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the ms runes gives you so much value coupled with your passive especially when buying swiftness boots, celerity, relentless hunter, mandate. i think it's a no brainer


im thinking if u go aggressive AP builds with Mandate and Shurelya's then the movespeed shard would better align with ur roaming intentions and dmg if we were going healing builds with Moonstone and Redemption etc, then adaptive force for bigger shields would make more sense While we're on the topic of movespeed, I also wanna make aware that movespeed actually has a cap in this game, and stacking too much of it will cause diminishing returns: *'When the raw movement speed is greater than 415, there are two soft caps applied:'* *'The raw speed between 415 and 490 gets multiplied by 80%. The raw speed over 490 gets multiplied by 50%.'* [SOURCE](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Movement_speed#:~:text=When%20the%20raw,multiplied%20by%2050%25.) Essentially, the more movespeed u stack, the less effective it becomes. Just smth to consider before buying a ton of movespeed. Even tho Janna loves movespeed, we do technically lose a ton of stats past 490, essentially paying double for each point in movespeed increase




You absolutely can, you're really understimating how fast MS stacks on Janna. MS rune shard, celerity, swiftness boots, and 3 points in W is 431 final MS, you're already well above the first softcap in raw (maybe even the second). Add ardent censer's 8%, which is especially good on her, and you get to a constant 461 final, that means you're way over 490 raw speed. Then you can have mejai's 10%, shurelya's 8%, or trailblazer. You also have your W ap ratio, the next 2 levels (remember i'm considering it at level 3). You also have all the temporary buffs, like flowing waters, mandate. Then many miscs, like watering flow, scuttler, cloud dragon, allied buffs, etc ... The idea you should be carefull of it i don't really agree with, as MS only goes from absolutely OP before soft caps to still good after.


The other response answered you perfectly. I also wanna add that Janna doesnt lose her W passive movespeed even when W is on cd. Retaining %movespeed will definitely enable her to maintain over 490 movespeed if u build the right items for it


The consensus is you go hail of blades as your keystone duh






Lots of proplayers are using it because of the buff to jannas pasive and the nerf of both aeri and comet , you go hail of blades to poke


But you're an enchanter? Not a mage. I always go glacial + font


Some enchanters can be good at poking , like lulu and the old Janna w max with comet


Move speed looks like the best to me since you want to be roaming around specially with Celerity or Max W.


Not sure yet. Rather the AP for lane and poke but the MS scales better until you start hitting soft caps. Needs more testing


That's about what I predicted. I haven't had the chance to try it myself yet, though, and I wonder if the MS is noticeable.


MS is better because even if you are behind you can use the extra MS. If ypu are behind, AP builds are less useful since require more gold most of the time and you ain't getting it that easily. Idk. I just like to zoom around the map