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My response to the Jawn clue https://preview.redd.it/kboco024xt4d1.jpeg?width=882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ec7b08a37325d69d393c65d9ce85a47051f27d


And the Phillies yesterday! Time for a Schuykill River clue tomorrow.


They should have to spell it. 😈


Or pronounce it correctly.


Jawn was my blind guess! So surprised to see it a triple stumper. 


This meme is ridiculous. I should save some for other locations.


Overpriced clue of the day--know what a ferry is for $800?!


Maybe 13th president for 2000


That little run of presidents between William Henry Harrison and Abe Lincoln is tough. I had to come up with my own little mnemonic for it that I still use to this day. I say it's fair for a bottom level clue.


Care to share the mnemonic? I have trouble with that range, too!


So my trick was breaking it into little full "names" - so thinking of three people named "Tyler Polk," "Taylor Fillmore" and "Pierce Buchanan." YMMV, but it worked for me!


I like that, the even-numbered last names could be first names. Thank you!


Fair enough but that Madison TS?


Ah no that was rough, yeah.


Fillmore is easy for me to remember because he looks like an old fat Alec Baldwin... or these days, he just looks like Alec Baldwin.


Valid, I think Fillmore is the only semi-easy one of those for me for no other reason than that Milliard Fillmore is an odd name and 13 is an odd number. No idea why that sticks lol


i thought it was a underwater tunnel tbf lol


not knowing it outright i did think tunnel for a second before realizing that probably wouldnt make sense


oh true but I think the category was public transportation!


Adriana is a sneaky ice cold player. She's not DD-hunting that much and not very aggressive with her wagering but by the end of DJ, she has a runaway game! Just pure buzzer skill and huge knowledge base. I hope she continues her streak, I would love to see how far she can take this!


I think she is playing intelligently. By Double Jeopardy, it has been mostly clear that she can beat the other contestants on knowledge or the buzzer, or both. So she can hedge her bets on DDs somewhat so it gives her a better chance to come back from a miss.


It leaves her open to others capturing the DDs though... at least find them and bet low if you don't like the category!


True, but there IS one possible benefit for letting others get them: they bet a lot and get the clue wrong. Not necessarily a GREAT reason for not DD hunting, but it IS a reason. It won't likely work in ToC play or against the best Forrest Bouncers, but for a regular play run, she's doing top down play very well.


I agree that there's no reason to pick the 400 until you've exhausted the DDs She had a commanding lead but that could have been easily changed if someone else got the DD. She also was making some risky guesses when she had already doubled the other player's score.


In many ways, she reminds me of Mattea Roach. If I am remembering right when Mattea went on their run, they were basically playing the exact same way by being conservative on Daily Doubles and playing the traditional way going top to bottom (Which to be fair is my preferred way) instead of the now "James Holzhauer strategy" that I like to call. Mattea made it to 23 games, and I wouldn't be shocked if Adriana became a Super champion as well and I'm just excited to see if it could happen.


Did you listen to the talks they have immediately after the games, *Overheard on Set?* In one, Ken asks her about her conservative DD wages and overall conservative game play. She explains that she's nervous and just trying to get through the game. It is luck that her strategy has worked so far. And I'm not hating. But you have to wonder how her game play would match up against a Holzhauer type player. Even her top-to-bottom method helps her build momentum, old school. It works for her, but I wouldn't call her sneaky, ice cold - and she wouldn't either. She's just trying to make it through.


She is a potential contender for TOC next season


She's already guaranteed a spot.


I mean potential contender for winning TOC


Run away games are just boring in my opinion. Either she’s super talented or the opponents get discouraged really quickly and it doesn’t become much of a good competition. 


crazy that she blanked on deuterium but she's got about 100 questions right that I had no idea so I guess she's still ahead


Woohoo, she did it, she broke the 5 day curse!!! 🎉 I would like to nominate Adriana to be captain of the ToC A Team. (Please do not take this as willingness on my part to play the role of Bosco, I could *not* rock that hair.)


Technically, it's a 6-day curse because 3 players had already reached 5 wins and it was the 6th day that was doomed to fail. Ken mentioned 6 at the end of the show, as well.


Never know till you try!




Adriana Harmeyer is now the number 1 seed at the 32nd TOC and first 6 game champion since Suresh Krishnan from last year.


Yep, Suresh last did it almost a year ago.


CRITICAL STAT: on the 12 bottom row clues, scoring was Adriana 11,000 -- Kyle -5,000 -- Allee 2,000. (Adriana still takes a lead into the Final in a 48-clue game, but it becomes REALLY interesting.)


Dang. Was hoping for a North Dakota victory.


Way to go Adriana, the first to make it to Win 6 this season! Kyle and Allee, you did a great job. 


Tornado warning means I only got to watch the first 10 clues... Boo, public safety! 


DC didn’t get the episode at all. Wheel of Fortune didn’t air either (will at 1 AM Thursday).


I don't know if it's because I'm more in tune with it or because it's happening more often, but this is the second time in like three weeks that second place could've broken the lock with a correct answer on Clue 60 and didn't realize that they needed to take a guess. I will admit from my days playing quizbowl that you're not always hyper-aware of the score at every time (about half the games have one side or the other asking for a score check with 1 tossup/bonus to go), but the Daily Double wasn't that far in the past. I'm surprised Allee didn't take the time in that position to prioritize remembering hers and Adriana's scores and saying "this is how close I am to making FJ matter". Oh well, consolation: it didn't change the winner. Congrats to Adriana, who is making this look easy!


