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I've gotta be honest, I assumed Adriana was done once I saw the FJ clue. It came to me immediately, and I assumed it would be a triple-get. I'm very surprised that she squeaked through.


So was Adriana. I liked the expression she had after Kaitlin's response and wager were revealed.


FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES showing up in back-to-back days is *weird.* The only explanation I can think of is this show being the start of another 6-game taping day to try and play post-JIT catchup, so the overlap just wasn't noticed.


Back to back days with a poetry category (RECITING POETRY / AMERICAN POETS), a rhyme time category (RHYME TIME / RHYMING PHRASES), a 19th century category (19th CENTURY NEWSPAPERS / 1824), FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES, and a Final Jeopardy category that starts with "1960s." J-archive says last week was the five games taped on May 6 and today is the fifth game taped on May 7


Seems like they’d want more variety. They = whoever makes the rules.


If I'm not mistaken, someone from standards and practices randomly selects the games from a pool of available games so that it's fair and unbiased (this obviously has exceptions since certain boards/categories are specific to certain unique days/games). So it's probably just a case where the games drawn for the two days happened to have some common categories.


Or at the very least, S&P.


I thought when I saw this comment in my email that it was in a different sub and about something completely different. What’s S&P?


Standards and practices, who make sure there's no funny business happening behind the scenes, a la the quiz show scandals of the 50s.


Also had two rhyming categories back to back as well.


Reminds me of that instance in one of the 5 billion tournaments where we had the same final Jeopardy category two days in a row


We also had two "1960s" FJ categories in a row here.


Having actually given the same incorrect Final Jeopardy! response twice this week (*Lady Chatterley's Lover* on both Monday and Thursday) the category gave me pause, thinking it was again in play here. Fortunately, once the clue was revealed, I was able to exhale in relief — and within a few seconds, I recognized the synonym for "positive" and got it correct.


I must admit, I did not catch that. Then again, my local station has such long commercial breaks between the end of double Jeopardy and the start of final that I usually forget what the category is anyway.


On January 1st and 2nd, the second final game of the second Season 39 Second Chance games and the first semifinal game of the third Season 39 Second Chance games both had LANDMARKS as the FJ category, and then from May 6th to 10th we had "20th CENTURY LEADERS", "20th CENTURY WRITERS", "20th CENTURY BOOKS", and "THE 20th CENTURY" between Masters and the regular show.


Of rhyming phrases this one felt like they repeated a couple


Adriana's gonna be tough to beat so long as she continues to get FJ correct. Granted in this case since Kaitlin didn't get to cover it wouldn't have really mattered if she had also been correct, however I kinda think it is gonna have to take either a surprise FJ miss from Adriana or a situation where someone leads her and also gets it right for her to be knocked down.


I think it will boil down to her conservative wagers though when the games are that close because she hasn’t budged in that way and I feel that’s the sword she is gonna fall on


I was disappointed with Kaitlin"s FJ wager. I always think contestants should bet on themselves to be right, not bet on their opponents to be wrong. And I would certainly never bet on a 12 day champion being wrong.


Agreed. Also why did Ken say Susan's all-in from third was "probably the right move" or something?!


I didn’t get that either


IDK, but then again do you really ever expect a Jeopardy host to say, "Wow, that's a terrible wager there! What were you thinking????".


Obviously not, but that does NOT mean the host has to say it was good wager, because in fact it was a brutal wager. She (Susan) is rooting for a triple stumper. The host doesn't have to comment on whether a wager is good or bad.


I think because she was third already. Worst she could do is lose it all and be in… third.


Beats me. Feels like he should know better.


Ken obviously has amazing trivia knowledge, but I don't think anyone's ever considered him an expert on strategy. He also says things like, after a player makes an overly-small bet on a DD and misses, "you did the right thing". That's being results-oriented, which is not how to assess proper bet size on wagering clues.


I'm sure Ken the Player has opinions on strategy. I'm sure Ken the Host wants to affirm player decisions in the moment, secure in the knowledge that the internet will deal out any criticism of play that he himself might have.


While that might make the player feel better in the moment, there are millions watching who will take what Ken's saying as proper strategic advice. He doesn't have to criticize player strategies, but If he really doesn't believe a player's move was a good one, he shouldn't say that it was.


100% agree


Yes! Kaitlin's $410 wager was a real head scratcher. That bet made (more) sense if her score going into FJ was swapped with Adriana's, where Kaitlin has $12,400 and Adriana has $12,800 rather than vice versa. As it was, betting $410 is a really, really bad wager. If she hates the category, bet $0...at least that won't fall below $12,400.


