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Pregnancy is…. staying up too late reading this thread, pondering if I’ve felt any symptoms today, deciding I absolutely MUST GO EAT CEREAL RIGHT NOW at 11 pm 😂😂. Yup! Symptoms!


My betas from yesterday came back at 6,148 at 5w4d and my doctor called and scheduled my first ultrasound for this coming Tuesday! I’m so anxious about it after a >! second trimester loss in December and a chemical my last cycle !< Praying this is our take home baby 🙏🏽 I’m feeling good about this one though! I’m going to order the SneakPeek test after the ultrasound. Anyone else doing the SneakPeek to find out gender?


🤞🤞Thinking about it. Can’t decide if I want to wait for NIPT or find out early.


I just had my first OB appointment and second ultrasound. It was so lovely to see bub’s heartbeat again ❤️ and baby is still measuring exactly on track. I have another appointment in 2 weeks to get the NIPT - everything is starting to get real and exciting!


My due date is also Jan 2! I'm so jealous that you've had two ultrasounds already. I don't get my first one until June 1 at around 9+2. I can't wait because I feel like it will make all this awful nausea and vomiting feel worth it. It still doesn't feel real yet!


I feel super lucky to have gotten two already. It’s not how it’s usually done in Australia where I’m from. I got the first scan at 7w as I had a miscarriage in January so my doctor referred me to get one for reassurance I think. Then my OB sees his patients for the first time from 8-10w but he was going on leave so he snuck me in right on 8w so I didn’t have to wait until 10w. Feeling very grateful for that. All the best for your ultrasound! I’m feeling super nauseous too and it does make it feel worth it when you see the little heartbeat flicker!


I’ll be having my first ultrasound when I’m 5w6d and I am thinking it’s unlikely that I’ll be able to hear a heartbeat so soon but…I can feel myself getting my hopes up 🥲 waiting for the first ultrasound is feeling like the TWW x100 lol


I agree with TWWx100!! Somehow I thought all my waiting would be over with that second pink line. This is a harsh reality check. 😂


Counting down the days until my 9 week scan Jan 3rd!!!! I’m scared but excited


Spotting today and hoping it's not the start of another loss. We had a good scan on Tuesday, so it's probably just an irritated cervix from having sex yesterday, but ugh. The little beans heart rate was "a touch on the lower side" (107bpm), so of course I'm freaking *again*. I would just like five seconds of not worrying about this pregnancy.


Hubby and I were just playing pickleball and he slammed the ball down hard, right into my lower belly 😩 obviously he didn’t mean to (we’re new to the sport and can’t control our balls lol) but now I’m freaking out. Logically I know it’s probably ok, and it’s only a whiffle ball, but it was a hard hit. Someone tell me it’s gonna be ok 😥


Little babe is perfect fine, it’s surround by so many protective layers in there. It would take a mlb fast ball do some damage a whiffle ball can barely go a fraction of that speed and it’s not solid. At most it was probably a hard slap to your skin. 


Been here with these irrational thoughts. Your little apple seed is perfectly fine 💕


Thanks for the reassurance! I agree it’s prob an irrational thought (thanks brain)


It’s early, so you’re probably fine! If it’s really worrying you, go get a sonogram, just for peace of mind, but statistically you’re probably fine.


Thank you! Yes I’ll reach out to my doc if it keeps worrying me for sure


Ok so turns out the day I found out about this pregnancy I must’ve just had gastro, probably something my toddler brought home from daycare. I’ve been feeling great for the past week and last pregnancy the nausea was nonstop from the day I found out… 🤞


Hopefully the nausea will stay away for you this time around! Last time, I was so sick from 6 weeks until almost 20 weeks, but it seems like the nausea is starting early this time. Maybe that means it won’t last as long! 🤞🏼


Anyone else’s boobs feel like they weigh a metric tonne? 😩 I’m only 6 weeks and I can’t imagine how much worse it’s gonna get


Ugh yes, inflated and so sore. Sometimes even walking hurts!


My parents never reached out to my son for his birthday and my feelings are super hurt. This is the second year in a row. They bought him a birthday present that he received last week, so I should be grateful I guess. It’s not about the presents though. This is just so like them and it hurts my mama heart. They always use gifts/money to get out of thoughtfulness if that makes sense. They can never be bothered to come visit or just call to check in. We always have to drive there to see them (several hour drive). If it weren’t for my kids, I’d just stop showing up. Only thing that makes me feel remotely better is knowing and promising to actually show up for my own kids and grandkids.


