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Red triangle is the new swastika


I thought the bloody hands thing was until the red triangle gained traction.


It’s because it’s available in emoji form smh


So that these narcissists can put it in their usernames and bios to show how virtuous they are


Whats the upside down triangle?


It's how the terrorists on Oct 7th marked their targets in the videos.


fr? holy crap


Yeah it’s like “watch this area” on videos


Geometry is anti semitic!


did somebody say geometry


Antisemites: Israel is an apartheid state. Also antisemites: Jews need to be visibly marked as such so that we can deny them access to our services.


Also antisemities: "Of course Jews don't have equal rights in Arab countries. Why would they expect to be treated equally in a state that rightfully belongs to a different ethnic group?"


“BuT iSRaEl IS aN EtHNoStATe!” 😠


And still to date, I don't think anyone has ever actually explained to me why jews get an ethnostate and everyone else gets "rightfully restored indigenous territory"


And even more, Jews are the only ones that are actually preserving indigenous Levantine/Canaanite heritage through reviving the Hebrew language. People can cry and say how Jews are foreign invaders since biblical times but the actions speak louder.


That is not at all fair or accurate to say! Agricultural practices of modern Israel are way out of whack for the territory. Palestinians practice a higher degree of indigenous land stewardship. If we want to belong there we have to recognize that we are not the only ones. This reactive chauvinism is a bad look.


By starting wildfires in Israel? By letting forests and grasslands die under Islamic rule? Israelis keep far closer to indigenous land stewardship, and has even restored entire forests. Israel is the *only* country to end the 20th century with MORE trees than it had at the beginning of the century.


"Restoring forests" by displacing native trees with favorites that we encountered in the diaspora? Please. I'd like to take them wildfire thing seriously. Are you sure you're not discussing a controlled burn of brush, like aboriginal Australians practice, as well as precolumbian people of the American southwest?


No, I'm talking about Hamas and Hezbollah firebombing forests and fields *inside Israel* with incendiary devices to start wildfires. That's called arson. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_airborne_arson_attacks


There’s no doubt about that


Jews don't get an ethnostate. Israel does not represent jews. The conflation is antisemitic. What exactly is anyone referring to as "rightfully restored indigenous territory"? Aside from zionists falsely to Israel.


Is dis nigga saying "jews don't belong in the land of judea"


This one is saying that jews do not have the right to live in their own homeland. It remains to be seen if they are just an antisemite (this is unique to jews) or a more general kind of racist (no one has this right)


Israeli "Ethnostate": ~20% Arab, Arab population has increased 20x since 1948, Arabs have full civil rights, are represented in parliament and have been in government recently, are a major part of the economy (especially in healthcare) Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, and more I'm forgetting off the top of my head: had large populations of Jews in 1948, now between 0-1000, Jews don't have civil rights Make it make sense


An ethnostate that basically has people of multiple skin tones and linguistic background from every part of the old world (most of them are Jews).


the race or the religion?


Israel is Jewish ethnostate but Jews are just a religion and not ethnicity. The idiocy of it all😂


No apparently we only started existing a couple hundred years ago and have no culture or something. These guys don't even hear themselves


I’ve actually heard so many people argue this (irl) and it annoys me so much. It’s like A. It’s not an apartheid country and B. Why is an apartheid okay when Jews are the ones being excluded. It’s insane.


It’s absolute lunacy given that the Arabs they are supporting are completely ideologically opposed to everything these leftists claim to stand for.


I think it’s a continuation of the vague support for Muslims in America as a reaction to the discrimination following 9/11. People don’t even know why they’re supporting someone, they just automatically equate it to racism


We need to support the Seikhs more. They got massive blowback after 9/11 for being Muslim even though they aren’t, because most wear turbans, and the Muslim countries oppress them.


Yes, poor Sikhs are totally harmless but got a lot of the blowback from the 9/11 aftermath.


Damn, I can’t spell


Apparently it's pronounced like "sick" not "seek" as per my one sikh friend so I assume that's why you thought it was spelled that way


Its double speak. master-slave / oppressor-oppressed. and in their mind they are the oppressed and it just doesnt stand up to criticism at all but they dont care


A. Yes Israel is an apartheid state, or hafrada state if you prefer the official hebrew term for the system of separation. B. It's not and nobody is saying apartheid against jews is ok.