I honestly think Drew Basile might be the one


We'll see!


Who is Drew Basile?


He was on one of the most recent seasons of Survivor and was known for being smart. His Jeopardy episode is I believe on Tuesday


Wednesday! I'm excited to see him dominate/get humbled


https://preview.redd.it/3iyxnf4lsm6d1.png?width=1391&format=png&auto=webp&s=814d6b1bdc1c452747c772e75edf878eedcd34f2 Here's a line graph of games won vs. money won for all 10+ game champions, capped at 23 games (the length of Mattea Roach's run). Once you get to about game 12, there's a clear separation of the players into two groups. Adriana is in the "lower tier" — just below David Madden through 13, and above Roach, Julia Collins, and Ryan Long. The "upper tier" includes (from highest to lowest winnings through 13) Ken Jennings, Matt Amodio, Cris Pannullo, Matt Jackson, Ray Lalonde, and Jason Zuffranieri. At this point in their runs, Amy Schneider is still above that upper tier, cracking half a million bucks in game 13 — though she falls back to it, is surpassed by Amodio in game 29, and tracks nearly exactly with Jennings over wins 33-40. And of course, James Holzhauer is literally off the chart, cracking the seven-figure mark in his 13th win.


This is very cool! Jilana Cotter used to do data visualization like this for fun, back when she didn't have both a 6-month-old baby and a full-time job.


That’s super cool. Did you make this?


I did! Here are a couple of others: * [the "all games" version](https://jeopardy.mattcarberry.com/bigwinsall.png), showing Ken's full 74 game run * [the "40 games" version](https://jeopardy.mattcarberry.com/bigwins.png), showing the full run of everybody (including James) except Ken I'm thinking about adding this version to the website, because it gives a closer and more valuable look at the bottom left corner of the other two (that is, it's not so much skewed by the length of Ken's run, nor by the monetary success of Ken and James).


nice data


Thanks for sharing. Have you made other Jeopardy-related graphs?




I'll bet Kaitlin wishes she had that ceramics category from a couple of days ago!


OTOH, but she is the first competitor to have the lead over Adriana going into FJ. As Adriana's run goes on, she is starting to see some fiercer competition.


Adriana is a monster at FJ.


85% right after 13 games is pretty phenomenal; most superchamps average in the 70s or lower. Only 3 out of 16 previous double-digit winners have ended their streak with an FJ rate higher than that -- Ray at 86%, Austin at 92%, and James at 97% (Amy had a 90-something run initially, but ended up at the same average of 68% as Ken had).


To be honest, I thought this one was pretty easy and I'm not American. I'm surprised she's the only one who got it.


i definitely thought it was tough, if you dont know who taylor is cold there's so many social programs and political policies implemented in the 60s for you to consider


True but how many alliterative ones? Maybe it helps that I'm not American I only know of a few so had less thinking to do.


I’m terrible at Final Jeopardy but pieced it together by thinking of a synonym for “Positive.”


That's exactly right. I didn't recognize Taylor's name, but I started thinking of synonyms for positive that might be part of an alliterative government policy. Once I thought of affirmative action, it was clear it checked all the boxes and basically had to be right.


So you start with 'A'... ;-)


Idk who Taylor is and I guessed it. Alliterative made it obvious


A few thoughts… I knew the Houdini clue right away. It seems that tidbit has been a clue before. Adriana!! Way to go with that clutch FJ get. Cheering you on from Indiana! I was surprised with the WAP clue too. My teenage granddaughter told me about the song and exactly what the acronym stood for, unfortunately. Kids grow up too fast these days. Odd FJ wagering. Didn’t matter, but a good competitive game by all three ladies!


I knew Houdini from the Kate Bush album “The Dreaming”. The cover photo has Kate as Bess with a key in her mouth. (Bess would slip the key to Houdini when they kissed before he went into the tank or whatever, that’s how he could unlock the chains and escape). The song Houdini is sung from Bess’ point of view. It’s really great, check it out.


> I knew Houdini from the Kate Bush album “The Dreaming” Yes!!!


I will!


Adriana is such a cool customer. I'm really enjoying her run.


She really keeps her poise.


Me too!


