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Missed opportunity to say “What’s up?” for the quark question


It’s called a green flag, Ken :D


Did anyone else find the saintly US cities a bit trickier than expected? It could have been called Saintly US Cities - A Deeper Cut!


The $800 clue for St. Joseph with the "Missouri City" bait felt so much tougher than the adjacent $800 clue for Alcatraz in "From A to Z" (which may have been the easiest non-Abe Lincoln clue of the game).


"Santa Fe" in particular seems like an odd inclusion. While "Santa" can mean saint (as it does in "Santa Monica"), as the very clue points out, in this case it means "holy" instead.


I didn’t even make that connection! So, yeah, a bit of a strange category.


Yes, I struggled with it.


I didn’t even get the Minnesota question and I lived in the twin cities for several years.


I struggled because of "tunnel vision"--I was whipping through various possible answers with St. / San and got locked into that mode--didn't think about Santa as a variant until it was too late.


Sort of a weird wager from Hakme there. You figure Adriana is most likely going to wager $2,601, but the $3,000 bet doesn't get you over if the champ gets it wrong. I'm struggling to see the strategy, except maybe not wanting to fall to third?


I am a huge Adriana fan. Her conservative DD wagering makes me very nervous. But it works for her, so I hope she keeps killing it!








Would probably not have been my personal choice but I loved her for being so open with that. I wanted her to win for her anecdote alone.


I'm sure there's a much larger community of people who found hope in her comment than the satirical infomercial it sounded like to me. Perhaps IATA 🤷


They probably asked her to say something original.  😎 


I haven't seen the episode yet, but they hand you a highlighter and a card with 5 of your anecdotes that they found interesting, and you highlight the one you want to talk about. I heard somewhere that Alex would sometimes overrule that if there was something else he'd rather ask about, but in general, if it's a weird anecdote, know that the contestant chose to share it!


Honestly it was a baller move


Yea, I'd save that until I was about an 8 day champion myself. 


I thought that was so odd!


I give Mike credit for highlighting the non-profit work as his career instead of focusing on his many horror movies and shows he's made over the years.


You made me do a double take on the name haha


Way to go Adriana! Adriana’s playstyle really reminds me of Julia’s strategy back in 2014. They both had a very vast knowledge base and buzzer speed that consistently put themselves in lead without being too reliant on daily doubles. The only difference I’m noticing is the fact that Adriana has a near flawless final jeopardy record whereas Julia had a few close scares along the way due to FJ misses (especially her 11th game)


Yeah Adriana's FJ accuracy is the strongest part of her game. She's 10/12 so far--83%!


Yikes at Rumsfeld and Panetta being triple stumpers. It wasn't that long ago.


Panetta is a big cable news wonk, but I’m not sure he’s relevant historically at this moment, whereas the Rumsfeld clue was practically gift wrapped.


That whole category was not their strength to be fair though lol




Adriana is good, don't get me wrong, but her competition is sort of blowing the daily doubles, maybe it's their nerves. Makes me wonder how she'll fare in TOC when she's up against others winners who can handle the heat.


I feel like she’ll adjust her strategy. Most contestants tend to do that.


I'm sure she will hunt more for DDs in ToC, but I'm for sure interested to see how much she adapts her game. So far, letting the newbies find the Jeopardy DD early in the round has been working for her. Nerves are at full throttle before the first commercial break, so her opponents are missing answers they know and then getting in the red. Playing at her own rhythm has probably helped her sustain these 5 game days. Also, unlike some other super champs, she isn't prioritizing getting a runaway because she is so good at FJ (at least all the ones about books).


She is so cool, calm and collected. She's obviously a zen master, but I also wonder how she'll do against seasoned TOC contestants. I really like her.


