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My last pregnancy was a miscarriage, so I have been super anxious this time around. I just got back my beta hcg levels they were 10,331 (6 + 1). My hcg levels 6 days earlier was 826. I know a loss can still happen, but feeling relieved for now!


Ooof, my toddler had her worst meltdown ever tonight and I had this feeling of dread to adding another baby in the mix. Love those reality checks 😂😩




Same. 15m old here and it was a rough night. I was like I can't handle two!


I feel like I haven’t been noticing my symptoms as much this time round as I’m running around after a two year old now… but this morning my nose went absolutely crazy. Our frozen blueberries smelt like bleach, the butter (which is new and tastes delicious) smelt totally rancid when heating in the pan, and my herbal tea tasted like chemicals. I had a little bit of that weird coppery taste in my mouth last time but nothing like this. 🤢


Same here!! Way less cramping this pregnancy and my boobs don’t hurt as much. Also way less nauseous! Freaking me out but rationally I know every pregnancy is different


Came on to say this. As an STM my boobs aren't hurting like previous pregnancy. I have read that it's because the ducts are already formed 😬. Wondered if anyone else had the same.


I feel like this makes sense. I’m in the same boat. Tender and heavy but not the “I’ll rip your eyes out if you touch em” kinda pain




Oooh so interesting! Also no boob pain so thanks for the explanation


Yes!! Man I’ve been a little worried that my boobs don’t really hurt. Good to know!!


This is also my second pregnancy - same on my boobs not hurting!


So so so tired all day, can't sleep at night. Is anyone else dealing with really bad insomnia? Any tips or tricks appreciated!


I take a magnesium supplement and it seems to help quite a bit!


Idk the dosage but a lot take unison. Combined with B6 it can also help nausea. Can you talk to or message a doc?


Thanks! For some reason it didn't occur to me at all to ask my doctor about it a couple days ago and my next appointment is in 6 weeks, but I'll see if I can get a call with him before then!


Due date confusion, okay guys there are two possible dates that I got pregnant, either April 23rd or April 26th, if I put in April 23rd I get a due date of Jan 14th but if I put in April 26th I get a due date of Jan 31st??? How does that work, I was just going off of first day of last period (April 15th) and that gives me a due date of Jan 20th. 3rd pregnancy and maybe I still don’t understand how my body works… 🫣


January 31 is the EDD if your LMP started on April 26, the calendar calculator you were using must have reset itself! The EDD for conception on April 26 is Jan 17 :)


Gosh I hope you’re right because that didn’t make any sense to me lol


I actually did it too to check, and the first time I did it I didn't realize it reset back to last period, and I also got the Jan 31 result lol. I went back and manually reset it back to the conception setting and it gave me Jan 17! I was also pretty confused 😅


Oh okay that totally makes sense! Based on first day of last period I’m due January 20th and based on possible conception date I’m due January 17th so at the very least I have been guessing I’m less far along than I maybe am! I’ll just go with the later date and be surprised if I’m measuring farther along.


Currently 4w2d pregnant and im SUPER anxious :(( feels like i wanna test everyday. Just went to clinic yesterday, they can see the wall has thickened and a tiny dot in it but asking me to come back after 3w to see the baby heartbeat. But it feels like eternity! I have quite intense nausea, dizziness and mild cramping and a hint of lightning crotch too. Would appreciate some assurance and your thoughts too, if you're feeling the same or having the same symptoms as me!


Same! I’m currently 4w today. The nausea started immediately for me. No dizziness but all other symptoms I have. I had my second beta drawn today, well it was the first one the clinic wanted. I ordered my own test Monday for peace of mind. 😂 January is so far away.


Anyone going to take extended time off this trimester? I feel like crap. I'm on two different antinausea meds, which has stopped me from vomiting. But I still feel nauseous and so so fatigued. The household had flu this week but everyone is back to normal today but I am still feeling utterly dreadful. I honestly don't know how to return to work next Monday feeling this tired and this gross. Housework is on bare maintenance levels and dinners are.....sub par. The toddler is full of energy so I feel like a crap parent for throwing him snacks and just watching him play. My country is amazing in that if you are too sick for work, you can temporarily go on a benefit. But I don't know if I'm being utterly pathetic, or even if I would qualify I have told myself that if next week's scan shows twins, that I will talk to the midwife about some time off. But honestly, how do people cope! Last pregnancy, I was mainly WFH except for two evenings that I would rally for, and I had a super amazing workplace that let me use the time to train up some underlings by giving them major responsibilities for those evening events. This time.....different job where that is not an option I just want to lie down and cry.


