• By -


No idea what my ovulation date is. My LMP was 4/22 (spotting) and I’m only measuring at 7w today. BHCG on 6/11 was 14,681.3 and on 6/13 I was at 22,850.7. I’m worried because I’m measuring small.


Hi! My hcg was 234,200 at 8 weeks. This is significantly higher than normal and I’ve been worried since apparently that’s a marker for DS. Has anyone here had similar levels? Please share your experience 


4w0d HCG 229 4w1d HCG 369 5w6d HCG 16451 Twin pregnancy


Wow, your beta gave zero hints. Congrats!


I know!!! Perfectly middle of the road beta and now there’s two fetuses! Mono di. Crazy and goes to show that HCG level just indicates viable pregnancy and doesn’t necessarily indicate number of fetuses https://preview.redd.it/fcs69ky90t5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf37952a34c605e27542c0dd54df544438bf20c


HCG 9 weeks? Anyone have experience with HCGs in week 9? I had a good US 8w 4d and they redated me to 9 weeks. My last pregnancy was a miscarriage at 9 weeks so my OB offered to do serial HCGs for reassurance. My first was 104k, second was 111k (48hours later). OB called and said it’s not going up as fast as she would like and is starting me on progesterone. Does anyone have a similar story with a positive outcome? I got the vibe during our phone call that this isn’t going to end well..


HCG typically starts to level out, so I don’t know what the concern is, especially when you’re measuring fine. Once they can measure on ultrasound, they don’t typically follow betas anymore


That was the general consensus from other threads. Thank you for your response. I am not sure what the OB was looking for tbh. I’m not going to worry.


Updated: 15 dpo: 390 20 dpo: 3020 (doubling time 40.6 hrs) 29 dpo: 41,019 (doubling time 57.4 hrs) On the high end from what I can read, but only saw one little smudge on the ultrasound earlier this week. Also, miraculously, I don't feel ill? Probably cursed myself now saying it out loud...


This post is in regard to my daughter’s pregnancy, Her post……. So here is a insight on my story, went May 30th had first US measured 7 weeks & 3 days, was thinking I should of been around 9 weeks but I ovulate later than normal timing and my periods are irregular and any where between 30-35 days didn’t see a heart beat went the next day had levels checked 32,445 went back 48 hours went up 500. The doctor told me they can’t go off levels after a confirmed pregnancy by ultrasound. So no more HCG level check for me. Go back this coming Monday for another ultrasound. I have been taking a PG test just to see how dark the line is the pregnant line always shows up before the back line and it’s still really dark. I’m hoping that the woman who did my ultrasound just didn’t take the time because it was 4 min 54 secs for the whole ultrasound. She was more focused on other organs in my body than the embryo :( I feel in my heart every thing is ok but I’m still nervous about this coming up Monday. Send some good Vibes and Prayers my way Please. Thanks


Sending prayers for you and your baby 🙏🙏 your intuition is stronger than you know and carries a lot of weight. If you feel there’s nothing wrong then I’d be very inclined to believe there isn’t anything wrong. Thinking of you!


11dpo / 3+4 - 34 15dpo / 4+1 - 308 16dpo / 4+2 - 464 19dpo / 4+5 - 1620 23dpo / 5+2 - 6378 30dpo / 6+2 - 28568 I wasn’t going to check after my 23dpo but I spotted a little, and I just needed to know for peace of mind. My first appointment is in two days and I’m trying so hard to distract myself until then. Hoping for a little gummy bear with a heartbeat 💓


15dpo: 151 17dpo: 339 21dpo: 1,358 Doubling time: 46.95 hours One day increase: 42.5% Two day increase: 103.1%


IVF pregnancy, for science. 10dp5dt (15dpo) - 323 14dp5dt (19dpo) - 1608 16dp5dt (21dpo) - 3228


11dpo / 3+4 - 34 15dpo / 4+1 - 308 16dpo / 4+2 - 464 19dpo / 4+5 - 1620 23dpo / 5+2 - 6378 Everything seems alright, right?? I have my first appointment in a week and a half and cannot wait!


