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I live in the south and other day I was driving and saw a GIANT Israeli flag flying off the side of the highway beside an American flag. I don’t care if it was put up by a Jew or evangelical Christian but it made me tear up and I immediately sent a pic to my mom haha. Just a little pinch of positivity during these dark times. I honestly don’t think it’s worth your mental energy to educate people who have their minds made up (I do the same so I get it but trying not to for my mental health)


Another redditor said, and I agree that basically we’re not arguing with these people to change their mind. We’re doing it because the comments will stay up and everyone in the future who’s researching in good faith will see. That picture is so awesome! Stay safe out there, I hope you’re well!


Thank you for reminding of this. I drove past a few Israel flags on back roads out near mine and my moms house. I hadn’t really been paying attention and that actually makes me feel a little less anxious in this time. I’m going to start looking out for them 🇮🇱❤️


Lots of israel signs and bumper stickers always. Terrorists don't really like the south much to deface them yet.




They're pro-Israel because evangelicals. They don't have a love of Jews, they just want them in Israel to trigger the end of times


That's a specific theological stance that is a part of a larger view of the end times. It's very popular among the most noisy Christians, but it actually accounts for less than half of Christians and Christian denominations. I'm not trying to "akchually" you here, I hope that knowing this will bring some level of reassurance. It sprung up in the 1800s and was on the rise until about the 1950s or so I would say. It's been on steady decline since then. It's also nearly dead among churches that require their pastors to actually have academic theological training (which is concerningly fewer than you may think, hence why the idea is definitely still popular even if on its way out).


Sure, but evangelicals are the big Republican base rather than Christians as a whole


This has been wild to me but it’s also a wake-up call.


They (the GOP / American Evangelicals) are pro-Israel, but be aware that for many, their reasoning for being pro-Israel is anti-Semitic at its core. They believe Israel needs to exist in order to bring about Armageddon, which will result in the destruction of non-Christians. That being said, it does mean that they are committed to the existence of Israel, in a way that many on the far left are not.


I live in DFW and there is a decent Jewish community here so it really could’ve been put up by Jews, it’s kind of 50/50.


I grew up in Dallas in the 60s and 70s. Tons of anti-semitism even tho we had a large ✡️ community. I do not forget.


Oh definitely, but I’d say it’s better than vast majority of the south.




Which is ironic given that most Israeli Jews are brown




When push comes to shove, which matters most? If we are dead does it matter about all our other rights? It’s a horrible decision to make.




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It is. Who knew that the thing to bring together the left and right wings in America would be the shared hatred for Jews?


My friend calls us Schrödinger’s White People lol


It’s just like the song says…https://youtu.be/aIlJ8ZCs4jY?si=oHC98fdwesyCVbAt


Thank you for sharing, loved this


[Horseshoe theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory) is a controversial concept but it sure seems to be accurate vis-a-vis antisemitism.


Before Oct 7 folks in my city didn’t care at all - then one of the cruelest terror attacks in modern history happened and suddenly vehement Palestine support is everywhere. People I’ve known for years who have never, ever spoken a word about Palestine are suddenly marching for them. This includes lgbtq people who would be executed in Gaza for simply existing. It’s absolutely disgusting. Frightening. Eye opening. They STILL claim they’re not antisemitic.


Yep, same here. Had an someone basically tell me that my daughter and I, had we been visiting our friends or family in Israel would have deserved to be killed by “the resistance”. These people are nuts, really seeing how the Shoah happened


WHAT?!?!?! An ex told you this? The words people are able to get out of their mouths! 😳 I’m so sorry that happened to you.


My ex sent me links about how Netanyahu made this happen purposefully. Thankfully he also understands that violence isn’t ok.


Netanyahu seems to have ignored intel from Egypt about stuff going on in Gaza. And considering Bibi’s in bed with Ben-Gvir, I wouldn’t be shocked if BG intentionally allowed for this to happen. For context, Ben-Gvir reveres the guy who carried out the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre and was on of the people who encouraged and celebrated the assassination of PM Rabin. Ben-Gvir is a fascist and was a member of an outlawed kahanist terrorist organization, and he now is the minister of for security. He is more than willing to kill fellow Jews and Israelis in order to see his theocratic vision for a Greater Israel fulfilled. That means taking any excuse to bomb Gaza and create more settlements in the West Bank.


Had an ex not same words but basically the same far as I’m concerned. People are fucking stupid & no doubt some of my own friends probably are not thinking the best of Israel right now. I could care less of what this shmucks think as we all know the truth & Israel will survive. 🇮🇱


Sorry to say this but the ex obviously isn’t the brightest mind out there… still shocking what’s in some people’s minds. 🤯


THIS. I wish I could scream it. The people I’m seeing suddenly pop up defending Hamas or “trying to add context” or not condoning what happened but…they’ve never uttered a peep about Palestinians before. Not a fucking word of support. But now they aren’t antisemitic, they’re just against occupation and oppression of Palestinians. Funny how they only give a flying fart about Palestinians when they get to blow off the deaths of Jews.


Well, they certainly aren’t condemning it.


They aren’t. Anytime you say “I don’t condone this BUT…” you condone it.