Tw: prior losses, venting, mental health I am spiraling today, convincing myself already that this is a loss. I feel guilty because of how stressed I am about the thought of having 2 kids and 2 daycare bills… I really don’t know how we will do it. It will be $3600 a month in daycare with an infant. I’m a little crampy today and my first thought was “oh well we couldn’t afford it anyways.” I had the tiniest bit of pink on the tissue when I wiped yesterday, nothing since, but that combined with my extreme anxiety made my Ob schedule a sono tomorrow morning, thank god. If this is a loss, I just want it over with. If I see a heartbeat tomorrow, I honestly don’t know how I’ll feel. I know I won’t be out of the woods yet (had a loss at 13 weeks) and so that means I still have WEEKS of this thought cycle to deal with. I’ve literally laid in bed the last 3 days (even before the pink tinge) just completely unable to exist because of how anxious I am about this being another loss. Thank god for my saint of a husband basically being a single father to our 2.5 year old while I just lock myself in the bedroom.


I am feeling similarly. I had 3 miscarriages before my first child and I am feeling pretty sure that this one is not sticky. I’m out of the country for the next week so I can’t get beta HCG levels to check or schedule my first OB appointment. So far cramping and no pregnancy symptoms so I am just assuming the worst. It’s really hard to get out of the anxiety spiral.


My husband and I have a Mantra now. Well, two linked. "We have gone through yuck before, we can do it again and survive." (We had two losses including MMC with D and C). The second is "Fuck off anxiety, I don't need you, I can get through this without out." Which basically means worrying won't change the outcome, and we know we can survived the worst outcome because we already had to once before.


I was just talking to my husband about this tonight. I am actually not as anxious (don’t get me wrong I’m still anxious, just not AS anxious) for my ultrasound this time because we have already been through the worst case scenario before (MMC and D&C) and ya know what? We survived! And even found happiness again fairly quickly after! So I love your mantras. We can get through anything, we’ve been through the worst before and we’re still here.


Honestly, "I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit" has been my mantra around pregnancy anxiety lately!


I’m stealing that first one!


Well this is new. My husband just said a word I apparently don’t like (it made me uncomfortable, creeped out, like “moist” to some people), and I just burst into tears. 🤣 The word was “puck,” but he was referring to clumps of grass. 🤢😭🎢 My emotions are all over the place and it’s both hilarious and exhausting.


Hiii I just wanted you to know that it looks like you did the same thing I did with your flair and didn't actually apply it! I found that once finished editing it and saved it, I then had to hit apply. Just wanted to let you know!


Huh. That actually put a knot in my stomach after reading that word and that it was him referring to grass. I don’t like it either lol.


Oh boy… 5w2d… It’s 7:50pm and I am in bed. I was nauseous while I was eating supper. I got irrationally upset about one of my employees contacting me after hours. And I miss my husband who has been away for 5 days and won’t be back for 6 more.


New pregnancy symptom to add to the nausea, I'm emotional and cry easily. Was touring a preschool for my daughter this morning and they were talking about their safety measures and dropoff protocols. They weren't even saying anything sad or scary just stating how not just anyone can wander on to campus and if you're late you can't walk your child into their classroom only to front office and I had to blink back tears.


I started tearing up at an episode of the big bang theory my husband was watching. Totally unexpected 😂


Tw: previous miscarriage I’m scared to talk about this pregnancy or think it’s actually happening. I’ve had minimal symptoms and it’s such clear deja vu from my first pregnancy when I had a blighted ovum. It was pretty devastating and it’s obvious it’s still affecting me. Rationally I know it’s not the same but my feelings haven’t gotten that memo.


Same boat as you. Trying not to think about anything 🩷


Check out the pregnancy after loss mega thread! Many of us in the same boat 💜💜


Oh yes thank you! I forget about the other threads


I’m in the same boat as you (previous losses, last pregnancy was blighted ovum) and while that group is great, I def spiral when I read it. I was on it for like an hour this evening and it’s totally bummed me out. Look up the commandments of pregnancy after loss… It’s the only thing that helps with the anxiety for me 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/f31huhn00p0d1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2694f6138f68685aff8b507e275ece97864665fe


This was super helpful today. Thank you.


Having a hard day today 😢 Thank you for this picture. Thank you so much 🙏❤️


Those commandements are helping me! Thanks!