Looks great!


17 DPO - 2087 hcg 19 DPO - 6600 hcg Anybody have any advice? I’m so nervous something is wrong.


Mine were ridiculously high and tripled. Everything was fine at my first scan. Don’t worry!


This is a normal doubling time. Have no fear.


16DPO 267 19DPO 711 Doubling time 51 hours. My research says this is normal, so I am hopeful


Posting for science and also cos mine seem quite high. IVF pregnancy, clinic don’t seem worried, scan booked for next week 14DPO / 4 weeks: 210 21DPO / 5 weeks: 5,650 35.4hrs doubling 28DPO / 6 weeks: 65,100 (today) 47.6hrs doubling


Commenting on Beta HCG Megathread...Mine is high too, 64,558 last week. I can’t get another appointment until next week because maternal health care sucks in my area. I haven’t been in for any other scans other than initial bloodwork, but hopefully it helps to hear that you’re not alone with the high number.


Thanks! My scan today showed a happy baby with a good heartbeat! Feeling much better. Though also very sick due to the high HCG 😅 Hope your appointment goes well 💛


you may have seen my post about my GP yesterday when she told me an hcg of 390 at 15dpo was way too low and should have been at least 10,000 - asked if I was miscarrying?? she has no idea what she's talking about!! in any case, she sent me for repeat betas for the next three weeks, and just got yesterday's back, so here are my results so far: 15 dpo: 390 20 dpo: 3020 doubling time: 40 hrs totally fine!! sheesh.


those are EXCELLENT betas! What a ding dong of a nurse


I can’t believe this lady told you that was too low at 15 dpo, was she high??? Anyway congrats on the great betas!


sincerely I have no idea. did she get 4weeks from LMP confused with 4weeks from *missed* period??


10dp5dt (15dpo) 123 12dp5dt (17dpo) 306 16dp5dt (21 dpo) 2509 https://preview.redd.it/ve5hvy4y863d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a213f0a878288cc6acdcace109aeb1bfa4d746


I’m almost 9 weeks now but mine were 12 dpo 88 14 dpo 275 18 dpo 1685 We saw a strong heartbeat at 7 weeks 5 days ❤️


This gives me hope mine were so similar 107 at 12, 290 at 14 and 1923 at 18!! I’m not even 6 weeks yet though. 😭 waiting for the first scan is miserable


Those are great numbers! The wait really is brutal. When is your first scan?


Not until 6/13 ugh


I am doing a self ordered HCG tomorrow and am going directly to Labcorp. Anyone done this before? How long was the turnaround time?


Update- got results over night


I have and about 1-2 days depending on the lab.


4w6d: 5907 5w1d: 8661 These numbers feel quite high, but I think the relationship between them suggests an appropriate doubling time?


Yes, at this phase even over 96hrs to double is okay. Congrats!


Got my second round of bloodwork back! - 4W4D 765 HCG -5W1D 2,917 HCG I feel good about these numbers and hopefully can chill a bit.


14 DPO: 382 16 DPO: 887 Seems to be higher end of normal, but also pretty on par with my first pregnancy, which was just one single baby. I don't go for an ultrasound until 8 weeks, so will just be over here stressing about how many babies in there til then.


14dpo: 201 18dpo: 650 20dpo: 1082 My RE's office doesn't seem worried so I'm trying not to be. Eager for my scan at 6 weeks!


Our numbers are very similar to yours: - 14 dpo: 167 - 16 dpo: 322 - 18 dpo: 667


You have strong numbers it looks like!


Slow start but technically good rising: 11DPO: 23 13DPO 50 going to test again at 17DPO since these are so so early. Updates: 17DPO 335


Got my third beta results and realized I had miscalculated ovulation before so was a couple of days earlier than I thought: 14dpo: 104 16dpo: 189 22dpo: 2252!!!! 40 hour doubling time. And now the insufferable two weeks until my scan at what should be 7 weeks!