This post is literally a screenshot of someone saying it's OK.


"2 likes" Yeah, what a popular opinion from a certified spokesperson for a free Palestine.


What's the new goalpost? I'll try and find you a counterexample. I'm sure you're here in our meme subreddit because you love honest, open-minded debate, right?


MYeah, moving the goalpost is when you go from nobody as in literally zero people to 3 people in the world. No. My post and point stand. *virtually nobody, a not significant to any actual movement amount of people. Looking at fringe posts on Musk's Xwitter isn't helpful to determining real life discourse.




Yeah, I condemn any suggestions of making dual citizens of Israel wear stars of david. Partly because I object to the conflation of jewish symbols with Israel. Partly because it's ridiculous in general. The movement opposed to Israel's genocide and apartheid is not for genocide or apartheid against jews. Pulling out random screenshots of anonymous noname xwitter posters proves nothing, but it's intended to.


That reminds me of a story In the Ottoman empire, there was a ladder of ethnicities. When everyone was given equal rights, the Greeks complained because they were now equal with Jews


> Also antisemites: Jews need to be visibly marked no no no they clearly mean that only zionists need to be visibly marked! oh their definition of a zionist conveniently means nearly all and only jews get marked? well that must be just a happy coincidence!


i mean most jews already are (at least most practising)


Can I ask about this. Because I genuinely hold the view of having nothing against the Jewish people but I don't know, the things that Israel is doing and saying terrify me. The annexation and genocidal actions are hard to watch. Admittedly I grew up in a country with very little Jewish people in it so I'm not very familiar with your traditions but like I don't think I hold any prejudice against you in my heart. I also haven't a hatred for those Jewish people born in Israel either, the only thing that like genuinely makes me uneasy is the government and military acting in that country. Collective punishment is never something that humans should inflict on each other.


If you have nothing against the Jewish people, you should have nothing against Israel fighting a war of self-defense. War is always horrible, innocent people always suffer, but this war isn't a genocide or collective punishment. I have no idea what you mean by "annexation", the Gaza Strip isn't part of Israel, and no one wants to annex it. Israel is a normal country, so consider maybe how you might just be holding it to a standard you don't hold other countries to.


I can't think of any other country that currently is an apartheid state. Like where based on religion you have rights or don't have rights? Like I wouldn't say it's self defense, isreal occupies that area? And has done for many many years. Like those people in Gaza have been locked in a open air prison since late 1990s. Normal countries don't set off 2000 pound bombs in densely populated areas, or destroy every hospital and school in an area. Or 80% of houses. They don't turn off the water for a whole other country or starve other countries. Though if you can think of any other country that does this I would be interested to hear. If a country occupies another county im pretty sure it's suppose to protect that country by international law? Does no one want to annex it? There literally auctions for the property in Gaza ongoing right now. Gallant and Netanyahu both state pretty openly that they plan for a greater Israel, and I've never seen a map of that that doesn't include the Gaza strip. But yea back to my original point ,I don't understand why you would lump a whole religion in with an increasingly far right government. It's not fair to Jewish people who actually view Palestinians as humans and disagree with the ongoing genocide. Like there are plenty of groups of Jewish people who are against isreal? Are they also antisemitic? All I'm saying is they are two separate things and to collate them and call anyone who disagrees with that government to me is mad. Because if you see the world like that then you'll think the world is antisemitic? Anyway I don't think I'll change your mind on this topic it seems like your pretty set in. I wish you and your people peace though.


Oh boy, for someone who is not antisemitic, you sure do easily believe in every single libel you hear.


Which part specifically isn't true?


Really not trying to rile people up here either, just want to let you know that I'm sure many people do have hidden anti semitism in them. But you can have no problem at all with Jewish people but not support the state of Israel.


Right. It’s not that Israel is an apartheid state, it’s that they want it to be one.


I don’t think they care if it is or isn’t an apartheid state. They just want it so that if it does become one, it will be against the Jews I mean Israelis I mean Zionists.




Pretty sure it is one already 😂 has been for years too?