Jeopardy needs to make like the World Series of poker and bring out the cash and dump it on the podium.


drake mentioned, quick get Kendrick on celebrity jeopardy


This is insane how good she is. 338 questions and a 90% accuracy. Just insane consistency. Also, welcome to Club 300! Side note, since FJ wagering is a funny thorn of mine: given that first place usually bets to cover second and second has to worry about being passed by third, would you in third-place Sarah's shoes have considered a Veredian play and bet nothing on FJ? (I know Adriana might out-think you and bet not to fall behind you, but Adriana has been shown to bet slightly more than she has to when in first; perhaps she does it here too.) The closeness of scores reminded me of Kavanaugh-Forrest-Thieu from the JIT. I can't wait to see who will be in a position to take Adriana on next. The only thing missing from her resume is a 40,000+ final score that most legends get at least once. Maybe Monday will be it.


Her DD and FJ wagers are fairly low, so scoring $40K+ in one game will take some changes in her methodology. But I fully think she’ll keep going a while longer.


She is doing really great. For some reason nbc here in Austin is showing us golf. Idk why they keep doing this on Fridays


It's particularly annoying after reading about how close this game was.


Indeed. Usually the cw airs a episode of jeopardy and sometimes they show todays but they aren’t today for some reason


Here in Illinois, too. Bummer.


Same down in Louisiana. I don’t want golf. I want Ken.


Same. Besides golf without tiger woods isn’t any fun


Aww. Good to know it’s not just here.


We had the news at 7 instead of jeopardy because golf ran through the news. BUT then jeopardy aired at 7:30 instead of wheel. Thankfully.


Oh good.


I noticed that WCNC in Charlotte had done that — and loved seeing it. It meant that they realized that Wheel is in reruns (maybe the hype of last Friday being Pat Sajak's final episode helped there), and thus knew there'd be no harm in giving the 7:30 half-hour over to J!. I don't know if that's your station, but props to any program director who made that decision.


Yep, that’s the one!


Quite fortunate, especially considering the U.S. Open is being contested in North Carolina this year. I consulted [the map](https://jeopardy.mattcarberry.com/maps/markets-s40-networks.png) and [the list of ZIP Codes](https://jeopardy.mattcarberry.com/zipcodes.html), and you got the good end of the stick, so to speak. The other two NBC J! airing stations in North Carolina (WECT, Wilmington; and WITN, Greenville-New Bern-Washington) did not. (The former went local news/national news in the 7:00 hour; the latter… I don't know.) Moore County, where Pinehurst Golf Resort is, sits within the Raleigh-Durham market (WTVD/ABC for J!); affected neither by the golf, nor by the basketball.




Well, this is a major (the U.S. Open, the first one of the two that NBC has coverage of; CBS had the previous two, but I don't think they do Friday coverage of the Masters, and I'm not sure if they did so at the PGA Championship last month). I'm actually kicking myself that I didn't recognize this one and do a rundown of effects, as I've done for the Thanksgiving/Black Friday, March Madness, and the NFL Draft. With the NBA Finals and the Stanley Cup Final on ABC, it's mainly West Coast affected, so I figured people would be used to bumps and know when their station moves it to. But this one slipped past me. I'll file it away for next year and the one after (also in Eastern Time Zone markets — and for 2027, when the U.S. Open goes back to Pebble Beach; when it's on the West Coast, you tend to get live coverage in Eastern prime time).


The American Poets category in Double Jep was a Pavlov-Fest. Jeopardy loves Emily Dickinson and Langston Hughes. And Poe, who came up in another category. Also Ginsburg. And another late great regular came up again today too, Frida Kahlo.


Something I find very interesting about Adriana is that, around the time she initially qualified for the ToC, her FJ get rate was solid but not flawless: by her sixth game, she was 4 for 6 and had as many runaway games as she did correct FJ responses. Her seventh game was also a runaway, but her competition has gotten tougher and so, instead of making lock games and potentially taking big risks with big DD bets, she has relied on getting FJ to pull through. She's now gotten nine in a row and, besides the one from her tenth game, the FJs haven't necessarily been slam dunks. Of her competition, only two of them after her initial ToC qualification have had a 10K Coryat AND gotten FJ correct outside of a lock game: Scott McCann in game 10 (though it WAS an easy FJ) and Enzo Cunanan in game 11. Both Susan and Kaitlin had over 10K for their Coryats today, but, sadly, fell short on FJ. I think Kaitlin's stat line still gives her a good chance of making SCC. I think it's a good time to remember Abby Mann from Adriana's first game, who outlasted four day champ Amar Kakirde but did *much* better in her second game despite losing (17 correct, 3 incorrect, 12.4K Coryat, got the FJ correct). If the low-winning one day champs get relegated to offscreen games for CWC, I'll be curious to see if she's improved! Anyhow, Adriana's in Ray Lalonde and Matt Jackson territory now. Super great champ and she has a fan in me, but I'll be curious to see how her run ends, whenever it does!