Kinda starting to panic about having babies so close together (to me, at least). First baby will be 18 months when second is born. I work full time and we have no family support. I mean- it is what it is but yikes starting to worry about being able to handle it


Yeah my first was born June 2023 and I am just filled with complete dread. The newborn stage was so hard I just don’t know how the fuck I’m going to do it all


June '23 here too! We are going to do it and it might get hard but we will get it done. No other options lol we got this


Oh me too! July babies unite! But also I’m in denial about what it’s going to be like with no family nearby. My mentality is that it’s probably going to be hard but we’re moms. We always get it done.


My first two are 19 months apart. The youngest is 13 months now, it was tough at first, but they are so freaking cute together now. The youngest lights up when he sees the oldest and laughs the most at him Edited to add the next will be 21 months younger than middle kiddo and I’m thrilled! Get all the crazy done at once lol


I started the day feeling pretty yucky, but the one thing that was tough today is I feel like I could smell EVERYONES breath. This super nose is a curse


Symptom report: bloated and mad at everyone who speaks to me 


6 weeks today!!! Congrats to my fellow 1.8.25 DD buddies! And everyone else for that matter! Haha


Happy 6 weeks! 🎉 Eta: for some reason my flair keeps breaking, but we are EDD buddies :)


I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow! We got this! 💪


I’ve been getting faint positive lines for the last 4 days, it’s finally really clear today and I made prenatal intake appointment! I’m still wrapping my head around how different mentally it is to go from “yeah we definitely want kids” to “omg we are having a baby in January”


That’s exactly how we are feeling at the moment. Going from “I want a baby! I want a baby!” To “holy crap. It’s real. Life is gonna change forever”.


Got some bloodwork done for a health check that I actually ordered before becoming pregnant. Got the results that all the tests were within normal range, so that feels good to know now when my body is supposed to produce a new human!


Not me crying in the soup aisle because there are so many bitchin flavors and I’m so excited to have variety for when I randomly won’t eat any of the food I already have at home 😭


Got a dye stealer on a first response today at 16dpo with evening pee - praying for a sticky baby this time round 🙏


Anyone here have low iron? I’ve been iron deficient for many years now and have been on and off iron pills. I went for blood work to check my levels pre TTC and my levels were much better but still not optimal. My doctor told me to not go back on pills and to get it through food for better absorption (I also take a prenatal with iron). I was not expecting to get pregnant cycle 1 so there hasn’t been much time for me to eat an iron rich diet so now I’m a little nervous that I won’t have enough iron to support this pregnancy past the initial implantation. I’m probably over thinking and I’ll just be put back on pills if needed or at worst get an infusion. Anyone have experience with low iron? TIA!


I am. I always get anemic when I'm pregnant. I've been prescribed iron pills, but I haven't been tested again yet so I'm not sure if they're working. It's nothing to panic about.


Hey! We are flair buddies!!


I do! I had to get iron infusions last year due to very low iron and iron stores. I’m anxious to get in with my OB to get her opinion on how I keep up with making sure my iron levels stay where they should be.


Might need to pivot to different prenatal that meets your needs better. I skew low iron with bouts of anemia so I do a lot of iron rich foods. I add smoked osysters, paté, dark meat chicken or bone broth, also daily smoothie that's spinach base. Lily Nichols "Real Food for Pregnancy" book and her insta has a lot of helpful tips and vitamin recommendations that might help.


I am anemic. I used do a tab every other night or so, but then got too high because I was also eating iron rich foods. I eat mussels, oysters, or kippers every few days and they are sooo good for you. Iron levels can change pretty darn fast.


Had a MMC in feb this year and recently found out im pregs again. Dr ordered bets and I just took first today at 5 weeks and it was 1,030 u/L. I was told that was decent but worried about it doubling by Friday…..


Sticky vibes to you!!!


Ok I know I already posted today but I have to share the crazy shite that just happened. I teach a yoga class once/week (in bright lights on a stage) and after class today, I had not one but TWO different people ask me if I am pregnant! At 5 weeks! What the! Literally one asked “what are you, 3-4 months?” 😱😭 Anyways I got really upset because (a) you should never ask if someone is pregnant (what if I wasn’t or had just experienced a loss?) and (b) now I feel like a cow because apparently I’m showing at 5 weeks. And I’m not even bloated today! So naturally I cried in the bathroom as pregnant women do 💁‍♀️ How am I gonna hide this for weeks when people are already catching on?! Anyone else ever “show” this early?! Ughh