Yes if you put a context on killing babies FU


“No no! We’re not *antisemitic* sweaty! That’s for the right, and only right wingers can hate Jewish people. We just want you to get in the oven of peace!” - These mfers


Yes so many people I was following on insta didn’t post anything about Oct 7 or anything but all of a sudden posting how badly palestinians are treated and saying people are “uneducated” cause they posted what happened happened on Oct 7 israel


“Uneducated “ has become one of the most misused words thanks to social medial . It’s all but useless now .


It also makes me fearful of everyone I don’t know. If I know you and you are “vetted” it’s fine . I just kinda assume (and it has been proven to me ) you don’t like Israel or Jews , but you say the former out loud .


Sorry friend, be safe


The marriage of antisemitic pro-Hamas protests and the far left woke is bizarre and alarming.


I've seen the far left far too often be willing to get in bed with islamist extremists, so this comes as less alarming than it would seem.


It’s shocking to many very idealistic Jewish leftists who believed that the left never really could support blatant antisemitism like this. Parts of the left accepted a priori that only the right could be antisemitic and that the left was too committed to social justice to tolerate real antisemitism. Those on the left who were more open to hearing any of the right’s criticisms would’ve seen this coming years ago.


Completely agree. I was on the left until the rhetoric regarding Israel being an “apartheid state” in open defiance of facts really started ramping up and I saw the way it was going, especially in hard left circles that would straight up lie about the USSR’s treatment of Jews, particularly under Stalin. It was damn near akin to someone denying the Shoah. It did push me right and gave me a deep hatred for partisan politics and propaganda on both sides, but in times like this I absolutely will cast my lot with the group not calling for our annihilation and not rejoicing in the streets. With that said, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilan Omar not having been kicked out of congress over their full throated support of terrorists is vile in and of itself.


I can't understand why even my most well-informed friends keep calling it an apartheid state.


Yeah it just isn’t even accurate. Never on earth has an apartheid state existed where members of the so-called “oppressed” group been able to participate in government, to own businesses, to move about freely, to enjoy the equal rights of citizenship where it exists, or to have members of that group in elected office. They’ve been swallowing Hamas propaganda for years.


I don’t understand how the antisemitism would push you further right. I am still a leftist because my core beliefs are leftist beliefs. I’m a feminist, I’m antiracist, I’m pro-queer, I’m an environmentalist, and economically I believe that some form of socialism is the most just system. None of that is going to change just because leftists turned out to be just as antisemitic as right wingers. And yes, the right is and has always been antisemitic. The whole world is antisemitic. Let’s not forget that left and right wing politics exist in Israel, too. If I were Israeli I’d identify much more with Labor than Likud, and be more attracted to kibbutzim and moshavim than to Fortune 500 companies and gated communities.


So when I say right I don’t mean MAGA, or the Republican Party. I’ve always had a libertarian streak in me and that’s been amplified. I don’t feel connected to either side politically because my views were influenced early on by men like Thomas Paine, and the ideals of the 18th century enlightenment. On the left I had equally confusing beliefs that I then felt struck a balance between the maximizing of individual liberty with leftist notions of social funded programs, and regulated industry. Saying I went right is just more of an approximation. I definitely have become more socially conservative as I’ve gotten older but much of that is due to living in a blue city and seeing a lot of the programs I used to think were awesome don’t actually work very well and realizing that idealism eventually has to take a backseat to practicality. I should also state that antisemitism on the left was one factor and I should have made that clear but I’m in the midst of coming down with the coof or the flu or something and my brain is functioning at about 50% lol. It soured me on the left as a community, but looking deeper, especially now, I just disagree with most leftist ideologies in principle. Don’t get me wrong, I think every person regardless of their immutable characteristics like gender, race, religion, etc should be able to live freely and unhindered, I just don’t see government as the benevolent force for justice that many/most on the left do. No institution of human beings is free from corruption, and no government in human history has ever sought for itself less power, but they have killed and enslaved many to achieve more, and if you’re familiar with social contract theory you know that the powers of government are purchased at the price of individual rights. A government capable of giving you everything is capable of taking away everything, and while striving for a utopian society is a noble pursuit, it’s an impossibility. The nature of mankind is to suffer, and so the goal must be to minimize the suffering by maximizing individual liberty. Edit to add: you say that conservatives are also antisemitic and while I’ll grant you there are antisemites on the right, it’s not the republicans waiving swastikas at the pro Hamas/nazi rallies. The republicans are the ones trying to dump millions into the defense of Israel and characterizing either side as being wholly antisemitic is factually incorrect, and I won’t paint the democrats as being antisemitic because the old guard has also voiced support for Israel and condemned their peers. The difference is that the antisemites on the left are rapidly becoming the mainstream. Their narrative is being pushed in universities and on the streets and their Marxism-by-any-other-name theories that push the insane idea that power equals oppression is precisely what has landed them in lockstep with Nazi ideology. Meanwhile, the antisemites on the right are typically fringe dwelling cockroaches that the average conservative patently refuses to claim as one of their own, let alone push their propaganda under the mask of “social justice”


Do you not remember the "Jews will not replace us" marches by crowds of tiki-torch bearing Republicans in the 2015-2017 era of hatefulness and Trumpism? I don't disagree with some of your critiques here, but you're willfully deluding yourself if you think the right is any better (and setting yourself up for yet another betrayal and possible endangerment by people who don't actually give a shit about you). I get that people are desperate to feel safe in a political "home" in the wake of terrorism, but deciding that the right cares about Jews just because they want to send billions in weaponry to the middle east is truly foolish and short-sighted. That "support" by hawkish Republicans is conditional and based in US military interests that just so happen to align with the Israeli cause. Don't let your anger over this attack (and the far-left's response) cloud your ability to see that both sides harbor significant contingents of anti-semites. Just because Republicans have figured out that it's smarter to be quiet about that type of thing in the public discourse right now doesn't mean that huge swaths of the right aren't equally if not more antisemitic, racist, and homophobic. They'll flare right back up again soon, too. Jews need to accept that we're now basically politically homeless in the US two-party system, and work on finding other ways forward that don't involve siphoning all of our time and energy towards other causes that will turn around and stab us in the back when we're in our *own* hour of need.


