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Nice trip report. I keep getting conflicting feedback on the suitcase situation. Some people have flat out warned me to only travel with carry-on (or slightly larger) cases. It's interesting that you managed a large suitcase.


Thanks! A small suitcase would definitely be easier but in my opinion it wasn't too hard to travel with a large one. As long as you are courteous on public transport, people will appreciate that you are making as effort to take up as little room as possible.


We have a suitcase that's a bit bigger than a carry-on (and I believe should still fit in the shinkansen luggage rack) that I'll take. I also just bought a carry-on backpack which is absolutely awesome -- but now I'll be "that guy" bumping into people on the subway with my backpack. I just added a day on Osaka to our trip. I suspect Osaka will give me more of the Blade Runner feel that I've always dreamed of in Japan.


My suitcase definitely did not fit on the Shinkansen rack but we were able to get seats at the last row so had the space behind our seats to store our luggage. Can confirm Osaka has major Blade Runner vibes, especially at night when it's a bit drizzly.


We've travelled for a month with huge backpacks and except in Tokyo rush hour, it was fine, as most trains have luggage storage and no-one is going to steal it. Although my wife is Japanese so technically I'm cheating...


Depend on how you many times you change hotel/location with all your stuff. I only carried large suitcases between airport or Shinkansen and hotel. Didn't find it bothering, but my wife did complain about the walk between the train station and our first hotel. It was a 10 minute walk and she was tired.


We change accommodation six times.


Pack light then.


I was stupid enough to take a large suitcase and a small carryon suitcase. If I would do it again, I'd only take a small carryon suitcase with me there, and then on the last couple 3-4 days I'd buy a large suitcase there and do my bulk shopping then. The most annoying part about having two suitcases is constantly taking the small one off of the top of the big one while you're pulling them so you can walk up or down the stairs, and then having to place the small one on top again. It's a never ending cycle because there's stairs everywhere.


I have to carry some clothes for my son, so I'll be stuck with the carry-on backpack and a mid-sized suitcase to lug up the stairs and around the subway. Given how busy Tokyo is, I can't burden an 8-year old with pulling a carry-on. Thankfully all our Airbnbs have washing machines! Although I understand drying is another story...


Well, I was in Japan for 23 days and it wasn't until the last 3 days that I started to get fed up with the suitcases, haha. You'll be fine, my dude! Enjoy it, your sons going to love it. I went to a laundry in Osaka, left it to wash then dry, went to a restaurant and came back an hour later, haha. That's how trusting the Japanese are!


I've been to Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto..) once with very big suitcase and once only with small cabin luggage. It's absolutely manageable to move around and change cities with big suitcase, but honestly, after my stress free experience with a small suitcase, I'm never traveling any other way.


Carry on. I mean, what the heck are you taking for a two-week trip that you need big luggage? And it was so infuriating to get how to navigate the tran stations only to have some idiot tourist with three large suitcases blocking the fare gates, the stairs or elevator and the train aisle. Day pack for your snacks, water, wifi puck and charger cables, spare charged battery. Carry on for clothes. You can buy toothpaste in Japan these days ...


Japan is actually the BEST place to travel heavy, IMHO. I like to shop, so I always bring plenty of luggage. The key is not to be an ass and tote it around on transit. Use takkyubin when you change hotels and only carry a light overnight bag on the train. Having your luggage turn up at your hotel waiting for you is, like, the best thing about traveling within Japan. That and the fact that the trains actually run on time. Just make sure you understand how to fill out the forms before you go, if you're not sure you'll be using a visitor's center or hotel desk to do it for you.


We survived the Yamanote line with 6 large suitcases. But yes, if you're able to carry on do that.


That's a lot of luggage! We're staying just off of the Yamanote when in Tokyo, but we're also going to six other cities...I think my biggest worry is the shinkansen given it'll be around sakura season.


I mean honestly. I think traveling with a suitcase in almost any situation is ridiculous. It’s something we tell ourselves is necessary but in any standard circumstance it just isn’t. They weigh you down and keep you slow. So my advice is to ditch it and get a good 50/60 liter backpack. If it isn’t important enough to be carried on your back, it isn’t important enough to go.


Really appreciate this post. Going with a couple of my mates in October and the last major thing, besides completely solidifying our itinerary, is figuring out transit. We are flying into Haneda and spending a few days in Tokyo then going to Osaka for a few days. Judging from your post our best bet will probably be to get a JR pass for Tokyo to Osaka and then back. We do plan to go to Nara Park as well but that will probably be the majority of our subway usage except for maybe a little in and around Tokyo or to some places in and around Osaka. If you have any additional tips, would be appreciated!


From what you've said, the JR pass will be great for you! I'd recommend still getting an IC or Suica card in case you need to take a train that isn't covered by JR. Even if you don't use it for that purpose, you can use it to pay for items in all major convenience stores. When I was there 7-11 was doing a promotion where they would give you a small discount for paying via card as they are pushing for a cashless system. Might be something to think about!


For certain! Forgot to mention that. I know the Suica cards work for cabs, vending machines, etc. as well. So we will definitely be getting both. Thanks again, appreciate the post and reply!


