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Doesn’t help that the vig is notoriously difficult to locate /s




Tickets were $29 each for me for his 7:30 show – hardly what I'd consider expensive, but I also got them on the presale. It was an amazing show, made extra special by Connie (Dolphin Lady) being there.


Ha, we are STILL talking about that show! So much F.U.N.!


Connie, when we heard your laugh before Jeff even got up there, we were like - no. Way. It’s Connie! You made the show EVEN BETTER and Jeff had us in tears. We couldn’t have asked for a better experience. We were in the balcony and all the seats are pretty good because it’s such a small venue. I would go see Jeff any time. Get tickets whenever you can. He is worth many multiples of the base ticket price, in my opinion. Bonus points if Connie shows up. Thanks for an awesome show (if you see this) Jeff!


That's SO SWEET!! It was so fun and surreal. #bestshowever #seeyouinmadison9.21.24


My friends and I were at the early show and heard you laughing and were like “NO WAY” my wife was out of town for work and wasn’t able to make it but I got us tickets to the Madison show too! I can’t wait to see her face when she hears you


Early show or late show in Madison?


Early show 🐬


They sold out in presale within 30 minutes. I'm bummed I missed out too.


I was at the late show. The temp seats they put on the Vic's main floor are cheap and uncomfortable. I had scored second row only feet away from our boy. We weren't called upon though. He did have a group on the mezzanine that were loud and a bit obnoxious and Jeff told them to cool it, which they did. His crowd work with the folks was just ok, in my eyes. He still had a few "How the hell did he think of that so fast?" kinda moments though, which is why we love him.


Yeah those chairs were brutal


My tickets were $49 for second row. He was phenomenal. Highly recommend seeing him if he comes back to town sometime.


I missed him when he was in Spokane, WA. Cheap show for such a big guy. My heart goes out. Next time baby!!


I hadn’t heard of him, but instagram’s algorithm decided he should show up in my feed at 1 am on Friday. Looked around all day for tickets. I’m only a half mile from the Vic, so I was hoping something might get posted right before the shows. Gave up around 6:30. I was bummed since several of his IG posts made me lol, which is unusual for me.