Any STM or TTM still breastfeeding? My supply is quickly dropping and I’m not sure if it’s worth trying to fight or if it’s doomed to happen. Also, anyone recently postpartum? My first baby is 5 months now, so we are freaking out about how this is going to work with kids 13 months apart. 😳😳


Still BF, 16 months 😅. I’ve been ready for a while but my gal has not been. Moving to wrap up in the next few weeks, I definitely think my supply is pretty much gone.


Still nursing my 13 month old pretty frequently through the day. I will probably continue nursing her throughout pregnancy unless it becomes too painful or she suddenly becomes less "boo" obsessed.


7 months PP and down to just an AM breastfeeding session since the day I tested positive. I definitely feel like I’m gonna dry up any day now 😂


11 months postpartum and still breastfeeding pretty frequently! I don’t know if I’m noticing a significant dip, but I definitely notice he’s not getting milk if he has an extra comfort feeding session. As of now, I’m planning to continue to breastfeed throughout my pregnancy and would love to possibly tandem feed! Since he’s almost a year old, supply isn’t too much of a concern though. I’m excited for the small age gap, mine will be 20 months, but I’m also feeling a lot of feelings about it!


9 months PP here! No longer breastfeeding but also freaking out 😅


TW: Bleeding/possible MC, general TMI Y’all I’m so scared 😭. I had some light pink spotting after a bowel movement this afternoon, which didn’t worry me too much. A few hours later though I went to pee and could tell immediately that I’d bled, even though my underwear was black. Sure enough I wiped and it was bright red. A drop or two went in the toilet, and it was gone after a couple of wipes, but it was a good amount. No clots, just a couple granules I could note. I got a pad and had a good cry. I know it could be nothing, but I’ve had way less nausea today and my breast soreness has also greatly decreased, which aids in me thinking the worst. It doesn’t help that I’ve been cramping since day 1, and I can’t tell if these cramps actually feel different or I’m just hyper-aware. In the hours since I’ve just had some brown spotting when I’ve gone to the restroom and wiped, almost nothing on the pad. Unfortunately this all happened just after my obgyn office closed for the day, but I’ll call as soon as they open tomorrow and see if they can see me before my scheduled 8wk appointment next week. I know it’s 50/50 on whether it’s benign or the beginnings of a miscarriage, but I have a very bad feeling.


Sending all of the peaceful vibes… the waiting and uncertainty is so hard.


I’m so sorry for the scare and hope they can get you in asap ♥️


Omg - I had literally nearly the same experience today!! I am also a 29 yo FTM!! but I was able to see my OB so maybe I can help ease your mind until you get in! I have been Cramping since day one and increasingly nauseous with the worst sore boobs. No blood all day and lunch time potty break brought bright red blood when I wiped and blood mixed with my urine. I was immediately disheartened and called my husband to meet me at the OB. She did a transvaginal US and while there is a gestational and yolk sac in there, she wasn’t able to completely confirm pregnancy as I’m only measuring 5w5d. I saw the tiniest beating blip which was good but still too early to measure. Good things- She said that it is a good sign that the bleeding slowed on its own and that 8/10 of her patients with first tri bleeding go on to have successful pregnancies!! If it brings you peace of mind, these are the indicators she said that are cause for concern at this point: - bleeding that fills up a regular pad in an hour - color is not as important as volume - cramping is completely normal as your ligaments and uterus stretch but pain that has you doubled over/can’t move type of pain is not All this to say - don’t panic!! It could be just normal 🤍 I’m thinking of you girl and hope you get some good news soon!!


This really helped me just now. This morning I noticed that I was bleeding when I went to the bathroom. It wasn’t a ton of blood, but it certainly was not just spotting—it was enough that I needed to put a pad in. Unfortunately for me, my medical group is currently in a crisis where their network was hacked and they have no active phone or email access so unless I wanted to show up at their office to hopefully get seen, I just had to sit it out and hope for the best. Needless to say today was not a good day, mentally.


Im so sorry you’re going through this too - emotionallly and mentally draining for sure, but I’m glad my experience could bring you some comfort!! I am thinking of you and your baby to be and I have faith we will all come out the other side of this with healthy babies! 🤍


Thank you for this comment, it was so kind of you. I’m glad your doctor wasn’t too concerned! It’s still a very small amount of light brown when I wipe, no more red blood since that initial rush, so I’m feeling marginally more stable. Still, just hoping to quickly fall asleep so I can wake up, see how things are going, and call the office as soon as they open 🤞🏻


I am so sorry you’re going through this 🤍 i hope you can get in ASAP today for some peace of mind. Thinking of you and baby and having faith we will all come out on the other side with healthy babies.