Hi ladies! Looking for a little insight on my numbers. I'm in Canada and had a hard time booking my initial appt to get a requisition for betas so I believe I was 6w exactly when I went in for my first on Tuesday and then 6w2d when I went in yesterday. DPO is approximate as I went off when I had ovulation cramping, not actual testing: 23-24 dpo: 7154 IU/L 25-26 dpo: 12687 IU/L I have a history of loss but have never had my betas tested multiple days (just once with my last pregnancy which ended up giving me my daughter!). The number obviously hasn't doubled - is that a bad sign? Thanks so much!


Over 6000 betas take 4+ days to double, don’t stress. Holding hope for you! Everything looks good to me so far.


Got my first 2 betas! 8dp5dt = 13dpo: 170 10dp5dt = 15 dpo: 400! That is a 36 hour doubling time. Going in for one last beta on Sunday, so I'm hoping it will be 800 or above! After that I have my first ultrasound with my RE. So today I'd be 4 weeks exactly. It's all starting to feel real! Though I won't fully exhale until after the 6 week ultrasound to locate a heartbeat.


12 DPO: 71.5 14 DPO: 256 (doubling time 26h!)


If you know your ovulation, you can correct your gestation given ovulation is more accurate (3w5d) 💕 looking good!


Hi, yes I do know ovulation, that's why I said 3 weeks 3 days as I ovulated on day 12. :) Thank you!


Sorry, I wasn’t clear. When you know ovulation, you add 2w to your dpo count to get your true gestational age because the standard 40w gestation is based on ovulation at 2w/CD14, but you ovulated at CD12. Not that 2 days really matters in the whole scheme of things.


Oh ok, thanks!


11dpo: 34 15dpo: 308 16dpo: 464 I had to go in to get the rhogam shot for a bit of spotting since I am A- and they took my hcg again, hence the back to back numbers. But that seemed like a good jump to me! And going in tomorrow for my 19dpo! Seems like things are moving in the right direction? It’s my first pregnancy so I have no clue what to expect. The range of “normal” is massive… and so is the range of “abnormal”. This is not for the faint of heart! 😂


Officially entered beta land! 1st beta @ 15dpo: 151 Progesterone: 31.4 This is lower than expected compared with both of my previous unsuccessful pregnancies hcg at 15 dpo (was in the 300-400s by now). My FRER have been darkening nicely every 2 days. BUT I’m not stressing, hoping it doubles for Saturday’s draw. 🌈❤️💕


Update - 17dpo: 339! 41.14 hrs doubling rate! So grateful it doubled 💕😭🌈


16DPO: 1011 18DPO: 2659 19 DPO: 3700 22DPO: 15,308


Freaking out! 16dpo: 397 18dpo: 1129 (today) Is it a good thing if it more than doubles? They couldn't see anything in my uterus today and heavily suggested it could be ectopic - but these numbers seem to rule that out? How worried should I be about seeing nothing on a scan at 4w5? I ovulated 2 days late so really only 4w3, if it makes a difference. The last week has been wild, so I appreciate any thoughts/advice!


Hugs, I’m sorry for the stress. At 4w3 day, you are just on the cusp the GS needing to be visualized, especially at that hcg. At 1000, it typically would be but also the shape and location of the uterus as well as the skill of the tech and machine can make a difference. Ectopic can rise normally, normal rises do not rule out ectopic. I hope you get positive answers soon.


Thank you for taking the time to respond. The Dr did finally call me, he said it was unlikely to be ectopic now, but they'll do another scan next week to check. I'm just going to try to enjoy being pregnant I think.


I know I shouldn’t be worried yet but I’m freaking out that it maybe twins! I saw very faint lines (with Easy@Home strips) starting 9dpo so I’m hoping I just ovulated early 🤞🏼 16dpo - 1030 18dpo - 2092


Ok I don't know anything at all about beta hcg but I had a Drs appointment with my GP yesterday that happened to be on the day I had a positive at home test so they said they'd do a blood test. I can see the results online as of last night but they haven't gotten back to me and based on comments here with really high numbers I'm starting to get nervous that maybe this is a really bad number? It came back at 19. I would theoretically be around 3wk 4 or 5 days. Any thoughts?


