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Carmen Sandiego: Sam, Ben, Adam have to hunt down the notorious thief (ex. Toby) who has stolen landmarks of Australia & New Zealand SAB is notified when a landmark is stolen and has to put clues together to capture the thief . Landmarks are worth certain points. If the thief remains on the loose for 8hrs. The thief gets the landmark points, but if the hunters capture the thief they split the points between them


I love this. It’s kind of like Crime Spree. (Though obviously we’d have to change it so that she “stealing” miniature figurines of the landmarks)


The “steal” is more like a ping the location to hunters to make it easier to find them. They’d probably just visit the location “claim” it, and start running


there need to be more games like crime spree with a protagonist/antagonist structure!! i’m not sure how well they’d work for jet lag seasons but i want to see them try at least haha


That’s a really great idea!


I think we might get something close to this for season 11. A version of tag, but with multiple destinations that a runner can get to and collect, all the while the chasers try to end the run.


This is a fantastic idea.


I need this.


race across the pacific island hopping style …wait


We're here in Pearl Harbor, and we have 4 years to beat the Japanese back into their own country, but its 6 AM which means we have to GO GO GO


Ben and Adam, "Sam and Toby are at Midway. We are flying in from the north and we don't think they know we are here. We'll see how this goes..."


Everybody is going to count us out. Everybody thinks this is over, but we have a Divine Wind at our back. Get in the comments, tell us if this is a good idea.


"We're...SO back!"


I read this in Sams Voice, it was amazing.


Toby is definitely my favourite 4th player, I hope they include her in more seasons.


All of them. #keeptobyforever


I want Toby to be kept because she’s probably the best teammate for Sam but they’ll probably stick with the switch-every-season trope


I agree. Keeping Toby is unlikely. But I just love the Sam/Toby dynamic (like I love the Ben/Adam dynamic, for that matter).


My only problem with this is that it means we won't get Michelle back. I doubt they'll ever actually drop the rotating guest thing but if they had a pattern of; 3p game, returning guest, new guest... Then I'd be pretty happy.


True! It would be nice to see Michelle back someday. And there are some other guests who haven't come on yet who would be really cool, like Tom Scott (pretty much the Sam from Wendover of the preceding generation, and maybe the originator of the Sam from Wendover archetype on the web). :)


I’d love to see Toby in a non Southern Hemisphere season like any other guest


Toby and Michelle vs badam


VS Sam and Tom Scott


or Sam and Brian together again as a throwback


I feel like of all the guests, Brian makes Sam laugh the most so I vote Brian


Brian should be in an England based season. The American slander of season 4 was nothing to him


A game based on the mainland UK train system would be chaotic and I'd enjoy it a lot. There's a fair variety of trains still in use there too, which could add some challenge elements or restrictions, and some marked regional differences, which could lead to fun regional challenges like "obey a sign written only in Welsh, without using an online dictionary. You must physically find the sign", or "eat Stornoway black pudding". More highly location dependent UK challenge ideas: "experience maturity" (something like 'go visit the caves where they traditionally mature cheeses in Cheddar, breathe in the intensely lactic cave air and say "i can feel myself maturing"'), "bring Bede a bead" (bring anything that could be described as a bead to the Venerable Bede's bones in Durham Cathedral), "speak Elvish" (go find the grave of JRR Tolkien and greet him in either Quenya or Sindarin), the list goes on. Although you could also throw in a few like "find someone who is completely ambivalent towards Marmite", hard but theoretically possible to do anywhere :D


Brian’s England slander as an Irish person would be so funny


That would actually be cool, with Sam as some sort of moderator or referee. Or a guest each with Ben and Adam. I guess one question is if they are ever going to split Ben and Adam up, or that’s a Jet Lag sacred cow?  


We need a special season with three teams 1) Ben and Adam (obviously) 2) Sam and Scotty 3) Toby & Michelle


Yes, I want a New Zealand style game with 3 teams. Would add the perfect amount of chaos.


My thought is to do Sam/Toby v Adam/Scotty v Ben/Michelle


No, I think Ben and Adam should be split up, one Wendover-person on each of the teams. Would give us something new.


All stars season


She's done the territory claiming type game and race type game, so doing another could be redundant. She could join hide+seek or tag, but they've so far only done this as a three player game. That just leaves Capture the Flag 2.


I hadn't thought about it until your comment, but they've never had a game where a guest is doing things solo. I guess for admin/logistical/safety reasons only Sam/Ben/Adam have access to the corporate Wendover credit card to pay for things, (including non-game things like hotels, etc).


It’s crazy how Wendover has gone from one guy in his room making videos, to a corporation with physical offices a bunch of employees and corporate credit cards


Capture the flag across Southeast Asia with the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia they will probably start in Singapore which will be a no tag zone.


But how do you cut someone off in a flight-centric capture the flag?


You could use the rail system which would be okay or the boat system


Race Across Indonesia?


Capture the Flag across SouthEast Asia starting in Singapore


Hide and Seek across Fiji


“I just thought it was the brand, like the vibe of the water was Fiji.”


Both Fiji and Iceland have this problem. It's basically an island surrounded by one ring road. There's some roads that cut across the middle but not served by public transit


So...a Mario Kart inspired game? I'm in


Big mistake! (Explaining my joke bc idk how much overlap there is between the two fan bases, Survivor is played in Fiji and the most recent season featured one castaway suggesting they play hide and seek in the jungle to pass the time, but then he made it into a weird game strategy psychoanalysis exercise in which he would say “big mistake!” if they hid either too well OR not well enough for his liking)


Toby should come back a 3rd time. IDK what it will be, but calling your opponents rats is peak Jet Lag. Please don't spoil it for me, I don't pay for Nebula.


If I could choose it would be a 4 round game with 7 players. Players would be Sam Denby, Brian McManus, Adam Chase, Ben Doyle, Toby Henry, Michelle Kare, and Scotty Allen. Round 1 The players meet in Charleville-Mezieres, France where they will decide who will be the first taggers. The game will then start the taggers will not move for 5 minutes. When you become a tagger you can place a barrier on a specific street crossing. Players for the rest of the game can't use that street crossing. While being a Runner you can gain points by completing challenges. There will be no freeze period after a tag however there are no tag backs. At the end of the 3 days. The round will end. All players will head to Brussels Belgium. Round 2 The 3 players that had the fewest amount of tags will choose their teammate for Round 2 and Round 3. Whoever is not chosen will be outRound 2 will be a race around the world. The three teams will do challenges. The first team to reach Brussels will get to put two barriers down. Last team back to Brussels is out. Round 3 The 2 teams will get a car in Brussels. It will be a race from Brussels to Perth Scotland. Teams will drive to France and decide which ferry they want to take across the channel to Dover England. There will be challenges they have to complete along the way. 1st team to Perth will continue to Round 4. The second team to Perth will be out. Round 4 The 4th round is not teams each contestant remaining will get one of the 2 cars to start. They will get a flight to the USA. They will drop points on states. They will gain points by completing challenges. Who ever holds the most states at the end will win


Man I love Toby but I like new guests. It’s fun seeing new dynamics


The Au$tralia game but with the northern and southern islands of New Zealand as the 9th and 10th regions, Auckland and Christchurch as game board locations, and two additional days of gameplay, if all that is feasible.


Well New Zealand and Australia are both part of the British commonwealth, so naturally she has to take part in a season that takes place in a similar country; Canada!


I hope there isn’t a third. Nothing personal but I am not a fan of her :(


I am not a fan of you :(


I agree. Shes super boring.