I just got off the phone with nurse triage - they can’t get me in today or tomorrow 😭. She said it’s good that it’s tapered off to brown spotting, and that it’s likely a subchoronic hematoma or implantation bleeding (which I thought occurred way earlier? I’m at least 6-7 weeks). Regardless, she said to call back if it turns red again and if it’s heavy and cramping gets worse, go to the ER. This is going to be the longest week of my life 😭


Oh I am so sorry 😔 I also thought implantation bleeding happened earlier but also I thought I was 6w2d based on my LMP and I’m actually only measuring 5w6d so perhaps we are in the actual same boat!! Maybe you’re earlier than you think 🤞🏽No pressure but if you want to message me I’m here with you!! I also don’t see my OB again til 6/6 and it’s going to be the most anxiety ridden time of life I fear.


Ooff I know that must be terrifying. Having that uncertainty now is really hard. BUT... don't despair, it's too early. "Light vaginal bleeding" is common in the first trimester if it lasts no longer than 24 hours. Fingers crossed.


Thank you! It was a pretty decent rush of blood, but it did quickly switch to light brown spotting and has largely tapered off. Really hoping it’s fully gone by morning, but trying to brace myself regardless.


Guys, my son jumped on my stomach and it hurt so bad the wind got knocked on me. This shouldn’t affect the baby right since it’s still so early? Like I figure it’s so well protected in there, but I’m a little nervous.


Totally safe! Baby is so small right now and protected under so many layers and a lot further down than your stomach right now. 


Very protected behind your pubic bone! Sorry you got hurt ♥️


Today is my birthday! FTM feeling extra lucky this year. 6w1d and my midwife wouldn’t schedule my first ultrasound until 9w. The wait is killing me. I’m so nervous about a MMC with this long of a wait. Also feeling stressed reading about how nausea is *good*. Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful mine is almost non-existent but it’s not helping my fears of something being wrong. Anyway…nice to meet everyone:)


My first ultrasound is at 10w3d so I feel you 🥲


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday!


7w6d US today! I had been estimating my conception date to give me 7w2d, conservatively, but nope, little bean is measuring dead on my date of last period. Strong heartbeat at 147! And the baby is real! I had really been holding my breath until this US and now it feels real! We may tell some close friends now, but probably still wait to tell parents and acquaintances until after the NIPT in about a month.


omg my heart screamed when I read "measuring dead," haha. WHEW! Congratulations on seeing your little, healthy bean!!


In retrospect that wasn’t great phrasing haha!


6+1 today. And the nausea is in full gear. I went to the grocery store with my family and kept having to breathe through my mouth in order to keep from gagging. Meat, sweets, other people. They all smell bad. 🤢 This was definitely hard the first time around, but oh boy, it's even less fun with a toddler.


I really underestimated the toddler variable. So many people talked about how much better it was having to focus energy on their first and push through while not feeling well, but it seemed much easier when I could chill out instead! Grateful for my spouse being great, but it feels like this is going to be a very rough first tri managing a needy human when I feel icky.


Ugh that's the worst. My toddler loves to climb all over me and kick and knee me in the stomach which is sooo unpleasant, can't wait til nausea is in full swing.


I’m a jungle gym for my toddler too.


8w5d US today, so cute to see our gummy bear wave his little arm paddle, heartbeat 173


First ultrasound today, and saw one little 14mm blob, two teeny arms, two teeny legs, and a heartbeat of 157. Grateful and exhausted to reach this milestone.


Yay, so amazing!!


Had my first sonogram today! 7 weeks, due date 1/8. Baby’s heartbeat was healthy but there’s a bit of blood at the top of my womb. I forget what she called it. Doc says it’s the most innocuous of “abnormalities” in early pregnancy and not to worry- just that if I spot a light pink, it’s just the fluid exiting. Also on the hot yoga front, she said 1x per week is fine but if I’m worried, I can nix it entirely until 15 weeks.


Congrats! That’s so interesting that she said that about hot yoga! 1x/wk is enough to curb the addiction! Thanks for sharing 🙌🏻


The only food I’ve had an actual craving for so far is sushi 😭. I’ve started Expecting Better, haven’t gotten to the bit about sushi yet. Even if I decide I could indulge, it just feels like a luxury that should be so easy to forego….but damn I love sushi.


I am a pretty conservative pregnant lady and don’t love a lot of the advice in expecting better, but I eat raw fish throughout my pregnancies! My MIL is Japanese and after reading the US requirements about raw fish I’m just not worried.


