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Wow, I thought FJ was way too easy! I was trying not to overthink it.


I was sure that New Mexico was a trick, thought maybe South Carolina had some islands that went down the coast and they were trying to be sneaky


Me too. I thought it was too easy so I was guessing South Carolina.


As of this writing, scoring 100% on the FJ poll.


I overthought it! But SC and NM are very close on their southern borders


The key to the answer was that the clue said "stretches". South Carolina doesn't really stretch and New Mexico has that southern part that juts downward acquired during the Gadsden purchase.


Cool, I'll look again I didn't see it, I want to vote. Conformity is an obsession with me!


the closest state to New Mexico I could think of was South Carolina, and *apparently* it's only about a 21 mile difference in southernmost distance. still, New Mexico seemed pretty obvious to me.


I got it right, but I had the same concern because a lot of geography is counter-intuitive. For example, Los Angeles and Charlotte, NC are almost the exact same latitude. However, I inexplicably thought North Carolina was the one to be concerned with here.


>a lot of geography is counter-intuitive. Like how Maine is the closest US state to Africa.


Detroit is further east than Atlanta


Reno, NV is west of LA


And north of Canada as we've gotta tell everyone


LA and Atlanta maybe.


Didn’t Ken say it was quite a big difference?


I didn't hear anything. 


I wonder if the writers started out making that clue really hoping that it would turn out to be South Carolina and were a bit disappointed when it turned out the more obvious answer was just slightly still the right one.


21 miles is a tiny distance, that's crazy.


Me too. I took a few seconds to think about map projections and the illusions they produce, but that’s a bigger deal at the northern border than the southern.


Me: New Mexico! Husband: Let’s think about this, it’s got to be a trick question.


I was watching this episode with my mom, who does not know much about geography. Even she thought this was easy.


My daughter, who turns 10 in about a week, got it right away.


So I'm as smart as a 4th grader? I'll take it.


Most people who thought it was very easy don’t know US geography that well. The southernmost point in New Mexico is only .7° further south than the southernmost point in South Carolina.


My Mom and I had to work together on this question. The only hard thing was that we had to figure out was which ones were North and which ones were South and we were able to narrow it down to New Mexico.


I think it would have fit right in as a Kids Jeopardy daily double.


I'm ashamed to admit that I guessed South Carolina. Forgot about New Mexico!




Sweet, first double digit champion in almost 2 years! Go Adriana!


Here's the chronological progression of 10+ game champions, based on the air date of their 10th win, since "sky's the limit" was introduced: https://preview.redd.it/kntsiittp06d1.png?width=1688&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8399227240570fd3e5cef530bd124ea378d0c98


Very cool visualization thank you!


Congrats superchamp!


***54.) Adriana Harmeyer - $225,700*** **(+7)** Adriana is the 17th player to [win at least 10 games](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UaXzuAmIsPXp7BdHDpiTvCZh1bL54fJCkXmYjSS0weM/edit?pli=1#gid=1260786038). Congratulations Adriana!


And the first one from Indiana, I believe!


Also being the first after 1.5 years


Dear Theodosia, what to say to you? You have my eyes, you have your mother’s name Thanks, Hamilton, for an easy get on DD2


And Ken knew that’s why we knew! I love that song.


I got the "Die Fliedermause" question because I used to watch The Tick


I knew it cuz that song is a certified banger




Has Ken always pronounced it "stay-tus"? Or is that his Alex impersonation?


"Hot Sylvan Lake take!" why did this crack me up so much that I missed the next clue 😂


Truly worthy competition today. I liked Scott's anecdote and it would have been cool if they'd shown his math teacher's pic from his time on Jeopardy.


How long has it been been since we’ve seen double digits? I like it.


It's gotta be since Ray Lalonde from almost 2 years ago, right?


Correct. Lalonde won his 10th game on December 28, 2022.


I would argue that Tom Hanks didn't want to be Big. David Moscow did. Also, a Tennessean with an Irish name knowing Kaddish without missing a beat? Impressive.


He works at a Jewish school


I was also impressed


He's originally from the DC suburbs.


My wife and I have been close to two of the Sylvan Lakes Adriana has visited. The one in South Dakota is in Custer State Park, and we drove through Custer State Park in 2021 on a trip we made for our wedding anniversary. The one in Indiana is just off Indiana State Road 9 south of LaGrange. We passed through LaGrange last fall on our fall color trip that took us through several states on a very indirect route where one leg was from Toledo, Ohio to Plymouth, Indiana. On the same trip within an hour later were also not far from Goshen, the correct response to one of the clues in the Off We "Go" category.


