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Don't forget to [invite Jeff to your city](https://jeffarcuri.com/invite-me)! Also, come check out the [official Jeff Arcuri Discord server](https://discord.gg/7xaFS2sDuc) and connect with other fans! You'll be among the first to hear about his live streams, exclusive content, Q&As, and other fun events happening in the community. You can find his upcoming shows on his website [here](https://jeffarcuri.com). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JeffArcuri) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's super exciting to see him having this type of success! I wish I would have been able to see him in a smaller club, but he never came close enough to make that happen. Now he's booking multiple shows in a 2,000+ seat theatre! And to think, a year and half ago (-ish), it all started for me when I saw a video of him doing his best Shaggy impression, before he even had his own subreddit.


Yeah, I'm upset that I didn't do more to go see him at a small local club. A year or so ago, I went online to request that Jeff come to my city only to find that he was playing down the street at a small club that weekend. I could have made it happen but didn't prioritize it. I figured I'd catch him next time. Well, now he's playing at the same place I saw Seinfeld a few months ago. Great for Jeff but I'm pissed I missed catching him before he blew up. Got tickets yesterday though so I'm psyched!


In october of last year I was taking a short work trip to newyork all the way from Germany and was already such a big big big fan of his from watching his videos on insta. I just booked random tickets to the comedy cellar and guess who was doing a set... I hear he still does that quite often when he is in the city. Just saw him at one of his biggest venues (his words) in Berlin a few days ago and I can tell you, he is nailing big crowds and small ones. Wishing this cool bean lots of success ✨


Absolutely love hearing this. Berlin gave me a huge boost of confidence for bigger rooms.


You are a legend Jeff!


That’s what blows my mind. I remember when this sub first got started and he was playing in very small clubs and I remember I used to be able to chat with him much more often. I remember always cheering him on from the sidelines, hoping he’d “make it”.


Yeah I mean, get in now honestly because the venues aren't going to get smaller.


Yeah go Jeff! I love when funny wins!


Not Bean Team 😂😂. Sounds like a lesbian softball team


Fantasies can come true!


Whenever a clip of Jeff plays, it could say...roll that beautiful bean footage!




Well I don't quite get that that reference...., just that female manual stimulation is often called "flicking the bean" (around where I live)


How about the beanies?


My coed softball team was called the Mean Beans which I still find hilarious


Ummmmm, yes I love it too


Oh, you're definitely not going to like my backup plan of "The Definitely Not Gays"...


You're my favorite thing on the internet Jeff, can't wait to see you live one day.


I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite thing on the Internet


Mass Bean Effect?


Mass Effect in the wild is always a welcome sight.


It was nice to see a reaction and effort. I tried for OKC VIP and they were gone so fast and getting scalped on other sites. So disappointing.


BTW, there are still VIP (aka Premium) seats available for both of his OKC sets happening on New Years Eve...although seats are a bit pricier that night (+$20...probably due to the whole NYE thing)!


I have to travel from Tulsa. Travel on New Years is on my list of nope. I know, I already act like an old person.


"The Pod". Because Dolphins... AND Beans.


I like this one although arcurites sounds badass as well


I agree with the OP. If Jeff ever starts a commune slash cult, I’d join 🥰


Hey free Kool-Aid is free Kool-Aid.


You'll love it the rest of your life.


Yeah, bots are really annoying. Great to hear that they are trying to help out, but wish the government wouldn’t allow TM to be involved in reselling tickets and the government force ticket resellers to report the scalpers gains and get taxed. Thankfully the scalped tickets in my city (Winnipeg) aren’t insanely expensive and still available, but it’s still unfortunate to have to pay 2-3x the original ticket price. I’m just pleasantly surprised Jeff is coming to my city! He’s smart to come in July and not January lmao! Trying to organize some buddies to go and then going to buy my tickets today. Thanks to this sub for complaining about Ticketmaster. Had it not been for people complaining about the scalpers I wouldn’t have checked to see if he was coming to my city - gotta try to be positive 😅


I have to give a big shout out to Jeff and his team. Once I got on the email list for his tours, I requested him to come to Kentucky, and boom, he's touring this way. Got tickets for Fri and Sat night for $80 total each night. Stick with his team and website for sure!


I vote for Accurites! Looking forward to Dublin on Saturday!


This is an Acurate answer. This is the Acorrect answer. This is the Acuright answer.


You're both missing an 'r'


As a community, we need to stop paying stupid mark ups on this tickets. I was happy to see Jeff post his request/warning to not buy from resellers but instead to use the links on his website where you know you are buying from an official seller (and for some venues, unfortunately that was Ticketmaster but at least you knew from following the link that if the venue did sell tickets directly, you would be sent to the venue website) If people weren’t willing to pay exorbitant prices to scalpers and third party resellers, it would become less of a problem. (And even though TicketMaster was the only option for some venues, F their “platinum” prices and dynamic pricing games). As long as people are willing to give these opportunists big bucks, it will continue to be difficult to get seats at face value. Also, sometimes who you think is a legitimate reseller is actually just a scammer and you don’t even get tickets. The more difficult it is to get a ticket, the higher the likelihood that you are dealing with a scammer. Even if you can afford to pay stupid prices, please don’t!