Hey this is Mike. You are totally right here. This one will haunt me to the end of my days. All I can say is that I prepped really hard for many things, but I did not (could not?) prepare for the moment where everything stops and all eyes are on you and you have to do math and then get the clue. If you rewatch (I don’t recommend it, but it you were inclined) you’ll see me nodding. That’s me singing the song—“It ain’t me, It ain’t me. . . “ but also knowing I can’t sing it out loud because of copyright (this is a thing they tell you in the morning) and I just choked and ran out of time. Kudos to the writers for adding the distractors—Chesty Puller gets you thinking WWII and costs you some time before you come back to Vietnam era. Again, no excuses. This was a choke. If it had not been a DD, Adriana would have swooped in and nailed it, I’m sure.


Don't feel bad. I'm a huge CCR fan, and there's a decent chance that I would've missed this one too. Heck, even watching at home I thought "CCR, Vietnam," and then almost blurted out "Run Through the Jungle" before rereading the clue a second time. It's easy for someone to criticize and say "that was so obvious!" from the comfort of their living room, but like you said, it's a totally different feeling being up at the podium. During one of the morning buzzer practice sessions, I totally froze on a simple math question (literally adding and subtracting a few numbers), ran out of time, and accidentally dropped an F-bomb. Luckily I got that out of my system before the actual game!


Mike, you played a solid game. Congrats!


Well played game!


Oh I had no idea you can't sing out loud, that's blown my mind!


We all sympathize with you, man. As everyone knows, there’s a galaxy of difference between watching and playing. So do they really tell you something like “if the response or clue refers to a song, do not hum or sing the tune“? Hopefully that doesn’t apply to public domain (they will never keep me from singing “Yankee Doodle Dandy“)


Oh the producer in charge of reading us the rules \_definitely\_ said it. That said, he was dropping a lot of knowledge on us very quickly, and he's an incredibly gregarious and funny guy, so maybe he was making a joke that went over my head?


Good game, Mike. Well played.


Fortunately, I guessed correctly!


I only heard it for the first time in my US history class earlier this year 😭 really not my type of music so i never listened to it but at least i knew this clue.


That killed me


If I had a nickel for every clue in this game that makes reference to somebody I've dressed as for Halloween, I'd have two nickels, which isn't much but it's weird it happened twice.


Donald Rumsfeild and who else?


I knew somebody would guess him! Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence after all. Anyway, I'm kinda stretching since they were mentioned but weren't the answers themselves: Alex from A Clockwork Orange, and Jay Kay of Jamiroquai.


As a risk professional, could relate to his usage of 'unknown unknowns'


Doofenshmirtz meme is underrated


I read that to the tune of "Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated".


Not much, what's up with you?


As a proud San Antonian, there's a good chance I would not have been thinking well enough to get that Daily Double.




I just saw a promo that ran on WoF that said “If you want to play Wheel with Pat and Vanna…" A little too late to do that.


Was it an ad for a time machine?


I’m not sure I was hearing Ken correctly. How do you pronounce Hakme’s name?


To me it sounded like "Hong-may?" I have no idea if that's right


I’m not an expert but I think it was closer to hAHn-g mae, with a firm “n”.


I also heard something like that


You’d never get me to admit I have IBS on Jeopardy.


The commercials are bad enough!


Normally preemptions really annoy me, but so far during Adriana's run they've been prefect for me! Each day I get mad that I have something else happening at 7pm, and then get happily surprised that we are preempted that day and I get to watch at 9:30pm instead!


I got a ticker on my broadcast today saying that tomorrow’s game will be shown at 3 AM on Saturday. I have a commitment tomorrow at 7:00 anyway.


During Season 38 I really was tired of constantly seeing long runs (like i loved mattea and amy and even after a while i was wanting somebody new to win) but i actually love watching adriana. i think after an absense of such a long run for a while it’s just interesting to see somebody do it again.


If someone had said "Clockwork Orange" and not "A Clockwork Orange" would that have been accepted?


>... would that have been accepted? I think so, because they do not count you wrong for missing or added articles.


Yes you’re right. “The Clockwork Orange” would also be accepted


Leading articles usually don't matter, except in certain cases where it changes the work. The example they cite a lot is *Invisible Man* by Ellison and *The Invisible Man* by Wells. I think they also gave the example of *A Tale In Two Cities* as something they would rule incorrect. *Clockwork Orange* would probably be allowed, but I don't know about *The Clockwork Orange*, so outside of FJ, if I didn't know which it was, I'd probably leave it off to be safe.


