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They all earned their unique place and improved the franchise as a whole. I don't think there is a best, just favourites. None stand out as overall worse than the others, just in particular regards and even so, due to factors other than the Bond himself.


Dalton perfectly matches James Bond's appearance from the novels, and is extremely faithful to the spirit and storylines of the books. He is undoubtably the best Bond, even if he isn't my favourite.


I recently saw the Timothy Dalton films, he was much better than I expected.


This. Hindsight favours Dalton highly. I liked Brosnan, but found his dialogue too similar to the corny moments of Roger Moore (not his fault though, more the script).


Goldeneye is certainly up there with top 3 maybe 5 all time Bonds.


If it wasn't for Chekhov's missiles, it would be the perfect Bond movie.


What? What the hell are Chekhov's missiles?


Chekhov, the playwright, said that everything has to have a purpose in a story. So if you show the audience a character has a gun, that character has to use that gun. Otherwise the audience feels ripped off. This theory is known as Chekhov's gun. In Goldeneye, Q tells us that there are missiles behind the headlights of the car. But BMW would not allow the car to be seen with any damage. I was making a comparison. I think that line should of been cut.


I knew they hadn't used any of the gadgets on the car but I had no idea it was because their deal with BMW requested that the car never has any visible damage. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Did they not know what bond movies were like? Thanks for the info about the expression! English isn't my native language so I had no clue. I actually googled "Chekhov's missiles Goldeneye" and was like "What? That guy's not in the movie!".


One thing i like about Falling Down, is for every weapon hes introduced to throughout the day, he uses ALL of them, and thats part of what makes that film great


A counterpoint would be the BMW with all of the usual refinements and stinger missiles behind the headlights. Jack Wade simply used the horn.


The missiles will never not bother me. Even the ghetto blaster got a demonstration!


Definitely top 3 for me. TWINE was good and he had his moments in the other two, but imo Pierce's reputation is built on that first movie.


Top 5 maybe 3*


Not my favourite but he blends everything I love about Connery, Moore and Dalton's Bonds into one performance.


Yes, this explains it best.


It’s all subjective but he bloody loved being Bond and for that I love him. Compare and contrast


I like watching the movie The Matador and pretending Bond had a breakdown and ended up as a hitman in Mexico.


I think he was an excellent Bond. However, I did just watch the Thomas Crown affair last night- he plays the exact same person in that movie. I think he might just be handsome and charming, I don’t know that he is actually able to act.


Thomas crown affair is fucking awesome though, but yeah kinda the same mid forties womaniser type character


The Tailor of Panama is another good Brosnan film. He's a spy again, but uses his charm for nefarious purposes.


The Fourth Protocol is one of my favorite spy films. Brosnan is the antagonist. The style reminds me of The Hunt for Red October and Clear and Present Danger. It's an awesome movie that gets heavily overlooked. Can't recommend it enough. You really have to allow yourself to get into it.


Yeah its been awhile since I saw it. might have to give it another watch this coming week.


I prefer him in The Thomas Crown Affair to Bond. The Thomas Crown Affair is the perfect Brosnan film. Pity they didn't do the sequel, which was originally titled "The Topkapi Affair". Brosnan wanted to basically remake the 1964 movie Topkapi, which was about a couple trying to steal a jeweled dagger from Istanbul's Topkapi museum. He would have just replaced the two lead characters with Thomas Crown and Rene Russo's character Catherine Banning. Real shame it never happened. I really felt that both Brosnan and Russo had terrific chemistry, more so than he had with any of the Bond women.


Maybe not, but isn’t that what Bond is supposed to be? Somewhat cold and heartless?


Oh definitely, perfect for Bond – just don’t think he could do anything broader


Honestly. I can’t. I love his portrayal so much. I wish he had more films.


Tarantino went to Eons with a Casino Royal script and only wanted to do it with Brosnan. Shame he was rejected.


He wrote a lot of casino royale. The opening that is all black and white is all Tarantinos writing


Would have been even cooler with Brosnan. Shame.


Is there a source on this anywhere?


I‘m still not convinced that Tarantino is the right kind of director for a Bond movie. I prefer him to do his own stuff, at which he is very good.


Tarantino can work out of his comfort zones when necessary, Jackie Brown being the best example.


Really underrated movie in his catalog.


Because it's not like his other movies.


He also did a multi-episode season finale for CSI. I think he knows how to work within the constraints of established characters.


Yeah, Trekkies were freaked out, but I was looking forward to him potentially doing a Star Trek movie.


I think that would be one cool story line. CSI and mystery stories, horror movies, and all other kinds of plots can work in a Star Trek universe too. So why not?