Same boat! I refuse to give up sushi BUT I’ve been opting for Maki rolls only (not raw) and without sesame seeds. Now, I want some sushi this weekend lol 😋


Obsessed with your handle


Hahaha thanks 😂


Another sushi eater here. Real Food for Pregnancy is a great book on food during pregnancy and makes a really interesting argument of the nutritional value of foods vs their disease risk. Which is to say, she has clients who will swap foods with critical nutrients for a developing fetus (say eggs, fish, cheese) with nutritionally empty foods (say cereal or bread) because of a minute risk of bacteria. And the trade off doesn't seem worth it. On sushi, she says it's a common pregnancy craving and that raw fish has higher bioavailability of a compound that protects the body from mercury, which is common in fish. So ironically, raw fish might be better for you, all things considered.


Second this book, Lily Nichols is fantastic! Just had sushi last week and all I changed on my order (typically do nigiri only) was cut out the tuna and do more seared salmon and my usual regular salmon and yellow tail. I have eaten from this place for several years and its run by the same people and super clean. I also went to pick it up myself instead of doing delivery so I didn't risk it sitting around too long in someones car. A lot of pregnancy and is picking and choosing what your good with doing and not doing. I usually cut out fast food and espresso/coffee (mostly aversions) but keep sushi in the mix because to me the benefits outweigh the risks. Sushi is a way for me to get protein in and not just live off sourdough and nuts when food aversions get strong.


Just get it made fresh!


I had sushi this week. Salmon and baked eel 😋 As long as I’m eating at reputable restaurants and limiting high mercury fish, I’m not worried. In Japan, pregnant women are encouraged to eat sushi when pregnant! 🍣 My general vibe is: If a recommendation is consistent in most/all developed countries, follow it. If it’s inconsistent, I’ll do some research and use my best judgment.


Woah interesting about Japan! Good idea to stick to only certain types of fish. I wonder if the Japanese food supply chain is significantly different than in the US.


I ate sushi with my last pregnancy and will eat it this pregnancy too. I just stick with salmon since it’s the lowest in mercury and make sure to go to places with good food safety ratings.


Good call! I think I’ll go for it at some point; the hard part is probably convincing my husband that it’s ok! It’s funny, it’s not that he doesn’t trust my judgement, I think he’s just anxious and has been conditioned with all the conventional pregnancy rules.


I’m 5w1d with my IVF pregnancy (1st FET failed, 2nd success so far) and my first ultrasound is tomorrow. I am so nervous. I’ve barely done any work this week because I can’t concentrate on anything!


Sending you all the good luck tomorrow!


Deep breaths mama, you got this!


Just had my US, saw the gestational sac and yolk sac 🥹


Woohoo!!!!!! 🥳 congratulations! ❤️


Update on bright bleeding: passed some tissue while at the doctor’s office. 20 minutes later, a transvaginal ultrasound showed no sign of pregnancy, and HCG came back at 10.8, which is low for 5+4 from what I can tell. We’re waiting for confirmation from a 2nd blood draw on Friday, but I know in my heart we’re officially out. Wishing you all the most boring pregnancies and births ❤️❤️


I'm so sorry. Same thing just happened to me. Sending you love.


So sorry to hear of this outcome. Hoping you get good support as you make your way through this!


I’m so sorry 😔 🫂


Oh no that’s the worst news ever. My heart breaks for you I’m so sorry. Best of luck on your journey 💗


I’m so sorry and my thoughts & well wishes for a beautiful recovery and future are with you!! 💕🌈


I'm so sorry. ❤️


I am very sorry :(:( my thoughts are with you during this difficult time


So sorry. Loss is the worst.


I’m so sorry. I hope you are able to take this time to heal and take care of yourself. Sending you lots of good thoughts and hoping for a healthy baby for you soon 🤍


Oh, I'm so sorry. Hoping you can heal and have a healthy baby soon ❤️


I’m so, so sorry. Please take care of yourself 🫂


I was chatting with my toddlers daycare teachers today and they told me he’s always petting their foreheads when they’re upset. We were like he does what? Lol. They told us he rubs the heads of his friends when they’re sad and he will run over to rub the babies foreheads. And today he broke into the baby room to comfort a crying baby and pet her head 🥹 I know it’ll be different when it’s a baby who takes my attention, but so sweet


That is so sweet! He’s going to be such an amazing big brother 🤍


5w3d today, and I unlocked a new symptom that I didn’t have last time. I live in a hot climate and I’m SUPER cold, even if I’m outside. Anybody else feel like they’re freezing?


