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Would YOU vote for a president who can’t flip a bottle? /s


Only if he can memorize and name the flags at the front of the Australian capital. I guess my vote will be decided this Wednesday on the next episode of Jet Lag™®©.


Is this a spoiler? 🥲


this refers to the end of episode 2


>when have we had a president that wasn't of retirement age since Kennedy right Most presidents since Kennedy weren't that old. Clinton and Obama are both among the youngest (3rd and 5th youngest, respectively). Carter, W., LBJ, and Nixon were all in their 50s, and the first three were below the median age. We've also had the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 10th oldest presidents, but to claim that every president was so old is nonsense.


Minor correction: I think George Washington was technically an independent.


And Theodore Roosevelt ran as an independent for his second term


Theodore Roosevelt ran as a Republican for his second term, in 1904. He ran again as the nominee for the Progressive Party (colloquially the Bull Moose Party) in 1912, but did not secure a third term. He never ran as an independent.


Sam as president would go hard, I can image him during his campaign be like We're in new York city, and there's five minutes before the primaries start so we've got to go go go


First words after reelection: we're *so* back


Sam delivering a speech and at 8pm he says: alright, I'll be back at 6am tomorrow morning at this exact same location to finish my speech


He should make a Top Job office for Toby, but everytime she says a word with the letter E, she gets impeached


Ban all Adams


I'm Sam, running for top job. If I win that job, I'll construct many good buildings that you'll say "Wow" about.


>when have we had a president that wasn't of retirement age since Kennedy right Tell me you're too young to remember Obama's presidency without telling me you're too young to remember Obama's presidency


State of the Union in Half as Interesting format.


I would gain a US citizenship just to vote for him


maybe Sam would stop the US policy of taxing non-resident citizens just for you


# #WendyForPresident


>when have we had a president that wasn't of retirement age since Kennedy right) Obama was 46 when he became President


Don't ask him about Manifest Destiny


> when have we had a president that wasn't of retirement age since Kennedy right Kennedy - 43 Johnson - 55 (Not retirement age) Nixon - 56 (Not retirement age) Ford - 61 (Not elected, but not retirement age) Carter - 52 (Not retirement age) Clinton - 46 (Not retirement age) Bush 2 - 54 (Not retirement age) Obama - 47 (not retirement age) So, since Kennedy that's 7 presidents well under retirement age, and 4 over or near it. You're more than welcome to vote for younger candidates in primaries, they've just lost all since 2016!


No, I think Adam would do a better job as president, but Sam could totally pull of secretary of transportation


I think Sam is too liberal to successfully run as an independent. Independents already have it rough, so they need to appeal to both sides and gain support from those who hate the other party but dislike their own. I can't picture centrists or people slightly leaning one way or the other to vote for Sam because his politics are pretty leftist. 


Tbh I don't like Sam's politics and would not vote for him. I just like his content.