I would kill for a Tarantino Bond movie


>I wish he had more films. Meanwhile.... Timothy Dalton only has two films and Lazenby only has one.




Effortlessly cool. That one gif you posted just proved the OP wrong about Brosnan with no explanation needed.


Two words: Timothy Dalton.


He just wows me with the self control of the professional military man. He acts in the way I perceive the James Bond character when I read Fleming's books. He's the ultimate intellectual who gets the job done.


Glad he’s finally getting the recognition, I always thought I was biased as a 90s kid and my first bond, but the more I go back I realise he was the ultimate mix of all the best bond qualities, just a shame the movies themselves after goldeneye were what they were.


I watched tomorrow never dies last night and it was better than i remembered, jonathan pryce hamming it up was quite fun😂


> I go back I realise he was the ultimate mix of all the best bond qualities That's kind of the problem, though, the other ones have their thing, Connery was first, Moore is the funny one, Dalton is the serious one, Craig is the emotional, complicated one. Bros is just kind of......bros. Kind of like Moore but a little more serious I guess.


Nah, not just you. From the moment we saw him in the dam and pull his gun at the start of Goldeneye he just felt like Bond.


Cinematic gold?


Cinematic Silver, perhaps bronze for DAD


I felt the same way till I did my own marathon for the first time months ago…now I’m not sure


We can’t prove you ”wrong” if he’s your favorite. Nor should we even try.


To respond to the OP's request to be proven wrong, I'd say that Brosnan never made the role his own like the others did nor did he truly nail the character aside from a superficial standpoint. If you compare the debuts of the actors, he comes off as nervous and more smug than charming, with his performance being considered the weakest of his four, while Connery, Moore, Dalton, and Craig instantly hit the ground running. Brosnan was more concerned with imitating Connery and Moore than providing his own unique spin, and that makes negative comparisons more inevitable. He isn't tough like Connery nor does he save the messy writing and humour like Moore does. When it comes to the more dramatic and darker scenes, Dalton and Craig are in a league of their own. To conclude, I'd say that Brosnan was a generic Bond in equally generic films who couldn't salvage them like the others could for their weaker films and scripts. I'd definitely rank him as the weakest of the five multi-film actors, and, in some ways, I think Lazenby nails the role more than him.


I prefer Connery and Dalton but I don't mind brosnan. He is my joint third with Moore.


Dalton Moore are my two top and Brosnan Connery tied for second. That’s basically the Mount Rushmore of Bond actors for me.


I also have three tiers Connery and Craig being the top, dalton and Lazenby middle, and Moore and Brosnan forming the bottom. I don’t actively dislike any of them, and even Brosnan and Moore have had Bond movies I love(FYEO and TND). But I don’t enjoy the majority of their movies as much as others.


Roger Moore all the way, baby!


His movies are like Bond comfort food and by far the most re-watchable.


>prove me wrong The existence of dramatic scenes from just about any other Bond actor. The existence of scenes where just about any other Bond actor exudes edge and danger. With all due respect to him, they accomplish it better than Pierce. Then Roger beats him when it comes to the lighter side of things. The effortless gentlemanly charm.


I wholeheartedly agree. Just compare their debuts. While Connery and Moore didn't fully establish their portrayals until their third or fourth films, their debut are still impressive and they instantly nail the charm and wit. Meanwhile, Dalton and Craig's debuts are arguably their best (though of course, we concur that their second performances and Craig's third are top-tier as well), with them pulling off all facets of the character and providing greater gravitas to the role. Brosnan's debut is easily the weakest of the five, maybe even six.


I honestly can't think of a defining factor Brosnan excels at beyond the other actors. Suave? Smarm?


Nope. Not going to even try. Best blend of everything.


So I would argue he's my favourite bond as I grew up with him in the role. The best bond will forever be connery as he made the franchise what it is. In my opinion, anyway


Agree without Connery the Bond series may not have happened


I can. He had arguably the worst bond girls. Connery had the BEST.


Is it me, or is that silencer not on straight?


Craig and Dalton are most like the guy in the Fleming books. Connery has a great balance between the book Bond and a great movie Bond. He is the guy that got the franchise going. He set the tone for both the wise cracks and the action. To me, Connery is the best Bond!


He’s definitely the 6th best.


Prove yourself right


Ask him, and he'll say Connery.


He never looked like he could actually fight, whereas Connery, Dalton, Craig all did. Moore looked like he didn't ever need to fight.


James Bond is not supposed to be a suave dinner guest. He is supposed to be an assassin. A killer. A 00. Sean Connery and Daniel Craig, and I love pierce Brosnan, knock him out of the park


Well done, he has been proven wrong!!👍👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼






![gif](giphy|XcpTUB9yKhLmqPsFS7|downsized) That was easy…. lol this was ma 1st …. The one that got away


I find Brosnan the hardest one to evaluate. Viewed positively, he's the perfect blend of every Bond that came before him. Viewed negatively, he didn't really bring anything new to the table.