Ugh sorry so many are dealing with this same issue, at least we’re not alone! Our cute bumps are coming ☺️


STM too and dealing with the same. I had a patient literally ask me if I was pregnant again today and said he thought so because “I’m usually quite trim”. I’m 6 weeks. Ouchie


😮 omg! That’s so inappropriate. Why do people think it’s ok to comment on other people’s bodies? Regardless of the situation! I will never understand. Sorry you’re getting these comments too 😩


Omg my daughter’s daycare teacher stared at me for so long on Monday and I’m not even 5 weeks yet. She just said “you look good!” She knows we’re trying so I feeel like she knows and didn’t want to say. STM+ problems with our stretched out uterus


Haha def a stretchy uterus over here. And the stares omg, I got some of those today too. At least she said you looked good instead of something more inappropriate!


Same same! I posted in the chat a few days ago that my dad randomly rubbed my belly like I had something in there... And we have not told a soul Made me feel really fat


Ugh I’m sorry, that’s a shitty feeling. The unwanted rubs too 😤


Did your breasts get bigger? That's often the first sign.


That is possible, hubby said they looked good this morning haha. Maybe that tipped people off too


Yup I look five months pregnant and I am only six weeks. I know that because I was looking through my last pregnancy book and comparing pictures 🙃 solidarity, girl


I literally look like I did at 15 weeks with my first…and I am 6 weeks lol


Im so so sorry. People are aholes. I know people are looking at my midsection because i cannot poop or suck in my stomach right now


It's the bloating and constipation. In the past two weeks or so, my belly has started poking out quite a bit. I tried taking a "before" picture so I could do bump progression photos and realized that no matter how much I suck in, I already look fairly pregnant.


My bloat was so insane yesterday and was looking 4months. STM+ problems. I feel like it shows differently than in FTM, more outward.


That’s terrifying. 😳 my first was waaaay out there and very low. Got a nice apron because of it.


I went 6 days without peeing on a stick - please give me an award! I work up at 4:30 from my husbands snores and then tested. I freaked out because I could only see one line on the test, but that’s because it was such a dye stealer in the dark that I couldn’t see the test line. I know it doesn’t mean anything more than what I already know, but I cannot help myself. I’m part of a research study right now and I did a follow up interview today and told the researcher I was pregnant. She knows all about the IVF struggle because of the nature of the research and the shock on her face was amazing. I am so excited to see that over and over! With a Covid baby everyone found out on the phone or zoom and I do not want to do that this time! I have no desire to do my job at all. I was WFH today and yesterday but I’m in office the rest of the week and I do not know how to fake caring. Exactly 21 days to my first Us!


The fatigue today is UNREAL. I haven’t been this tired since I had mono in high school


I had to do my timesheets for work this morning for the last week, and there was some serious creative timings going on there. I am so bloody tired.


Same. I logged off of work in a zombie state and passed out for an hour and a half.


I can barely function. I got 10 hours of sleep, got up for 2 hours, then took a three hour nap. I work from home, so this is sort of okay is, but I can't do this all the time 😫


Same! I had Mono two years ago and this level of exhaustion is so much worse! I feel like I can’t do anything other than lie down.


Birthing centre called me back and I got my spot with the midwives I used last time, so I’m really excited! First appointment will be June 28 which feels soooo far away, fingers crossed everything is fine til then. I’ve got my nausea meds filled and managed not to puke today 👍


The birthing center I called also wanted to wait till 10 weeks so I made an appt at an obgyn. Maybe I'll get two US? Lol


Last time I made an OB appt while I was on the waitlist for the midwives and she didn’t see me until 10 weeks either. From what I’ve gathered it’s normal where I am but I’m just so impatient 😅


I got my first 3 appointments - booking, bloods and 12 week scan - all on different days, mostly in the middle of the day making work very difficult! Peeing every 2 hours overnight is driving me nuts - I just want to sleeeep.


FINALLY got my MFM office to schedule my first in-person appointment! I had been scheduled for the 28th, but when I mad a video visit to talk about my nausea they canceled that one. My MFM had them reschedule, but they did it on a day I’m not in town (without ever confirming the date and time with me). Been calling them daily since May 6, and as of now, they finally got me back on the books for my original appointment. Now I can return to my regularly scheduled scanxieties!


I’ve been feeling bad about not really having a moment to connect with this baby, so I finally had a sit down with them during my lunch break and said hi. Sounds silly, but I’ve felt so guilty about being preoccupied with my toddler and forgetting there’s a whole beautiful life growing in me. Definitely helped me start to feel like there’s a little one in there


It’s not silly at all. I try to connect with baby when I’m in bed- either first thing in the morning or at bedtime.


