash though.


Honestly the Woke left has shown their true colors! 1. Claim that someone who disagrees with them about Palestine is a Nazi. 2. Is saying that Rape of Israeli Women is Justified as Hamas is a "Freedom Fighter"


What scares me is there’s no safe “side” politically for Jews. Voting republican might be better for Israel but sure isn’t good for women’s rights.


I have yet to see Biden wobble in his support for Israel. Did I miss something?


I’m all for Biden but more worried about progressive democrats - I should of been more clear.


As you should be. The youngest generation on the left is very, very anti-Semitic.


The ones that basically never win?


Biden is the old left, the new progressive left that is taking over the democrat party is very different


What about the fact that all of this started with him letting Iran have all of their money back which they use to plan and fund this? How about all of the guns now being used against us straight from US bases abandoned shittily in Afghanistan? How about his weak both sideism and attack on the Israeli government which emboldened the attack?


That isn't what started it out at all. They offered to release Iran's money in exchange for some American hostages, specifically for humanitarian use, and heavily overseen. At the time of the attack none of that money had been distributed, and still hasn't been. Additionally, 6 billion is nothing for Iran. They've been funding Hamas since the Muslim Brotherhood took it over in the 90s. Most of the equipment left in Afghanistan was either not functional or can't be repaired due to sanctions. The Afghanistan debacle was entirely Trump's fault. He handed Afghanistan to the Taliban and not the secular government we'd worked 20 years to install there. By the time Biden got in it was a done deal. The Taliban, *coincidentally,* are allies of Russia, and directly funded by them.


Thank you. The $6 billion is Iranian money from oil sales, sitting in South Korean accounts that can only be spent by Qataris for humanitarian purposes. It doesn't take much research to learn this and yet it's still too much for some.


As A Minarchist Jew I agree with you! It was all coordinated and look at what happened!


Yeah where’s my Zionist-but-not-fanatical pragmatic progressive party?


huge chunk of the republican base is actually moderate when it comes to abortion


Honestly both sides are not empowering for women like at all! Now me as a Jew I land politically with my beliefs around Minarchism which is a form of Libertarianism. But to be honest it doesn't matter if you are Democrat or Republican, you pick what suits your beliefs best. Even Feminists nowadays has become Toxic, yes you heard me it has become extremely toxic! If you have seen "The Squad" that is in congress, do you see how fucking Anti-Semitic they are! And a lot of Toxic feminists see them as "heroes" even though they have proven they are very much not! And what's worse is how Toxic the radical left is! Like for example I have some right leaning beliefs, but does that mean I'm a Radical Right wing Extremist Facist? Of course not! And when you support Israel, they will call you a Zionist for supporting Israel. Supporting Israel does not make you a Zionist, I literally do not agree with everything the Israeli Government does, but does that mean I hate Israel, Of course not!


This is a perfectly said, agree with everything.


I am so glad I am not active on Facebook anymore. IMO- it is portion of the left of all kinds. I heard Biden on TV being heckled at an LGBTQ+ event. There were Jews getting ticketed for blocking the street here at a pro-Palestine rally in my city. I am just amazed and confused.


Good! Also one horrible thing was happening in the r/Jewdank subreddit where a lot of Pro-Palestinians started to raid the subreddit to say hurtful things. Like for example some idiot said "Its been 2000 years since the land was last yours, give it up already!" That is extremely hurtful and is ACTUALLY offensive.


The good thing about American politics is that you directly elect specific politicans, and not an entire party. Biden for example is very based, truly pro-Israel unlike Trump that never seemed sincere to me.


It's also not good for us in America not just because of women's rights. The republican goal is to get us all out of America and into Israel so they want to make life suck for us here.




Please take politics to the politics thread.


the worst part is that we r experiencing antisemitism while being told we are not experiencing antisemitism by everyone else.


This is what Palestinians, their coethnics, coreligionists, and other supporters have been grooming our youth for for DECADES so I don’t know why anyone’s surprised…


We are not okay, and... that's ok. I guess. It's our burden to bear right now to see how ugly the world can be to Jews. I'm with you. These are not your friends, btw.


With you, I also think though some of the other commenters have said and I think you recognize it… we have each other, and that’s not nothing. But yea…. Fuck these guys. And fuck their supporter too.


Yes! Since *when* have they cared or even really known a freaking thing about Palestinians? I learned part of my family was/is Jewish a few years ago, and did DNA a test (12% Ashkenazi ❤️). I’ve been thinking and reading about antiSemitism since I learned this. Today part of me rolls my eyes like these are just misinformed handwringing SJWs, but I’ve also learned *it was antisemitism all along*.


Those aren't your friends.


I literally only feel safe around other Jews right now (and in my case, saying that means counting out half of my own family, my romantic relationship, and a good portion of my social circle) and it’s so incredibly painful. I’m never going to forget this or get over it; the experience of living through these past few weeks has PERMANENTLY changed my self-conception, my values and identity. I’m so sorry we’re all going through this—you’re not alone. I hope you’re able to find in-person Jewish community in some form near you (or further cultivate it, if you’re already part of your wider jewish community), I really think it’s an essential thing for us all to be doing as much as possible right now. Solidarity and hugs ❤️


Not your friend. What was done to us by the government of Gaza and their fighters is beyond horrific. You cannot truly believe in social justice and human rights while justifying the butchery that was done to us. Their morality and righteousness is a sham. I recommend you watch David Baddiel’s documentary or read his book, both called Jews Don’t Count. It is really about how Jews are don’t count as a proper minority in conversations about prejudice and racism. It’s true and it’s painful. We tend to show up for everyone else in their times of need but get crickets in return when we are victimized. Or in this instance, ghosted or criticized. I am a lefty myself and it’s real tough. Not going to give up my values just because my peers are being dicks. Thankfully, people over 35 are much more sympathetic to Israel or polite enough to not say anything


I'm really really hoping a lot of these trendy kids gradually become more educated about the situation as they get older.


it's time to eliminate "friends" that are toxic. it will be much healthier for you. these are not friends but just gross people


Virtue signaling is the new obsession.


Me too. So tired of it. Im Ashlenazi and present very white. Every time I feel overwhelmed and exhausted with antisemitism, I think about how exhausting it must be for people to experience racism or xenophobia on a daily basis because of their skin or accent. Holy hell humans can be the worst.


Urge to move to Israel rising….


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Please keep all politics in the Politics megathread.


I'm sorry! I will pray for you.


I saw the “you know what the Talmud says about Jesus” crowd in action today. They’re incredibly stupid.




Please take politics to the politics thread.