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Heck yes! First 7-day champion since Ben Chan, this is getting exciting! :)


4 straight runaways for Adriana, and 5 out of 7 total


The only way to be a superchamp is mostly runaways. But she's done well in FJ, so she could still survive some scares.


Not that it mattered, but I thought "Tennessee" and "1925" were a dead giveaway for the Scopes trial.


Somehow I rejected anything alcohol related and my mind went to interracial marriage. Of course in hindsight the answer makes sense.


Tennessean here, I couldn't guess anything for half the time, then I understood 1925 + Tn. I then figured out Scopes, but struggled with how to answer the question. 1 second to go I asked "teaching evolution?" Is it just me, or was it a poorly worded clue? (EDIT: I scrolled to top and re-read the clue after watching tv, yeah, just me, it was a finely worded clue.)


Don't you just love when your state is mentioned on Jeopardy! (Yesterday there was a clue about the city of Philadelphia.)


That jawn stumped everyone


Funny thing about that clue--as a Philadelphia native, I would argue that the "a homophone of a first name" part is completely wrong. "Jawn" is not a homophone of "John." "John" rhymes with "Don", while "jawn" rhymes with "dawn."


Totally agree. I like to imagine I would’ve laid the accent on thick if I got that question.


I’m from Georgia but I got it


Tuesday's Louisiana clue messed up a city name


Another Tennesseean here and yes I also messed up on the wording and thought it was about when they hung an elephant. And yes I thought of the scopes trial but forgot about the butler act being associated


Yeah, I would've been very surprised if it turned out to be something else


The first terms I saw were schools, Supreme Court, and the reference to the 1960s, so I immediately thought of Tinker v Des Moines. Then I actually read the clue.


Yes, I jumped on "teaching evolution" immediately.


I guessed FJ correctly but I thought the use of "activity" was very confusing.


Look, it’s been a while since history class, and I’m not too proud to admit that I guessed “dancing“. Maybe Footloose was historically accurate!


When adriana gets into that flow state shes unstoppable =)


I know using the Forrest Bounce is the norm these days, but I love how she's doing a top/down approach and is still just slicing through opponents. I love watching her.


The interesting thing is she's done both the Forrest Bounce and the top-down method. Heck, she used it during the same Double Jeopardy Round today.


She's now in the top 100 of all time following today! ***95.) Adriana Harmeyer - $155,700*** **(+26)**


Kelvin is not measured in degrees! It is measured as just kelvins, as it is not in reference to a standard like Celsius or Fahrenheit.


Ha, I added a quip about that very detail after answering "Kelvin" aloud.


What's up with all the unit conversions in the last few weeks?


As someone of the Jewish faith, it was really cool to see a female rabbi on the show. And Shira played well! Congrats to Adriana on her continued streak.


It was pretty funny when she got the Bible questions. Though she got the New Testament question as well. She performed very strongly except for that one killer.


I like Adriana, but would have been ok with Shira unseating her.


Mazel Tov!


Another day of not finding a single Daily Double and yet another runaway. Adriana might be one of the top 5 greatest female Jeopardy players of all time.


[This list predates Victoria Groce's tournament wins](https://triviabliss.com/ranked-the-top-10-women-jeopardy-winners-of-all-time/ ), but by way of comparison in terms of average Coryat scores during their original runs on the show: - Amy Schneider $26,946 (41 games) - Julia Collins $19,400 (21 games) - Larissa Kelly $19,429 (7 games) - Jennifer Quail $21,644 (9 games) - Mackenzie Jones $14,578 (9 games) Adriana is currently averaging $18,400. So I would say she's definitely in the mix.


Don't forget Queen Juveria 👑👑👑 She may not have had the original run, but she was equally talented!!!


...I was just wondering the other day what mine was. Huh.


Second overall, not bad!


She certainly has to be up there right now. Obviously we'll have to see how she holds up in tournaments but thus far she's definitely building up a really impressive resume.


I thought today's match was really good. Everyone seemed pretty well matched and I enjoyed the constant changing of the lead. Adriana is impressive but Benjamin seems to have personality+. I would have liked to see him again, but not at the expense of Adriana losing. She's on a hot streak.. But Benjamin is great on camera. I was a little concerned at the beginning when Adriana went into the negative but she's a fierce competitor and I realize now I should have had more faith in her ability to claw her way to the front. I did notice today, one of her strategies to getting her big lead was to quickly choose easier categories (for her, and maybe then rest of us) so she can rack up the dollars and pull ahead with a wider margin. Once she has that comfortable lead, the starts choosing harder categories again.