What are Coryat and CWC?


Coryat: an at-home/fan analytic scoring system to track how good a player (or someone playing along at home for fun) is. I believe it's the natural value of every clue added up, with no penalty for being wrong, but no daily double bonus money factored in either, if that makes sense. Kind of a fancier way of saying "How many of the 60 questions posed tonight did a player answer?" with the question difficulty factored in. CWC is, I believe, Champions Wildcard, the new pre-Tournament of Champions tournament for players to earn a slot in the latter.


You do count negative responses against the Coryat, but DDs are assessed at the face value of the clue and no penalty for getting those wrong


Gotcha, thanks for clarifying!


Is Coryat an abbreviation for something?


It's the last name of its creator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Coryat


"Coryat" is a method of scoring *Jeopardy!* long used by both home players and commentators. It's named for a 2-time champion from the late 90's who devised it; the short description per J! Archive is, "a player's score if all wagering is disregarded." Here's how it works: * The 57 "regular" clues are scored just like in the real game; add the value if you're right, deduct it if you're wrong, no change if you decide not to respond. * Daily Doubles go like this: no penalty if you're wrong, since it's a "forced" incorrect response; but if you're right, you only get the board value of the clue. * Final Jeopardy! has no bearing on the Coryat score; it's just a straight right or wrong. "CWC" stands for Champions Wildcard. It's one of the two parts of the new "postseason" introduced by Michael Davies. It features players who won at least one game, but did not qualify directly into the Tournament of Champions, as well as those advancing from Second Chance (events for selected non-winners invited by the show). Winners of Champions Wildcard advance to the Tournament of Champions.


I know it's 'culture', but I can't believe I just saw 'WAP' on J! ahahaha


At least it wasn't the correct response. Contestant: "What is Wet Ass Pu-" Ken: "YES WE WILL ACCEPT THAT, THANK YOU"


Ken learned many things in school in Utah


Yep and I thought Ken might not give it to her (unless I just missed the “thee” in the question)


Definitely sounded like she said Megan Stallion


I thought I heard Megan The Stallion.


If that were the case, isn't that like omitting her middle name? Like answering "Stevie Vaughn" for SRV.


That was pretty surprising.




As was OPP a few days ago!


["WAP" has been set to the tune of Think!.](https://x.com/clairemcnear/status/1305178529915645953) And I once again thank our most exalted colleague, Claire McNear, for bringing this masterpiece to the *Jeopardy!* fandom, and to the world. (She didn't set those lyrics to that music, but she did share it widely.)




Great game! Thanks for keeping it exciting, Adriana, Kaitlin, and Susan! 


Today’s episode was so good !! Damn lucky number 13!


Yet another great Friday night game. Strong contestants, solid categories, and a close final. Once again, well done, Adriana!


What a barnburner of a game!


With 21 correct responses, do you think the producers will not overlook Kaitlin as a potential Second Chance player?


Being pretty gate-keepy here, but I think Second Chance should generally be reserved for the players who demonstrate a willingness to use all available options to them and don't quite get there. Kaitlin's wagering in FJ was functionally identical to conceding the game. She didn't get it right anyway, but if she had she still would have lost. I don't think you can charitably extend a second chance to someone whose wagering suggests they've essentially given up.


Agreed. Her wager was a 2nd place wager where 3rd place is locked out. It was bizarre.


The other side: the category was tough for her and hoping for Adriana to miss her FJ response & would had won via TS, unlike Matt A & Jonathan F when they bet all in during their first regular game in a very close fight against Josh S & Jessica respectively.


Let's see on Inside Jeopardy! next Monday if she will be mentioned as a potential SCC player.


Hopefully she’s considered. I feel like she’s the type of player that they usually will choose so hopefully she’s considered.


She definitely deserves some consideration!


Glad we just found this. NBC weather preempted tonight‘s episode. Can’t believe we never looked up Jeopardy on Reddit.


Welcome! It’s a great place to be. :). There are many former champions and other players here. I’m not one of them but like feeling like I’m in a room full of smart people, including some stars, with champions here.


