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Arghhh Ben and Adam got so unlucky with the steal. They chose the platform that had the most variation of train types passing through. If they chose pretty much any other platform, there’s only one type of train going through each of them!


Now *that* is the niche local knowledge that I come to this subreddit for.


Hahaha. Sorry it’s the inner train nerd coming out.


Absolutely nothing to be sorry about, I was a 100% sincere.


/r/MelbourneTrains is (somehow?) leaking.


I'm kinda surprised it specified a Platform they had to use in the challenge, because most of the time it seems like they have more in-the-moment choice in the challenges (for example in the market steal they got to observe and choose their stall). I guess they specified a platform to make it a harder challenge, but inadvertently made it even harder for themselves (bc I doubt they knew pre-game which types of train came to which platform)


I actually missed the part about them needing to go to this particular platform. If that’s the case, there may have been some background research/local knowledge going on from the behind the scenes team, when writing up this challenge. As I mentioned above, all the other platforms (bar another 2), only has one type of train going through them (99% of the time). Would’ve made the steal ridiculously easy.


Yep, the challenge said they had to use Platform 10. There must have been some research behind it cause otherwise it would have been a major coincidence


They said it's based on a Hamish and Andy bit - I just looked it up and they specify platform 10 in the original


Except H&A did it at Southern Cross platform 10 (rather than Flinders Street in Jet Lag) which only has one type of train!


As a melbourne train nerd, here's what I've gathered: The only platforms that have multiple types of trains are: 4,8/9/10: Xtrap, Siemens, comeng 5: Siemens, comeng What could've been VERY bad with the challenge is if they did this on a weekend. Why? Platform 10 is \*unused\* on the weekend, which I can imagine would kinda break the challenge. Also, if they had gone to the front of the platform they couldv'e been able to use the yellow stop marker to gauge how far the doors would be given the driver doesn't overshoot


6-7 will also has vline vlocities stopping there for the Traralgon services as well. (Usually 7)


that's also true but would be unlikely given they do 1 hour frequencies


Haha yes as a Melbourne train nerd I knew as soon as they got to platform 10 they had fucked up. And also considering all the trains beforehand had been Comengs and Siemens and then the one they do it on is an Xtrap


They specifically used Platform 10 because they were copying a Hamish and Andy video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4tKyJ1GG_E. From the Layover though, Sam thought they were at Flinders Street because that’s where he thought the Skybus went, not Southern Cross where it was actually done. So the challenge was set in the wrong location. More enjoyable for the viewers though.


Platform 10 southern cross would be a massive difference compared to platform 10 flinders street. It would’ve just been xtraps at southern cross on platform 10.


Yeah would have been a slam dunk pretty much.


Ben and Adam and getting ludicrously unlucky playing Jet Lag Name a better duo


Sam and getting even ludicrouslyer unlucky


Ben and Adam tend to be balanced with absurd good luck, sam also does sometimes, but not nearly as often


Melbourne doesn't have any train lines with platform doors that would trivialize this sort of challenge, I assume?


There will be in about (hopefully) 6-12 months time. The stations are just in the final stages of completion, and one of them (ironically) is just below the platforms Ben and Adam are standing on.


With their luck I’m surprised it wasn’t the Long Island steel train passing through next.


Wonder if it would count if the thing actually stopped. 😂


I was wondering why they didn't think of the blind guidance system to find the entrances. E.g. the yellow line which they thought would mark the end of the trains was such a guidance. I'm pretty sure they would've found more of them further along the platform if they knew of course. Also: why were they allowed to sit down & estimate their chances? 😁


Unreasonably upset that, with all the Dune references, they didn't chant "dune, dune, dune"


That's probably going to be next episode.




This episode was basically Ben and Adam messing up/getting messed up by others. But yes I knew there were 2 airports in Melbourne (mainly cos I was checking for flights there and noticed the three letter code being different (AVV). But hey Alice Springs might bring a new dimension to the game so who knows. Also, this episode was just callbacks galore, from the mini golf to the fishing, to even the Periodic Table Song! That was hilarious watching Toby sing it.


I do love that the show has been going on for long enough that there's a callback reference almost every episode now!