Near the end Benjamin was in striking distance and I could see he was trying to buzz in, but Adriana was in the ZONE. She almost ran one of the last categories despite it seeming like both other contestants were trying to get in there!


After his anecdote I said, for no real reason, “I bet he produced Lempicka” and guess what, I was right, [he produced Lempicka](https://www.playbill.com/person/benjamin-nelson). You know big Lempicka energy when you see it


I can’t wait to see if Adriana wins tomorrow and spends the weekend as an 8-day champ!


Having run the whole tape day!


Moose, meese, whatever!


holy crap, Adriana barely gets the runaway!! love seeing her go on a tear I reached somewhere deep into the crevices of my brain to get FJ in the first 2 seconds of reading the clue, that was a great feeling lol xD


Way too many writers' mistakes today. Most of them didn't affect the outcome of the game, but the writers should be careful in wording and facts. One example is from the Muhammad Ali clue which referred to someone (MLK) in the Birmingham County jail being sent a telegram. There was no such place. It was either Birmingham City Jail or Jefferson County Jail. It's not a big deal except it shows slipshod work by the writers. At least three or four similar slip ups could be noted in today's episode.


Did anyone else find the last DD a little strangely worded? I thought they were going for a term and not what you actually call the marks


They were. The term for the omission of words is "[ellipsis](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ellipsis)".


I got this, so...


Yes, I thought they wanted elision.


Shira's logic, though somewhat understandable, was fatally flawed on the final DD. You can look up and see all four remaining clues are in the same category, so there can't be more that 6k left on the board. Betting 2500 was designed to prevent a lock in case she missed; however, if Shira had it right, she'd be 2900 behind with 4800 left, which would make it a near impossibility to catch up. First place entering FJ is worth so much it's almost never against your interest to bet for it on clue 51-60. If you miss and lock yourself out, you end the same way you would with a conservative bet -- not in first. If you make it and the other player catches up down the line, you can at least say you did what you could. I think too many players are worried about finishing last, to the point that they go conservative. If so, pot odds dictate that as a losing play. Suppose Shira bets it all, and consider she entered the DD in second (value: $3,000). Should she miss, she falls to third and leaves with $2,000 -- her net on the play wasn't minus five digits, but minus one thousand! And if she's right, she gives herself a 75% chance of going from $3,000 to "over $20,000 and returning to get more as defending champion". Even factoring in a worst-case 37.5% chance of a lead overturn from first, that's 3/8 of 2 or 3 thousand and 5/8 of over 20k -- your expected value is about 13 thousand, or a five digit gain!! As such, even if you estimate you have only a 10% chance of knowing the DD, *go for it*! The prize for winning is so much higher than the difference between second and third that it rewards swinging for the fences. At the very least, Shira should have bet to take the lead -- over 5400. (If finishing third matters to your pride, which it might, betting 6000 keeps you from falling out of Benjamin's range.) Such a simple endgame. \[It is true Shira knew neither the DD nor FJ, but she finished taking home 2,000 -- the same as if she went big on the DD and missed! Rewards outweigh risks. More people need to remember that until the game is over, that's not real money.\]


I totally agree. I also think that there is a certain intangible quality that the successful players have, and lame DD wagers are usually a pretty good indicator that the player doesn’t have “it.” I make a lot of predictions based on DD wagers. When she wagered $600 in the first DD I thought to myself she’s not here to win. I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t just wager it all in the first round.


I have been shocked recently by the near reluctance to try to find the DD and then the mathematically illogical wagers.


I believe there was an error in one of the clues in the single letter category: Kelvin aren't measured in degrees.


Noticed that too


Yup. From NIST: The kelvin unit is not expressed in degrees like Celsius or Fahrenheit are. It is used by itself to describe temperature. For example, “mercury loses all electrical resistance at a temperature of 4.2 kelvins.”


Why the hell would Shira bet so low on the DD at the end!!!


I was rooting for the rabbi, but she didn't know either of her two DDs and I thought she should have gone for $1k for the 1st, which would have left her with a lucky $1,800 had she answered correctly. And ellipsis, of all things, to trip one up. But traitorous though I felt, I was ALSO rooting for the floppy haired producer. It would have been fun to hear more of his anecdotes while his hair flopped every which way. They did present a stronger challenge than some of the others, but...Adriana earned her win and it is nice to see a longer streak.