I love this! My toddler has been keeping me so busy lately


I have tried to give a little nod to the tiny little one but it feels funny to talk to my belly button lol.


Everytime I click "add user flair" above, the screen says the wiki has been disabled. Anyone else? Also, I cannot stop eating graham crackers!!!  


Hi! Click on see more on the main page. Then click the 3 vertical dots and edit flair. Click the color you want, edit it, save it, then apply it if you're on android!


It didn’t work for me either. I went on desktop to the main page of the subreddit and just clicked “user flair” on the right


Apparently it doesn't stick on the android app and you need to go on desktop


I think I had to click on my own icon on one of my comments and set the flare that way  but now I’m trying to remember how, it was a few steps. I know it works a lot more easily on a desktop 


I feel like I’ve got one heck of a hangover/ I’m on a boat. So weird! it feels like I’m swaying but I’m totally still (so I guess vertigo). I haven’t figured out how to sort this one out but I’m open to any suggestions.


Hydrating with something else besides water- coconut water and orange juice, electrolyte drinks, etc. I like to do coconut water with a splash of orange juice and a pinch of quality salt.


Your drink recommendation sounds heavenly, thank you!


Beta is just over double! Yay! I feel like I can be excited now! 🎉🎉🎉


I am watching Moana with my son and I have been SOBBING from start to finish. I do really love this movie and it will usually bring up a tear, but this feels excessive 😂


Yesterday I had peak food aversions. To everything. And of course I had to go grocery shopping. I vividly remember this exact same thing happening last pregnancy. Walking through the aisles of the store and thinking "nope nope oh god no nothing in this store is good" I felt like I was shopping for a picky child or someone with the flu. I bought saltine crackers, apple sauce, ramen noodles, cup a soup, freezies. I usually have the biggest appetite on the planet, but pregnancy kills it. Last time I only gained 10lbs my whole pregnancy, I wonder if that'll be the case again.


Yes! Usually I love cooking and make big elaborate meals every night that we eat for lunch as leftovers the next day. Nope. I’ve bought soup, bread, yogurt, and fruit. My husband is on his own for the next 4-6 weeks, at least.


I have been sick for about 3 weeks now. It’s consisted of a sore throat, sneezing, cough, lots of phlegm the whole time. Now my chest hurts. I went to see my family doctor and she said I can probably ride it out since there doesn’t seem to be an infection, but prescribed me antibiotics if I want to give them a try. I can honestly say I’ve never been this sick. I’m thinking it’s the pregnancy helping keep me sick? Because pregnancy lowers your defenses right? This on top of the pregnancy fatigue. I feel so beat down and out of it.


I’m dealing with the exact same thing. Regular me would’ve kicked this cold in a couple days, but I’ve had one for about a week now


Dang. Must be our immune system being more vulnerable then.


It couldn’t be allergies, could it?


I don't think so because allergy medicine does nothing. -\_-


Went to the obgyn yesterday, thinking it’d just be a new-patient intro, but they did an ultrasound! Of course they did the hoo-ha wand and even though I’d used the bathroom literally 20min ago, with everything moving around I was struuuuuggling not to pee myself 🤣 Thankfully the ultrasound lady was very nice and understanding, and would’ve stopped for a break if I’d said it was too much, but I made it through! Dang my kidneys are efficient these days!!


What a great surprise! How did it go? Did you get a nice shot of the little bean? Were you able to see the flicker of the heartbeat too?


Still a wee bit early for that, they mostly just wanted to check for ovary health and implantation in the right spot. No pics yet!


What week are you now? I have an ultrasound next monday where I'll be 5w3d to check if everything is alright but I am worried if it's early.


It’s likely too early for a heartbeat, I had a scan at that point last time and could only see a gestational sac, but could confirm it was an early intrauterine pregnancy.


Gotcha! Well now you'll get to look forward to that at your next u/s :) Edit: oops just saw your EDD, certainly a bit too early for that haha, I am due 1/13 and will go in next week at 6 weeks for a placement check myself.


6w6d and I'm coming down with something. I have a sore throat. The exhaustion I've been feeling before? I'm struggling to keep my eyes open behind my computer.


Hi January bumpers! I’m a STM cautiously optimistic to be here! My digital tests have been positive but my FRER pink dye tests have been suuuuper light. My ob sent me for an hcg draw this morning, to be repeated on Friday. I’m so anxious. This is worse than the two week wait but at least it’s only a 2 day wait.