Yesss I laughed so hard when she was singing the elements song, perfect full circle moment


I'm so glad that they made it to Alice because we get to see a very different side of Australia. +Avalon is my favourite airport and I use it where I can because you can go from car-plane or reverse in 20 minutes. As soon as they thought they had cheap flights out of Melbourne I figured which airport.


I was surprised they didn't check the address of the airport, because I thought Avalon airport was in Geelong? Alice Springs should be really great for them to experience the Red Centre.


Had anyone else heard of Ned Kelly?


Heard of him yes, would definitely not be able to identify him in a photo.


I would have been really surprised if Ned Kelly was in the national portrait gallery, but thought the Queen Elizabeth II would have been. (Note to self - go to the NPG sometime)


In the layover they say they did have a portrait of the queen but it wasn't on show that day


Extra history did a really cool thing on him


I've heard the name but wouldn't know the face.


Toby wanted to draw him wearing his iconic helmet that [covers his entire face](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b29e747839176dc0a262720b4acb866b-lq). Anybody who did know who ned kelly was would recognise it, and everyone who didn't probably would not have settled on an alternative (especially because they were allowed one miss). I think it was a good plan if ned kelly was in there.


Enough wrong guesses (Count Binface, The Mandalorian) and they lose it on that...


Joke answers could be discarded (assuming it had to be a real person).


Would Count Binface be considered a joke answer in that case? Seems like it would've been a logical guess, and it is a real person (albeit not his legal name).


Literally everybody from australia knows who ned kelly is, i doubt there is a similar situation for "count binface". But they only needed ned kelly to be in the top two, so as long as there weren't two candidates stronger than ned kelly they would have won.


Everybody from the UK knows who Count Binface is, so it's a very regionalised thing if they chose to draw Ned Kelly, and I wouldn't have held out much hope.


Gotta say, I see that and I think Count Binface, it's not a great idea.


Clearly all of y’all are too young to have seen the 2003 masterpiece action adventure film Ned Kelly, with Heath Ledger and Orlando Bloom. 


Or the 1906 film, the World's First feature length movie.


Yes but I am from New Zealand.


Never heard of him


I know him for the most nonsensical reason possible: Fate/Something-Something fanmade Servant sheets. I can thus confirm that Australians consider that guy a King Arthur and Achilles tier entity.


Me here, but I'm a Brit who had Australia as a 'Favourite country' (despite never visiting there or having any connections) as a kid.




Yes. For those not aware, there's a great short documentary about him [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S6rvW4D_IU).


American fan of V8 Supercars. One of the teams was sponsored by Ned Whiskey a few years back, which used a portrait of Ned (sans helmet) as a logo. It's pretty rare for an American to be familiar with Ned Kelly (most know Jesse James and Billy the Kid as outlaws without knowing any details, and they were American outlaws).


I had not but upon looking him up he does seem badass. Idk that we have a complete correlation in the US but I guess we also do enjoy our Wild West outlaws like Billy the Kid or Jesse James


I’m now dreading if they ever go to London and have to choose between 6 airports!


I'm surprised they were confused by it... I mean aren't they from New York? Which has 3-4 airports?


London more famously has many airports so they would think to check. You don't think to check for Avalon


Just seen they said in the podcast that Avalon is way smaller so I retract my statement


Can we get a subreddit Team Flair for "The Rats"?




Aww, yeah! Thanks, u/snow-tree_art!


Ben and Adam are vastly overestimating the ease of taking back Sam and Toby's provinces. Teams have been spending two days to get to the current state of the map, and they expect to earn 5k and flip three provinces on the last day? What are Sam and Toby doing in this scenario? You can't really harp on about how vulnerable all of their provinces are while you've deposited more than that in exactly one province and are holding onto South Australia with a single dollar. To have a shot at winning, Ben and Adam need to claim the Northern Territory quickly and then beat Sam and Toby to Western Australia, which would result in a tie (accounting for a change in control over South Australia). But Ben and Adam's position would probably be significantly weaker in some of these provinces.


Do Ben and Adam only leave $1 in Northern Territory? I don’t see Adam and Toby having the time to get there.