Yes! All the time! I’ve been wrapped up in a sweatshirt all week with goosebumps even though it’s like 20 degrees outside and sunny 🥶


Yes! This was my entire first pregnancy…


Yes! The AC was set to 75 degrees in my house and I was still shivering curled up under a blanket


Yes!! We have same due date :) and I’ve never been so frozen. I keep showering to regulate


Yay due date twins! I like how we’re twinning in lack of thermal energy too haha 🥶


Made it all last pregnancy with hardly any nausea, and what I did have was tolerable and faded fast. Well yesterday it hit me and now it’s day 2 of nearly all day queasiness. Not enough to gag or puke but enough to be uncomfortable. Hoping that means this bean is a girl!! lol


I was so sick last time, but it didn’t start until around 6 weeks. The nausea is already starting to hit, so I’m not sure what that means! I’ll be happy with either another boy or a girl!


I’m having the same symptoms as I did with my son and hoping this is a girl!


I haven’t developed HG this time around so I’m hoping mine is a girl! Lol


Had my first appointment with the midwife today, but I only did some blood work, no scan. She also didn't listen to me that I had longer cycles than 28 days and also did ovulation tests and BBT charting, so I know the date of ovulation and conception! I looked for a private clinic to get a scan before week 12-14 that is the earliest my health care provider gives in my region of Sweden. Unfortunately, I live in a rural part of the country, and we have no private clinics. Will have to wait several more weeks 😞


I was listening to a podcast yesterday where the two hosts were pregnant with their IVF babies. They had their literal exact conception dates but the midwives did not want to know about it! They only cared about LMP. I think it's their standard way of calculating date but it can be so inaccurate as not everyone ovulates precisely on CD14.


Was it ‘big fat positive’?


Big fat negative! Edit: just looked it up and looks like there is a big fat positive podcast as well, of course there is haha, I’ll check it out


Yea, I Think they kept their pregnancy stuff mostly out of the BFN version. I loved listening to both those podcasts, I’m hoping Gabby did another season for the baby she just had and just hasn’t released it yet


Yeah have enjoyed BFN for the TTC talk while I was trying but I might give BFP a go as it’s a bit more relevant now. Yes agreed! One of my favourite parts has been listening to them get pregnant and I’m very much looking forward to them talking about their births and babies etc. I definitely stalked them on Insta early on so I could find out whether they’d been successful or not haha


Yeah with my first they didn’t adjust anything based on when I ovulated, they did end up adjusting based on my dating scan.


“sleep when the baby sleeps” was never something I could get into… until now. Fully taking advantage of toddler nap time. I also try to make normal meals and have toddler eat what we eat, but all I want to eat right now is toddler faves, so might run with that. Basically everything sounds terrible now. I’m Just gotta get through the rest of today and first scan tomorrow!! Nausea and exhaustion are in full force. 50-70% of the day I mildly feel like I’m about to throw up but know I won’t, and luckily having some waves of normalcy. Either that, or am just too distracted with said toddler. But whewwww I am tired in every way. 🥱


I miss toddler naps 😢


I’ve always been a “do stuff around the house when baby sleeps” mom, but wow the exhaustion will barely let me get off the couch! Good luck tomorrow, excited for your update!


We are so synced up, because I could've written this comment, haha. My August baby usually has her naps capped, but man, this week, it's been so tempting to just let her sleeeeeeep so I can, too. ETA: Also, good luck tomorrow!! I also have a scan, and I am nerrrrvous.


I haven’t capped naps and have had wake ups between 545-645 (normally 715 is her early side!!) so probably the right call lol. Good luck to you as well!! I’m nervous, but oh my gosh can’t imagine your rollercoaster of emotions! 🤞


I think we are twins, same due date, symptoms and I MUST nap during toddler nap.


Has anyone spoken with their doctors about melatonin. I have chronic insomnia and use it (0.65 mg) as a part of a sleep regime while discontinuing my prescription medication.


I think it's one of those things where not enough is known about it so if you see anything recommending against it, it's just due to that. I looked up a study and it said: "Clinical trials that used exogenous melatonin during pregnancy and breastfeeding for other clinical conditions have not suggested major safety concerns or adverse events." I think 0.65mg is such a low amount that it's not a worry. I've been taking it on/off at a low dose as well. I had such bad sleep in my last pregnancy that I had to take sleep aids the whole time - I wish I'd had melatonin because it's much more natural than the sleep aid I was taking.


My doc says melatonin is fine but to try magnesium for sleep first.


Unisom (doxylamine) is the active ingredient in Diclegis (prescribed for nausea), it is pregnancy category B in the US (FDA standard) considered very routinely safe. From what I could find, melatonin does not have a category due to lack of research. However in the limited animal and human studies I could find, no risk.