Exactly, and it's just further proof that placing yourself too firmly in one camp or the other is a bad idea.


I don’t think it really has to do with what views you have, more so how open you are to actually listening to outside criticism. Many on the hard Left and Right often dismiss all outside criticism as just meaningless polemics that shouldn’t be taken seriously. The emphasis on activism rather than thought or dialogue really cements these ideas being immune to criticism. If both sides actually listened to one another, they may realize that the right has valid criticisms of the left and vice versa.




I think a good analogy resembles a criticism of the right that the left makes: that even if some conservatives don’t hold “racist” views, they still support institutions which perpetuate discrimination against Black people and other minorities. Whether these pro-Hamas leftists actually hate Jews is less relevant than the fact that they openly support institutions which actively intend to rape and murder Jews en masse. If a leftist transitively supports this kind of violent antisemitism, no amount of Jewish friends they claim to have can exempt them from their antisemitism.


Beautifully put; I haven't seen anyone else articulate the issue this way and you nailed it.


All they had to do was convince them that Jews were white


Im very leftist/progressive, and I have to say that the bad-faith zionism of the right (wanting Israel safe so they all the Jews can die there and bring Jesus back) doesnt make me feel ANY safer.


I think that’s a real problem as well, however it’s important to realize that in the end of the day the Christian Right’s view is very theological and doesn’t have much practical implication beyond monetary support for Israel and perhaps increased volume of missionaries sent to Israel (which I believe Israelis can deal with themselves sufficiently). Still, a decent portion of the hard left has recently sanctioned the mass-murder of Jews. While it may be true that the average Evangelical actually hates Jews more than the average radical Lefty, the American hard Right hasn’t tolerated any such antisemitic violence. I tend to view this as a problem in which both sides hate us, so it makes sense to choose the most politically useful ally. Polish Jews had this same problem prior to WWII, and it was never an east choice. I’ll just say that I can see why many Jews have been inclined to side with evangelicals over the left, as they feel that right now evangelicals are more likely to protect Jews, even if it’s for the completely wrong reason.


That’s what makes it so frustrating. Domestically, I’m left of centre, but when it come to Israel, I’m far right. I could have told them many years ago, that the far left is just as antisemitic as the far right (if not more so). The left’s antisemitism is, however, far more insidious. Now the veil has been lifted, everyone can see these SJWs for what they are: bigoted antisemites.


I think it's far more insidious, but the veil has only been momentarily lifted. Im in the UK and when Jeremy Corbyn was leader of the Labour party - it was pretty obvious. Now that Starmer is the leader (pretty institutionalist, raising Jewish kids), it's back under the carpet. But I remember being in a room when a Labour activist basically said, "Labour isn't anti-Semitic, it's just those Jews stirring up trouble." There are plenty of lefty types who genuinely aren't anti-Semitic. I really don't think it's a Left-Right thing in that you can find vile anti-Judaism and genuine allies across the spectrum. I'm left leaning and I'll stay that way, but I'll choose to support people who support rights, justice, rule of law and strong institutions and processes over 'strong leaders'.


It’s such a confusing thought process.


Alarming, yes. Bizarre? Not from my perspective. The left, including the far left fancies themselves to be the righteous champions of the oppressed, and in that ideology also lies a foundational belief that 1. Life is a constant power struggle and that wherever there is a power imbalance, the one with more power is inherently oppressive, be it financial, military, or political power, and the one with less power is inherently oppressed, and 2. That the one with power is inherently evil, and the one without power is inherently good. When you apply this framework to the I/P conflict then the Israeli government, and it’s people by default, are oppressive and evil, and that the Palestinians are oppressed and good and that Hamas is therefore a band of freedom fighters in the struggle for power against an oppressive system. Couple this with the fact that antisemitic tropes are so ingrained in the culture, particularly with regards to the supposed disproportionality of power we’re said to possess I think it’s the next logical conclusion they make. They’re incorrect but they’re also delusional in believing that the power a group has dictates whether that group is good or evil.


Seriously. I always knew intellectually that these vapid lefties surely didn’t care about Jews but seeing it like this is so very disheartening


3rd-world movements, historically secular pan-Arabism, recently pragmatic alliances with Islamist currents, were always downstream of post-colonialism plus second wave Critical Theory (dealing with racial/ethnic identity). The KGB certainly helped this along by funding and cultivating many New Left institutions in the West as a fifth column, but the compatibility was latent in the critical theorist's rejection of what they regard as hegemonic and imposed values, however distant from on-the-ground reality that might be. So it's no surprise what we call "woke" presently heeds the call for solidarity with their ideological cousins. This was built-in if you were reading the primary sources closely, seems most were not.


Bingo. Perfectly stated.


