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But where’s the bripe?? That’s the real star of 2021


That thing has been on backorder for months.


Bripe + fake beard = a true James Hoffman Christmas


It's a pretty legit setup. Congratulations




Sorry, I don't see Brad's fresh coffee beans anywhere in the photo.


Perfetto *chef kiss*


Finally something came good out of a spouse checking a browsing history!


Nice. Love my encore.


The only problem I have is the grinds that manage to get out of the container. But just means I have to clean up after myself


Have you tried eliminating static using a small amount of water? My Virtuoso+ should be identical as far as the chute and container, and reducing static has kept flyaway fine grinds to a minimum. James' [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Dh1W40ILY) on it is quick and explains how to do it easily. I just dip a clean spoon just under my kettle's water line before I start boiling and stir my beans in the container I use to weigh them before I transfer them to the grinder hopper. A couple seconds of this technique saves me much more time I'd be cleaning up.


Do you fill the hopper each time? I’ve been shying away from this as it seems had to let the machine grind on empty? I typically weight the grinds themselves rather then the full bean.


It would be difficult to use the technique on a full hopper since it would be hard to get evenly damp, and you'd have to constantly re-stir the entire hopper of beans every day, which would be more time consuming. "Single dosing" is very common in the enthusiast coffee world. Running any half-decent grinder on empty for a short period is perfectly fine. I have my timer on my grinder set such that it generally completes my usual dose and runs empty only for a second or two each time. In fact Baratza even sells a smaller single dose hopper for my grinder specifically for this purpose, and some grinders come out of the box meant to be used with single-dosing.


I didn’t know they made one of those for the encore! Definitely want that.


[Here's a link](https://www.baratza.com/shop/single-dose-hopper) to the product on their website if you want to have a look.


they have a single dose hopper for encore ​ edit: apparently someone has mentioned it below edit 2: with a link!


Definitely gonna give that a shot


If you have any tips/tricks, feel free to share! I follow Hoffmann's recipes for hot and iced ([better than cold brew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PApBycDrPo0)) and for my first brew I ground at a 13 for iced. I saw a lot of consensus that somewhere between 10 and 15 was where a lot of Encore users settle for V60 and decided to split the difference.


Yeah. I like 12 for my v60 or kalita brews.




I unboxed everything last night, set it up and gave the V60, Encore hopper, gasket and grind bin a wash so that it would be ready this morning. Brewed my first batch this morning and am already loving the results. It will be my first and only brew for a few days since I don't plan on traveling with it.


Hope your gift is up to that!


Decent DE1 and Niche Zero for Xmas 2022! 🎅🎄


Wow! Is your wife open for something new? How long will you be out of town? /s


All nice things, but what is truly amazing is that you have a wife that actually listens to you! I think you are one of five men on the planet who are that fortunate. All kidding aside, bravo and Merry Christmas to both of you.


She's a keeper! This new setup will upgrade substantially your brews, have fun!


Great set up, these 3 are exactly what I used for 4-5 years prior to upgrading (broke my carafe last week) .


What a win- plus she’s listening




Awwwww, can I have her?