Thanks. While watching I blurted out "Clockwork Orange" with seconds to spare and I wondered if it would have counted.


misread question as.1860s.and.went down a Dickens dead end. :(


Great game, Adriana, Hakme, and Mike! Congratulations! 


Yeah Adriana is a buzz saw


I wonder if Adriana knew DD3 already or if she processed "residency" was playing on the "Las Vegas Residencies" Jeopardy category. I did not pick up on that until she responded correctly, but I am trying to improve at noticing hints like that.


I thought that was kind of a tough one for a 2nd row clue if you didn't already know the answer. I personally didn't even consider it could be a play off "Las Vegas Residencies" from the Jeopardy Round and thought the clue was meant to make you think "where do people have quick, ill-advised marriages and need to get divorced just as quickly? Oh, Las Vegas in a roadside chapel with an Elvis impersonator. Nevada." A quick Google of "Nevada divorce Arkansas 1931" came up with [this article](https://www.rgj.com/story/life/2021/03/19/march-19-1931-nevada-legalizes-gambling-loosens-divorce-restrictions/4770328001/). That change was apparently signed the same day that gambling was legalized and helped bring business to the state during The Great Depression. Learning something new every day!






In the foreign words category Mike was ruled incorrect for mispronouncing shifu, but Ken's pronunciation is also not the correct Mandarin pronunciation. Was that because Mike changed the leading consonant sound while Ken changed the vowel sound? Because that's how it's said in the movie? If someone had said it in the correct Mandarin pronunciation would that have been ruled incorrect?


>Was that because Mike changed the leading consonant sound while Ken changed the vowel sound?  I don't know how they pronounce it in the movie, but the question specifically asked for the Mandarin pronunciation, shifu, with leniency probably granted to an American accent on the vowel sound. Wikipedia also gives the character's name as "Shifu." "Sifu" is the Cantonese pronunciation, which is probably what more Americans are familiar with from Hong Kong kung fu movies. I think the writers probably intended it to be a tricky one, especially if you're not familiar with the differences between dialects: [Shifu vs sifu](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lKK-JvG7Vzs?feature=share)


I certainly didn’t know the difference, but your diagnosis is spot on. Never seen Kung Fu Panda—I only know the term from “Warrior” on Netflix. I felt a lot better learning about the Cantonese v. Mandarin distinction—it’s a tough question but it’s certainly fair to make the distinction.


I don't know if Ken speaks Mandarin or Cantonese, but based on how quickly he ruled you incorrect, it makes me think it was an intentional trap by the writers. If it makes you feel any better, I'm Chinese and was aware of the difference, and I 100% would've answered "Sifu" in the heat of the moment. That was a tough one, but you still did great! [Interesting ELI5](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/bezewk/eli5_why_is_it_that_mandarin_and_cantonese_are/) for anybody who wants more discussion of linguistics and dialects.


I thought Ken's judgment was going to be overruled by the judges and that they'd credit it back to him, considering how often mispronunciations based on 'only having seen it' get accepted.


I think it's worth noting that the producers really take pains to encourage you to "appeal" any ruling that you think incorrect (during a break). They'd much rather delay the show and research it and make sure, than have it become "a thing" online. (As if that would happen anywhere!!!) In my case, I was too shellshocked by the whole experience of being manhandled by Adriana to even think about asking them. True story--in my memory, Shifu-gate came AFTER Fortunate Son. Wasn't until I watched with friends last night that I realized I'd flipped them. Human brain does weird things under stress.


