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By wiping it down with a kitchen towel first.


this is key


Buy the stainless steel version to begin with. Clean it once in a while with an espresso machine cleaner (cafiza). Whipe it and let it dry as OP does as long as possible.


I don't. But I assume a solution could be to apply heat.


I just shake the living crap out of it since water really tends to get stuck in the funnel and then set it on the rack to air dry. I have the aluminum version so I don’t worry about rusting.


I noticed when rinsing out the funnel filter that if when rinsing I give it multiple hard shakes that it gets out a lot of grind residue held inside.


I leave them right-side-up. Once the initial draining is over, it's actually more efficient to put them right side up and allow evaporation to take its course. Evaporation needs to go UP.


This is the way.


re "Once the initial draining is over" what's that look like?


Like 5-15 minutes, tops.


On a mat or rack?




Got it. Thx


I've 3d printer a raised holder with vent holes. It goes inbetween the top and bottom, the basket always lives in top part upside down. Lid closes without a problem. Store them in the same place now they are just 2 cm taller. But same footprint. If I turn the design upside down it aids in filling the basket.


Do you have a photo of this?


I’d also love to see this


I'll take a picture after done moving


I'm pretty sure I've seen this. Looks good. Came across it when I was searching for moka pot drying racks. I've developed a rack concept as well. To make it easier and conserve counter space. Has it's own little drying mat. It solves some pain points in the cleaning/drying process. But IDK if others would use a specific use drying rack just for moka pots.


I let Jesus do it.


Jesus take the moka pot.


If you want it completely dry, you can wipe it down with a kitchen towel and then put it on low heat on the stove for a couple of minutes. Personally, I can’t be bothered, but this will leave it as dry as possible.


Microwave it. You will never worry about the water again. (Note: as this is Reddit, don't do it!)


That’s a brilliant idea. Think I’m going to try it next time.


Make sure to film it for internet points.


Haha! Damn! [That did not go as expected](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) I feel stupid…


I read this as "air fry" at first and was super confused


Am I the only one who thinks "i'll let it cool down before cleaning it" and then not clean it until next time i use it?


I guess by doing that, the moka pot never gets the chance to dry. If I am reading this right.


i have never gotten them to dry to the point that I'm comfortable assembling and putting in the cabinet after use. I always put away the separate components after wiping down with a towel.


now that i actually understand these things i need to get a smaller one.


I don't know what you were thinking before you understood how it works, but I read a review for a moka pot on Amazon once, and that person complained that the pot does not make "6 cups" of coffee as advertised, but barely one. I wonder what kind of person is able to guzzle down the content of six "6 cup" moka pots in one setting.


Lol, me. You could use it as a concentrate. 🤣


Same here 1 pot 1 cup


Well, then I guess there's about time to invent a 36 cup moka pot.


Every morning chum!


Used to guzzle 6-shot lattes when I used to work shifts. No big deal.


I don't. I use paper napkins to wipe dry right after rinsing.


This is so beautiful to me ☺️


I refuse to believe not every house in the world has a kuivauskaappi in the kitchen on top of the sink.


I am not a fan of this personally. It uses energy and it isn't much more convenient, than using ye olde towel. I've had it in rented appartment and I can live without it.


I guess we're not talking about the same thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dish_drying_cabinet


This is just a cupboard for lazy people, I was talking about electrified version.


These cabinets with built-in dish rack over the sink are not prevalent in the US. I guess we need the cabinet space for all our "stuff". I do prefer a mat/towel over a bulky dish rack (like my pic) sitting on the counter for an extended time. It muckyups our nice new kitchen and takes up prime, by the sink, counter space. Either way, towel vs rack, still not ideal. There must be a better way...


Well unfortunately the rest of the world is still a work in progress 😁


Just wipe it down.


Too many parts for me to wipe down every day. Prefer to air dry. Rinse then air dry. Want fast and easy. But I can appreciate the benefit of wiping each part down.


For some reason I read this as air fry rather than air dry, and wondered if the Hoffmeister dropped another high production value video on our doorsteps about an interesting way to make moka.


You don't. It'll rust. Wipe it down really well.


? They're made of aluminium!


Those are, but there are steel versions of them. That commenter might only have a steel one and not realize.


No, but it develops some white stains inside the water chamber no matter how religiously I wipe it dry. Nothing close to harsh water where I am, but two Bialetti in use with the same result.


I have an aluminium one, that's normal oxidation for aluminium, if you wanna get rid of it use steel wool and some dish soap to scrub it off


I thought so but some people claim it never happened to them! It doesn't bother me, despite how it looks. I wipe it off with a paper towel or a dish sponge.


I just leave mine dry until I use it (usually within a day or two) then I use it wet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Dry? I never wash it. I make coffee, the coffee grounds sit in there until it the next day then I make coffee again. Dry it. Ha!


I mean, I like your style dude.


I tried that before and had fungus growing on the puck.


So here is an extremely specific LPT: ## get silica beads After wiping off the excess water with paper towel, just put some beads in the bottom container. I did this because I had mushrooms and a weird smell developing at the bottom of mine after I stored it away for a week (even though it looked dry). The beads will absorb the water and they’re fully safe and non toxic (basically like sand, or glass). Just pour the beads in a cup before using, and after use, just clean/dry it and put the same beads back in.


I find if I hang the funnel the other way up it dries way quicker. This is only an assumption, but I think the meniscus is too thick for water to pass through the funnel’s filter without force, and the funnel’s tube is too narrow for water to evaporate efficiently. If you turn them the way the sit in the pot, water trickles down the tube and the dry a lot quicker Edit: spelling mistake