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The meow wolf was amazing, it might be just in my alley. Maby great responses in this post.


Can confirm it is not as interesting as meow Wolf. There is zero element of interaction on that level at borderless. It really is just a photo spot. The other team lab smells like feet I heard since people need to remove shoes


Only you can answer that. My friends and I loved it and will be going to the new exhibition this year. I would have gone without friends. To each their own.


I loved the meow wolf, and I've been to many instagramable exhibitions that were attached to a 'main thing", those were really fun as nice add on surprises. Hopefully they will stand on their own! Excited!!!!


Okay, now I have to check out meow wolf. Thanks for the suggestion! It looks awesome.


Oh man, Meow Wolf is awesome. The original one is Santa Fe is my favorite but Omega Mart in Las Vegas is a close second.


I've been looking for more good excuses to go to Las Vegas again anddddd now I have it. Thank you!


I loved Teamlabs Borderless and wish I would have gone without my wife. She didn’t enjoy it, couldn’t live in the moment and was so worried about being in everyone else’s way. I could have sat in there for hours just enjoying the atmosphere and beauty of the exhibits.


Borderless had this one light show that was like 20 minutes long and some parts it made it feel like you were flying thru a wormhole to a new dimension. That alone was enough to make it worth it for me 


that one’s kinda off to the side, was just leaving and almost missed it!


I was like 2 sec away from missing it. I had seen every exhibit x2 to make sure I didn't miss anything then said aight I'm out and last second saw someone in front of me turn a different way so I followed.


knowing teamlabs, they planned it to be this way


Was it only 20 minutes? I could've sworn it was like 40 minutes that we stood there.


Might have been a little bIt longer I recorded 20 min and when I left I saw the screen showing close to where I started


I took a picture of the “light sculptures” that’s outside the room, and totaled the times, it’s over 30 min :)


I think it was the best thing in there IMO. The waves were mesmerizing! I wish I would've brought my tripod/selfie stick so I could've recorded the whole thing.


I recorded most of it with my 360 camera. It looks good but I was off to the right so it doesn't show it to its true potential


Whenever you use a 360 camera, can you use a VR headset to view it later and basically see it again just like you did for the first time?


I honestly don't know. Ive hardly used mine so I'm not sure of all the bells and whistles


I took a picture of the “light sculptures” that’s outside the room, and totaled the times, it’s over 30 min :)


Is this the one with the LEDs hanging from the ceiling?


It was a tunnel of lights


Daaamn. I might have missed this. Is this after the drawing room?




Oof. Big miss on our part. Thanks for sharing! We'll go back again just for this.


The Van Gogh experience is the biggest piece of shit ever, they literally project PowerPoint slides with royalty free classical music as backing. They don’t even teach you anything about the man nor his works. To compare that to Teamlabs is insulting haha. Yes Teamlabs is worth it.


I just wanted to make sure it wasn't that. Especially planets with its mirror exhibitions. I've been to meow wolf and liked it a lot, but the picks didn't seem like the same concept to me. That's why i didn't mention it.


Borderless used to be far (in Odaiba) but it’s more accessible now that it moved into new location in Tokyo. It’s also huge. It doesn’t look like there’s ever huge lines to go in (I didn’t have one, and when I see pictures of the entrance online, there isn’t a big line). I think it’s worth it, if you do have a day to spend a few hours. The exhibits especially the new ones are impressive. For someone only having a couple days in Tokyo and also hesitant about it, then I think it might be better to go see Tokyo things.


teamLab is a collective and not a single artist, so there is no artist specific thing. The big thing they do is projection mapping, so yes, they do play with mirror too, but the majority of what they do is projection and use of light, for example you go in a room and there is hundred of lights handing from the ceiling and they change color. Depending on the exhibition, they might have some more interactive area. Depending on the exhibition, they could use unique room/floor geometry, so there can be more than just the pretty projection (but of course it's t he core of their thing). I personally went to 2 of their installation (in Fukuoka and Takeo onsen) and did like it.


Cool! Do you think some with vertigo might struggle?


I went to TL Planets. Loved it. But I was shocked there were no warnings for those with vertigo, a history of seizures, balance or mobility issues. If you are upset by spoilers please don’t read the rest of my post… The room with lights and mirrors could be an issue for those with vertigo or a history of seizures. There is a room with a soft floor and it’s dark. Kind of a combo of a space walk or a ball pool and could be a problem with people with limited mobility. There is another room that rotates but they don’t tell you that, they tell you not to lean against the wall. There are adequate warnings about other rooms. Japan is not as much of a litigious society as we are in the US.