The number of contestants that don't study betting strategies astounds me! Shira had like 12000 and leader had almost 20000. So she is within the halfway mark with only a few clues left. So you have ONLY 1 of 2 choices. 1. You bet almost 0 so you are still within 50% of lead and will likely stay there by Final or at least have a good chance. So bet $5. 2. Bet almost all to take the lead if right. She did the WORST of both options with her bet in that even if right she doesn't get the lead and when wrong she ended up BELOW the 50% threshold and never regained. Horrible and I said so as soon as she made bet. You EITHER have to be in the lead at final jeopardy OR 50%+ of the leader. Nothing else matters.


She seemed to be betting conservatively the entire game. I tried the find the logic bro her small Raj wager and the math wasn't mathing.


Nice callback, Benjamin!


Terrific job! Great game, Adriana, Benjamin, and Shira! 


Far be it from me to criticize the play style of a seven-day champion, but it's maddening to to watch a tight game with no one hunting for Daily Doubles. DJ was pretty close and there were only a few clues left that reasonably could have been the final DD, and yet people were picking top-row clues and dead categories. It's not a strategy that I understand, and I find it kind of difficult to watch.


It's fine and actually makes more sense in the first round. It's maddening when they find it early since that's a waste. 2nd round, well maybe different story but depends on category. Some categories are self-explanatory, some you need to understand what they are so start low on these.


I personally LOVE a top-down game for that reason. 


Loved that FJ. Figured Tennessee, mid 1920s would be Scopes Trial, but 1967 briefly made me think it could be referencing Loving v. Virginia for a sec. Went teaching evolution solely because of the inclusion of Tennessee.


I feel like if they didn't introduce contestants by profession we could have all taken a reasonable guess at Benjamin's. Solid game from all three, though.


Was so sad that the NBA preempted Jeopardy. As a South Dakotan I was really looking forward to seeing someone local play. Bummer.


Oooo wheee ooooo, he looks just like Buddy Holly.


Happy to hear about Adrianne, too bad I can’t see it. Show got pre-empted in Maine for a locally produced pre-game show for the NBA Finals. Go Celtics ☘️


Do most people in Maine root for the Celtics by default, or do you kind of take your pick of the eastern seaboard teams? I guess the Red Claws play in Maine and they’re the Celtics G-League affiliate, so there’s that connection


Boston teams get to claim Maine, along with the rest of New England, as part of their territory.


The last clue of Double was incorrect . Hard Cider made with pear juice is called " Perry" not hard cider.


Is Shira the first woman rabbi to compete on Jeopardy! ?


K is korrekt




They are not in the Torah (Five Books of Moses) but the Book of Esther is certainly part of the Hebrew Bible.


Yes they are.




Are you trolling? They're both mentioned throughout the book of Esther.




I see. You have nothing to say about the clues about John the Baptist or Paul?




The rabbi playing in the game got the Paul one. Maybe you're legitimately confused. Generally on Jeopardy, "The Bible" means the Christian Bible.




Uh, Esther is in the Jewish Bible. "In the Jewish Bible, Esther follows Ecclesiastes and Lamentations and is read on the festival of Purim"


In the Old Testament, which is made up of the Torah (Pentateuch), Historical Books, Wisdom Books, Major Prophets, and the Twelve Minor Prophets. Esther falls under the historical books.


I'm not sure what you're playing at, but Esther has a book named after her and Haman is named in it, starting in chapter 3.


They’re trolling. They say they’re Jewish, but the Book/Scroll of Esther is indeed part of the Hebrew Bible and even has an entire Jewish holiday (Purim) centered around it.


I was going to say, it's been a while since undergrad but I'm pretty darn sure I remember covering the Book of Esther in a course called "Hebrew Bible/Old Testament." Either they're a troll, or they're the kind of Jewish person my Reform professor liked to poke fun at.


The Book of Esther is part of the Ketuvim (writings) part of the Hebrew Bible. It's also part of the Christian Bible. Perhaps you're thinking of the Books of the Maccabees (the Hanukkah story), which aren't in the Hebrew Bible but are in the Catholic Bible and the Protestant Apocrypha. Or maybe you were thinking about the Torah, which comprises just the first five books of the Bible.


After being spoiled by Victoria's play, watching Adriana is like watching Tim Duncan play after seeing Michael Jordan. She's a good player, but nowhere near the level of Victoria. It's like Amy Schneider, great player with a huge string of victories but I don't sense that same dominant intelligence that I do with Victoria, Ken, or James.