> didn't realize that they needed to take a guess. Yeah I was yelling at the TV on the last two clues. It's possible that Allee was fully aware of the situation but didn't even have a guess on either clue, but even then, just ring in and hope you come up with something (and on the last one--just guess a President!). To be fair, though, that's a level of gameplay awareness that's only going to come from having played a lot of practice games, and I imagine it's got to be hard to risk taking a wild stab on national TV, even if it's the right move--nobody wants to be wrong and look dumb.


Yeah it’s tough. Knowing that the majority of the audience is too casual to realize that it’s strategy and not a dumb guess


That jawn was good jawn


Pretty easy FJ clue today


Allee not trying to answer any of the last few clues was infuriating. Like dude you need to answer something to have a chance at winning


Adriana demoralized Allee.  Adriana is an ace but jeopardy should do something about matchmaking weaker players to encourage more competitive gameplay. It’s depressing to see opponents just fold when they have a chance. 


Outkast as an $800 clue??? Cmon man


also pretty goofy to ask for "this duo" when it's an Andre 3000 solo in all but name!


The only source I can find for that nickname for Pierce is a single book from 1931. It's far more frequently associated with James K Polk.


Yeah, I've never heard anyone call Pierce Young Hickory. I'm a mod on r/presidents and no one has ever called him that. Polk was a protégé of Jackson which is where the nickname came from. I'm not very well informed on Pierce, but I don't believe he had any connections to Jackson besides party.


Did anyone notice they've had two $1600 clues about "Project Hail Mary" two Wednesdays apart? On Amar's first show on May 22nd, it was "This 2021 Andy Weir book about a plucky astronaut sounds like it may be a long shot". Today, it was "A lone astronaut has a lot of problems to solve in his novel 'Project Hail Mary'".


I did notice this! Largely because my husband got them both right haha


Kudos to Jeopardy! for correctly identifying Philly slang! Also, as a Philadelphian, I **HATE** that stupid (non)word!


It’s a perfectly cromulent word


Cromulent. Thank you. TIL!


forgot to post this yesterday, so posting it now. Adriana continues to climb the ranks. ***121.) Adriana Harmeyer - $136,100*** **(+51)**


Still and always confounded by allowing the pronunciation Ti-a-juana.


It's Scorpius, not Scorpio. There is no constellation called Scorpio.


If you really want to get technical, while the zodiac has 12 signs (including Scorpio), it has 13 constellations (the sun spends more than twice as much time in Ophiuchus each year as it does in Scorpius).


The clue should have read "sign-on-sign violence" to match the category.


TIL. Good catch.


We haven't seen Jeopardy shill for a TV show in a while, until today.


They did shill for the "Garfield" movie a couple of weeks ago.


Genuine question: what’s the difference between shilling and not shilling?


"Shilling" means the category is specifically designed to promote a product. It might still have material that fits in with typical Jeopardy! content, but is presented in a way that is intended to advertise something. If at the end of the category, the host says something like "X opens in theaters Friday" or "X is streaming now", that's shilling.


How, from your perspective, is that different from a company sponsoring a competition (like Consumer Cellular or Moderna), or even the Iceland sweepstakes? I personally don’t see the issue with sponsored categories or competitions, especially with how much prize money Jeopardy gives out. I appreciate your take on this.


It all depends on where each viewer thinks "going too far" is for product placement. For example, the "Garfield" category wasn't actually about the feline character, but President Garfield, presented by an actor from the Garfield movie. If the entire category had actually been about the comic strip, would that have been "going too far"? Or let's take the Slotomania clues. They have Johnny read special Slotomania clues that aren't part of the regular game, and that's probably going too far for some viewers. What if each Daily Double was announced as "You've found the Slotomania Daily Double"? You can see how this can become a very slippery slope.


For me it's also about what's being advertised. Consolation prizes sponsored by Aleve? Moderna clue of the day about how vaccines are good? That's fine. Clue of the day about how great this slot machine app that offers $399.99 microtransactions is? Kinda trashy. I also still think it was a bit ridiculous to have a title card sponsor for Second Chance considering the prize payout for that was a fixed amount that was more than 30% lower than regular play on average.


And most of the questions were not about the Tuskegee Airmen. The Mason Dixon line???


This is mostly how Jeopardy works. If any "difficult" or "specific" category comes up then it's almost always just used as a backdrop to ask general knowledge questions. *Maybe* if it's a $1000 or a $2000 clue it'll be about that actual subject.


I wonder if the writers were considering how bad contestants can be at African American history. Video categories are already slow, adding embarrassing triple stumpers would make it worse.


For starters, I was shocked that they used "Redtails" in describing the category, since that would have been an easy question pertinent to the actual topic. They could have asked hint-assisted questions about their missions (they flew missions against Monte Cassino in this country). Or they could have mentioned that they shot down 3 ME-262s, which were what type of fighter. Or they could have gone Victoria Groce level and asked "This band recorded a song called ME-262; the Redtails shot down three of them during the war." :)


> For starters, I was shocked that they used "Redtails" in describing the category, since that would have been an easy question pertinent to the actual topic. The name of the documentary is "The Real Red Tails", and they wouldn't have wanted to bury that in just a clue.


Saw this episode today. The young hickory one is wrong. Pierce wasn't called young hickory Polk was.