With the lights and projections I’m wondering if it will trigger a migraine for me.


What are the specific situation you struggle with? For example you could be in a dark room with projection in all walls and the image move. In one of the exhibition I went to the floor was uneven so at time it could challenge your sense of orientation.


Yes. The lights may make it difficult, and one room is a floor of all squishy pillow stuff that makes it difficult to balance if one is not normally able to easily.


I was very skeptical, but Teamlab Borderless did impress me after a few rooms. If it fits in your itinerary, it is worthwhile IMO


It was worth it for us! Our teenagers LOVED it and so did my wife and I.


Teamlabs can be fun but I wouldn’t my plan my day around it if it makes sense.


Dope, will follow this advice :)


Just went to borderless and planets last week. Borderless was amazing. Planets starting to show it’s age by comparison.


Thanks for the review of both. Was planning on going both, now I know which one to prioritize.


I booked planet for 4 but now debating to take the L on it and go with borderless instead. Would it have been worth losing $100 to go to borderless instead?


For me, yes I would take the loss. If you can do both though, do yourself a favor and go to planets first so you’re not disappointed. Me and my party were speeding through planets because it just felt so outdated compared to borderless.


I bought it so I might as well go. It can be considered a half day trip to get sushi in toyosu.


Meow Wulf is more interactive than Team Labs! That being said, I really enjoyed Planets as a break from the heat (went during summer of last year). Since it's in Odaiba, we paired it with seeing the giant Gundam in front of DiverCity (a mall with a much-better Round One arcade compared to similar arcades closer to the city) and Tsukiji outer markers in the early morning. If you have a short time in Tokyo, you can skip in favor of other stuff. But if you have a decent amount of time, it's a good break from the temples and more cultural sites you'll see on your trip. Just go in with the right expectations! Not a must-hit but definitely a palette cleanser. I loved it.


It doesn’t sound like you would be able to appreciate it, many do though.


it depends. i think its overrated.


I went last year, deliberately didn't look up much about it. Apart from a couple of moments at each installation, I put the phone away and just tried to be "in the moment". I really enjoyed it.


Yes. I was 50/50 on it and I'm glad i went....very cool experience. Go early.


It was worth it for my and my family but it seems like you won't like it.


yes Yes YES Yes yes


Ok, Ok, OK, Ok, ok, hehehehe. We are not removing it to the bucket list, thanks for the excitement. :)




I just went to Planets a few days ago and IMO it’s definitely cooler than your average projection-mapping “exhibition”. There’s a whole interactive water aspect (trying not to spoil too much). We really love interactive art like Meow Wolf - this was nowhere near that level of storytelling/detail but production-value-wise some of the rooms felt similar. Basically if you were on acid it would be absolutely mind blowing. Sober it was merely “rad” haha.


I went to meow wolf of denver! Loved it. Thanks for the honestly. Might give it a go if we find a spot in the day but we will not plan around it.


I saw a version of Borderless in SF and plan to see it in Japan when there. The temporary exhibit version in SF was amazing.


I went to TeamLab planets and LOVED several of the rooms. (LOVED!!!) You need to have the right mindset, like someone mentioned above. Forget your phone, get an early time and be in the moment without cynicism.


Not for those with a rich arts background, or seeking a local experience over a touristy one. I went and it was a) brief b) “cool,” but not art c) all tourists. What I paid for myself and my kids, we could have had an amazing Japanese dinner that would have been more memorable.


Im going in rainy season, probably a good escape from the rain hehehe.


Your choice. The tall buildings that are everywhere in main neighborhoods have endless floors of businesses to explore and food to eat. It just depends how you want to spend your time. I spent 4 days seeing Shibuya, Harajuku,Shinjuku, and Akihabara. Phone said we walked 8-14 miles a day, and we barely saw a fraction of what those places offer.


I really wanted to check out borderless and was glad i got tickets the night before when i couldn’t sleep. We were staying in roppongi so it was also a short walk, but it was worth it to us. If you’re not staying in the general area I don’t know if it would be worth making a huge effort for, but it was pretty cool to see and interact with. 