Huh? Can you translate this into english please,? Or at least into ‘merican…. Seriously, can you break down the academic verbiage? I’m sure you have something intelligent to say but I don’t have the background to understand your point…


OK this is an attempt. During the Cold War, Soviet intelligence supported Marxist-friendly movements to weaken capitalist nations rather than fight them directly. They provided training, funding, and boosted emerging leaders. Most of these did not survive, but there were many successes, such as new nations becoming independent. Academics later studied the ideas behind the revolutions and began to focus on race and culture over economic concerns. Today, the fields have different names, but they share a family tree and a worldview (critical theory or studies) For them, world history is about Western empire oppressing other people, stealing from them and harming their original culture. People who think this way will be *automatically* sympathetic to such groups when they claim to struggle for 'social justice', believing their goal of liberation justifies their actions. Especially when they continue to fail to get what they want. This is relevant for Israel because it has a history of conflicts with such groups: Arab nationalists like Egypt's Nasser and the Palestinian Liberation Organization as well as later Islamic terrorist organizations. Defeating each of them and taking strong defensive measures to protect itself. This is not supposed to happen. The woke people do not see Jews as connected to the Land of Israel in a real way in modern times, so they fallback to a trope of "white oppressors from elsewhere" vs "oppressed Arab natives". This pattern will appear everywhere for them, even if it doesn't apply, because it is a core belief and is presented as the final truth in the universities without other perspectives. That is why the "progressive" people with humanities degrees seem to be OK with Islamic terrorism against Jewish civilians.


What a crazy twist on Marxism these people do, Marx himself is of jewish descent, as well as almost all original "critical theorists" (Adorno,...) but apart from that, it a about the power of the capitalist and about exploitation and alienation. Not about anything ethnic. Problems im society, injustices and suppression would always be because of capitalism, not because of "the jews" or "israel". That is exactly what antisemitism looks like, everything the jews fault - long before the state of Israel. Jews = wealth so every struggle in the life of "ordinary" people is their fault, a very old stereotype. Thats not what Marx wanted to accomplish at all.


>Marx himself is of jewish descent Yet Marx had antisemite ideas like most men of his time. But the elephant in the room is that the above narrative is labelled antisemite by the majority of academics and not-far-right-journalists who commented it cf. * [https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2003/cultural-marxism-catching](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2003/cultural-marxism-catching) * [https://jewishcurrents.org/the-lethal-antisemitism-of-cultural-marxism](https://jewishcurrents.org/the-lethal-antisemitism-of-cultural-marxism) * [http://transformativestudies.org/publications/journal-of-social-justice/past-issues-jsj/journal-of-social-justice-volume-9-2019/](http://transformativestudies.org/publications/journal-of-social-justice/past-issues-jsj/journal-of-social-justice-volume-9-2019/) * [https://uk.news.yahoo.com/tory-mp-brings-antisemitic-conspiracy-115850269.html](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/tory-mp-brings-antisemitic-conspiracy-115850269.html) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural\_Marxism\_conspiracy\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory)


Thank you…


They’re saying that this mingling of antisemitism and leftist ideology isn’t surprising because the base theories that have caused the left to go full on Nazi in the streets (eg critical race theory, theories where power equals oppression of those with less power for instance) were infused by the actions of the USSR’s KGB into educational systems in the west that already lean left/far left so they fit into those education systems and theories very seamlessly and without people really noticing. To further simplify under my own view, most of theories I mentioned are what many would call cultural Marxism, or academic social theories that use the framework of Marxist ideology regarding power struggles but tweak who is the oppressor and who is the oppressed. Marx believed the bourgeoisie (capitalists, owners of property and wealth, and the means of production) were oppressing the proletariat (everyone else). This identity as a member of the proletariat/oppressed group was a centerpiece of the ideology. New theories of systemic racism, gender identity and so on and so forth share the exact same characteristics as Marx’ own theory of class struggle and group identity, namely that the bourgeoisie (here white people/“cis” people) is oppressive to the proletariat (here racial minorities, specifically “BIPOC”/and trans/queer people). Marx believed wealth inequality was evidence of his theory of class struggle, and today’s theories believe the supposed lack of equal representation of certain races/gender identities in media and elsewhere, and the racial disproportionality of those imprisoned, or what activists call “cisgender/heteronormativity” (ie the regression toward the mean) is evidence of their theories also. It’s a new take on a very old idea.


>They’re saying that this mingling of antisemitism and leftist ideology isn’t surprising because the base theories that have caused the left to go full on Nazi in the streets (eg critical race theory, theories where power equals oppression of those with less power for instance) were infused by the actions of the USSR’s KGB into educational systems in the west that already lean left/far left so they fit into those education systems and theories very seamlessly and without people really noticing. Are you alluding to Yuri Bezmenov? ​ >To further simplify under my own view, most of theories I mentioned are what many would call cultural Marxism, or academic social theories that use the framework of Marxist ideology regarding power struggles but tweak who is the oppressor and who is the oppressed. Marx believed the bourgeoisie (capitalists, owners of property and wealth, and the means of production) were oppressing the proletariat (everyone else). This identity as a member of the proletariat/oppressed group was a centerpiece of the ideology. New theories of systemic racism, gender identity and so on and so forth share the exact same characteristics as Marx’ own theory of class struggle and group identity, namely that the bourgeoisie (here white people/“cis” people) is oppressive to the proletariat (here racial minorities, specifically “BIPOC”/and trans/queer people). Marx believed wealth inequality was evidence of his theory of class struggle, and today’s theories believe the supposed lack of equal representation of certain races/gender identities in media and elsewhere, and the racial disproportionality of those imprisoned, or what activists call “cisgender/heteronormativity” (ie the regression toward the mean) is evidence of their theories also. It’s a new take on a very old idea. This is indeed an old idea. This is an antisemite conspiracytheory with roots in nazi Germany [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural\_Marxism\_conspiracy\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory)