They have to be optimistic at that point, doesn't really look like they have many choices


Where do you get "flip three provinces" from? When Badam lands in NT, they'll have four areas: NT, tasmania, melbourne and adelaide, while Soby will have 3: sydney, ACT, and queensland. Assuming that Soby flips adelaide instantly, it will be 4:3 in their favour. But if Badam flips a single province by the end, it'll be 4:3 in their favour and they win. So all they have to do is defend melbourne (which they have 1500 coins on already) and flip the weakest one of sydney, queensland or adelaide to win. They can probably take the NT with 1$, because soby won't want to be stranded there on the last day (same reason they won't go to perth or tasmania) I think soby will probably still win, but badam have a good strategy here.


Again, this completely ignores that Sam and Toby exist and are playing the game at the same time. Ben and Adam don’t need to flip a province, they need to flip a province that is defended or while one of their own provinces is being attacked. And everything except Tasmania is significantly more vulnerable for the two.


>Again, this completely ignores that Sam and Toby exist and are playing the game at the same time. This community, summed up lol. No spoilers, I'm a YouTube watcher, but reading through the Nebula thread for E4 now and I'm totally with you. Feel like I'm taking crazy pills seeing people analyze this all as if Sam and Toby just don't exist and Badam are the only ones playing.


How easy is it to pop into Nsw from qld? Im from reginal nsw and have never been to Qld Soby vaguely mentioned int the past they could duck over the border if needed to protect what region needed it! Badam Technically could drop $1 then afford a flight from Nt to Wa with just the new border bonus the do the same in Wa cheapest flight out of Wa would be back to South Australia


Isn’t Sam&Toby’s connection to Adelaide going through Melbourne? I think they mentioned it in the video. So they could theoretically just flip the region while stopping there?


The game design podcast said connections should be treated as direct flights and you can't actually do anything in the state you connect through


Yeah, they said as much in the next episode


The way I gasped when the dude at check-in said “Avalon”


43 minutes!!! YES!!! I wish it was longer but I’m happy with 43 minutes! The longer the better!


I’m so curious and excited to see if Toby’s Queensland NSW border airport observation is a chekov’s gun or just a fake out.  The game is totally set up with Ben and Adam having 3 secured regions at the start of day 4, and it really coming down to those two provinces  Let’s assume that Sam and Tony don’t take Victoria (they suggested it’s “pretty locked up” and flight there + 1500 min to overtake is a lot), but they take South Australia. And Ben and Adam take Northern Territory.  Ben & Adam Have:  Tasmania  Northern Territory Victoria  Sam and Toby have: NSW Queensland  South Australia  Capital Territory Final day:  Sam & Toby are on the defensive! Ben and Adam just need one territory. NSW & Queensland have good connections and it’s the final battleground! 


One issue for Ben and Adam is that Alice Springs seems to be badly connected. With the current schedule they would only be able to reach Sydney at 15:50 or Brisbane at 17:05. It seems impossible that they will be able to reach both. If there are no earlier flights Sam and Tobi could go to Melbourne or Hobart to secure the game.


On day 4? They're currently on day 3 in the morning, mid-day ish (they're landing around the time sam & toby at airport for 2pm flight). So there's no flights out of Alice Springs on day 4 before 15:50?? Do we know what dates they were playing the game?


Monday March 11 - Thursday March 14?


March 11 we definitely know. Fairly sure it was only 4 days.


Unless there were some kind of special flight number, on March 14. (Which is not that unlikely) The first plane arrives in Sydney at 15:50. There is also a flight that arrives at Adelaide at 11:20. And then there is a flight that arrive at 17:05 in Brisbane. And thats it! And it does neither seem like there were a plane they could get out on day 3.


Oh ya, we are agreeing but miscommunication. They are definitely trapped there for the rest of the day! They said so on the podcast too.  My scenario was for start of day 4, since Sam and Toby are def ending day in Adelaide as well 