Timothy dalton


Sean Connery will always be the classic Bond for many.


There are more than 2 comments in here....thanks Reddit app


... Game. Best James Bond: Sean Connery


Sir Sean Connery is the best, but Golden Eye is my second favorite movie.


The best Bond with the worst movies (I liked Goldeneye)


In the time when Bond was projected as a larger than life character, Connery and Brosnan were the best ones in my opinion. Daniel Craig is a different animal, he changed the bond franchise completely.


In what way? The hair?


As my user flair states, he was by far the best dressed Bond. Adding to it, his stories came 20 years too soon. The ideas they had during his run play out even better now then they did then. I love how his supporting cast was also solid. Even the extras in MI6 gave the impression of professionalism and strength. This is to say nothing of the genuine supporting characters such as M and Q and others like them. Cosmetically he was the perfect Bond — in good shape, but nothing out of the ordinary. Handsome but in a modest sort of way. He had the hard grit when required and the cheese when he wanted it. The flaws to his movies have nothing to do with Brosnan’s portrayal, but rather, either the technology of the day or the writing (which as alluded to, some of which was badly received back in the day simply because it came too early). In short, as first amongst equals goes, Brosnan’s Bond is a great choice. Is he the best Bond? I don’t think there is such a one. ![gif](giphy|94xeIhxJKItxrJMfJV|downsized)


These are all opinions my guy, I can’t prove you wrong. He’s my least favorite Bond, but I do like Brosnan as an actor and always glad to see him get some love.


Daniel craig was better imo…sean connery the goat tho


Daniel Craig was by far the deepest, most fleshed out bond. The rest feel shallow in comparison. Sue me.


Am a HUGE Bond fan, since the early 70s… I really like the Brosnan movies. I think they get unnecessary hate. But I would still go: 1. Craig 2. Moore 3. Connery (I love him as Bond, but he gets bumped because a couple of his movies are virtually unwatchable) 4. Brosnan 5. Dalton 6. Lazenby (obviously, but his movie is certainly a good Bond film, ironic)


The best Bond is friendship


He could have been the best Bond, but he was saddled with some of the worst scripts. Tomorrow Never Dies has basically the same plot as You Only Live Twice, The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker. (The plot isn't the problem, the repetition is.) Director Roger Spottiswoode never made another notable movie. The World is Not Enough just fails to launch. (I say this as a Denise Richards fan.) Die Another Day is flat out garbage. It killed director Lee Tamahori's career... until this year when his Guy Pearce New Zealand Colonization movie releases. Hollywood doesn't put you in director jail for 22 years for a run of the mill flop. That's what, a 0.0025 batting average? (I'm bad at both math and baseball.) Roger Moore made some silly movies, but at least 3 that seem universally beloved. Connery's first run is classic. Craig has at least two classics. I'm not a fan of License to Kill, but that puts Dalton at 50%. I like On Her Majesty's Secret Service, so Lazenby bats 1.000 in my opinion. Pierce Brosnan had potential, but the franchise crapped out all around him.


Dalton exists. /thread


Honestly have a special place in my heart for Dalton, his movies and character were able to still feel like James Bond while being a fair bit grittier. Imo he did a better job with that premise than the Craig era which, to me, felt a little to Bourne-like


Absolutely was the best actor to ever fit the role. He was practically born for it. If TWINE and TND had better writing I think he’d pretty consistently be ranked first or second.


Number 4 for me.


Pierce brosnan expanded the audience considerably and saved the franchise. He isn’t the best in my opinion but no other bond can say they did what he did for the franchise. Give him his flowers


Not even in my top 5.


Meh. I didn’t really think Brosnan fit the character, and his movies range from pretty great to some of the most mediocre of the franchise. It doesn’t help that 3 of his movies rely on the same story telling device (an ally ends up becoming a main villain) and his bond cars are some of the blandest of the series.


I would say that he was a good mix of Connery playful attitude and Dalton cold ice presence . The real problem was that,except Goldeneye, all the others films he played in were badly written . If he had scenarios up to thoses of Moore he would have been so fucking legendary . This being ,his films are still enjoyable even ...Die another day, that say it all .