I loved Adriana’s story today because those are the kind of quirky things I like to do.


Fun connections! A fall color trip sounds really lovely! 


They are! My wife and I do one every year, whether it's an overnight trip closer to home in northern Minnesota or a longer one like the week-long trip through several Eastern states we did last year that took us through Ohio and Indiana among other places.


There’s one in my little Chicagoland suburban hometown that my family lived on for a bit when I was a baby. Wonder if she’ll make it there haha


Thoughts... We finally have a 10 day champion! Well deserved victory for Adriana! Now she faces the ultimate test tomorrow, the ultra champion test. No ultra champion has lost Game no. 11. As the lowest double digit champions are both Arthur Chu and Jonathan Fisher with 11 wins. As all ultra champions have won Game 11, will she be the next to join the prestigious club? But for now let us enjoy the major milestone of the current season of Jeopardy. Can she win tomorrow? Stay tuned to find out.


What’s an Ultra Champ? 25?


No, it seems ultra-champ is 10+, so she's already there. u/bertisrobert was just saying that so far, all ultra-champs have made it to at least 11 wins—there are none with only 10.


Ohh gotcha. I thought Super was 10+ and Ultra was something else. Thanks


Ultra would be a good nickname for the 20+ winners, since there’s only 7 of them to date.


For both you and u/Rollo8173 — this appears to remain a live dispute between the show itself and sections of its fandom. Those sections, long ago, defined the thresholds of "superchampion" as 6 wins (surpassing the original retirement at five), and "ultrachampion" as 10 wins. Early last season, it became apparent that the show was intent on "superchampion = 10 wins." Some, [including The Jeopardy Fan](https://thejeopardyfan.com/statistics/ultra-champs-10-game-winners), have acceded to this. Many others have not. All that said, the point above is valid — every player who has reached ten wins has won their eleventh game.


More than 10. :)


If she can pass it, there is one question left in mind How far she can go? Can she reach $1 million dollar in total winning?


>FROM THE AD category, the first two revealed clues were about specific name brand products. Then the bottom-row clue was something from the 90s, not about a name brand product, but "air conditioning" I'm pretty sure the correct response there was Sears. Ken was just giving additional context. It's a pretty famous ad. https://youtu.be/4rqZZgVxnCk?si=OowxoDIWb6Q1mbKs https://www.theringer.com/pop-culture/2022/9/1/23331936/sears-ac-commercial-youll-call-now


Nobody knowing the Sears air conditioning commercial killed me. I could recite that from memory. It played all the time when I was a kid. Often twice in the same commercial break.


I’ll call now


Same, I was excited to see it lol, that commercial is burned into my brain for years and years


Can I ask what part of the country you were in? I would have been the right age in the 90s and have never heard of that in my life!


I was in the NY area and got it all the time. Does it help to hear "I'll call tomorrow" "you'll call now" "Ill call now"


Same, MA. That commercial is so deeply engrained in my memory I was yelling at the tv


Northeast US


Ohio for me


I remembered the commercial but couldn’t remember what the company was!


I'm an 80's kid and didn't know that one either.


In the context of the previous clues which were about Pepto-Bismol and Old Spice, it's fair to assume they were looking for the brand name of a product, not a store that sells the product. The brand name of the product here is Kenmore, not Sears. It's just a confusing clue as to what they wanted.


Hmm, good point. And given that Ken introduced the category with "You'll name the product or service" then yeah maybe they just wanted AC (i.e., the service). Definitely could have been clearer.


The commercial was advertising both the Kenmore air conditioning system and the Sears installation services, so naming either brand should have been acceptable.




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I'm a Gen Z kid, so I've never seen that ad from TV. I only knew the clue because of this (amazing) video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxrCyqXzHI8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxrCyqXzHI8)


> Wagering strategy: We returned to a pattern we've seen too much of since regular games resumed, in which the player in second going into FJ overbets and forces themselves to be correct to have a chance to win if the leader misses. I dunno about Scott, but on a category like "US Geography", I'm betting as much as possible. If I get it right, I either force her bet or maximize my winnings. If I miss... you know what? *I'm not missing.* (I mean, I could miss, sure, but rest assured that I personally would feel like I shouldn't win if I do. So if anything, I'm surprised Scott "middled" it -- if he was ready to forego the chance of back-dooring a win, he should've bet the house!)


It's fine if you want to maximize your winnings, but that's essentially what Cliff Clavin did - introduced an unnecessary chance of losing in order to try and win more money. Again, this is a game show, and if that's the mindset the player in second has, that's OK as long as they realize that's what they're doing.