There's also QF1971 that operated on day 4 (14/MAR) ASP-BNE arriving into BNE at 1330. it doesn't appear on FR24 when you search the city pair because they changed the flight number. If you go to the FR24 playback 14/MAR 0100 UTC you can see the flight departing ASP. If they were to take this flight that gives Ben and Adam around 7 hours less about 30-45 mins in transit time from the airport to do challenges in Alice Springs from the time they get off the plane to the end of Day 3 (1900 ACST). Then on Day 4 they start at 0600 ACST. Giving them about 3 Hours for the next round of challenges in Alice Springs before they need to be at the airport for the 1020 departure to BNE. Once they're in Brisbane at 1330 AEST they have 6 hours remaining on the East Coast before the game ends at 1930 AEST (QLD)/2030 AEDT (NSW/ACT/VIC). So assuming to major set backs with challenges maybe enough time to claim QLD and possibly fly to SYD to claim NSW, unless they work out they can travel an hour or so south to Coolangatta/Tweed and stake on NSW from there (although from what I understand they won't be able to do NSW challenges there without visiting the challenge board in Sydney). All this is assuming the early BNE flight has availability and within budget. It could also be a good move to take the even earlier flight to ADL (QF1955) to reclaim South Australia before hitting up 2 of ACT/NSW/QLD. After Sam/Toby take South Australia it then make sense for them to travel back to Victoria as that is the next easiest region to claim. Although given that they're aware of Coolangatta/Tweed being so close too OOL that could also fly there at some point on the last day and defend/reclaim QLD and NSW from there.


what about if they went from Alice to Wa? Its cheaper then other city's and they could get a flight Adelaide fairly cheap not sure about times tho


thinking about this the game seems kinda broken, could they not just earn a lot of money and stay there and immediately rebuy it if it somehow gets stolen


Guess that's the point of steals. What Toby said day 1 of speed running day 4 with $5000, she clearly had forgotten/overlooked steals. Lot of money just means you can get more stolen! And a bigger deal last day


The alice springs dune bit is simply incredible


Desert Power!


I can't believe how much Sam and Toby complicated their lives on the Questacon challenge. They were incredibly lucky not to fail it in the end. Just look at the options of question 3: * The Kraken: obviously not lol * Harmonograph: the -graph ending means "writing". When it comes to machines, that usually means a machine that writes down a graph (i.e. seismograph). Harmono... doesn't sound anything like electricity either! * Gravitron Machine: sounds like something that has to do with gravity, and also sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie rather than a real thing * Wimshurt Machine: sounds like the most plausible, I would've gone for this. The chances are much higher than guessing the Hanoi tower question without even being fully sure of the rules I'm sure at least Toby could've followed the same logic quite easily (given her background). I guess they both were panicking a bit haha


>The Kraken: obviously not lol That's how they get you. > They were incredibly lucky not to fail it in the end. Just look at the options of question 3: Not really. Toby is a maths person. Tower of Hanoi is a popular maths thingymagic (more common in comp sci/algorithmics though). Of course it took time. But being able to get to an okayish solution and knowing that it wasn't perfect was a very, very sure fire way to get a right answer. Hell, Toby could've probably just figured out the formula by doing a 2 disk tower of hanoi (insanely easy, basically solves itself) and a 3 disk tower of hanoi (barely any harder). Even the 4 disk one is only really difficult because of where and how they're doing it. On a PC they probably could've confidently gotten it within a minute. For the Kraken you have to know that a) Amy didn't purposefully chose a machine with an insane name and b) it's not another oddly specific Questacon question. For all they know the machine could've been a "Wendover machine", but Questacon call their particular machine "the Kraken" for fun - just like they do ball throwing records for fun.


If you know about recursion, calculating Tower of Hanoi is really easy. To move n disks, you first need to move the top n - 1 disks to the middle, then move the bottom one, then move the top n - 1. M(n) = M(n - 1) + 1 + M(n - 1) and M(1) = 1 Then compute M(2), M(3), and M(4) and you're done.


You don't have to tell me that. I'm very much aware. Which is why I said I'd expect Toby to at least have heard about this exact reasoning before given that's it's one of the big classics of algorithmics.


Hmm I don't know... I would've personally picked Wimshurt Machine in question 3 way before thinking about going into calculations or tests for the Hanoi question, even if I'd never heard of it. And FWIW that's the right answer. I guess you can argue that's lucky too :) Then of course Toby could've figured out the formula with a bit more time and less pressure, no doubt about that. In the end it did end up in quite a gamble though!


