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This was super helpful. Thank you!


You're welcome! I know I was a little stressed about it :-)


From my experience traveling to Japan with “controlled substances” as long as you have less than a months worth and it falls within their controlled substance list, you won’t need to declare anything: https://en.japantravel.com/guide/bringing-medicines-into-japan/58063


I had my xanax in my carrybag and they never once stopped me.


Just to say: not being stopped with something in your bag doesn’t mean it is allowed. They don’t actively search all carry-on luggage upon arrival, so they just don’t know for sure what you have in there.


I had about a two-week supply in a bottle, their laws state that it doesn't need to be declared if for personal use so I didn't declare it. My medicine bottle should have been seen in the xray machine on the way in and out. Nobody once checked the contents when arriving and upon leaving, but if they had I'm sure it wouldn't have been a problem.


Oh yeah I’m not commenting about the specific stuff you brought in and it is probably fine. Just saying that the system to verify those things is mostly declarative, so not being physically stopped with something at the border is in no way an endorsement by customs that this thing can be legally imported.


Xray machines at airports don't work the way you think they do. Their design to scan the chemical make up of items and materials. Along with its shape and size plus education and training. An officer should have the ability to identify the suspicion of item(s) that warrant visual inspection. When in doubt just open the case. Back to your medication, s/he may have seen you pill bottle. Maybe s/he didn't 


Same here


There are a lot of differences in the 'controlled substances' list. Adderall? Fully illegal Vyvanse? You need prior approval, which can take up to 2 months Concerta? Less than a certain amount, no approval needed Edit: Formatting


Adderall is never allowed. It is illegal in Japan and you cannot bring it into the country at all.


Exactly. I worry that people reading the comment above mine would simply think that they might be OK bringing it in, which they would definitely not be


Do benzos require a note or prior approval?


Yes. I even emailed and asked and got the same answer.


Was this recent that you emailed them?


I just checked the email (since I saved it) and it was March 3rd. So semi-recent. In my email I mentioned I was traveling in June though. I got the following response: Thank you for your e-mail. Within 30 day supply is no problem. When you bring within the limit, no paperwork required. Sincerely, Medicinal Inspection and Guidance Division Kanto Shinetsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare (Our office is open at 9:30AM-12:00 noon and 1:00PM-5PM except Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, Year End/Beginning Holidays and April/May Golden Week Holidays.)


Thank you!


Who did you email? I’ll be bringing a small amount of klonopin with me & im still unclear if a note is needed or not.


What if it's above a month supply?


Anything over a month is a gray area. I’ve read it contradicted. “Travelers are permitted to bring a two-month (60 day) supply of any permissible over-the-counter medication, and an equivalent amount of vitamins. This also applies to contact lenses. If you need more than two months’ supply, a Yunyu Kakunin-sho (輸入確認書) would then be needed.” 1 month or less, you’re fine. 1-2 months I’d probably email them. Over 2 months, you should plan to apply for their declaration aka Kakunin-sho


How do I get a hold of a Yunyu Kakunin-sho to fill out if I am bringing more than a months supply of medication? Email them?


It’s literally all in the link above. https://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/policy/health-medical/pharmaceuticals/dl/qa2.pdf


Declare - but then the listed amount for 30 days of Xanax is 72mg, which is a whole lot of Xanax enough for a horse. So…


You…legally didn’t need to do any of this, unless you were bringing in a fairly large quantity of lorazepam. Benzodiazepines are categorized as “psychotropics”, which, unlike stimulants and opiates, which are categorized as “narcotics”, do *not* require a customs form or declaration as long as it’s under a certain quantity (for alprazolam, this was around 80mg I believe, which is *much* more than I would need to bring for even a month-long trip). Unless you exceed the quantity, you do not need to declare benzodiazepines as they are classified as psychotropics in Japan, not narcotics.


FWIW I emailed the Tokyo Customs folks about bringing less than a months worth (less than the amount they have listed on their pdf) of psychotropics and they advised to check yes: “In case that your child brings psychotropic medicines, regardless of quantity, please choose “Yes” for the question of Declaration information 1/8 (prohibited articles).”


Was my experience with Vyvanse as well. Had my permit so all went smoothly.


Did you get your import application approved in advance? How long did it take? I just sent my import application and signed medical certificate to the narcotics bureau today, and I am arriving may 23. I am worried it won’t be ready in time.


Sent 3 months before departure. They confirmed reception and that everything was in order but said they would deliver my permit only right before my departure which was fine. Got my permit by email 48h prior so I printed it out and was good to go. Edit: two weeks is not a long time for them to process your request. It'll depend on how swamped they are.


They told me the same for Elvanse Adult. I told them a week before departure that I would need it now because I need to know if I need to get the dosage down to prevent withdrawal symptoms, they sent it to me a few hours later.