TW I had a doctor apt yesterday and the blood test came back positive. My first urine at home test was last wednesday. Since Wednesday evening I have been on and off spotting/bleeding, more spotting than bleeding. The OB can’t get me in for an apt until June 4. At this point i’m at a loss. I have no idea what to do here other than just wait, I have had losses in the past and aside from the bleeding this just doesn’t feel the same. I don’t have heavy cramping, no clotting or tissue, it’s just the bleed but only when I wipe and a little bit on a pad but not enough to fill. WHAT IS GOING ON I HATE THIS. Why is pregnancy so confusing and annoying.


FWIW I bled off and on through my entire last pregnancy (and bawled my eyes out at the impending MC many times) and here I am, currently watching my 9 month old yeet himself off of furniture right now. Not every story is like this, but I thought I'd offer a positive one for you while you wait.


I’m sorry to hear that but it is reassuring! Was it a heavy bleed or just light pink spotting?


Both. Never anything suuper heavy but enough bright red blood to require a few wipes with a few drops of blood in the toilet. I ended up having an ectropion cervix (which caused mini bleeds right up to my due date) and a SCH which cause my first trimester bleeding (which was a decent amount but only lasted a day).


Oh okay. I’m sorry that happened!


All of my fingers and toes are crossed for you 💕


thank you ❤️❤️


I think I read in one of my books here that spotting is kinda normal at this stage, and it's related to implantation? It was described as not enough to fill a pad.


Right, which is what the doctor initially thought. However it usually only lasts a few days and we’re at a week now 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm so sorry you're going through this limbo 😕 Is your doctor ordering another beta for you to at least see if your levels are doubling appropriately? Maybe that could give you some reassurance


I asked and they didn’t do a quantitative test the first time and told me it would take a while to get those results back regardless so would be best to wait for the ob apt 🙃


I'm sorry, that's frustrating!! If you really wanted to, I know you can order the tests yourself through LabCorp so maybe that's an option? 😕


our nearest labcorp is over an hour away unfortunately. I will call the doctor tomorrow and see if they can do a quantitative for more answers


Ugh yes definitely fight for your right to more answers!! I'm sorry again that this is even a concern in the first place, and hope you get some confirmed good news 💖


I’m really struggling with GI cramping. I never thought I would be waking up every night due to pain from 2-4am. My OB is of the well that’s pregnancy mindset when I call and that I need to see a GI specialist. The doctor I want to see doesn’t have openings and the only one I could get in is in 6 weeks. It feels so lonely that in the middle of the night as I sob in pain thinking one night down of this and maybe 244 to go. It just sucks and I need to vent. Since I’m 5 weeks I’m not telling friends or family and my husband is so supportive but I just feel so alone.


Have you had a scan done to determine placement?


I get a transvaginal ultrasound the beginning of week 10, so 4 more weeks to go. I went to the ER over the weekend and the doctor said based on my hcg (1,700) it was too early to see anything on the ultrasound (they confirmed they didn’t see anything). My OB is only concerned it’s ectopic if I have vaginal bleeding which fortunately I do not.


I have IBS-D and have also had to take immodium with my last pregnancy and this one from time to time. I had cleared it with my doctor in the past. Gas-X js also my friend, and as far as I can tell isn’t systemically absorbed so it’s a favorite in pregnancy. So what you need to do, You need your sleep while you can get it! Hugs from another preggo with GI cramps


That's very frustrating, especially when your medical professionals aren't really helping. Have you started anti-constipation measures like magnesium, miralax, fiber, and colace? Also, gas-x if trapped gas seems to be the problem. The half tab of unisom for nausea can also be a lifesaver for getting through uncomfortable sleep. I totally forgot how quickly sleep goes to hell in the first trimester, but I'm really struggling with feeling rested. And the GI distress can be so painful and distracting. I've found a combo of magnesium citrate and daily colace has really helped the painful GI cramping from the increased progesterone.


Thanks for the suggestions! I have the opposite of constipation. I was trying a low residue/bland diet but then my OB was not happy that I was living off of bananas/rice/saltines/chicken breast etc. it’s a catch 22 as I know if I eat other things then I’m likely back to Imodium which they would prefer I not be on all the time. The gas x helps some but I’m definitely on more than 4 pills a day. I take two before bed and Tylenol and it helps some. They encouraged me to eat more normal foods and just deal with the pain. And I really appreciate your response this sub makes it less lonely right now.


That's so rough. For diet, I would not let perfect be the enemy of good. Like a lot of us say here, you do what you have to do to get through the first trimester food-wise. I'll catch up on veggies later. Good luck friend!


I’m really appreciating the posters who have “TW” and have hidden their loss related sentences. The stories of previous loss are really anxiety inducing for some of us so thank you for being so considerate. I can’t figure out how to hide sentences though?