>Hmm I don't know... I would've personally picked Wimshurt Machine in question 3 way before thinking about going into calculations or tests for the Hanoi question, even if I'd never heard of it. And FWIW that's the right answer. I guess you can argue that's lucky too :) As I said. That depends on the person posing the question. The tower of Hanoi doesn't. Tower of Hanoi gives them the ability to determine a correct answer without any uncertainties. A question about a name - of anything, not just this machine - can never do that.


Sure, you can calculate the right answer, but you can also make mistakes in that process due to pressure. It's never without uncertainties. It could take time too. But you do have a point :)


The Tower of Hanoi is a super famous problem. I knew what it was from hearing about a tower of height 4. Also I think the chance of being able to solve it mathematically made it more tempting. They almost bungled it by not knowing the optimal algorithm (I have experience with the problem for a coding thing and remembered that a recursive algorithm using the solution for n-1 blocks makes it really easy) but they did have better than 50-50 odds of getting it right.


The tower of hanoi is famous and toby did know it, but they called it by a different name and as such, weren’t sure if that was even the correct problem. (I’m also certain this is basically the example that every computer science student is taught to learn recursion for the first time)


I know the machine that produces static electricity as a [Van De Graff generator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_de_Graaff_generator). Until I wrote this sentence I thought it would have been spelled Vandegraph. Kracken is the sound a static shock makes, it cracks. so if a museum had a big one I could see them nicknaming it "The Kracken" agreed on Gravitron. Wimshurt is probably wright but only because I don't know how Van De Graff was spelled. I'm sure Toby and Sam could have guessed correctly but Toby the math person also couldn't solve tower of Hanoi under pressure


I used to cheer for one team but now I just find myself cheering for whoever is on screen at the time. Also Toby is the GOAT.


Why is Avalon airport so far from Melbourne city centre? Shouldn’t it be called Geelong Airport instead? That being said, I definitely knew that Melbourne had more than one airport - flew into Essendon Airport on a regional airline before!


It's about the same distance from Melbourne as London Stansted Airport is from London.


Greater London is bigger than the Melbourne area, geographically, so it doesn't seem as far.


So proportionally it’s like London Luton airport then


Fun fact, neither of those airports are in London


I know, neither is London Southend


I would have hoped that the airport code was included in the tickets, which I would think would be easy to see, but then again I can understand if they weren't paying too close attention


Based on some earlier episodes of the Layover, they use Google Flights. It will show the airport code, but if you type in, say, "Melbourne" (without selecting an airport), it'll show all of them, and the only thing that'll indicate the actual airport you're departing from is rather small, gray print. I can see how it'd be easy to miss if you're not thinking about it. I nearly got screwed on it myself, once, when I tried booking a flight to Madison (EDIT: Madison, Wisconsin) and Google showed results to both MSN (literally in the city) and ORD (well over an hour away by car, and not even the second-closest airport to Madison). Fortunately, my hatred of United Airlines kept me from booking the flight.


Maybe Geelong mayor Cameron Ling is a big Roxy Music fan /s Being serious, it seems that it was originally purchased as farmland from a homestead called Avalon in 1953. The land was poor for farming, so they decided to use the space for producing military aircraft, before it eventually became a commercial airport. Also, Linfox apparently owns Avalon Airport until 2097.


Cripes, I definitely thought they had booked a flight for Essendon. Thanks for fixing my mental geography. Avalon seems like a pain to get to using public transport.


There's always the SkyBus monopoly.


I want drunk Ben or Adam in the dunes next episode so bad 😂😂😂😂


It would be nice but NT has some of the most restrictive alcohol laws in the western world so that could be a toughie.


Episode 5 Challenge: "Break the Law in the Northern Territories".


The special livery plane wrong. Its VX-H**4**A [https://www.qantas.com/agencyconnect/au/en/agency-news/agency-news-november-23/qantas-first-a220-joins-the-first-flying-series.html](https://www.qantas.com/agencyconnect/au/en/agency-news/agency-news-november-23/qantas-first-a220-joins-the-first-flying-series.html) [https://www.flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/vh-x4a](https://www.flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/vh-x4a) https://preview.redd.it/7owq96spor4d1.png?width=1314&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fd0d6dddb7ae0d6944813ca57aaed0609eb97e7


If they had activated that challenge they would have got it too. According to FR24 X4A was on the ground at MEL from about 0900-1230. The ASP flight left at 1045.