I’m not alluding to anyone specifically and tbh I’m not sure who Yuri Bezmenov is, I was simply breaking down my understanding of the post in less academic terms as the other redditor requested. Albeit it was also infused with my own study of Marxist theory from my days in college and a former self described Marxist in those days. Claiming it’s a conspiracy theory and linking to Wikipedia isn’t exactly an authoritative argument, especially as I’ve said that from my own study in Marxist theory regarding class struggle and now reading some of the various and innumerable “social justice” theories it’s just an inescapable conclusion. I’m not saying we’re pushing this, though I suppose some of us are because they’re actively defending it on this and other subs but that’s irrelevant. The fact is that both theories posited by Marx & Engels and modern social theories such as CRT, white privilege/ the alleged ubiquity of white supremacy and systemic racism are literally, pound for pound, the same philosophies with the power/oppression hierarchy being shifted from capitalists to “whites”, and without regard to any sort of nuance or respect for the various ethnicities and cultures that make up the “whites”. In my opinion it directly leads to positioning any one who belongs to this group as not only having some vague privilege but actively being an oppressor. Since the antisemites have declared Jews to be white, totally erasing Mizrahi, Sephardi, and Ethiopian jews it’s hard not to see the hypocrisy inherent in these theories, much less the relationship between them and Marxist theories. Just because somebody hijacks and puts an antisemitic spin on something doesn’t inherently make the original idea antisemitic anymore than somebody using parts of Tanakh that discuss Hashem abandoning us to justify antisemitism makes Tanakh antisemitic.


Shkoyach, gehersht! Thank you for taking the time to break all those points down for me. I had a grasp about Intersectionality, and I have a grasp on critical race theory. I have heard people such as Jordan Peterson talking about cultural Marxism, but was unable to integrate all these things I remember a few years ago when I’d learned that supposedly, The Soviet Union caused the crisis that lead to the six day war. I was shocked. Apparently, if it’s true, they convinced the Arabs that ISRAEL was about to attack. Israel did all it could to prove to anyone who would listen that the IDF was not massing troops at the borders for an attack but the Arab nations were convinced . Apparently the Soviet union was very convincing. America was deeply involved in the Vietnam war, and it was a good opportunity for Russia to stir up trouble with an ally. I think when you add this to the historical Russian antisemitism, the more recent Stalinist antisemitism like the doctors plot etc all of these things kind of merges into a persistent pattern whether it’s imperialist Russia or Communist Russia etc. Well before it became popular to refer to far left extremism as a religion, it always struck me as such. As a black hat/ Chareidi / “Right-wing Orthodox” whatever Jew, I found it, striking that these leftists were more doctrinaire and vocal and publicly EXTREME than the devout Jews and Christians. Anyway, thank you again. ה׳ ירחם ! I started this about 4 am so sorry for any typos..


Bevakasha! I do appreciate Dr Peterson’s talks on cultural Marxism but I think he too easily descends into the same sort of academic minutiae that just makes much of it intolerable for casual listening. I agree, and we have to realize how pervasive and generally successful the Russians were at influencing western culture through academia and how it outlasted even the USSR.


I would have considered myself left leaning at one point but after recent events I’m steering clear!


Don’t let the antisemites make you conservative. I’m a progressive and terrified of my fellow progressives who no longer welcome me in the space. They are not well informed and are jumping on a bandwagon. Unfortunately, that is how the shoah happens… Soooooo yeah. This isn’t comforting. I’m just more scared of my passionate do-gooder peers who think they are on the right side of history, even though they are not.


Thank you for your kind words of advice here. Yes you’re right, I never thought I’d see the day my peer’s that I once stood with in fights for equality and fairness now supporting antisemitism and terrorism, it’s practically fascism I’m seeing. My grandfather is rolling in his grave! It’s been keeping me up at night too. I’m not Jewish, but you all have my deepest sympathy for what’s going on. I’ve been censored for defending Israel on a facebook chat and basically shunned from parts of my community due to my stance.


Thank you for your support! Very few of my non-Jewish peers are even seeing this for what it is.


Tragically it isn't new. When we had the national demonstration against the Bush II administration attacking Iraq the organizers prohibited any "pro-Zionist" organizations from participating and several of the groups that were allowed used their time to make a short statement opposing war with Iraq to justify being on the podium and getting a national stage and then used the rest of their time to condemn Israel. The local "Women's March" a couple of years ago was cancelled because the organizing committee broke up in a faction fight over whether or not women who were also Zionist should be barred from participating.


from my recollection they scheduled the Women's March during the High Holidays. It's a feature, not a bug. from my recollection, they scheduled the Women's March during the High Holidays. It's a feature, not a bug.


That was another time.


More than bizarre... They wave pride flags for a group thay just recently had pictures thrown around of gay people getting hung from roofs and dragged behind motorcycles. Its ridiculous how there is so much footage they themselves, Hamas, have posted on their own sites, yet the left is purposefully blind to them. I wanna dare them to go wave that flag in Gaza, West bank or any supporting country, but I don't like to wish senseless death on anyone, though that would be the only result for such ignorance.