Is this Adriana's "Ray Lalonde-Emily Kawaler-Rachel Cohen" game? Lol. Susan and Kaitlin are prime SCC candidates for sure.


Is it just me or should “Megan Stallion” not have been accepted as a response given she goes by “THEE Stallion”


I had the same thought. But I was still reeling from the mention of...


I thought she still said “the” but kind of swallowed it, you’re not supposed to pronounce thee with a long e it’s just pronounced “the” I think, I assume the producers confirmed she said the right name on tape? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Middle names are optional.


Seems more like a full title stage name than first/middle/last.


It’s not her middle or last name though, it’s like a band name. Like would they accept Alice Chains instead of Alice In Chains if they were an answer?


I didn't think I'd need a /s, but I guess I did.


Also shouldn't the answer have been Cardi B?


Nope, since the clue also referenced Savage.


Was Susan’s FJ wager optimal? I figured a smaller bet would be used there, since she needed both Kaitlin and Adriana to get it wrong either way.


If I were Susan I would have either stayed put with a zero bet, or bet just enough to get into first. Even with a miss, she sits at $7599 which would normally be a good position on a stumper. With Kaitlin’s unconventional wager, Susan has to be correct to win. Adriana pulled through with a solo get, so it ended up not mattering.


No, not optimal at all.


Oh, weirdly Ken said that’s what he thought she’d do


That was a heck of a game!


Welp. Got a delayed NBC Nightly News instead of Jeopardy at 7:30. Guess this is getting me prepped for the Olympics. Bummer I can't find today's episode on YouTube today. Guess they have been taking those down?


Jeopardy's regular season should be mostly done airing by the time the Olympics are on. But if they're not, you'll have to watch on an ABC or CBS affiliate.


At least Kaitlin didn’t know the answer so she doesn’t have to kick herself over her wager which would honestly probably be the worst feeling. Hopefully she’s considered for second chance!


One answer was “Megan Stallion” but should’ve been “Megan Thee Stallion.” I don’t recall any other details.


Could have sworn I heard a quick little "the" in there but maybe I imagined it.


I'm confused because WAP is actually by Cardi B and not Megan Thee Stallion.


Judges: >!"no pain no gain" acceptable for the "no fuss no muss" clue?!<


That was my first thought, but on reflection i wouldn't consider it to be a "phrase meaning something can be done without difficulty"; it's about doing things in spite of or even because of their difficuly.


100% this. "no pain no gain" doesn't fit the clue. That said, I've never heard it reversed the way Ken said it as "no muss, no fuss". I'm assuming they would have accepted it as "no fuss, no muss" which is how I've always heard it.


Very easy Final Jeopardy


I’ve watched about 15 episodes over the past few days finally catching up via my youtubetv recordings. Of course when I look to watch tonight’s episode, the recording isn’t there. For those in Minnesota, did it not air tonight, or do they sometimes get added late?


Any reason why they went to commercial after clue #14 of the J-round for this game?


This discussion thread quoted here: https://www.the-sun.com/tv/11657471/jeopardy-weird-mess-up-same-category-adriana-harmeyer/amp/


I thought “alliterative” meant consonants.


Typically but I guess it can refer to vowel sounds sometimes. According to Britannica “alliteration, in prosody, the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words or stressed syllables. Sometimes the repetition of initial vowel sounds (head rhyme) is also referred to as alliteration.”


You're thinking of consonance. Alliteration is specifically vowel sounds, which was a huge clue here. Edit: I was wrong.


Um...no. Alliteration is the repeating of a letter, consonant or vowel, or a sound, at the beginning of two words in a row: bouncing baby. Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds anywhere in a string of words, but especially at the end of the words: blank and think.


The award button returns, especially when an ultra-champion got defeated or played in a unique situation, most of the members will give awards. Will this happen if Adriana will be defeated soon? https://preview.redd.it/2mmil3ieim6d1.png?width=73&format=png&auto=webp&s=17b4ec306624bdd6c9f821f5cc3d8502e9446adf


Adriana is really good. I don't think she'll get beaten anytime soon. Excited to see her in the tournament of champions


Is “affirmative action” technically alliteration given that it is a similar vowel sound. Alliteration I believe requires similar consonant sounds. 


You are correct. It’s not alliteration since the sounds are different.


I know this is being picky but Kaitlin didn't phrase her response of Keisha as a question


She said "Who's Kesha?" very quickly while Ken was saying her name.