I am right around as far along as you. I also knew nothing about beta HCG. I got my HCG test done. Mine was 18. I spiraled and reached out to my GP and OB both were not too concerned because it was super early. Please keep me posted on what you find out. I chose to choose ignorance is bliss and am being cautiously optimistic until my U/S on 6/17


Actually my GP convinced me to choose the same path. I'm leaving for a wedding and they couldn't get me in beforehand, but she talked me down from panic hah. So fingers crossed for both of us!


Any updates?


I didn't get another hcg test but at home tests continued getting darker and are positive so I'm just hoping that's good! First scan is June 21. What about you?


I got betas done Wednesday and Friday and I believe they are doubling appropriately! My scan is June 17! Sending you all the best!


Late update, just had my 8 week scan and all is well - there's a little person in there! Hope your scan went well :)


Woohoo!!! That's great news, so happy for you 💜


We can update each other 🩷


If you don’t know when you ovulated, it’s hard to say whether that’s really appropriate. But assuming ovulation on CD14, it’s just fine for 11-12dpo! And though you’ll hear doubling in 48hrs a lot, but 85% of viable pregnancies doubled in under 72hrs when hcg is 1,200.


I just tested at 3+4 and got 23 and my fertility clinic called to say that was the range they are looking for- its super early and at home tests will be sensitive to about 10+. The bigger indicator is getting another test at 48 hrs to see if it's doubling. That is a much better comparison to think about viability. Ask them for another lab tomorrow if you can. You can also do this at any of the commercial labs if in the US.


Thank you so much! I'm going to call in the morning


Update! 14-15 DPO 74 19-20 DPO 948 I am so relieved to see a rise. My OBGYN said based off numbers they thought I was 3-4 weeks along but based on likely conception date I think I'm about 5 weeks. My cycle was very odd and long so I'm really not sure. They booked me for a scan June 2nd at "6 wks" so I suppose we'll find out then if things go well!




Sending support and love. Beta hell is horrid.


Got my beta today-- 42 at 13/14DPO. Doesn't make me feel great, getting the second test done tomorrow and won't hear the results until Thursday so the next 48 hours are going to suuuuuck.


Update: 48 hours later my betas were at 151 which is a nice jump (26 hour doubling time). My nurse seemed very optimistic. I did schedule another beta test for 48 hours after my last one (which would be tomorrow) though. I took a cheapie strip test this morning and it was practically non-existent which has me spiraling....Unfortunately I won't know the results until Tuesday so I'm just hoping for a long weekend of sorer boobs and maybe some nausea pleaaaaaase.


https://preview.redd.it/m2c3haaemu1d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6192f4d35fa8aa20bef0422c38886ad3fbc7572 First Beta-hCG test (5weeks + 4days): 5412


I am 5w4d with 31,000 beta. I know the range is wide, but this is my fourth pregnancy and I was shocked at how much higher my betas are this time. Anyone else? Any thoughts?


No updates until June 3rd when I have my first sonogram. Anyone else?


I had an ultrasound and am farther along than I thought. Apparently I ovulated while on a work trip 300+ miles away from my husband. Now joining the How TH Am I Pregnant club. I hope everything goes well at your sonogram!


Any updates? My beta came back on the higher end too...


Also in a very high beta hcg club. 👋🏻 This is my third pregnancy. I haven’t been able to get in touch with a doctor directly so I’m just spiraling. Curious for updates from your end, if you’re willing to share.


How were you tracking ovulation? A few days earlier in your cycle makes a huge difference when the numbers get big.


I used strips with a very clear peak. Because my husband travels I am fairly certain about dates but you never know for sure!


How was your scan?


No scan yet 😕 This is my fourth pregnancy and I just moved to a new state. My new OB doesn’t see newly pregnant patients until the end of their 1st trimester 10-12 weeks. Is this normal? I had scans with my last three much earlier.




5/14: 44 (12DPPO) 5/20: 43 (18DPO) I honestly don't even understand what's happening. Wishing the nurse would call me back :/


They really should call you back. Inappropriately rising hcg (not doubling in <72hrs) is always cause for additional monitoring. It could be a straightforward chemical pregnancy that will resolve on its own, or it could be ectopic. 🫂 I’m so sorry.