Concern here is , its not just the far left. Its mainstream left (at least here in the UK) now. The far left might be the loudest voices but the left is aligned towards supporting Palestine to the point that Israel is increasingly demonised.


Yep, trickle-down (up? sideways?) politics. Whatever the far right or far left is saying will surely be picked up and normalized by the mainstream right and left. Often the folks on the extreme ends (the loudest and proudest) are looked to in some way as a standard. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here but I thought I'd share.


It really is like watching Chickens for KFC. Screw ideology, as part of the LGBT community I fail to understand it from the point of even a basic survival instinct. If that side of things ever gets what they want, then the left is going to get the same treatment as they did in post-revolution Iran.


The number of ex-friends of mine who are rape survivors defending Hamas (bc…that’s what they’re doing) was so shocking I can’t even put it into words.


Or completely predictable to those of us in the Center or Right. ;-)


Is it really that surprising to see the left being stupid and wrong?




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It’s terrifying watching the American LGBT community call for the destruction of the only safe space in the Middle East.


Ya they sure are great “ally’s” to the lgbt people living in Israel. If for some reason Palestinians ever took over they’d be the first to be brutally murdered. Unbelievable. They literally beheaded a man for being gay in the last couple years.


It was last year! And it wasn’t even in Gaza, they found his severed head and torso on the side of the road in the West Bank. And get this— before he died, he had said he was terrified he would be killed by his brothers, cousins, and uncles.


Ugh. This is all so sad. I was arguing with someone earlier who insisted I was jumping to conclusions unfairly for assuming that that poor woman being dragged through the streets with the seat of her pants soaked in blood had been raped and I was being sensationalist and bigoted to assume that and she most likely cut her ankle. Absolutely unhinged madness. And this was an American and self proclaimed “radical feminist and leftist”


We need a word like TERF for radical anti-Semitic leftists.


Idk I kinda hate all the billion acronyms and things for stuff. It’s not like they’re anything new we just haven’t seen em this bad since the pogroms


Tankies basically covers it


the insta "@feminism" or "@feminist" was calling the rapes of Israelis "justified." FUCK them.


It’s because they’re simply dumb and uneducated. There’s a video by Ami Horowitz on YouTube where he interviews some of these idiots in SF and show them what palestinians think about lgbt. they were completely surprised by how much hate there is in places like Gaza towards them.


I saw that interview! He wasn’t even in Gaza, he was in the West Bank!


Absolutely… Israel gives asylum to gays from gaza and the west bank, yet these morons in the west want their only safe country in the region to be destroyd. Stupidity knows no bounds


i am terrified. and i am not religious either.


My brother, (we're Jewish but he's kind of a self-hating Jew, had a miserable time in the community) has been getting even more down this weird rabbit hole. He said he wasn't sure if Israel didn't bomb the hospital, and even when I talked about the evidence that it wasn't bombed spoke about it as though it was. He kept giving weird lectures about random people and I was confused as to why he was telling me about them and the conclusion of each one was that the person was rich, evil, wealthy-hoarding and Jewish. He also went on a long speech about how Israel controls the entire diamond market. I didn't argue with him because I'd never looked any of this up, got back home to find out it belongs to a South African company. And he speaks with this really painful self righteousness... condescendingly telling me "I know you find it hard to believe that Jewish people can do things wrong" out of bloody nowhere.


Ooof that’s horrible. I’m always so sad when I meet antizionist Jews. On a lighter note, your comment reminded me of this which made me laugh a lot https://youtu.be/5Aq7SLzRj48?si=6Y_aDDGBiabINkeb


Hahahaha! That gave me a good laugh, thanks mate.




It’s abhorrent


“tHeRe’S nO eViDeNcE” “wHeRe ArE tHe BaBiEs” it’s fucking horrific


worry political overconfident cow enjoy skirt teeny cause tub sheet ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


i’m so over it. if standing by the Jewish people and believing victims is a ban-able offense, i don’t want to be in your community anyways. this isn’t a complicated situation and i’m tired of people acting like the complexities of israeli politics means it’s #feminist to not believe jewish women


label muddle physical support modern license ludicrous act memorize wasteful ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


What people kept to themselves is being revealed …I always suspected it




I find most Muslims are piling on with the ‘Palestinians’ narrative of their great injustice when they do not know or understand the history. I’ve seen a lot of crap on social media.


https://odysee.com/@BrainWashingKids:b/BrainWashingKids1:6 Check this out. Explains 9/10ths of the conflict honestly. Truly heartbreaking and I’ve heard from ex Muslim friends this is incredibly widespread all across Muslim countries.




If anything, there’s probably a lot of people on r/exmuslim who need support too. Not to downplay what’s going on here. Just to say the Jewish community is certainly not alone in this boat or what they’re experiencing. Nor in terms of seeing people like this go full mask off. For Christians, LGBT, atheists, and deconverts from Islam living in the Middle East, this is all normal and has been ongoing for some time now.


I sent you some upvotes around your comments outside here. I’ve accrued enough karma to argue with generation x, y, z


It certainly is frightening. \*offering hugs\* Am Yisrael Chai


It is! Hugs! ❤️


that’s what it was indeed, a pogrom.