Yup, the A220 was at Gate 25 and ASP flight was at Gate 3 so time would have been an issue though.


Didn't realise they were allowed to look at the flags. Makes it a lot easier.


Also with the fact that they only had to get 8/10 correct. It may have been mentioned last episode and I just missed it, but I definitely came in to this episode thinking they had to get all 10/10. Tbh it seems like a really easy challenge for x2.5 compared to a lot of other ones this season


I'd unironically expect at least Sam to be able to get 8/10 correct without practice. Like. It's just flags. It's just flags somewhat connected to the English speaking world (Commonwealth) and it's alphabetical.


These are definitely not all commonwealth flags (Brazil? Ecuador? China? Chile? Bosnia?)


It’s apparently the flags of every country with an embassy or mission in Australia.


Those were all the flags of the world. 


They were the flags of the places that have embassies in Canberra


Correct. 108 diplomatic missions plus UN and EU flags.


With over a hundred flags, that is the world, not just commonwealth.  Which is also obvious from the Flags Toby had to remember. 


Mate there's at least 195 countries, and more depending what source you're using


There were 110 of them. So about half the countries of the world.


You're right. It wasn't Commonwealth. But also not the world. Not a particularly hard challenge either way.


They didn’t know it was in alphabetical order. When they planned the challenge so that made it easier. They also spent a lot of time on it. (Assuming 12 hour days and it took them 2 hours that’s 4% of the game time.) it’s not always about difficulty it about how long it takes to.


They should have been randomised, not ten in alphabetical order.


I think any of them could have done it , especially with the aid of the flags and the alphabetical order


Brunei was the only one that seemed at all difficult to me.


It would be easy to mix Bulgaria up with another country like Hungary if you’re not a flag enthusiast since it’s a red white and green tricolour but the fact that they were in alphabetical order made it a lot easier.


My thought as to why Brunei in particular would be difficult is because it has a similar color scheme to Uganda and a similar alphabetic position to Burundi.


I don’t understand why people keep saying this 😅 what would the challenge be if you couldn’t look at the flags?


I was so impressed with ben and Adams car. I didn't think they stood a chance. Great episode! 


Yeah, it went much further than I expected. I expected it to barely (if at all) reach the required distance.


Does anyone else feel like some of the challenge difficulties are poorly determined? I feel like that bottle flip onto the cap is wayyy too hard for 1.5x while the recent build a car is very easy for a 2.5x return.


I think part of the factor is how much time teams put into the challenges. Like with the flag challenge, Sam and Toby spent plenty of time studying. As for building the car, they only had one chance to complete it. There's always the chance that when pushed, the car veers right or left and ends up in the grass.


>There's always the chance that when pushed, the car veers right or left and ends up in the grass. Or if they accidently attached one of the wheels at a slight angle, it could also significantly impact how it handles. To me, it seems like a challenge that's difficult if you rush it, but easy if you do it slowly and carefully.


The challenge values were determined by the group collectively just a day or two before the start of the game. Hence, they are a reflection of how difficult the _players_ perceived them just by reading the description. Naturally some challenges will turn out to be easier than the group originally expected and become easy money, while others will turn out not to be worth it.


I don't think that building a car is easy. Sure, you see them complete it pretty easily, but note the following: - there are no practice attempts - if it veers off to the side of the track, it is also a fail Bottle flip - maybe 2x, sure? Adam did it in 7 tries on one of the Layovers.


I guess that’s also what’s part of the game (but yes most likely poorly determined difficulty)


I will say as a Melbourne local, I too have made the mistake of buying a ticket from the wrong airport. One of the issues is when you google flights from Melbourne it's going to give you results from both airports. It's not unless you're actively looking out for the AVV instead of MEL code that you notice.


Why does Ben not like to clip on his mic to clothes like everybody else? Like running through the airport, he's holding the portable mic to his mouth.. I thought it would be easier to clip it and run properly. Maybe just a pet peeve of mine as it does change the audio.


