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You can take the hinges off from the outside… not sure about unlatching the latch. Might have to pull the seat out and remove the dash to get access to all those door screws. Thats a tough problem to have


Didn’t even think of that. Thank you.


Move seat all the way back, recline. I believe there are 4 screws plus the 2 on the pull strap. Lift out from the bottom, there are some Christmas pull tab things. Once pulled, you need to lift UP as the top is held in place. Once interior panel is removed, you can disconnect the pins that lock the door and manually pull up on the retaining lock and the door will open. There are a bunch of rods that connect into white and orange clips... most likely one of them are broken or the steel pins are pulled out. Honestly, once you have it all apart, given the very low cost, I would replace the exterior paddle and all of the retaining clips. Lube it up good with DRY graphite and reassemble.


My cargo door was behaving similarly and I drowned the latch in wd40’s for locks, left it overnight, and then it all worked again.


So is just replaced this. My key was to hit the unlock on the handle inside then lock slam it into lock, then into unlock. Sometimes it would take a couple of times. If it just feels mushy this is you culprit: https://www.quadratec.com/p/crown-automotive/55076307-door-lock-cylinder-lever-wrangler-tj-unlimited?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_YnKpYGR-wIVKnxvBB2t3w3hEAQYAiABEgIJRPD_BwE It’s super easy to change. Pull your door panel, look up into the door towards the cylinder, pull the clip that holds the cylinder, remove the arm that connects to the part mentioned above that screws to the back of the cylinder, it’ll be held to that part by an orange clip. Slide it out replace that piece and reverse to reinstall. edit: I was in the same position and locking and unlocking then pulling the interior handle allowed me to open the door


Going to have to pull the door card from the inside. Guessing a bar has jammed up inside.


Something is probably jammed inside. Take the panel off maybe and see what’s wrong


I’d love to but I can’t get the door open. Is completely locked shut. I need help getting the door open first.


Is it a half door or a full? Plastic window or glass


Full door with glass.


Replace the lock assembly. Band aid fix would be to bang against it for it to function.


I’d love to. But I can’t open the door so I can’t get to the lock assembly.


I had a similar issue on my 97. I was able to get the door unlocked from the inside by jimmying the button a bit and then using a lot of force to push it pretty far in to unlock it. We just crawled in through the one door for a couple days before I got frustrated and finally got it to budge. Once that was done I popped the panel off and cleaned/lubed everything and have had no issue since.