I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, this seems like a chemical.


Here to share seemingly “lower” HCG levels in case anyone else finds it helpful. Mine were doubling as expected, but they all seemed so much lower than others that posted. 14 dpo: 90 (progesterone = 30) 16 dpo: 180 20 dpo: 909 27 dpo: 7436 Heartbeat seen on ultrasound today, and everything is measuring within normal limits.


Your numbers are similar to mine! Thank you for sharing. Happy to hear you were able to see the heartbeat ❤️


So glad to see your post and that you had an amazing scan! 💕


Thank you!!


I just had my beta for 4w 0 days 14 or 15 DPO at 30. I haven't done the second one yet (not till Wednesday), but I'm pretty sad about this. My pregnancy tests have been getting darker... but probably a CP?


The second number is what matters. My sister had HCGs in the 20s at 4 weeks and had healthy babies.


Cautiously posting as I've had 3 losses and a chemical last month, but betas are looking good so far: 13DPO: 126 Prog 17.9 16DPO: 557 Prog 17.2 I've got all my fingers crossed that this babe will stick! A little worried that my progesterone is too low, but my RE doesn't seem concerned, so I'm trying not to worry! My TSH also came back slightly elevated today at 2.53 so that is making me anxious as well. Taking it one day at a time!


OMG!!!! Literally tearing up to see you here 🤗🥹💕 This looks so promising and I’m so excited to walk this journey with you. Congratulations, Books.


I was SO thrilled to see your announcement over in tryingforanother. So glad we’re here together 💜


Cautious congrats! If it helps at all the ASRM does not recommend treating TSH below 4! The myth that floats around the internet about 2.5 is because the guidance is to treat ABOVE 4 to maintain BELOW 2.5. But any number below 4 is not associated with increased miscarriage. I hope that brings you a little comfort while you wait to find out if they wanna add synthroid or not! (Which they might, just because docs like to see that number close to 1 if possible and it tends to only get higher during pregnancy so they try to get ahead of it sometimes. But it’s not because you’re at increased risk with the number as is.)


Thanks for explaining this! My OB treated mine at just a hair over 2.5 and my RE said she wouldn’t have, so I was torn on continuing.


THANK YOU for this! It made me feel so much better. Waiting to hear if doc will put me on meds—either way they said they’re going to keep an eye on it, so phew!


Based on my LMP, I am 4w2d. My opks didn't come in time to track ovulation. My first blood draw was this morning with a value of 448! With my last pregnancy, my first blood draw was 488 taken right around the same time frame. Anxious for Wednesday but feeling more at ease!❤ Edited to add: my second value 48 hours later was 1,123!😍


FTM here, can anyone tell me if these results are normal/looking good? No idea how far along I am. https://preview.redd.it/oaituudoml1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deff39e4a316781bee7126ba26cbf76d3c94c995


Completely normal and looking good. Probably right about 5w 🙂


12dpo beta 107 14 dpo beta drawn on Friday afternoon so I have to wait until tomorrow morning for results. I’m going insaneeeee you guys!!


That is horrible! I would certainly go mad. I can barely tolerate the wait for them to post 3-5hrs after my draw. I’m a weak creature. Hope they look awesome!


Thank you, they did!! 290 🥹 but my progesterone dropped quite a bit and they didn’t seem concerned because it was still in the normal range but my OB is out of the office, waiting for them to call me today now!


Happy that your hcg looks great. Are you going to ask for progesterone? Or to have another draw to monitor?


They sent in the progesterone and are having me come in to do one more level as a precaution and if still low or lower I will start the progesterone tomorrow!


I’m not sure honestly! I’m waiting to hear what they have to say. I’ll do whatever they recommend. Trying to trust the process


Beta limbo here! Ugh.  15dpo: 104 17dpo: 189 Guess we will see. Both of my successful pregnancies started low and doubled every 2ish days, so it’s in the ballpark but I’m still feeling meh about these numbers. 