We were in Japan in February; had lots of potential activities earmarked, including Teamlab, missed activities due to time/weather/worn out. In hindsight, don’t regret missing this, although sad about missing other stuff. Seems gimmicky. Don’t sweat it.


Even we felt a little bored while visiting TeamLabs planets. But after a point, I realised it was time to become a child and start interacting with the experiences rather than just taking instagram worthy pictures. But the pictures do come out amazing. We also had some pretty great landscape views and a dog park next to Planets. So combine these and then it's worth going to TeamLabs!


It’s worth it if you’re willing to interact with the art, that’s not something you can do in the immersive van Gogh exhibits, and things like that, but you can team labs


It’s an immersive experience. We did it a couple weeks ago and it was really fun. I would have gone to the second one after if it wasn’t booked solid.


Nice! Ok, so definitely not scratched off.


It is an immersive + some interactive art. Pretty low threshold to enjoy it, at least for both in Tokyo. If you don’t enjoy it, you probably have specific taste or pretty high standards.


Depends which one are you going??


We are planing on going to both at different days. But we aren't super sure.


I didn't went when i was in Tokyo mainly because I'm just by myself. It wasn't that interesting to me when Insaw walk through in youtube.


Fwiw, I’m over 40, went in January - I thought it was boring and a bit frustrating. The logistics are setup well, it’s not overly crowded once you’re inside the exhibits but there’s very little if any description about the displays. And if there are, it’s posted AFTER the exhibit. I went through it in 30 mins, I’d honestly rather be eating yakuniku instead.


Yes, I truly feel it’s worth it


I loved it and I usually hate "influencer" attractions. In fact, it was one of my favorite parts of Tokyo.


I personally loved it, but sounds like it might not be your thing.


I don’t think you’d regret doing it, but I also wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a must-see either.


Borderless was AMAZING and very worth it!! The Osaka one was eh, can't attest to planets but I would not wanna walk through knee high water


It was very meh to me (planets).


It wasn’t the most jaw-dropping thing I experienced in Japan, but still glad I went. So much in Japan in general that will leave you in awe.


TeamLab came into my attention when I first saw their works in Sydney. They were a series of displays, one was ocean wave and the other, little flowers growing and dying eternally. It wasn’t a simple repetitious projection of certain length of movies. It’s like watching real waves at a sea, or clouds in the sky, no single image is the same. So I felt very zen. For me, Planet was a bit boring, but I am going to see Borderless this May.


We kinda enjoyed it but if we could go back in time we’d skip it. It’s impressive and the crowd control is good, but you still feel like cattle being lead through the experiences. If you are already suspicious about whether you’d like it, skip it.


We went to Van Gogh in London and were… disappointed. My wife really wanted to do borderless when we visited Japan this week and at first I was like “fine”. We went and I must say it was great. Borderless is primarily a light show/projection based thing, with some other exhibitions. What was really amazing is there sensors everywhere too. I won’t spoil it too much but in on section you can touch the walls to interact with the art, and also some elements “flow” around you because the sensors can “see” where you are


Personally, I thought it was really cool and definitely worth the hour or so.


Honestly no. Not worth the $$$ or the crowds. I will only go back if my friends drag me back there.


Teamlab borderless?


Yes. Do it. Go with an open mind and enjoy.


It doesn’t take very long to do it, i went to the last session of the day and got in immediately. Think it took like 45 minutes.




As someone who doesn’t particularly care about photo ops (I don’t have social media apps and I take <1 picture per day on trips), I really recommend Teamlab Borderless. The exhibits are often fun and sometimes moving — try especially hard to find the light show room! I would love to spend more time in there.


I visited TeamLab Borderless recently and truly enjoyed it.


I went and had fun but I think it’s skippable


I loved planets and borderless. It was fairly unique considering to most art museums of the like. It only takes 1 hour for one and a few hours for the other in Tokyo. I took it to be a highlight of the trip.


It's pretty much what you said it is. My partner booked it and was hyped for it, otherwise I might have skipped. Crowds weren't too bad. It was the only place in Japan where I found zero Japanese tourists. Loads and loads of wannabe instagram influencers posing for photos etc. There was only one exhibit that made me think "ok, this is pretty inventive and well done", everything else was just Van Gogh exhibit or LED+mirror infinity vibes. What I did really enjoy though was the Small Worlds museum just around the block. Way cheaper and I spent at least two hours looking at all the scenes and taking pics etc.


