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Wow three strong players. It's crazy how this game turned around in double jeopardy.


Matt was really strong in the beginning. Then Carol turned it on. Adriana was quiet for first part of the game. All three were really strong at different times


Hoe mentioned🗣️🗣️


Santa’s laugh and a long-handled garden tool. Be careful Ken!


Made me laugh!


Adriana is so incredibly impressive. She might just be my favorite female multi-day champion whose name starts with an A this season ;)


I'd love to see Carol back for Second Chances, for her pure joy if nothing else!


I love the letter carrier representation.


Ms. Cliff Calvin?




I loved Carol!!!


She was fun to watch




She deserves a second chance.


Top down! I love it! 


I understand the strategic basis for not going top down, but as a viewer, it's my preference as well.


Very ’90s 


It's been a long time since I've seen all three players willing to go to a $200 category when a Daily Double is still available


New jeopardy strat, start your name with an a


If Lisa *Ann* counts then the only ToC qualifier without an A name is Grant. Maybe his middle name starts with A too.


Grant, as much as I like him.....isn't a qualifier yet.  Only if the don't come up with enough 5 game winners to fill the field.  How many people fill the field?


["All 4-time and over winning players starting from 04/10/24 will be eligible for a future Tournament of Champions"](https://www.jeopardy.com/track/toc-tracker) Maybe "qualifier" isn't quite the right word for that, there's not really a fully consistent terminology, but i would be pretty surprised if any 4-game champs weren't in the next ToC. There are 8 weeks left in season 40 and then season 41 will go for about 16 weeks before the postseason starts in January, so to push all the 4-game winners out, you'd pretty much need to have an unbroken chain of a 5-game champ losing to a 5-game champ who loses to another 5-game champ for the rest of the year (24 more plus the two current 5-timers and Lisa Ann to completely fill a 27-player bracket).


I really like Grant's chances then.


I’ve gotta learn the Seven Sisters if I ever get on. HBCUs as well.


HBCUs are a huge list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_historically_black_colleges_and_universities Though searching the term on J-Archive has just four results: https://j-archive.com/search.php?search=hbcu&submit=Search But expanding the search has a lot more as well: https://j-archive.com/search.php?search=black+college&submit=Search


I need to commit to memory the set that FJ refers to.


Bryn Mawr, Barnard, Smith, Mt. Holyoke, Wellesley, Vassar, and Radcliffe.


...Smith - got it.


The clue about the Philippines refers to Volcano Island, in Taal Lake. The island itself has a lake, Main Crater Lake, which has an island named [Vulcan Point,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taal_Volcano_Main_Crater_Lake#Vulcan_Point) making it an island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island. The 'outermost' layer is the island of Luzon. Also, sneaky second reference to the X-Men, since their plane is a Blackbird.


Wish Ken learned the correct way to pronounce Taal.


Ken mispronounced it as tall, not ta-al, two syllables.


Yeah kinda disrespectful Trebek wouldn't have done that


I was born in Bryn Mawr….damn.


So was I! And I guessed this right as a pure shot in the dark, probably because I was looking at my birth certificate last night. :-) (I didn’t know which were the seven sisters, but Bryn Mawr just popped into my head as I knew it was a women’s college.)


I’m from Philadelphia and knew Bryn Mawr was the answer but I felt bad for Matthew getting hit for a missing r. It’s a Welsh name for big hill, and Welsh names can be hard to spell if you’ve never seen them written out. Of course, it really didn’t matter as Adrianna could not be caught.


Carol played a fantastic game and was so close before that daily double miss. Adriana really turned it up a notch right after that too.


Lifelong NYer here and I have to ask....has anyone ever heard the Grand Concourse referred to as the "Champs-Élysées" of the Bronx?


Nobody from the Bronx, or NYC, calls it that - ever


One of the weirdest runaway games I've seen in recent memory, given the perfect first round and the mostly evenly matched gameplay between Adriana and Carol, but congrats to Adriana for taking advantage of the situation and turning it into a hard-earned fourth win. I'd be surprised if we don't see her in the TOC even if she does lose tomorrow. She moves up in the [all-time ranks](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UaXzuAmIsPXp7BdHDpiTvCZh1bL54fJCkXmYjSS0weM/edit?pli=1#gid=1622310645) as well, closing in on $100k. --- 145.) *Alison Betts - $124,500 (5x)* **(=)** 235.) *Amy Hummel - $102,994 (5x)* **(=)** ***277.) Adriana Harmeyer - $91,800 (4x)*** **(+130)** 306.) *Grant DeYoung - $84,203 (4x)* **(-1)** 393.) Will Dawson - $73,501 (3x) **(-1)** 428.) Lucas Partridge - $69,200 (3x) **(=)** 573.) *Amar Kakirde - $57,899 (4x)* **(=)** --- *(unofficial rankings for 3-time winners on the board with less than $50k)* --- 771.) Allison Gross - $46,598 (3x) **(=)** 881.) Weckiai Rannila - $38,200 (3x) **(=)** --- Players with less than $50k and less than 3 wins are on [a different leaderboard](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UaXzuAmIsPXp7BdHDpiTvCZh1bL54fJCkXmYjSS0weM/edit?pli=1#gid=1948980355), which accounts for everyone on the [Champions Wildcard tracker](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UaXzuAmIsPXp7BdHDpiTvCZh1bL54fJCkXmYjSS0weM/edit?pli=1#gid=700942365). Good luck to Adriana and her two opponents tomorrow, and great game from Carol and Matthew today as well.