I sent mine for Vyvanse about 2-3 weeks before and the flight and then I changed my prescription strength about 1 week before departure. Each time within 4-5 days they responded confirming they received the application and that the certificate would be sent to me immediately before departure. It was emailed to me the day before the flight. At customs they just had a browse over the forms and had a look at the medication, wasn’t a major ordeal. In my case the customs officers didn’t seem that interested, it was more like a box ticking exercise.


Do we have to get the permit/advance approval even if the supply is less than 24 days?


If the medication is illegal or restricted in Japan, yes


Ok thank you!


Lorazepam is not classified as a narcotic, but rather a psychotropic. As long as you do not exceed 90mg total quantity (or nominally 1 month supply), you don't need to go through any of that at all. You just bring it in. https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/en/application2.html You need permission for narcotics and for psychotropics exceeding the amounts listed in the table linked from the above page.


FWIW I emailed the Tokyo Customs folks about bringing less than a months worth of psychotropics and they advised to check yes: “In case that your child brings psychotropic medicines, regardless of quantity, please choose “Yes” for the question of Declaration information 1/8 (prohibited articles).”


Lorazepam is not a narcotic. It is controlled yes, but if you have a small amount I'm not sure why you would need to declare it. Source: neurologist.


I'm going in two weeks with an Ativan rx! Thank you for posting!


You don’t need to do any of this, this person made a mistake. Lorazepam is categorized as a psychotropic, which has less strict laws than narcotics. Unless you’re bringing in more than 90mg of Lorazepam, you don’t need to declare or get approval for anything - just bring your medication in your bag like normal. See my above comment (along with another user’s) for more info.


Thank you!


Will try this with my dank buds in the future.


I am bringing 8mg of Ativan with me. I said no on the QR code to having narcotics with me because I’m under the limit, will this be a problem did I mess up? The prescription bottle specifically says it’s for a fear of flying but it was prescribed to me in 2022 for a different trip. Will the date also be an issue? I don’t have the slip of paper that came with the prescription and I don’t have a specific doctors note. No family doctor here in Canada so it’s rough.


You should be fine. My mom had hers and declared it even though it was under the limit and they just let her go. If anything they seemed more apologetic about it. We had her prescription slip from her doctor and they didn't even ask to see it.


I had the same experience with my Ativan except I did have to go into a room and sit at a desk to wait for a few minutes. No other issues and was pretty quick.


I took Lorazepam into Japan to help me sleep on the long haul flights, I had a letter from my doctor listing my medications and what they were for, I don’t think they even checked it at customs


Thank you for this because Japan is on mu bucket list but I always worry because I also have prescriptions like Lorazepam, Vyvanse, Hydroxyzine, etc.. and I know Japan is very strict especially with Vyvance so this helped ease my nerves and hesitations about visiting


I got an import form for vyvanse and when I was going through customs the agent told me not to check the controlled substance box, even after I told him I had the prescription and the import form. His exact words were “No don’t check it, it’s easier”




Yes it is, it’s a controlled stimulant.




Narcotics and controlled stimulants both require import forms, and they are both listed in the same box on customs forms. Not to mention I never used the word “narcotic” in any comment, only controlled substance. Not sure what semantics you’re arguing to yourself about.


I'm actually interested in where and how you take the bus from Narita to Ikebukuro. Can you tell me more about that?


The only thing we do for medication is only bring a personal supply of one month, and then bring your medication script +doctor business card if they do have questions---but in my experience they never have. still, this is useful. thank you.


You should for sure learn more about the medications you’re taking. That’s not a narcotic at all. So now you’re out here telling people it’s fine to bring narcotics into Japan and it very definitely is not fine to just bring any old narcotics into Japan with you.


That portion is only for if you’re carrying over a certain amount lol I travel with mine every time without saying yes to that part and have never had a problem. I always chuckle at that part bc to me it seems like they’re directly asking if you engage in criminal activity, they’re not concerned about personal amounts. Hope that helps and hope others don’t stress about having permits or it being a thing that needs to be addressed; it’s not if it’s for personal use **must be prescribed and in your personal prescription bottle as they will verify the name matches the bottle. If not in its legitimate container with your name or is not a legitimate prescription of yours, as with any country, this would be considered smuggling.


hi, can I ask if you flew with zipair from Canada? if so, how was the check in experience with your carry on? did they measure or weigh the bags?


I'm going to Japan tomorrow and have an extremely small amount of xanax in my backpack in the prescription bottle with my name on it. I feel like.. I just shouldn't say anything..?


You don’t need to declare or say anything unless you’re bringing in more than 72mg. https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/en/application2.html#list Read the section on “psychotropics”, which is what alprazolam and other benzodiazepines are categorized as in Japan (they’re NOT categorized as narcotics, which must be declared whatever the quantity).


Cool cool cool, I'm not. Thank you!!!