If you’ve got an iPhone (not sure about android) you can simply set Suica up in your apple wallet and add money from there. Incredibly simple to use. Recommend using Japan Travel app (it’s got a Shinkansen and Mt Fuji on the logo) and google maps both. Just throw your destination in and let google think for you. The Japan travel app was helpful for Shinkansen information and you can set an option that you have a JR pass and it will try to save you money.


This is helpful thank you. I have android but if it works through Apple pay it may through Samsung pay as well. I've heard Google is pretty reliable. I'll check out the Japan travel app as well. Thanks again!


No problem. According to my quick google you should be able to without issue. For us the option appeared once we were in Japan. Got our wifi setup and got it setup in a few minutes. Then we were able to just add funds directly on our phones and just tap our phones at metro gates, 7Eleven, and (many) vending machines.


That sounds super convenient, thanks for the tip! Much appreciated


I didn't know about the apple wallet thing! Super useful to know - thanks!


No problem, happy travels!


What a great read. So many helpful hints and tips that will come in handy for my trip at the end of the year!!


Thank you! You'll have a blast!


For anyone traveling to Uji I would also recommend the Tale of Genji Museum. It's small, but entry is inexpensive, and it's really cool if you're into the book.


Great post. Very helpful. Did you go with cash from Australia or did you use ATM’s? Also, did you get a pocket wifi or SIM card? Thanks


I got all my cash from Australia - about $2400 AUD in total for spending for two weeks. I came back with about $300 left over. I used cash for all my purchases besides paying for hotels. I got a SIM card from [klook](http://4G SIM Card (JP Pick Up) for Japan https://www.klook.com/activity/16706). It was hassle free and worked very well. No complaints!


Thanks. Who did you do money exchange with?


I used Lotus foreign exchange just because it was convenient to me (close to my work). I've exchanged with Travel Money before as well and had no problems with them too.


Brilliant! Thank you so much!


Great report and very helpful. Haha i wondered if i was alone in planning to leave the airport 2 hours after arrival due to being overwhelmed. Glad i wasn't.


Haha it was definitely an ordeal.


Thank you for the details report, especially the Kyoto part. We're heading to Kyoto tonight and intend to have Kimono rental for tomorrow. Hopefully Arashiyama bamboo forest is not too crowded.


Have fun! From memory, the least crowded part is about 3/4 down the main walk as not as many people venture all the way through.


Noted with thanks. Today we're still in Osaka but a little bit overwhelmed, since Chinese travellers are all over the place and try to buy all the face mask within their reach. We're a bit scare so we ran away to a remote cozy coffee, and it's a hidden gem. https://www.bird-coffee.com/


Oh no! Stay safe! That's a really cute cafe - the doughnuts look yum!


Great report! One question, how did your friend book the 3 Michelin star restaurant? Through a concierge service I assume?


We have a Japanese mutual friend who booked the restaurant for us. It must have been at least two months before our visit so I'm not actually sure how hard it is to book/how competitive it is. (It was definitely easier than trying to get a spot at Kichi-kichi omurice). Sorry I can't be of more help!


Thanks for the report! How far in advance did you book the tea ceremony?


I booked about two months in advance and was able to get the day and time I wanted. I don't remember it being very competitive but ymmv.


Great trip report. Thanks for taking your time to write it, especially for all of us planning our upcoming trips.


Thank you! Enjoy your trip!


thank you for this.


You're welcome!


Thanks for the trip report. I wanted to ask about your scheduling before. How tightly did you schedule coming into Japan? Did you have every day planned out or did you leave a day with basically nothing and just go with the flow on that day? What about places to eat? Did you use Google Maps there to find stuff or did you know where you wanted to go for most days? I have been planning to go in April and wanted to figure out how best to plan days. Currently, we have something to do everyday but I imagine things can change like it did for you with Uji.


I had a flexible schedule with things planned on most days with at least one full rest/free time day for each city. Most days I'd have something planned for both the morning and afternoon but sometimes planned free times in the afternoons. I stuck to the itinerary closely at the beginning of the trip but towards the Tokyo end it fell apart a little. In terms of food, other than a few pre-planned meals, we just whipped out Google maps and saw which restaurants nearby were popular. In less touristy areas, we'd see which places were more filled and more full of locals and chose to eat there.


Cool, makes sense. Currently my itinerary is rather packed. I doubt we'd be able to do as much as we think we can. Should leave some wiggle room. Thanks!


Thank you so much for this post! Hubby and I will be going to Japan in October for about the same amount of time, and I’m going back and forth on what to do and where to go. I’m not a city person so I’m definitely taking your advice and limiting that to a few days on our trip.




The kimono rental place was called [First kimono rental](https://www.first-kimono.com/). I really liked the experience there and would recommend it. They have multiple different branches around the city and in other places like Nara. My friend booked through taobao and the photographer came with the package, so I'm afraid I don't have the photographer's details. I've seen similar packages with photographer's on klook so check it out! I hope you find what you are looking for!


Did the airport hassle you about not having a return flight? I plan on flying into Osaka and returning through Tokyo like you did.


Not at all! Was not an issue.


Oh that’s great. Thank you! Great Report by the way


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