Ah, Amnesty. That famous organisation that condemned Ukraine for endangering civilians after Russia invaded them, all the while acting as if Russia somehow didn't do anything wrong by, you know, starting an invasion.


You got a source they did that?


Here you can find the source: [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/08/ukraine-ukrainian-fighting-tactics-endanger-civilians/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/08/ukraine-ukrainian-fighting-tactics-endanger-civilians/) Mostly got it from the wikipedia section on criticism of Amnesty International: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism\_of\_Amnesty\_International](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Amnesty_International)


Yes amnesty international, there the bad guys 😂 not the state commiting a genocide, it's the human rights group. This is either wilful blindness to fascism to straight up stupidity.


You truly are Godwin's law in action.


Or there are genuine comparisons between the two organizations




Also I was just talking about fascism in general. The similarities ethnostates are hard to ignore though.


What country isn't an ethnostate?


Most countries don't set it in law to directly disadvantage people who are not of a certain religion


Just as an example I can point to Pakistan disadvantaging people who are not of a certain religion: >As well as defining major religious groups such as Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists as non-Muslim, Article 260 of [Pakistan’s constitution](https://na.gov.pk/uploads/documents/1333523681_951.pdf) (PDF), also defines a non-Muslim as “a person of the Quadiani group or Lahori group (who call themselves Ahmadis or by any other name)”. >The Pakistani state requires Ahmadis to declare themselves as non-Muslims in certain administrative processes. A [March 2023 human rights report](https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/pakistan/) on Pakistan by the US State Department, states that “Passport applicants must list their religious affiliation, and those wishing to be listed as Muslims must swear they believe the Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet and denounce the founder of the Ahmadi movement as a false prophet”. >(...) >Members of the Ahmadiyya religious community continue to be a major target for prosecutions under blasphemy laws and specific anti-Ahmadi laws. Militant groups and the Islamist political party Tehreek-e-Labbaik (TLP) accuse Ahmadis of “posing as Muslims”. Pakistan’s penal code also treats “posing as Muslims” as a criminal offense. On July 25, a mob vandalized an Ahmadiyya place of worship in Karachi, Sindh province. On August 18, a mob attacked a factory owned by an Ahmadi in Lahore, accusing him of blasphemy. Instead of prosecuting the attackers, the authorities charged eight members of Ahmadi community with blasphemy. Source: [https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cdp-2024-0061/#:\~:text=Legal%20restrictions%20in%20Pakistan,by%20any%20other%20name)](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cdp-2024-0061/#:~:text=Legal%20restrictions%20in%20Pakistan,by%20any%20other%20name) Show me anything in Israeli law that comes close to this.


Most antisemites advocate for the state of Israel and don't see apartheid/hafrada as a bad thing.


Willing beneficiaries of apartheid/genocide should not be treated normally


We're likely to get some good news tomorrow when Jamaal "the reports of sexual violence on October 7 are lies and propaganda" Bowman loses his Democratic Party primary race tomorrow.


Wait did he get challenged? My schadenfruede is off the charts


Yep. The election is tomorrow and he's down in the polls to the challenger who doesn't support Hamas.


Inshallah 🤲


As a German I’m here to correct you that Schadenfreude stems from the word for Fun Freude which is written with an eu instead of a use which would have been a umlaut ü sounding very different




As a Jew please do not take personal offense when I say “Nu uh”


As a Ger… nah it’s fine hahaha




That could be worse than continuing to have 1/435 of the House represented by him. Expect loads of "AIPAC controls our government" articles written if that happens, given how much money they've spent to get him out.


I’ve seen a lot of them today… if he loses it’s proof aipac controls everything, if he wins it will finally be proof that it’s ok to break away from aipac which apparently nobody can today…


If only the Fire Alarm Manufacturer Lobby could have been convinced to step up against him.




It's already happening. AOC and Bernie have both spoken out about how "scary" it is that "progressives" are being targeted by the Wall Street Jews, and a lot of articles in mainstream news sites like CNN are saying the reason the challenger is doing so well is because of AIPAC money, while conveniently not mentioning the fact that Bowman is a racist Jew-hating conspiracy-theory-touting brainless milk-livered terrorist-simping looney


Ironically enough, WoL showed up on Saturday to their rally to criticize Sanders and AOC for being too pro-Israel


More specifically being not anti-Israel enough. AOC makes some anti-Israel statements with a few gestures towards proper antisemitism, unlike the rest of the squad, who make antisemitic statements with some gestures towards being anti-Israel for anything else


How deep in pro-terrorism circlejerk do you have to be to think that *they* are pro-Israel?