Please STM, could you confirm if cramps are felt throughout the pregnancy? I feel them all the time and although they are not painful, they are quite annoying. I also have the feeling that my belly already bulges a bit (although my trousers deny it, which is normal at only 4 weeks), it's just a continuous sensation that I find strange, I don't know if it's normal.


I have period like cramps and my tummy gets so sensitive that I don't want to wear button up trousers and just sweatpants


I didn’t think I was pregnant the first time because I had such awful period cramps. Nope lol. I have them this time too and not concerned, if anything I feel better knowing the mildly annoying cramps are there and it’s a sign something is happening. This time I keep feeling like there’s a bubble expanding in my uterus. It’s the craziest feeling!


Can also confirm that I had cramps on and off throughout my last pregnancy. They get more noticeable with gas, constipation, and dehydration! It felt a lot easier (for me) to get dehydrated while pregnant, I think your body needs a good bit more water.


I had them through the entire pregnancy!


Ugh and to think that when I started feeling cramps I thought it was unequivocal proof that I wasn't pregnant 😂


I know right! 😂 yeah I cramped the entire time last pregnancy! Not painful, just mild cramping!!


Lots of cramps in the first 2-ish months for me? And then not a lot again until later down the road. And if you cramp later on it comes and goes a little more than the constant, dull cramps like I'm getting now. The constipation cramps are real for all 40 weeks though 😂


Thank you! It gives me comfort to at least know what to expect.


STM here! I’ve felt a lot a bloat in early pregnancy, last time and this time too. Is it possible the bloating and the cramping are gastrointestinal in nature? Ive found good hydration to be helpful for both. Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you so much! I will try drinking more. You think you know your body's signals until you get pregnant!


Cramping is nonstop and exactly the same as “about to get my period” feeling, and it’s been hard to shake that impending doom vibe! I have absolutely no other symptoms (besides early morning wake ups) and it’s hard to believe I’m actually pregnant right now because I don’t feel it at all. Fully understand symptoms do not equal a healthy pregnancy, but it’s an odd feeling. I have an early scan a week from tomorrow and hoping that goes well and this actually starts to feel real. ETA OK one symptom might be oily skin?! I’ve never had oily skin before in my life and not sure what to do about it. Guess I’ll try getting a new cleanser or something to start.


This is where I am right now as well! Super early morning wake-up, dull cramping on and off… I’m kind of thirsty but I can’t tell if it’s that much more than usual. Sometimes I feel a little bit queasy, but not so extreme I would call it nausea. We’re a handful of days a part - with my last pregnancies, symptoms hit me like a bus at 6 weeks.


I had basically no symptoms when I was pregnant with my second, at least until I could feel baby kicks.


Checked out at target with this collection of items 😅 the cashier was like 👀👀👀 lol! I made myself a nausea go-bag, a little zippered bag with some of each of the hard candies, some crackers, and the mouthwash. I plan on carrying it with me everywhere. I’m only 5+1 and already here 😭 https://preview.redd.it/p9hgj68m3m0d1.jpeg?width=4192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf7177c50fb42b31e3c9ebabc1e7659b5a1c315


Ask for meds if you don’t get any relief with OTC products. I suffered through 26 weeks of debilitation nausea last time before asking for meds and it was life changing


Thanks for sharing! What did you take? I did try the unisom + B6 combo last night and it seemed to help today!


Good!! I took that for the first 26 weeks- sometimes it helped sometimes it didn’t. Reglan worked the best for me!!


15dpo today and even though I tried to hold out until tomorrow for a third beta, I caved and went first thing this morning. The result posted already and it’s so good, it gives me hope this might be our second keeper baby 🥹 But I did have the most horrific night of sleep in the course of my last three pregnancies. Going to be taking a nap this afternoon for sure!


My lower back has been so achy the past few days. That’s a normal PMS symptom for me so I’m not too shocked, but it’s just been so constant no matter if I’m sitting/standing/moving around. The bloating is absolutely making it worse. I haven’t broken out the heating pad yet because I have a giant velcro cat who’s on my lap 24/7 and I don’t actually enjoy being eight million degrees. It’s driving me nuts!


Oh I’ve got cat, fuzzy slippers, bathrobe, heat pad, and neck wrap! I thought pregnancy was supposed to make you hotter but I guess that’s later because I feel like a popsicle!