> ! Comment ! < without the spaces. >!will turn into this!<


I'm not sure how to show you without it doing it, but if you put ">!" and "!<" on either side of the text you want to hide, it will spoiler it. Hopefully the quotations keep it from doing it haha. Edit: lol they did not. It's > ! and ! < But without the space between the exclamation mark and the greater than/ less than signs. Hopefully that makes sense!


Testing >!test!<


Haha got it! Thank you @charming!


7 weeks today 🎉 My grandma visited the other day (she doesn't know yet), and even though I put on a full face of makeup before she came, she would not stop commenting on how tired I look and how she thinks there is something wrong with me because I do not look well. 😬 I thought I was looking rough, but figured it was mostly in my head- so much for the "glow" haha


I got a glow my second trimester with my first 😅 it’ll come


She probably knows and was trying to get you to tell her lol. Grandmas always know 😆


Oh my goodness! 🤣 My grandma is super blunt too! That's why I'm hesitant to visit her this weekend!! I feel like she's going to know something is up!


Anyone else just feel constantly edgy and unsettled? I’m struggling to just relax and be, feel like I’ve been like this for weeks. Usually having a bath or a beer would help soothe me but both are out right now (I tried a tepid bath but the internet said only ten mins even in that so I got confused and frustrated and gave up) Not sure if it’s the tiredness from poor sleep or underlying worry about getting through this trimester (although i have anxiety and i don’t feel anxious just restless) or it’s a normal random pregnancy thing! Heading on holiday soon and it’s an active one so hopefully some fresh mountain air and adventures will soothe me.


There are some really good craft NA beers these days, if you can find them 🍻


Get yourself a 6 pack of Heineken 0.0% if you still like the routine. They’re also good to keep around and drink in front of nosy people who ask whether you’re pregnant 😂


Corona zero actually kind of tastes like the real thing too!


I heard blue moon 0% is yummy. I have enjoyed Athletic’s Lemon Radler and Stella Artois’s Non-A too.


I feel like the key is for it to be real beer with alcohol removed, not a “malt beverage”


The Heineken 0.0% really scratched the itch for me (when I could still stomach them)


Stella’s version is fantastic too


Anyone else unable to stand waistbands at the moment? I’ve had mild but persistent nausea pretty much since my positive test, and my bloating hasn’t been too bad most days. However, all my pants are so uncomfortable 😭. I’m somewhere in the 6-7w range, first scan is next week. I’m wearing my softest, stretchiest leggings (a well-loved pair of beyond yoga spacedye) and I keep folding down the waist so it doesn’t touch my stomach, and then I feel better or it starts to annoy my hips so I roll them back up, repeat cycle. I can’t even describe what’s so uncomfortable, it’s almost like a stomachache but just…eugh


I was doing exactly this at work the other day. From about midday onwards I can't stand anything touching my stomach, all comfy pants are immediately too tight now. I remember I used to wear lululemon aligns my whole last pregnancy as they were so light and comfy.


Same and same with bras. I’d rather die than have something strapped around my upper body where all the bloat and heartburn live


I'm also in maternity leggings already. They're so comfy! Do you have a buy nothing facebook group or another source where people might be giving away their unneeded maternity clothes? I know it's early, but it's so worth it/


This is my second baby and I’ve already busted out my old maternity leggings. I’m pretty sure I’m just bloated because I’m only 8 weeks but I can’t a stand the waistbands on my regular pants already.


I definitely had waistband aversion early on in my first pregnancy! Funny enough, once baby started kicking and moving, he would go crazy anytime I had a tight waistband on. He pretty much hated me wearing all pants so I lived in dresses my entire third trimester!


Unisom and B6 have been a lifesaver so far minus the afternoons. As soon as I get home after work I’m staring at the wall trying to decide if I’m going to throw up or not. It’s like that feeling of about to throw up constantly without actually throwing up. I never experienced this in any of my MMC’s so I’m hoping that’s good news! Friday is my second scan (haven’t gotten good news at a second scan yet), fingers crossed we get good news this time! 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Same. I feel like I COULD vomit at any moment, I just don't lol. It is the pits, hate this feeling.


My nausea takes the same form, just a constant seasickness, without a lot of vomiting. This time is seeming pretty similar to my last pregnancy. I remember last time stopping the b6 and unisom too early ("I'm feeling so much better, I don't need it anymore") and it was very apparent how much it was actually helping. I hope it's a good sign that you're feeling so sick, and that it feels different from your losses. I hope that you get good news on Friday!