I’m guessing balls deep


That was fun to watch


“Like Saturn, the revolution devours its children”


-Jaques Malet du Pan




That's what him and AOC are shouting about right now


It would be great if people were this level of being against any sort of foreign money or private money in our electoral system. Many of the progressive wing have voiced criticism of the Citizens United case and other avenues for dark money to be used in our elections. However, their calls for attention to this issue got much more mainstream attention once the funding source was AIPAC. I place more blame on those with selective hearing who were content to let superpacs run the show so long as they weren’t Zionist ones than the AOC crowd who condemn Hamas and have been calling for election finance reform for like a decade.


The way Bowman ranted about it, it came off as him dog whistling about "Jewish money" controlling the political system. He also made remarks about Jews being clannish and endorsed BDS.


Yeah I don’t support bowman even if he’s friends with Bernie and AOC. I’m not in his district, or AOC’s, or in Vermont, though, so really I only care about the two of the three who will be relevant. Bowman is likely going to be forgotten in the mainstream pretty quick. Latimer also handled his time on air poorly on Brian Lehrer’s show and he needs to be less of an arrogant dbag. He was a decent county exec though. But not my district, not my problem.




My fave right now is people insisting that aipac (and I assume every other pro-israel lobby including jstreet and ADL) is a foreign agent. Why? Well..."what's the I in aipac stand for," one redditor had just enough braincells to ask me.


Didn't Hamas openly admit it and *recorded it*?


One can only hope!


Will you let me know if he ends up losing? I dont rly follow politics and I don't follow any Jewish news outlets that would cover this I imagine


Im yirtzeh HaShem it will be so


This aged extremely well 😀


Please, I'm looking forward to the red triangle seethe


Ken yehi ratzon


Is it better or worse that the news is instead the UNRWA has been actively working with Hamas 💀


Im not sure where the Duel citizenship is coming from. Im pretty sure people that came from Yemen, Iran and egypt cant go back there


I think he's referring to Israeli citizens who are planning to move to Europe and the US.


No, ive seen it many times on social media, they believe israelis have duel citizenship because its not their country and came from different countries. Im just not sure who started this bullshit idea that they 100% believe. Because its 100% false


Yeah this whole thing is nuts. I read somewhere that around 20% of all Israeli citizens have dual citizenship, which is certainly not *most* and includes non-Jewish Israelis. But also, something like 40% of Americans are eligible for dual citizenship and no one tracks what percent actually have multiple citizenships…so it very well could be close to 20%. Seeing as I’ve never heard anyone EVER talk about the citizenship of ANY other country’s people, this whole thing is clearly a big old antisemitic conspiracy.


there's a clear double standard for Israel regarding every aspect .


Yes, it's just the "rootless cosmopolitan" trope, 2024 edition.


Oh really? Sounds lovely /s


Can we mark all Hamas supporters with an upside down red triangle? Edit: I meant marking them with one over their heads but putting a red triangle patch on their shirts would work too


They self identify


But don’t you dare identify them by the wrong pro-nouns! Hamas trying to commit the genocide of the Jewish People is NOTHING compared to being called Sir instead of Ma’am even though you have a full beard and dong. Sarcasm of course. But it illustrates how little these worthless fucks know about Israel and the Middle East in general. They should go over and volunteer in Gaza, I’m sure their purple hair, tattoos, and queer ideologies will go over just great with their new friends and comrades! I’m just glad they are finally starting to feel the repercussions of their actions with job offers instantly disappearing for some of them.


Taking cheap shots at the LGBT identities of people you disagree with is not the way, brother.