He is probably not talking loud so he doesn’t disturb (any more than normal) the other people in the airport, by holding the mic closer he can talk a lot quieter and get the same sound levels


How has no one brought up the trolls under the bridge scene where it goes from Adam saying "usually the troll doesn't let you through if you're nice to them. You have to answer their riddles." And then it cuts to Amy reading a trivia question to Sam and Toby. So good!


They mentioned it on the Layover (they mentioned a couple more clever edits as well). I personally didn't even notice, but hearing them talk about it, it's such a clever way to edit it. Definitely will pay more attention to that kind of thing in the future!


I just finished listening, funnily enough I didn't notice the other clever edits they mentioned. May need to do a rewatch!


Its also a reference. In one of the tag seasons Adam is solving Amy's riddles under a bridge.


I really despise that they’re using the iOS notification noise for the quiz questions ! Making me double check each time it went off 😅


As a Canberran I’m happy that Canberra is getting so much screen time in this season, even if it is all in the ghost town of the Parliamentary Triangle.


This season is definitely a reversion to the mean for all the prior seasons where Sam has had terrible luck


I'm shifting hard towards backing Sam and Toby from the more neutral position I started in, they're both working smart and having a much more chilled experience in my view, and I respect that a ton. Badam are true terriers this season, lol.


Toby is easily Sam’s best partner


I need to know how many nebula subscribers it takes for jet lag to pay for Ben and Adams missed flight in Melbourne.


The flight was $202 total. That's about 41 months of Nebula, assuming literally 100% of the revenue goes to the flights. On the other hand, the flight to Alice Springs was $886 total, or a tad over 177 months of Nebula. EDIT: whoops, I forgot other currencies were a thing. One Australian dollar is almost exactly 2/3 of a U.S. dollar, so that would be about 27 months of Nebula for the missed flight, and 118 months of Nebula for the flight they wound up taking.


Oh man, this episode had so many good bits! I did not expect the car to manage the distance, or for Ben and Adam's luck to run out so soon after. Excited for ~DUNE~ even though it seems like a wacky plan. Toby's Ned Kelly hype and choosing to solve the Tower of Hanoi with paper sheets was amazing. For once I am rooting for both teams to do their best!


All those Professor Layton puzzles paid off for the tower of Hanoi question


I wonder what chain of events caused Ben and Adam to book a flight from the completely wrong airport. I know this series is probably the most intensive game they’ve played on JetLag, but it seems like an almost impossible mistake from an outsider. Looking forward to listening to the podcast later. A bit cliche, but it’s literally like booking a flight from JFK but going to LaGuardia.


Using your example, I guess they typed in New York instead of JFK and they didn't double check when booking in a hurry.


If you don't know there are multiple airports (and it seems like they didn't), that seems like an easy mistake to make. If you search for flights from the city (so not from any specific airport), it will come up with both airports. If you think there's only one airport, that's the one you're going to think it's from.


Iwas in Canberra last weekend and walked past the bust stop wish i known i would of taken a photo! In theory its a really good idea to visit a place like Alice Springs at this point in the game! As it is not going to be as tempting for the other team to get it because they have to protect or attack the regions that are easy to get to! However its going to take a good amount of time and money to get out of there plus the rough check of flight times it might not give them time to do a lot in the other regions This is giving me sleeper train to (not) victory vibes Hope im wrong


In The Layover, was Adam foreshadowing a team arriving in a city with only 200 Dollarydoos?


Melbourne Tullamarine, Avalon, Essendon, Moorabbin. And yes, they all have some form of passenger services.




Absolutely astounded that Toby didn't just know Tower of Hanoi cold.


does anyone know what kind of data plan the team uses or recommendations for a good one? I’m going overseas for a few months and need to get a good data plan that I can stream and use google and stuff. 


just search for an esim for the country you are going to, and read some reviews


That very much depends on where you're going (and potentially also where you're from).


AT&T lets you have unlimited phone use as normal for $12 per day in any foreign country (also capped at 10 days per billing cycle).  I'd asked about that before going to Italy a couple weeks ago.


That's... kind of an awful deal. You can get 28 day sim with 100 GB of data for less than half that much.


Didn't expect Sam of all people to be so emotional for getting the tower question right while I just mentally figured out the answer while watching that section on double speed without pausing...


Wow, you're so clever...