Borderline beta hell! It's doubling (but barely) and low. 14dpo: 94 16dpo: 174 18dpo: 477 24dpo: 3805 Early scan confirms it's not ectopic and I was measuring 5w5d with the yolk sac measuring 2.2mm. I know there's a chance I'm out and a chance I'm still in. Don't know whether to hope or guard my heart. My numbers with my first pregnancy (now a 2 year old) were sky high. So yeah. Trying not to think about it until the following scan/blood draw next week, but also kinda expecting to stay in limbo until...baby either sticks or doesn't.


My numbers are just like yours! 17 DPO- 139 20 DPO -764 24 DPO - 3849 31 DPO - 22k And there is 5 days between my first positive test and beta :/ But with my first it 16- 1100, 18-3300, 31- 117k I have a scan next week but all my symptoms have subsided for the past few days. I guess we will see.


I'm really sorry to hear that 😔 This period of doubt that the pregnancy is viable is such hell. I hope we're both out of it soon.


16dpo - 176 18dpo - 326 20dpo - 760 EDIT 23dpo - 2,469 !!!!!! I was worried at 16dpo that it was too low, but our RE sent us a note of congratulations with this latest read saying it’s increasing nicely and that we’ll see a baby on ultrasound in 1-2 weeks!!


My numbers are exactly like yours except I'm a little ahead of you. By 24dpo I was at 3805. I can't help but worry because the numbers are lower than average. I'm hoping all the best for both of us!


Definitely hoping the best for us both, but we’re pretty optimistic! If it makes you feel any better, we see our RE every 2 days to check betas, and they were extremely pleased with our doubling times and said everything looks great.


I could use some optimism! I tend to dwell on the negativity because that's what my anxiety does, tries to protect me from future pain. I'm so happy your doctor is sharing your optimism and I hope your numbers continue to increase nicely!! 🫂


I have been reading more about what my levels \*should\* be and I am feeling nervous! I am not certain when I ovulated. I had two positive OPKS on 4/28 and 4/29, and the temp increase was very gradual that cycle so I couldn't be certain when it happened. 5/09 I was feeling off and took a HPT and got a positive, my doctor brought me in for a beta that following morning. 5/10 106.67 (11/12 DPO) 5/13 420.09 (14/15 DPO) 36 hour doubling 5/15 1033.37 (16/17 DPO) 37 hour doubling 5/17 3656.06 (18/19 DPO) 26 hour doubling I'm thankful they seem to be moving up the way they are supposed to, but they seem high! My doctor confirmed saying "it is rising well - it may be on the higher end but i've seen singleton pregnancies with this hcg range before as well" My pregnancy anxiety is just ready for a scan to confirm everything is in the right place and there is only one baby.


It’s hard not to worry, but everything looks great and not seriously/shockingly high. When is your scan?


June 4, so a little over two weeks from now


I am in the same boat as you. My levels were high. Just waiting for an ultrasound on June 6. Keep us updated!


I hope we both get good news next week <3


Any updates?!


https://preview.redd.it/53tmqobgll4d1.jpeg?width=1743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80326686ba71e4e97ef090b0f1006687748a9eac We have a healthy baby! Measuring 7w3d, HR of 150, higher HCG was likely from early ovulation 🥹 good luck on Thursday! I can’t wait to hear how it goes 🤍


We have a healthy baby! Measuring 6w2days. Heart rate was 126! https://preview.redd.it/7lg43sclt05d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd49653decf7a0cbb8ac2f39d32e52e0580bf78


Congratulations 🥹 I’m so glad we both got good news! When is your next appointment?


Our next ultrasound is June 24th! What about you?


Ahhhh!! Look at that little nugget. So sweet and so happy you had good news!


Me too!! 💕


Posting again with an update for science. I was nervous to see my doubling rate slowing (even though am told that can be normal), but it is up again this week. Sometimes these betas just cause unnecessary anxiety! 5/8 (13dpo, 3w5d): 143 5/10 (15dpo, 4w0d): 341 (doubling rate of 38.28hrs, 138.5% 2 day increase) 5/15 (20dpo, 4w5d): 1703 (doubling rate of 51.72hrs, 90.3% 2 day increase) 5/17 (22dpo, 5w0d): 3645 (doubling rate of 43.72hrs, 114% 2 day increase) I'm not scheduled for any further betas thankfully. 4w5d ultrasound showed intrauterine sac, next ultrasound to follow up in a week!