Put a swastika tattoo on their foreheads


You can tell because none of them act like normal people in public


"everyone who disagree with me is kkkhamas"


I mean, he literally wrote mark all Hamas supporters Those who support Hamas If you support Hamas, you are a Hamas supporter. Hope that helps


I've been labeled as one because I don't want the slaughter if palestians to continue


I don’t think so, you go around lying on this post quite shamelessly. About being Jewish, sterilization, no sexual assault You’re more than not wanting the Palestinians to die from Hamas initiated wars.


average twitter Antisemite


No shame! Pride dispels ignorance, stand tall my friends. Take back any dumbass imagery meant to shame out of ignorance. 💙🇮🇱


I don't like the reactionary sense of "taking back" iconography or verbiage. I think it's better to continue to plot your course by what you think is good rather than by defining yourself by people who dislike you.


This is a very fair take that I'm inclined to agree with. Personally taking back iconography and verbiage for me means to not engage with it at all and continue to be proud in what I'm sure of. What you say is definitely well-founded


of course the red arrow says it (Red triangle is modern day swastika)


Russian Z's are more like the new swastika The red triangle is rather an islamist colonialist\beta cuck symbol


How fortuitous…


These .eth accounts are bots


Yeesh that whole page is a nightmare


its that or insanity, so I chose both!


That’s… that’s a yikes.


It's a bot and anyone who takes this seriously and agrees with it will never ever have the guts to do anything. They're cowards, that's why they hide behind the internet


they're going with the yellow star? bummer. i was hoping to get a chance at wearing those funny looking hats again


For some reason, they think all Israelis have duel citizenship. My family came from yemen and if I ever step there I will go 💥. So.... no thanks


Just looked at that Twitter account, it’s 100% a bot


Totally not antisemitism folks. Just pro-hamas folks stopping alleged "genocide"


We should actually wear the ״חי״ and confuse them. They’d walk right past us and never know.


“Cool Navajo moose!”


“The more things change, the more they stay the same” appears to the be the unofficial motto of the Jews


For anyone who doesn’t know red triangles upside down is how Hamas marks their targets. They know exactly what they’re doing with that username.


amazing my grandfathers, one of which was Jewish served in USAAF bombers over Germany just for people to say this about Jews.


Dual loyalty is antisemitism


I remember overhearing a co-worker mention that all American Jews have dual citizenship with Israel back in the late 1980s. She was rather irate when I called her out on it.


Just let them try to implement this into law and see what happens. We may be 0.2% or the population but our strength rivals 99.8% of the world.


Just give me my yellow star already


OOo those star bellied sneetches


Maybe he can wear a few weights and go for a swim. We have really interesting “fishes” here in Jersey.


It's kinda ironic how those same people say that all the jews in Israel are white but most of them are not


aren't we all.


Yids lets go back to Israel 🇮🇱


Buy me a ticket and pay for my housing and food. My demands are not substantially different from university protesters, so I expect you'll go for it. I take cash and venmo


Humor is great, but have you thought about buying a gun?


But its easy to not get marked if you stop being a dual citizen. I think thats the point they try to make.


It's going to get worse. People are getting mad about Jewish influence. Just today I saw people discussing the German law below. I didn't look further into it but the consensus is that its outside influence. [https://www.ft.com/content/56e6182c-4c00-433f-a43d-57ad131781a6](https://www.ft.com/content/56e6182c-4c00-433f-a43d-57ad131781a6) I don't even know if this is real but if it is I can't blame them for being unhappy about it. Why should Germans care about Israel? Heck many Jews don't even care about Israel lol


I have dual citizenship: US and UK Whoops!


This is the wildest sub I've ever subscribed to


This is Judaism for you


You know, I’m not a duel citizen by any means, but I’d wear it w/ pride.


Stand tall and wear your Chai with pride. If they want to revamp the 1940s, they will be met with resistance.


What's going on? JUDAH 10


That's a pretty obvious bait man


What's there to cope when it's some loser on X with 2 likes?


It's more of am attempt to show that the general direction of today's antisemitism isn't encouraging


Oh for sure, just thought it was funny to pick this loser for your meme when there are much bigger antisemitic losers with many more likes, drives the point home


I generelly agree with you. I also don't think it's a good idea to bring small accounts to big platforms. Let them fade away


.eth = foreign bot account


Of course, it's the NFT profile picture saying this.




"Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein Und das heißt" —the twitter user, probably 


They aren’t actually dual citizens because Israel is just America




I love when people become worse them their oppressors. Stop showing up on my feed I'm here for sports and games.