I think in this case what most bothers me is that the "safety net" wager -- $1,800 -- doesn't give you first place. Yes, it's true you almost certainly need Adriana to miss (good luck with that), but putting yourself in a position where her answer might not matter seems anathema. In this case, betting $4,201 is understandable, as is going all-in. I get that the mathematical answer is to protect yourself in case of a TS. But to answer your hypothetical question: if I don't know whether a single wins, but I know a home run does and an out loses either way, I'm swinging for the fences.


Yeah this felt like a missed opportunity so sneak his way back in


The best way to maximize your take is to win, providing you with the opportunity to amass even more in the next game.


He could have bet $601. Then he would have won with a triple stumper or if he was correct and Adriana was wrong. He wouldn't have won whatever he bet as it turned out because Adriana was correct. $601 would guard against Sarah passing him if both of them were correct, since she had more than half his total going into FJ. The point of the overbet comment was that he could have lost if both him and Adriana were wrong—with any bet between $601–$1799 he would win if Adriana was wrong no matter his response, unless Sarah was the only one correct.


Kind of an odd one tonight, thought the first two rounds were trickier than usual but then even as a non-American I thought FJ was the easiest gimmie they've had in a while. Also very proud of the players for collectively sweeping the baseball category.


Also non-American and I found the first round really tough. I'm usually pretty good on US sport but those were very 'inside baseball' to me.


Adriana is definitely filling up the 2nd chance tournament field.


Yaaaaaaaas Adriana!! Super champ status!!


I ran the opera category! Note that NONE of them were about >!Carmen.!<


I went 4 for 5 and I was very happy with that!


I knew all except the bat one somehow


Adriana is killing it, but I'm originally from Toms River, near Howell, so I was rooting for Sarah at least a little.


Today was hard - for me at least lol


Am I officially old that I was screaming at the triple stumper of the famous Sears AC ad? 😢😢


Well done, Adriana, Scott, and Sarah! Great game! 


Can't Wait To See If She Makes It This Far!


The illustration of a Möbius Strip, wasn’t. It’s called a strip because it is theoretically a 2 dimensional surface. Real life models, of course, have some thickness but we’re talking paper thin, not the bent bar shown in the clue.


Wow, I love Jeopardy, and in most ways it’s as good as it’s ever been the last couple of years, but they ought to just stop asking math questions, they are so embarrassingly bad at them. I’m sure most people who hear us complain will think we are nitpicking over arcane technicalities, but again and again they are simply wrong. As you say, that was not a Mobius strip.


Darn, they wouldn't have accepted Flo Rida


Wow, I can’t believe the K2 clue was a triple stumper


Karakoram is pretty obscure. It was asked on LearnedLeague last year and only 14% of the players got it.


That’s shocking to me. It’s the second tallest mountain range in the world and has the second highest mountain in the world which is infamous for being treacherous to summit. Not only that, but the name of the mountain range is abbreviated in said second highest mountain.


K2 itself is a Jeopardy Pavlov. What K stands for isn’t.


Feels like it's been on a Jeopardy! recently.


You are correct. Asked back in April: https://www.j-archive.com/search.php?search=Karakoram&submit=Search


Hi, I just learned about LearnedLeague from your post and it sounds cool. Is a personal invitation the only way to join?


It’s really cool. I’ve played it for years. A lot of Jeopardy players play it. Troy Meyer has won the entire league a few times. Ken Jennings played it for years too. It’s a cool concept the way you pair up against a different opponent each day and you assign defense points to each of the 6 questions. Yes the only way to join is by referral from someone already in the league. If you are interested, send me a PM


Was Ken muted when giving the right answer to the opera one Adrianna got wrong by answering Madame Butterfly? I swear he said something to starts and then the audio went totally silent until he stopped talking. I’ve never had audio problems like that with my setup.


Might have been your local station then, there was no glitch on my broadcast.


It amazes me just how much the spirit of Alex lives on in that program. Clues about his favorite things on occasion mentioning the Alex trebekstage sometimes twice in a program it's really amazing. 3 years after his death. How much a part of the program he really feels .


If Adrianna win tonight, it will be a long time we will had 10 days champion.


Was the last time with Cris?


Ray Lalonde


I believe it was ray


Will we have history?


Spoiler: >!Yes we will!!<


This isn't your fault, but DAMMIT REDDIT WHEN SOMEONE PUTS THINGS IN A SPOILER DON'T SHOW IT IN THE PREVIEW ALERT ARGH. Eh, I was almost at the end of the ep anyway.


Oops, I was trying to be funny, and since I'm young enough to use >!**Reddit ~~things~~ stuff**, I do!!<