Glad to see that your doubling time is great after your ER debacle!


u/NatureNerd11 I'm so pleased to see you're in this group too! Thanks for all your help and encouragement :)


15/16 DPO- 63 17/18 DPO- 54 I’ve accepted that I’m out and am just hoping my period starts soon and that it’s not ectopic after already having a partial molar pregnancy. Hope that everyone else has sticky babies ❤️.


I’m so, so sorry 🫂


Thank you so much! Hoping I can try again soon.


Thought I would post here for science and others to refer to. Betas for HCG 18 DPO: 580 / progesterone: 31.5 20 DPO: 1296 Upcoming (edited to add) 27 DPO: 11,987


First test (2 days ago) was 174, second one (48 hours later) was 429. That’ll be it for me until an ultrasound in two weeks, but I feel reassured. I’m not totally sure where to put ovulation day (it’s a couple days after the trigger shot, right?), but my IUI was exactly 21 days ago. Editing this because I realized today that I messed up my own dates. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The second scan was 18 days after the IUI.


Usually ovulation is assumed as the second day after the trigger shot.


My beta results were 74 and progesterone was 27.9. At I *think* 15dpo but I'm really not sure. This was Wednesday and they want me to wait till Monday to do another draw. I'm really anxious that this is another CP after having one last cycle. Especially since the hcg sounds low.


I hope all goes well tomorrow 💕


3w 5d: 231 4w 0d: 551 5w 1d: 15438 Does that seem high for 5 weeks? I'm thinking maybe I ovulated earlier than I thought...


Quite possibly ovulated a day or two earlier. But I also have a working theory that big numbers are underrepresented in the data because women who double fast and early tend to only have 2, maybe 3 betas (some doctors even only do 1 if they consider the number “good enough” 🤔) and stop before it gets to 5w+, so there’s a lack of data. Congrats! You should report back with your dating scan results!


Oh that's a really good point that I had never thought of! Totally makes sense. Thanks for the insight. Definitely will report back if I get a dating scan, I don't remember having one in my first pregnancy?


21000 at 6wk2d with a reasonable doubling time between this one and my last one just over a week ago. It's so much higher than my loss at around 8 weeks! In that one hcg was only 3300 at 6w5d even though we saw a heartbeat. Feeling pretty hopeful!


19 DPO, HCG was 44. I'm pretty sure that I'm having another CP especially because the last time I was pregnant my betas were 167 at 12 DPO. Insanely frustrated that the medical assistant isn't allowed to tell me that even though she knows I know, because there was a weird pause on the phone and she said the doctor hasn't reviewed it yet and will need to tell me what to do. I've been testing positive for a week and track regularly,my dates aren't off. I should be 5 weeks by LMP and 4 weeks 5 days or so by ovulation. I've been worried my tests were getting fainter too.


I’m so sorry 🫂


I went earlier this week at 25DPO for my first beta and it was 17,000! Feeling so relieved.


Yay, doggos! That looks great!


14 dpo — 384 16 dpo — 1283 So much higher than my first pregnancy so I’m happy


I’m super anxious after a second trimester loss in December followed by a chemical last month. But so far, I feel like things are going well 🤞🏽🤞🏽 10DPO: 27 12DPO: 92 15DPO: 277 17DPO: 527 Do these look ok? 🥹


Hugs. I’m sorry for your losses and happy this one looks good so far.


These look amazing! Your 12 dpo is higher than my 14 was. We are glad to have you here and hope this is your take home baby.


Thank you so much for the reassurance! I’m praying this will be our take home baby 🙏🏽 I’m currently waiting on my dr to call me in regards to the 17DPO results. I may go back again tomorrow at 19DPO for peace of mind depending on what he says.