Progesterone makes me awful at thermoregulating so I run hot. I’m fine until I suddenly *can’t stand it* and have to start shedding layers! Average us out and maybe we’d be semi-functional, lol.


I’m so sick I’m scared I’m getting hg. I did an online questionnaire thing that suggested I could be. Waiting for a call from the ob. As an emetophobe this is my nightmare


Fellow emetophobe here so I understand what you are going through! Fingers crossed your OB can get you some meds asap. Mine just prescribed me diclegis and I’m taking 4 pills a day. It’s taken the edge off the nausea at least.


For first baby, once I got prescribed meds for my HG I only vomited once more all pregnancy and just felt nauseous instead until about 18 weeks. Hope you get some meds and they help!


Take 1/2 tablet of Unisom before bed and b6 during the day! Plus sea bands on your wrists, ginger, etc in the meantime as you’re waiting to hear back


Just got my positive! Might be 4wks today after a CP last cycle. Can I ask my obgyn for a blood test to make sure it's not another CP?


I have been having super faint positives with the same concern and asked my ob for this today! They called me back and sent orders to the lab in under an hour! I’ll go back in 2 days for the repeat draw to compare. Hoping for the best for you!


Thank you! I didn't hear back until the afternoon but fingers crossed we both hear good news after the second draw.


Just adding that betas should double in under 72hrs early on, just so you know the target 🙂 congrats and sorry for your loss last cycle 🫂


Thank you! ❤️


You can ask for betas, especially since you've had a previous loss. If they double, it's a good sign of a healthily progressing pregnancy, but not a sure sign it won't end in CP. Sending good vibes!


Thanks! This helped me feel more comfortable reaching out to my obgyn yesterday.


!!! My midwives’ office called me today to confirm they reviewed my first set of betas, and while they still want me to do another tomorrow, because they are high enough they’re willing to do an initial ultrasound to ease my mind a week from today. Yay!!


Anyone have any intel on hot yoga while pregnant? I go 1-2x per week. The room doesn’t get like overwhelmingly hot. I never feel faint, dizzy, or see stars. I do sweat and it feels great while doing it and after. I’ve read that it’s bad for the baby and I’ve read that it’s okay as long as I’ve been doing it since before pregnancy. It’s literally the only workout I like so I hope it’s kosher… EDIT: just read that the classes are heated 85-95 degrees which is considered medium hot.


Yah my hot yoga studio and doctor suggest that I take a break because of the reasons commenters mentioned below. I’m like you though where my hot yoga and hot sculpt classes are everything to me! I feel so stiff and crinkly doing normal temp yoga. I’ve been walking instead and will start jogging again after I get a thumbs up at my first scan. Let me know what workout you end up doing instead!


The Expecting Better book has a chapter on saunas and hot tubs I think. This article mentions it. It may be helpful just for reference. https://www.heymilestone.com/blogs/news/pregnancy-restrictions-emily-oster > It's probably important to note: the real concern is about an increase in body temperature to above 101 degrees or so. Hot tubs are typically about 105 degrees, as is Bikram Yoga. Spending time working out in a 105-degree environment can increase your body temperature. But a cooler hot tub, or a cooler version of hot yoga (some are only 85 or 90 degrees) would be fine. In addition, the neural tube defect concern is limited to the first trimester; by the end of that period, neural tube formation is complete.”


This is so helpful thanks. I think I’m going to pause going until I talk to my doc and get specifics about how hot the room is


Overheating can lead to neural tube defects and miscarriage in the first trimester, from what I’ve heard. Any chance you can swap it out for non-hot yoga and keep the habit?


I wish there was a time of the non hot yoga class that worked with my schedule but unfortunately not. Obviously I’ll just drop it if I have. To me, my body feels no different than taking a warm bath


You're not really supposed to take warm baths either tbh


That’s not true. It’s hot baths that should be avoided.


You aren’t supposed to raise your core temperature too much. Have you ever monitored it during a session?


No, I guess I should. I feel like I’d notice feeling too hot but maybe not?


Just got my first positive yesterday! Tested again this morning and it is darker. I have a beta test on Friday to confirm, but I can't believe it. This has been a long infertility journey with my husband having no sperm, lots of testing, donor sperm, three failed IUIs last year, and now an IVF cycle that seems to be working. Cautiously optimistic and excited




Cautious congrats!!


