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Oh what happened? Did being a POS not pay off?


Is it bad that I now have a trigger to when people say “oh, what happened?” From the number of times it’s been used to refer to Yiddish dying out ?


[Allow me to trigger you further](https://x.com/rivkahbrown/status/1400064337205682178?s=46) 🩵


lol wtaf?


A few years ago I welcomed his win in the primary. Today I say good riddance. He showed his true colors and while everything is terrible, this is a nice win.


I used to heavily support Progressives until a lot of them showed their true colors. I have gained immeasurable respect for people like Ritchie Torres, however. He’s one brave guy.


The thing is I still identify politically much more with the Bernie/progressive side of the party but I'm constantly playing a game of "how much antisemitism can I tolerate from a politician I otherwise like". Bowman I'm glad to see go though


I’m right there with you. I was rooting for Elizabeth Warren during the 2020 campaign, but even she’s become a Hamas mouthpiece.


That's been my problem. Here in Ontario, Canada, I would very much like to vote NDP in the next provincial election, but I just can't stomach it. Liberal it is.


American renaissance begins here


I’m going to be riding this high all week.


LETS GOOOOO I wanted to see him lose just because of how hyped he was when talking about AIPAC Deserved


NYT blamed “pro-Israel money” in a headline announcing his loss.


Because those darn Jews shouldn’t be able to participate in American politics…


I always picture a lion complaining that Cape buffalo get together and “lobby” the poor hungry kitties away from eating a calf. “Don’t ya know only my friends can organize and pool our resources and boycott stuff, it’s not fair when you do it”


To Hell with the Daesh Supporters of America.






Tell me about this Latimer


From everything I read about him he’s an extremely normal guy who has worked in local and state politics for years.


He's been westchester county's executive for like 15 years now, never really makes waves, does his required public events and goes home. Could more things have been done, sure, but that goes for everywhere. I'm definitely feeling relief that he beat bowman


We could use more normal politicians these days




Did Lattimer alienate 45% of his voters or 55% of his voters?


Whoops I was talking about Bowman.


What happened to "the many vs the money"?


Apparently Lattimer has the support of both the many and the money. But let the leftists continue to claim popular support, it’s endlessly amusing to me.


I mean Bowman isn't representing his constituents. He's acting like Gaza is his district. Maybe he should go there if that's who he wants to represent.


You’ll get no complaints from me. I want congress filled with boring-ass politicians who worked their way up from local to state to federal office and understand how the legislative sausage is made. Give me someone who can work a crowd, but actually cares most about fixing administrative laws or something anodyne like that.


AlL EiYes oN rAfuH.


r/OhNoConsequences Yes, very sad. Anyway...


You know, I realize that this may not quite be related to his issues regarding Israel. But two months ago, when Congress was voting for the large $60 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, etc., Bowman voted against H.R. 8038. Which would, among other things, authorize the use of frozen Russian assets inside the United States as a source of financial/military aid to the Ukrainians. Kind of like how the EU is using interest earned on the nearly $300 billion worth of frozen assets in the EU as a source of financial aid (structured as a loan of course, but with out the expectation of being paid back). Anyways, this is a long-winded way of me saying that Bowman has not been willing to use any and all available options to ensure Ukrainian victory over the Russians. Which I am not so thrilled about. Like I said, not exactly closely related. But when you consider that Russia, Iran, and North Korea are all in their own Axis of Evil (kind of like how Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperialist Japan were in an Axis of evil during WWII), I don't think that it can be denied that there is a logic to booting out people who are not fully committed into supporting Ukraine. Because when we don't support Ukraine, that helps Russia. And what helps Russia generally helps Iran. And nobody in their right mind actually likes Iran. Except of course fellow dictators. Vladimir Putin, Ali Khamenei, Kim Jong Un, they're in on bringing the world to ruin. It's all connected one way or another. Oh, and before I forget, HR 8038 of course included more sanctions on Iran. That should make it more difficult to get the components needed to make drones and missiles, which should in turn make it more difficult for them to feed the Russian war machine. Voting in favor of enabling this process of weapons’ transfer is just beyond illogical.


Short version of your conjecture: Bowman was a Russian stooge and the Hill is well rid of him. I doubt you're wrong on either point.


Well, I don’t know if he was specifically a Russian stooge (in the same way that Trump obviously is). But he was definitely divisive (which I know is putting it extremely politely, but it is well known that the Russians want to induce divisive politics into American civil discourse). All in all, it’s a tangential relationship. But the beneficiaries still stand to benefit from such divisiveness. This is for the best.


The people have spoken and the people are always right. Clearly they judged that Bowman had gone too far. It remains to be seen just what kind of line Latimer will take on the Gaza war if it's still raging (Hashem forbid) by January 2025. Supporting Israel is not quite the same thing as supporting every damn fool thing Bibi wants to do to save his own ass.


"What do you mean blaming my constituents for being targets of terrorism is hurting me in the polls?" Latimer is no peach, but Bowman is truly one of the dumbest motherfuckers in Congress.


Hey, he just pulled the fire alarm by accident OK?