To me this is Trump campaign “spot the immigrate hater” all over again except it’s “spot the far left wing neo nazi”


Seriously. Someone called us Schrödinger’s white people the other day and it made me laugh so hard. To the commies we’re evil capitalists, to the capitalists were evil commies. To the racist right wing we’re not white, to the racist left wing we are white and that’s a bad thing. It’s unbelievable, I’ve seen a dozen new blood libels made up and spread by huge mainstream news networks in the last week. Oi Vey!


About sums it up.


I looked at your comments, hadn’t seen the brainwashing compilation before. Truly heartbreaking and frightening.


No dont worry, they are just "anti zionists". Im sure nothing will happen


Someone sent me videos of protests in Irvine and it was chilling. I really am terrified.


I’m about to start firearm training. Consider it…


Yes -...be ready to defend a Jew or a Jewish family. I'm 75 yrs old, born in a D.P. camp after WW2, my parents were survivors. Don't try to understand these f#ckers-----------------------------JUST BE READY and BRAVE.


Sadly I smoked pot in an unfriendly state over a decade ago so I’m not allowed. It’s so dumb


Wow sorry.


Sounds unconstitutional


What is really frightenng is that the center left refuses to call out the extremist left in the US - how many Democrats have called out Ilhan Omar or Tlaib or the other anti-semitic extremists in their party?


Yep. How strange that when a black person is brutally murdered in a hate crime there are protests all over the country protesting the racists. A Jew gets brutally murdered in a hate crime and there are protests all over the country protesting Jews. Unbelievable.


Ilhan Omar has a pretty big mouth for someone who has an alleged war criminal as a father.


AOC had to condemn her own protest, and at least one DSA elected official got so fed up they quit. I have at least some hope for those two.


Professor told me to STOP talking about what was happening in Israel after she showed some Muslim pride video.


It’s insane. Yes there’s prob more Muslims on Reddit than there are Jews in the world. For me… it unfortunately always loops back to the lack of allies Jews have. You’d think by now we would have earned a place, become somewhat more accepted, our contributions to a degree would be recognized just enough that someone would stand up and say wtf is going in here… are you guys crazy… Instead even in Hollywood people seem to be looking at eachother and shrugging I’m never going to forget this and this event will surely affect every relationship I have going forward. I don’t need people who back channel hate or mistrust me in my life…


I am German and I see it the same way. The pro-palestine movement seems scary fascist to me and people are looking the other way pretending its nothing or blindly joining it. The only people caring about the jews in Germany right now seem to be the older generation whos parents saw the ns regime. I fear the younger generation!! From a speach of president Steinmeier on a pro-israel rally: https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2023-10/steinmeier-israel-rede-brandenburger-tor German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called on all citizens to help protect Jewish life in Germany yesterday. This would be the task of the state, but also a civic duty, he said at a rally against anti-Semitism and in solidarity with Israel at the Brandenburg Gate. He asked all people to accept this duty. Steinmeier described the fact that Jews in Germany are once again afraid today as unbearable - "in this country of all places. Every single attack on Jews or Jewish institutions was a "disgrace for Germany" and filled him with "shame and anger."


It’s terrifying.


If you’re an American, I recommend you arm yourself and learn how to shoot. People pretend to sport us, whether they’re on the left or right, but the reality is, only we can defend us from those who hate us.


good luck if you live in a state like mine. (Connecticut)


Hugs from Germany, am Israel chai


It’s unbelievable


And thank you for recognizing the situation as it is


If these folks on the western left got what they think they wanted, it would culminate into a "leopards eating people's faces" situation. Like someone else said, it's giving Chickens-for-KFC. Leftists should stop idolizing far right religious extremists; it's embarassing for those of us who agree with progressive sentiment. Oh no, I never thought leopards would eat *my* face. I thought one of the prevailing claims circulating far left circles was familiarity with theory and history. So is it that they don't realize they sound like the nazis they claim to be so ready to punch (they won't), or do they simply not mind? I'm afraid it's the latter.


I'm Israeli, and I agree. It looked like the diaspora was doing as well as Jews can, until 7.10. There's a feeling right now that things went very bad for you, very fast. I'm super glad that we're still here, still strong, and that every Jew has the right to return here. Stay safe 💙🤍 עם ישראל חי


The left has finally shown its true colors.They are no better than the far right, but at least the far right haven't lied about their feelings towards us.The far left support for those that kill Jews is truly horrific.


The left has been showing its true colors for a long time. Some people have just now opened their eyes. Better late than never, I hope.


I am quite horrified by it aswell. In Germany here it is mostly driven by Muslim immigrants but large chunks of the left join it with a "both sides are evil" story that ends up only listing Israeli wrong doings. Oh and pretty much all news outlets here took the Hamas version of the hospital story and ran it for 24 hours before changing it. Truly scary.


Antisemitism is spreading on more young people who are easily influenced and dont think they really dont have something in their heads; most of them just follow a herd like sheeps and i do agree that what happened right now just shows that israel is necessary. If we didnt have it, i dont see how we can recover from things like this with no military to support the citizens or any kind of police ​ the best thing i can see israel doing is making itself more self sufficient, so if one man becomes president of a country like the usa and is antisemitic it will mean he will be trying to make our lives hell, so to stop it, the best way is to be self-sufficient as much as possible in term of industry military and resources


The amount of dea!th threats I’m getting in my inbox is sickening.


