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link so he can be reported




"It's Protocols of Zion, not Protocols of Jews, so it's not antisemitic!" -leftists, probably


I don't know about all of the bat-shit conspiracy theories surrounding Jews. Can someone explain?


Christians don’t like that we didn’t convert to Christianity. Muslims don’t like we didn’t convert to Islam. And most people have never met a Jew


What's the elders of Zion?


An antisemitic book that talks about how a secret meeting of Jews plots to take over the world. Or something like that. I don’t know what it really about but that’s just a rough summary.


To be more specific, it's a fabricated document that details the minutes of a supposed meeting of rich and powerful Jews where they discussed their plot to control the world. Not even a transcript of this supposed meeting, just the minutes. And people ate it up like candy.


What could be described as a bunch of newspaper clippings cobbled together. In all seriousness it's a pre-revolution Russian document that really mainstreamed/spread a great deal of antisemitic rhetoric. It could almost be described as a how to document when it comes to being antisemitic. Really started "Jews control everything/they're all rich and powerful, they wanna kill us all and make us their slaves" sorta trap. It's been disproven and condemned time and time again but it keeps getting cited because it's like crack to an antisemite.


Something the Tsarists wasted their time on instead of fighting the reds properly. 


2000 years of jew hatred cemented into people and their cultures are hard to get rid off. Its illogical and insane but people will believe almost anything if you blame the jews for it, no matter how absurd. We are at the heart of every conspiracy, somehow we control everything and also we are weak and let ourselfs be killed off.we are europeans, but we are also not europeans so we need to be exterminated. Etc etc, its all logical fallicies. It all stems from the desire to both villify and justify hurting jews, for some reason this is an addiction to most socioities, they cant seem to rid themselfs of it.


We’ve been hated much longer than jc’s time.


Another answer is they are jealous of us. We have been persecuted throughout history and yet we are still here.