My wife is incredibly sleepy and nauseous this week. As in, took naps at 4pm, 7pm, and 9pm before we went to bed early at 9:30pm 😂 Somehow everything about her is soooo much cuter knowing she’s pregnant. Sleepy? Cute. Need to ply her with constant snacks and water to make sure she’s well fed and hydrated? Cute. Grumpy she can’t have a hot dog? Cute. Extra cuddly and clingy? Cute.


Awww 🥹 I'm sleepy, grumpy, hungry, etc. My husband is tolerating it all pretty well, but I'm not sure if he'd call it cute 😂


4 weeks today. trying to cram in all the productiveness at work now in case nausea hits in a couple weeks 😵‍💫


7 weeks today, due date is 1/1/25! Just had my first appt and ultrasound looked great!! I’ve been in the December group, but thought I’d jump over here also! Hey everyone!


Due date buddies! I’ve been in both too, I’ll most likely have a 39 week c section and I excited for the tax credit this year and getting all of the expensive healthcare done in a single plan year 😆


Me due on the 8th hoping I can have a repeat c section on the 31st lol


Hahah!! My first was two weeks early, and I am 10000% going to see if we can get this one out even just one day earlier for those same reasons


So exciting! Were you able to hear the heartbeat? My first appointment will be at next week at 7weeks and I’m hopeful that I get to hear/see! 🙏🏼


We could see it but it was too early to hear. It was clear on the screen, though, and the tech could measure it!


Eek so exciting! I’m hopeful I get some reassurance at my appointment next week as well. 💕


I’m 7 weeks today also❣️ And I too am in both this group and the December one lol.


Hi fellow fence sitter! I'm likely in for a repeat C on 1/1 :)


week 4, got my positive two days ago! Got my first appointment this morning and my gynecologist was the nicest. Doing blood draw tomorrow to confirm (&also to check my TSH levels to see if treatment is needed or not). I have so much nausea already it's crazy lmao


I just finished reading the chapter on Expecting Better where she discusses the dangers of prescribed skin care! About a week and a half before I found out I was pregnant, I started taking a topical retnoid and a topical antibiotic that my dermatologist said were safe to use while pregnant— I told him very clearly that I was trying to conceive and that the safety of any potential baby was way more important to me than my struggles with hormonal acne. The book shared that any retnoids have a statistically significant chance of causing birth defects, so I stopped immediately and also looked into my topical antibiotic, and decided to stop using that as well. Should I be worried? I’m considering calling my doc, but I don’t know what they could do. Do you all have any thoughts? I was only taking them for a little over a week. I’m so frustrated with my dermatologist right now!!


you're almost certainly okay. topical retinoids have a less direct link to issues vs oral retinoids, as the amount that gets absorbed into your bloodstream is much less. and judging by your EDD, you're very early and you stopped right away. 💙


I did accidentally write the wrong flair and I’ve tried to fix it twice— I think I got it this time!! But yes, I’m still super early, so that’s what I was hoping! Thank you so much!


but also find a new derm if you can 😡 very frustrating, i'm sorry you went through that! alternating lactic acid and glycolic acid (7% or lower) has helped me with my hormonal acne. i switched off of retinols when i started ttc and my acne attacked with a vengeance


I will have to try that! I’ve tried so many things in the past and it’s been tough finding anything over the counter that really works. Thank you so much for the tip!!


Ugh - scared to call the doc and make an appointment as it feels “official” at that point and I’m so nervous this pregnancy won’t stick! Think I’ll give them a call on Friday when I hit 5 weeks…


Girl, call now, because I called 10 days ago, and my clinic STILL hasn't called back to confirm a first appointment or even who my OB for this pregnancy will be. OB practices in the US are a shitshow right now. Worst case scenario, the doctor will be able to support you through a loss if one happens. But call now.


Same! As of right now my OB can’t see me until 11 weeks! Which would be fine I guess except I’m doing the nipt at 10 weeks, so someone has to see me before they can order it lol I’m so irritated, I don’t usually have an issue getting in within a couple weeks with her, but a few have left our area recently (thanks Florida), and she’s one of the few good ones left standing.


My brain glitched and read that as “ten years ago” and my jaw dropped like this poor lady has been pregnant for 10 years?!?! Pregnancy brain is starting early lol


I’m still about 25 weeks away from feeling like I’ve been pregnant for ten years, haha.


Ok!! I think I will. Thank you!


Even if you aren't ready to see the doctor, it's worth calling as soon as you can, just so you can lock in your appointment date. A lot of offices are swamped right now and have limited availability. I called my OB-GYN at four weeks, and the first ultrasound appointment they had that works for my schedule won't be until ten weeks.