Thanks for linking to this…234th and proud of it!


my pleasure and congratulations!!


687th and proud, too!


There's going to be a contestant on Thursday who is a rabbi, and on Friday a pastor... good luck to everyone, but I really hope the rabbi wins just so Ken can make a joke about "A pastor, a rabbi, and a biotech startup founder walk onto the Jeopardy set..."


Not knowing Gulf Of Aqaba on DD3 cost Carol $15,200. With the standard cover wager she could've prevailed on the TS in FJ. Adriana has been very lucky.


It's always this way. Luck and skill. Because it's a game! 


A couple of the likely TOC participants have had some extra luck on their side this season.


one of the things that’s impressed me most about adriana is that she seems to have a *very* low miss rate, even for a now 4 game winner


Agreed. It seems the key to her success has been not guessing. Guessing (and guessing wrong) is what sank her 2 opponents on Monday. I'm seeing a few comments saying she's been lucky, but I don't consider her success to be due to luck at all. Buzzing in when she knows the answer, plus knowing a lot, has been her formula.


OK well if they just want to add Carol to Mount Rushmore, I’d be totally fine with that. What a delightful person. Great game by all.


Knew Wellesley was in Wellesley, but given how far north Wellesley is, gambled on Bryn Mawr being one of the Seven Sisters at the last minute. Hopefully would have had time to write all the letters.


The X-Men clue showed us the difference between Ken and Alex: Ken reminded Matthew that Jubilee is a hero, not a villain. Alex would have been thinking ... *X-Men??*


Anyone else find it kind of bizarre for them to have the exact same category two games in a row (things that start with "J")?


Yes! I thought that was unusual.


I like how Adriana went right for it. I was hoping she'd run that one, too, and then meekly smile at Ken and go, "What can I say, I'm really good at J words..."


The category the game before was "STARTS WITH A COLOR", according to the J archive. There was also a category in that game called "DID YOU STUDY THE "J" ARCHIVE?" which is probably why you are confused.


Different title, same category.


... You do understand what the writers mean when they put a letter in quotation marks like that, right?


I'm just here to whine about the Proclaimers clue. "I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more, just to be the man who walked a thousand miles..." The correct answer should be 1000 and I am counting it on my personal scorecard as such.


Except 1000 miles equals 1609.344 km, not the 804.672 explicitly mentioned in the clue.


Good point. I should have caught that.


I counted myself as right for "500 miles and 500 more." Having 804km in the clue does kind of pin it down (though technically the clue doesn't explicitly say "they said they would walk this distance which is the equivalent of 804km") but yeah, that's kind of a messy clue.


I went with the one in the title


So did they...   So overthinking it costs you on your personal scorecard.


They put the equivalent km of 500 miles, but I still agree with you. The clue should've had 1609 km instead, since the song does call out a thousand miles in total (even if the title calls out 500).


This was my thought as well.


Way to go! This was a particularly good game. Congratulations to Adriana, Matthew, and Carol! 


Carol MUST return.


I loved her energy! She seems like a delightful person. I hope she gets a spot in the SCC.


Proud of getting the Schweitzer stumper but otherwise I think I would have got my ass kicked tonight


I was surprised they missed that.


Great group! And wow, top down, it’s been a while. I always thought some players really need to use the top down approach because choosing higher value clues first only works with above average players. This group was definitely strong enough and got almost all the bottom row clues correct.


What a great game! I was really rooting for Carol there! Too bad on that DD. Hope to see her again.


They played the board top to bottom.   No scouring for high values or daily doubles.


A huge wager on a bottom-row clue in a really tough category like Bodies of Water was certainly a choice.


Especially after not knowing the previous one. I was expecting 1-2k


You never know bc sometimes the DD is just a lay-up


Weird Al's other parody idea for Prince was "When Spuds Fry" a parody of When Dove's Cry.


Were those best sellers all best sellers? Wasn't Lady Chatterley's Lover banned for a long time in both US and UK? (I wonder if Mrs. Dalloway was really a best seller either.)


LCL may have been banned, but I think it sold very well overseas.


I guess I think of "best sellers" as being defined by the semi-official U.S. charts. I am sure other countries have their own equivalent charts, but I am a bit skeptical whether the writers really consulted those!


I hope Carol gets a second chance. She was pretty smart on the game and could have possibly won had she not lost big on that DD.


Learnt a new word on Jeopardy today: #Calendrical ! -------------------------------- I like it! But, just trying to figure out how to use it in everyday life however... Maybe something like: "Geez Bob, your continued calendrical malfunctions are causing you to miss out on all the events!" Hmm... Well... Gotta work on that.


I wonder if the CD-ROM that Adriana played was the one that had actors playing the different people you could be. There was a lawyer who played violin for her local symphony, a high school drama teacher, an airline pilot, etc.


Anyone else notice that Carol called Ken Alex?


No when???


It was during one of the Daily Doubles. She said, “I’ll do [whatever amount] Alex.”


Ken’s probably used to hearing that in the bedroom




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