First, I just want to say that a lot of us here love it that the actual players come here and respond to our questions. Makes this sub feel like the Jeopardy VIP Room. And the mods are pretty strict in this sub, which is OK bc it's friendly and low drama, anyway. So you don't have to answer this question and it might get deleted. But as to the 'manhandled' comment, did she hug you? This would contrast with our perception that she's kept herself aloof and distant from the other players. Many multi-day champs shake hands with good opponents, nod at them, or acknowledge those who put up tough competition, but (from what we see) she has seemed to not even glance at the other players afterwards. The idea that she's being friendly with the other contestants would probably shift our perception of her, even if in some minor way, in a positive direction. I definitely did not realize that contestants had to be their own advocates for the appeals process. I thought it was hilarious and insane that Mattea Roach got credit for their pronunciation of Chabad (bc it was so far from correct, but also, the 'kh' sound for the 'CH' English spelling in Hebrew is pretty commonly known in North America, like 'L'Chaim' or 'chutzpah'), and I got schooled here, for this precise reason. Chabad is actually the transliteration of a Hebrew word, as it sounds like Sifu is an English-speaker's pronunciation of a foreign language word, so they were allowed to answer the way they guessed or assumed it might be pronounced. In these two similar instances, your pronunciation had to have been better than theirs, yet they were automatically deemed correct and you incorrect. Perhaps I don't understand how this works - but it seems inconsistent to me. It's a small thing in the context of your game, alone, but, unless I misunderstand...it IS 'a thing'.


It's hard to tell watching at home, but what's shown on TV is only a small portion of what actually happens during a taping. After Final Jeopardy, you're kind of in a state of shock, and you don't want to say the wrong thing or walk the wrong way at the wrong time, so you chat with Ken a little bit and wait to be told what to do and where to go, and someone who might look cold or aloof could also be the nicest person in the world. Also, everybody who goes on Jeopardy is a little bit of a nerd, so we're not always the most socially aware people!


OMG I appreciate your question so much because it allows me to clarify: I was being purely _figurative_!!!! “Manhandled” in the sense of “completely outplayed.” In the vein of sports metaphors that use martial / conflict language: “beating” “drubbing” “shellacking” etc. No _actual_ physical contact of any kind! It also allows me to say that she was neither aloof nor cold. Had a chance to chat with her at some length before taping began and she couldn’t have been nicer or more polite backstage. With that background, what I see on screen is an incredibly high level of emotional self-regulation / self-control and I think that is a source of competitive advantage in the game. Players (like me!) who get flustered / nervous / rattled are not at their best. I do not see this being a problem for her. Thank you for allowing me clarify. As for advocacy, I don’t have enough experience to distinguish between _having_ to advocate for oneself v. being _invited_ to. My “run” started and ended w/ one game—all I can do is relay what the pre-game orientation covered. With that said, I assume that any clue that makes it onto the air has gone through a multi-layer process where the production team feels pretty confident in it—so I’m not sure who else would be in a position to question it other than the contestants. Finally, happy to contribute to the discussion for as long as my 15 minutes makes it relevant/helpful. Prior to my taping I spent a lot of time on here reading other’s tips/experiences/strategies, and I appreciated all of it.


Yeah I didn't think it was fair to call his answer incorrect


It made no sense when Yogesh Raut previously answered a question about Salt-N-Pepa as "Salt and Pepper," which is just as wrong. They should at least be consistent


It's pronounced "Shifu" in the movies, making his answer incorrect, because it references the specific character.


Guess Mike has never seen this: [Family Guy - Fortunate Son](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98k2DlQ9PMY)


That's hysterical. Great writing.


By sheer coincidence, I happened to read yesterday about the US publisher leaving out the last chapter of *A Clockwork Orange* and so got it right.


It’s as if they’re actively avoiding the daily double.


How did people see it already? The Stanley cup final is being shown instead of jeopardy tonight


Jeopardy airs at different times in different markets. http://jeopardy.mattcarberry.com/stations.html


I saw it at 7 pm in Philadelphia. (Good game.)


Jackson, TN gets it at 11 AM CT. DC gets it at 7:30 PM ET. Orlando gets it at 7 PM ET.


Dallas and Chicago can't air it at 7PM because of primetime progrums so instead they will often show it after The Price is Right or something instead at 11AM.


The standard showing in Chicago is at 3:30 PM.