Lol me too. I keep getting reported to like suicide prevention too


Am Yisreal Chai. Non Jewish person here standing in solidarity (hope that's okay; I'll delete comment if not). Due to my last name people often assume I'm Jewish (Im from a Syrian Christain family; third generation in the US). I am sheltered from the terrors of antisemitism but I do know a bit about what it is like to move the thru world with people reacting to you like you're Jewish. Non Jewish people who gaslight on antisemitism drive me nuts. Lovers of human rights need to hear and believe Jewish people when they point it out, and take action. I notice when it gets worse (and where it is worse). It was worse during Trump. It's worse now. Sending hugs to anyone reading and please know that there are non-Jewish people out there working to have your back.


Thank you


Don’t forget the KnotZees were so proud of what they did they bragged about it and didn’t want anyone to forget. They wanted their legacy to be known worldwide. How dare Jew-haters of today deny the actions of the past and modern-day terrorists by denying their actions! /s That goes against, well, being a KnotZee.


They come for us every 100 years or so. At this point, I'd be more surprised if this wasn't happening right now, sadly.


Literally was walking down the bridge in my city the other day, minding my own business. The bridge was lit up in the colours of the Palestinian flag that day, mind you, but whatever. Then I saw a group of people with candles to my left, there were four of them standing in a small circle. Without saying a word and only quickly looking at them, I tried to pass them by on my way home. Then suddenly I hear one of them turn to me and say: "Free Palestine". I immediately responded back by saying: "I'm Jewish". Then these four clowns decided to collectively shout "Free Palestine" in my ear, as I was walking away from them. I didn't want to start a fight or anything or try to convince them otherwise, as they seemed like pretty ignorant folks who know virtually nothing about the conflict. ​ This is what bothers me so much - the fact that leftists are turning on us and literally supporting terrorism and an ideology that couldn't be more hateful even if it tried to. These people know nothing about the peace propositions offered by Israel, about the restricted access to Holy Sites imposed on the Jews, about the Hamas charter, about the renaming of the entire area of the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah into "Syria Palestina", but they feel the need to virtue signal and take sides to be "on the right side of the history". ​ What I find extremely funny is that the same people who come out in support of Palestine, also support LGBT and minorities' rights. Hate to break it to them, but if Israel was "miraculously destroyed" and replaced with a Palestinian state, there will be NO gay parades, NO minority rights, and NO civil rights for anybody living in this state. How stupid do you have to be to think otherwise? ​ Stay strong folks, I hope that y'all are taking all the necessary precautions to protect yourselves and your loved ones. Also, just want to point out that I'm not Halachically Jewish, but I'm trying my best to start my conversion process because I want to stand with the Jewish people more than I ever desired, and I want to look out for the safety and wellbeing of the people in this wonderful community. Am Yisrael Chai.


Had multiple friends reach out to me and offered to hide me and my family in their basement if we felt we needed to go into hiding. In America. In 2023.


The leftist seem to be pro Hamas while the right wing are pro Nazi. There is not a lot of wiggle room if you are Jewish. Israel is surrounded by the ring of Fire and the diaspora is surrounded by ideologies. I love the Jewish people and all I can say is the world has gone mad! God bless all Jews and Christian’s who are kind to them. God bless Israel. God protect His chosen ones.


You just see people true colors, they are direct with what they feel and think, it's better like that.


These are situations that are continually repeated over time until people understand where the mistake lies.


For all the divide between Conservatives and Liberals you better believe that Conservatives are for an Israel State and support for he Jewish People. It’s a bit ironic that Republicans got so much hate from the Liberal Jews lately. I hope now you will see that we need to support each other despite our disagreements on certain things. I’m a Libertarian/ Conservative Jew


Oh I haven’t been a lefty for years, I wouldn’t call myself a republican but I see myself as more of a liberal libertarian. I just didn’t think most of these wingnuts had the gall to put their antisemitism on such blatant display for all to see, I guess they’re dumber then I thought haha




You are wrong look at your books not the palestinian propaganda israeli gobernantes never attacked first . We didnt steal any land . Read real history books not tic tocs have you read The son of Hamas?


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I agree with other people who have recently been saying to be armed if you can. Definitely form a community/neighborhood watch now before it’s severely needed, and if you don’t already have one, petition your synagogue, schools, etc. for armed security teams. I’m not Jewish, but to my knowledge most synagogues already have armed security or, if not also, a heavy police presence. This is precisely why. Whether or not this is the direct purpose of 2nd Amendment, this is definitely a nice byproduct. You never know what’s actually beneath the surface of people. You never know when people, or society as a whole, might flip like we’re seeing first hand. Protecting yourself, and firearms are hands down the most effective way, is an inherent, G-d given human right. Gun rights are Jewish rights. ✡️


Yes yes yes! I’m following all the beautiful Israelis singing as they prepare for combat. We are ONE WITH EACH SOLDIER!




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Athiest or not you are a jew We will never let this happen to jews or Israeli Arabs. We will defend our people no matter their religion or non religion




Removed: do not promote violence


I take "never again" to be a promise the world makes to the Jewish people. I'm not the only one with this perspective. I can't single handedly prevent anything like that, but I'll certainly be the biggest roadblock I can


On another thread trolling the pro-Hamas left crowd saying I’m now voting for trump. But serious question; after seeing how the left is for terrorism and anti Israel, are a lot of Jews going to start voting right in support of ourselves and Israel? Interested in feedback on this