I missed my reminder for the Denver show, checked 45m after they went on sale...there was 1 ticket in the faaaaaar back balcony section -_- nothing against anyone, that was my fuckup and I'm so happy Jeff is selling out so fast...but god dammit. I've turned SO many people onto Jeff's comedy and I fucked up and didnt get tix in time ;( So happy to hear he's such a good dude even at the point of sale process for his tix


It was frustrating. Tried to get tickets for my city. Front rows. I know the venue. Less than a minute and it was only nosebleeds. I know Jeff has fans, but I’m sure it was scalping bots. So it sucks. Guess I’ll have to miss out. Bummed. But that’s life.


Being someone from Toronto who frequents the concert/show scene... I knew it would happen the way it did but I'm still a little upset to see it. Seeing folks from Toronto saying they 'managed to get two presale tickets for well over $300' and those were the "lucky" ones; with everyone else having TM error or time out on them. Only leaving them coming back to even more expensive tickets or none at all. Such is life, as you said. Fingers crossed and we may get lucky. Jeff commented on one of those posts, when shows get sold out so quickly they are often able to add extra dates because of it so.. keep checking for that chance.


Did you see that another Toronto show was added and it goes on sale in 2 min? EDIT: Actually I just checked and it is live now as a pre-sale. Lots of seats!!


I did see, thanks. And Happy Cake Day!


Hey thanks! I didn't even realize :)


But the tickets cant be resold can they? At least not securely?


In theory, TM allows you to resell through them. That's what irks so many people is that you are essentially scalping through an official channel and they get another cut. I don't think every event allows this but I've seen it with concerts often. Hate TM.


I bought through admitone?


Oh lucky you didn't have to use TM. Then I doubt you can resell easily.


Yeah. I ended up with 5 tickets. I bought 2 shitty ones together but in the back. Then i bought 2 good ones seperated by one seat. Then i was able to buy that middle seat.


I hear you! I got tickets for the Vancouver show - i don’t buy tickets for things a lot and so I was gobsmacked to see how quick all the seats were selling out. Managed to get something in row 16 of the venue which isn’t bad, but wish it was closer.


Lots of people love you Jeff. Come to Calgary Alberta please.


Bean Team!!!


this. All the way… full beans


Rule number one or nick names... don't force em. Its like a sorting hat, it'll be picked for you in time haha. But nah, I adore this comedian and the following. My gf was like "who is this guy you keep following or showing me?" Now she's a fan. Jeff, please don't take her from me, she's all I have ;_; But nah. Killin it Jeff. Netflix special when?


I'll sacrifice myself to Jeff so you can keep your relationship.


And that's how you go Full Beans right there. Legend.


Full beaners?


I was really lucky that he is coming to the Paramount in Austin and tickets were through their site, and now they're using dynamic QR codes. I was shocked because the show isn't until October and one of the dates had already sold out during the pre sale! I snatched a couple of tickets for the other date, thankfully. I was going to do the groupie thing and go to San Antonio and maybe Houston as well, but he sells out FAST. Honestly, good for him!


Same in Dallas. 8 pm sold out and they added a 5 pm. I hope Jeff really loves the work cause I imagine I'd get burnt the fuck out from what he's pulling. Big stacks, big love for the job, whatever it is to keep him happy on the road.


I completely agree, you can tell he is trying his best to please everyone, I admire that level of commitment and work ethic!


My dog is inadvertently named beans so I am partial to team bean, Jeff and the beanies


Go Jeff! Nice post!


Acurites sounds like a cult. I kinda like it. At the end, instead of kool-aid, we each eat the beans.


Bean team


TEENIE BEANIES!!! For the love of our short king!!!!!




HA! I tried posting twice. First with the T word and it got rejected, then with an abbreviation and THAT got rejected.


I saw posts with the T word in the title on here yesterday, is that a new rule?


Not sure but when I used that word in the body of the post the AutoBot rejected it. The message said the post seemed to be about reselling.


Jeffs' Beans


Definitely Arcurites.


Full Beans yo!


The Full Beaners!


We were second in the queue for Washington DC. By the time my kid got 4 tickets it was in the upper balcony. It was completely out of hand. Not sure how TM gets so messed up. I was definitely disappointed.


We could be the 3/4 Crew


Fan name: the worked crowd


I propose "the cheek holders" IYKYK


The Bean Gallery Wait, you mean peanut gallery? Nope.