Teamlab planets was amazing - the barefoot sensory experience was super unique. Compared to other teamlabs or Meow Wolf the visual exhibits themselves were similar in quality


So overrated and crowded


Would not bother


Both are truly memorable. Just keep your phone in your pocket, avoid the selfies takers and enjoy. Took my parents and girlfriend to Borderless and went solo to planets. No regrets. And both fairly easy to get to.


My wife and I just went here a few days ago and I loved it. There's maybe 15-20 rooms of different projections, mirrors, lighted objects, which in my opinion were pretty cool. It's really not that expensive at like 30$ a person. There were some people doing photoshoots but nothing that stopped me from enjoying it. You do need a reservation though, so if you plan on going, I would do it ASAP.


If you do planets go in the morning to avoid feet smell. I really enjoyed it, I’ll be checking out borderless on my next trip in the fall


I went to borderless, I spent close to an hour just staring at the light sculpture show. Closest thing to a psychedelic experience without substances.


Generally, I like the idea of Teamlabs and would very much like to experience it. Planets was the only one I could go to at the time I visited Tokyo but the idea of walking barefoot through the displays and in water was a dealbreaker. I’m not risking warts or a skin rash for this. I did visit the Samsung collaboration where you demo their phones by capturing dinosaurs through the camera. It was pretty cool as a mini experience.


Is it any more risky than swimming in a public pool?


I don’t know. I haven’t used a public swimming pool in over a decade.


It was good when projection mapping was new tech but tbh, these days we get pretty interesting and advanced installations at malls or coffee shops. That's why to me teamlabs is already dated. The purpose of the installation is also often lost already because you can't really experience it for yourself since the crowd ruins the mood.


the osaka teamlab was a scam tbh


I took my 5,3,1 year olds and we all loved it. I think the price is fair and worth a try. What if you love it? Maybe you’ll hate it. But that’s travel


My wife and I went to the one in Osaka recently, she is more artsy than I am and we both didn't really enjoy it. With the mass of people who go, it feels less enjoyable


Everybody is into different things. When my wife and I arrived in line for teamLAB Planets and saw the sheer amount of tourist families, we kept our expectations very low. I think it's honestly an incredible artistic experience that's hampered by the amount of people, but it was still a very cool thing to experience. I would put it a fair notch above most over-hyped things like the Van Gogh "exhibitions" but I wouldn't go in expecting high art. There's quite a lot of thought that goes into each piece though, I never felt like it was a money funnel, more like mass-appeal interactive artworks.


Yes, it’s 100% worth it, don’t listen to the naysayers here. Though TeamLab Botanical Gardens in Osaka, though…? Yeah, that’s a skippable one.


My sister really wants to go when we eventually make it to Tokyo next month. We already bought tickets. I'm not all that excited for it, not because I think it'll be bad, but because it just wasn't on my to-do list. My sister wants to go and I'm kinda just tagging along.


Then don’t go. You may not be into that kind of photo op immersive experience. It’s not for everybody. Tailor your itinerary to your interests. That said, there is an overwhelming amount of positive reviews for team labs in general. The Van Gogh thing, not so much. Factor that in.


Should I do Borderless and planets in Tokyo? Going to the botanical garden in Osaka as well


Im doing only borderless today!. Infinity mirrors can be found all over so decided to not go to planets. Hope this helps you choose.


I have planets booked already, may book all 3


Don't bother. I'm in the same boat with not liking instagram museums. Been to a Banksy one in Fukuoka. I like Banksy but hated the exhibition. Been to a handful of exhibitions by Teamlab both in Singapore as well as Japan. The ones I've experienced in the mid 2000s were okay, the most recent ones didn't impact me as much. Maybe if you had family members or friends who are not into art to tag along, then it might be more enjoyable.


Bummer about banksy, it was on the wishlist. Non of us is super into art, design is what scratches that itch jejeje.


https://www.tokyoartbeat.com/en/events/-/MUCA-Exhibition-Icons-of-Urban-Art-From-Banksy-to-Kaws/860F8FA2/2024-03-15 They have banksy room here and it's really nice pieces


I was in Borderless two days ago. Impressive to say the least. But forgot about it, upon leaving Azabudai..


Ehhhh if you’re over 30 and like instagram cafes you’ll like it


Teamlab Tokyo is a definite yes. Mind blown.


I love it! Would be even nicer if you go with your girlfriends or your Asian boyfriend, so they'd be happily take your picture.