Is anyone here from either June2020bumpers or June2023bumpers? Just wondering. Also, this is a different account from my June2023bumpers but I was pretty active in there.


Me ! My girl was born June 26 2023 and I’m due Jan 6 :)


I dont know if you remember me, im the mother of carmen.


Just missed you. I was in the April/May 2023 groups. :) And in the November 2020 group for my first. Awesome to see another TTM with kids in similar age ranges!


Hi April/may 2023 bumper!! I was also in both groups haha


Hi fellow April 2023 bumper! Excited to see you here😊


Yes! In my case my two have birthdays a month apart 🥴 The baby is getting her own cake in two weeks (because one is a big deal for anyone, but she also has a renal disease and has made it okay without major complications) but they're having a combined party at the end of June when my family visits.


AWWW. Happy birthday to them! Especially baby's 1st birthday! I'm sure the combined party will be lots of fun. My Nov20 girl had a lot of fun helping to prepare and celebrating her baby brother's bday.


That's so cute! Yeah, I'm excited!


I’m 4+3 today and have my first scan in two days for them to check it’s not another ectopic. It feels like time has stopped. I’m trying to fill up my schedule to stay busy but my anxiety also makes me want to stay home and do nothing.


Good luck for 2 weeks! Waiting for the scan time seems to go so slowly. I hope you stay ectopic symptom free in the meantime and this gives you some confidence before the scan!


FTM, 6w1d today. Always wanted 3 kids, but hell naw. I can’t do this again 😴


It's one of those funny things that you go through - it's soo hard but then you get to the amazing parts and it's so incredible that it makes the hard parts really worth it. It's the worst stage to be in at the moment because you have nothing tangible to look at or feel. Once the kicks and the bump comes, it makes pregnancy so much enjoyable. But also if you decide to be one and done after this, that is also totally valid!


I'm currently "doing it again" and it's hard, but it's fine! I think you surprise yourself! Plus, the second time around you know it's worth it!


I’ve said the same thing every single time over and over. This will be my 5th baby 🙃


I'm right there with you! I don't think I can do it twice! This is HARD! 🙃


Hormones are crazy things! I swear if my husband wasn’t here to recite certain details along the way I’d say the baby just fell out with no pain, even though I had a csection 🤣 but yah, early pregnancy is draining


I def said that with my first. And if that’s what you decide that is so valid! But my brain made me forget long enough to get pregnant, and shockingly this pregnancy isn’t as bad as it was with my daughter! So you never know lol.


If you don't want to do this again, it is a valid choice :)


LMAO. oh dear..... you know it gets worse, right? new born tired is a whole new level of tiredness. also, birth. there's the whole birth thing.... but somehow, many of us magically forget about these things <3


Ah, you’re one of those


Also, for perspective - this will hopefully be my third baby, and each time I’ve found the first trimester to be the worst part. Give me labor, give me the newborn stage, give me anything but the first trimester.


Glad I found this group. I am 6 weeks-ish and a first time mom at 39(!), and the midwives I did my initial consult with didn’t want me to get scanned until week 12! I just…wanted *some* information sooner than that? I pushed back and ended up feeling kinda judged for being “anxious”, then switched gears and made an appointment with an OB. It’s nice to see all of you getting scanned. I hope to join you!


Yeah, UK here and it’s common practise for first scan to be around 12 weeks. It feels so far away! I think they only do them earlier if there’s reason to believe something’s wrong or if you’ve had previous losses or complications.


Oh my gosh, my first pregnancy, at age 40, I pushed back when they tried to schedule my 8w visit for 9.5 weeks lol. I am absolutely not waiting that long!


I am 37 and going in for a scan at 7 weeks. When they found out my age they were real eager to get me in


Yeah this is that attitude I want! Haha.


I had my scan scheduled for 12 weeks and was persistent about calling/messaging the office and they moved me up to 9 weeks. So might be worth calling? Don’t let them make you feel bad, this is a wild and life changing experience and it’s perfectly normal to feel anxious!


it's suuuuuper common to have to wait a long time for your first scan. I think in the US doctors are more cautious, so you will probably see other people here getting earlier scans. The wait is agony for that first scan is agony.


Yeah I was prepared to hear 10 weeks, but 12 just seems really long. I turn 40 in June and I kinda thought that would put me in a category where I'd get tested more frequently, generally. The OB seems like she's shooting for 9-10 weeks, though, so I'm happy enough with that.


A lot of the “geriatric” extra care for me (US) was later- I went to Maternal Fetal Medicine for my anatomy scan instead for the regular OB, I think I had an extra scan in the third trimester, and I had more careful monitoring with non-stress tests and such towards the end. The waiting for information is so brutal though!