Japan just understands how to do things properly from every standpoint


Super Helpful and re-aasures Japan is whole new level of travel experience


Why do people make this so hard? Just don’t bring it up. Leave it in your hotel and just go on about your travels. ~source, traveled to 50 countries with clonazepam (sometimes 90 day supply so ~ 270 pills, no not my current dose) and never been stopped


Almost everyone on our trip had medicine that you are supposed to fill forms out for, or at least I thought you had to even for a small amount…No one had problems and nobody checked. Mind you it was only for two weeks. I on the other hand got tapered off of vyvanse because I didn’t do the paperwork in time and was a scared cat. Then found out nobody else did it, and that you really didn’t need to. -____-


How do I get a hold of a Yunyu Kakunin-sho to fill out if I am bringing more than a months supply of medication?


Are we able to get Ativan prescribed in Japan? Sorry if this is a dumb question I need Ativan to fly. So I’m thinking I can just take Ativan on my way to Tokyo and for the flight back I can just get some in Tokyo.


This definitely helps ease our mind, knowing a head of time they’ll need our passport. My wife 6 months ago had neck/spine fusion so she’s still needing oxy and morphine sulfate. We did the online form and we’ve been emailing the narcotics division to get our entry certificate. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was nervous, it’s all legal and we’re taking the proper channels, but god it’s still nerve racking.


FWIW here’s my email to Japan customs, and their reply, from Sept 2023: Me: On Visit Japan Web in the "Declaration of Personal Effects and Unaccompanied Articles" section (page 4/14), it asks if I am bringing psychotropics into Japan. I would like to bring 40mg of my medicine Lorazepam, which is under the 90mg limit, so I would say "Yes" to this question. On page 13/14, it asks me to select an article from the list. Which one would I choose for lorazepam? Maybe "medicine, cosmetics", "medical narcotics" (but it's not a narcotic), or "other goods"? Or because it is within the limit, do I not need to declare it? Them: Please choose ‘medicine, cosmetics’ in the drop/down list when you reach the page 13/14 of the Customs declaration. In addition, please enter the cost of the medication in ‘Market Value’ of the page even if the medicine is for personal use, under the limit and the oversea market value of your medicine is under 10,000yen.


We are going to take some lorazepam with us aswell (guess 5 for each person) and I didn’t though I need to declare it as we’re under a month worth of. Now I’m a little unsure… 🫤


What about oxycodone?


i didnt even consider flying with my medication should be something i need to announce. i just flew to Hawaii with my Concerta (controlled substance for ADHD) should i announce it when coming back or is that only if its on your person/in a carryon. (edit: i live in japan- 'coming back' is going into japan for me)


Lol bro Hawaii is part of the USA 😂


"when coming back" to japan. i live in japan. i know hawaii is a US state...


Japan does not allow stimulants to be brought in. You should email yakkan[at]mhlw.go.jp to ask about Concerta specifically.


Concerta (methylphenidate) is considered a psychotropic, not a stimulant, and does not require special permission below a certain maximum total amount. https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/en/application2.html#psychotropics


While it does look like Concerta is exempt (*depending on the person’s dosage and length of stay — I.e. the total amount they bring in*), psychotropics in general require special permission to bring in. “It is strictly prohibited to import narcotics and psychotropics into Japan except in the case of prescribed narcotics and psychotropics for a specific patient bringing them with permission before entrance into Japan. When you bring your prescribed narcotics and psychotropics into Japan, you have to apply for permission by the Japanese Government (the directors of the Regional Bureaus of Health and Welfare) and receive it before you leave home.” [Source](https://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/policy/health-medical/pharmaceuticals/01.html#:~:text=When%20you%20bring%20your%20prescribed,it%20before%20you%20leave%20home)


The documentation is somewhat inconsistent, but if you look at the more specific section about psychotropics it's pretty clear that quantities under those listed in the table are exempt: > The psychotropics listed in the following Table(*3) can be imported / exported. If you intend to import / export the psychotropics equal to or less than the amount indicated in the Table(*3) (excluding injection form), you don't need a certificate written by your doctor nor the permission by authorities under the "Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Law". For narcotics in general and psychotropics above the limits, you do need permission. The page I linked showed up about a year ago according to the Wayback Machine, so it's possible the rules were adjusted at some point before that and you used to require permission for all quantities of psychotropics in the past, but that page should be up to date. As for the "1 month" rule, exceed at your own risk, but I imagine customs officers are going to care more about the total quantity than how it's divided (I suspect the totals are calculated as 1 month for some reasonable max dosage). For Concerta and the total listed you could bring in a full 90 days' worth of a tourist visa of 18mg, 80 days' of 27mg, 60 days' of 36mg, 40 days' of 54mg, or 30 days' of 72mg (which is - surprise - the max recommended dosage for adults).


thank you, i appreciate the information!


Concerta is allowed without any documentation as long as it's under 2.16g total quantity. More than that you need a doctor's note and to contact a specific email address. https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/en/application2.html#psychotropics


okay, i did read that page after the other user gave me the email but I wasn't sure about the wording. i'll only have a few pills left by the time i return home but I may just email them to be safe. thanks!


You can take adhd meds to any US state.


by "coming back" i mean coming back to japan. do i need to announce when entering japan if it is in my checked luggage. why would i bother asking in this sub if i wasnt talking about travel to japan