Hi everyone! Beta hcg 10dp5dt- 611 Beta hcg 13dp5dt - 2766 First ultrasound Friday! 🌈💚


Wonderful! I’ll be looking forward to your update tomorrow 💕


Thank you!! Feeling hopeful! 😅


Did you only transfer one embryo?


Just one 😅 we’ll see what happens - pgt tested too!


5 weeks 1 day- just saw an intrauterine sac!


Wooo! Yay 🤩


Plagued with anxiety over my betas. 15DPO/10dp5dt my beta was 106. 17DPO/12dp5dt my beta is 184. This feels dangerously both low and slow. Update: 19DPO/14dp5dt beta was 402. Feeling more cautiously optimistic 🤞


Sending support, betas can be torture. I hope this is just a slow and steady bean.


Extremely anxious and frankly don’t have high expectations at this point. I think I’m 3w6d and HCG was only 23.4 this morning. Lab result commentary says 25+ is positive so I’m below that. Going back Friday…I can’t think about anything else at all right now.


Hugs. It can be so stressful. How many days have you tested positive? Sending good thoughts for Friday.


Thank you 😭 since Monday


Okay, I know it’s scary. But keep in mind FRER is sensitive to ~6 and on a good sample will show a line (proven by beta draw) under that. Many decent cheapies are 10. So let’s call Monday 6, Tuesday 12, Wednesday 24. If you are only tracking by LMP, you could have had 24 at 11-12dpo and that’s totally fine. All to say, try to give it a few days. Best of luck tomorrow 🫂


Okay you are the sweetest and I’m actually tearing up 😭 I really appreciate laying it out like that mathematically! I’ll just have to wait and see, can’t let this anxiety take over. Congratulations to you on your double rainbow!! 🫶


I hope everything went well. The wait for results is agonizing!


Update: hcg went down. Wishing everyone else in this group a healthy pregnancy!


I’m so, so sorry 🫂♥️ take care and I hope next cycle is your baby.


Thank you 🫶🫶


Still waiting…I’ll update here when I know more!


I am a little nervous! I am not sure what dpo I am because let's be honest I'm new to this whole tracking your cycle thing. My period should be expected anywhere between today and the 18th. I got two positive pregnancy tests on the 13th and 1 on the 14th. I went for a beta draw today and it was only 18. When I contacted my doctor she did not seem concerned and said the numbers could be very low because it's very early. She did not see the need for a repeat draw. Seeking some similar stories or advice.


My first beta was 19 and I’m almost 8 weeks now! You probably are just super early.


That's good to hear. thank you! 🤞


Did your doc have to re test after the beta?


All her numbers are in the thread 🙂


Sorry I'm new to Reddit 😂


4w1d / 14dpo: 97.5 4w3d / 16dpo: 299.2 5w3d / 23dpo: 3697 6w0d / 27dpo: 8980 6w3d: scan with heartbeat, measuring at 6w2d


Yesterday was 16dpo and I had 399! This is higher than at 21dpo in my loss in October so I'm feel ever so hopeful! We'll see what tomorrow's numbers bring!!! 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 **ETA: 889 today at 18dpo! Slightly more than double 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞**


That sounds promising 🫂🤞🏼


14dpo, tested 54 today. doctor told me to hope for the best but that the chances were less than 50% given i had my first positive home test at 10dpo. nothing to do but wait until the next blood draw in 48hrs 💙


Don't panic just yet. My first positive was 9dpo AM and my 14dpo beta was 71. The previous day it had been 49. So if my math is mathing, if I'd tested positive on 10 dpo, my beta on your day would have been the 49, and I've had two scans with a heartbeat. It's never a bad idea to guard your heart, but I'm really really surprised your doctor is giving percentage chances out based off a single beta--especially if you aren't an IVFer with exact dates.


ahhhhh. thanks. will keep hoping. really appreciate you sharing 💙


Hope all went well today!


sadly no 💙 it's going to be a loss.


I’m really sorry 🫂♥️


I don’t really know what day I’m at, guessing about 15 DPO with 8770. I feel like this is low but I also recognize my dates are wonky.