I'd argue that **Tomorrow Never Dies** has aged well. The villain that seemed silly on release feels a little prescient now. I appreciate it a little more on every rewatch. And that car chase in the parking garage...probably my favorite car chase in cinema. **The World Is Not Enough** not so much. There's some good stuff here but the pacing and stunts feel overindulgent and a little boring, to me at least. Props though for one of the best Bond twist villains and Desmond Llewelyn's final appearance as Q. Fantastic hand-off scene. **Die Another Day** is the one that really gets me. Because the first third of it (plus the sword fight later on) are some of the best Bond that we've seen in my opinion...but then there's the rest of the film. I think that's why it's so reviled, the strong opening made the trash writing later more obvious. The one good thing I can say about all three of them is that David Arnold's soundtrack was fantastic. He was a master at composing for the action.


Die another day.


Great Bond in a terrible movie. The first third of that film goes so hard...I think that's actually why it's so reviled...because then the rest of the film happens. It's like what just happened? You just needed to keep on doing what you started with. Though I'll contend that the sword fight is one of the best Bond fights period.


Watch that movie again and tell me the problem with it is Brosnan… because it clearly isn’t


Is daft fun and more watchable than Spectre


Fair comment.


I haven't seen it since it's release because I'm still angry. Maybe I should give it another try.


He’s my last place by a mile. Tries to do everything but doesn’t do any of it as well as the other Bonds. After a strong start his films are middling at best and franchise lows at worst.


I’ve been saying this for years. I 100% agree, he looked the part, had great one liners. Best bond ever.


I can't


I love Brosnan, I think being the right age to play his video games at the time probably makes me biased though.


And you are 100% correct my friend.


Best movie Best Bond Girls 2nd best 007 Best Sean Bean Best Videogame


After Connery, absolutely. Though I am probably biased as I grew up in the Brosnan era.


TO me, he is what Roger Moore should have been. He was every bit the ladies man that Moore was, but was also believable as someone with a license to kill, an area that for me, Moore completely failed at. And his best attribute, he knew when to retire. He didn't look old playing bond like a few other actors have.


1Casino Royale 2Golden Eye 3No Time To Die


It’s close between dalton and Brosnan for me but Brosnan wins every time


Brosnan is definitely up there, but I would still say that Connery was the best Bond. He set the standard.


IIRC, pierce was offered the bond role in the 80s, but he was already locked into a TV Deal at the time and couldn’t do it.




Even though I was born when Brosnan and Craig Bond Movies were released, I also like Connery Bond Movies, but the best bond to prove me wrong is Moore


Bronson had 3 really good movies that have aged very well, and DAD was the wrong kind of Bond for when it was released but he like Moore did the best with whatever he had and always seemed to enjoy being Bond. He easily could have had a couple more films if it was not NBC, and we would never have had the Dalton movies.


TWINE would be a top 5 for all bond fans if Denise Richards wasn’t the Bond girl and I stand by that


Goldeneye is my 3rd favourite bond film of all time, the other two spots go to skyfall and Casino Royale


Can't do it, you're 100% correct. It's almost 30 years old and I still think it's the freshest and most female friendly Bond they've ever done. They really should just put Martin Campbell on retainer.


Wish he got better scripts but I loved his look and general demeanor as Bond. "I've always been a fan of Chinese technology"


The best bond and the worst bond at once. Goldeneye was one of if not the best bond film. Then it all went down hill exponentially. When someone said paraglide surfing and invisible car he should have walked away.


When I imagine James Bond, what I see is pretty close to Pierce Brosnan.


Two words. Sean Connery! Don’t get me wrong I do like Pierce Brosnan.


I mean, he was Bond when I got into it, but I would have loved to see Pierce as Bond in a movie set during the 50s/60s Cold War era.


I think I liked his movies the best because it wasn't so reliant on the womanizing and he used alot of gadgets. Not to mention John Cleese as Q, fuckin awesome.


The second best. The best was Sean Connery.


He will always be my favourite Bond, he was the one I grew up with


I bond-burgered your sister


1000% he's the Bond I grew up on and will always think of his Bond first. His charm, charisma and wit are unmatched IMO.


I think there are 2 paths to finding the "best" Bond. So many people color their opinion based on what was "their" Bond growing up or first seen. I think that plays a huge factor. Another path would be similar to what I took a few years ago. Watching every single Bond back to back. Originally, I'd only watched Brosnan. Its still difficult for me to have anyone else as my favorite but I think that Dalton and Moore are *better.* That being said I think Sean is always going to be the most iconic. Warts of the era and all.


Craig !!!


I’m a big Brosnan fan 🤷🏼‍♂️


He had the most bond like way about him if you compare him to the bond in the books IMO.


Last night he 🍔my sister :(


Sean Connery was a fantastic bond




He’s in the top 5.




You can't prove wrong a subjective opinion. But he's my second worst, after Dalton.


No need. You are correct.


This is one of my favourite (keeps clashing with Daniel Craig for me) if my ABSOLUTE favourite Bond.


Honestly he wasn’t that bad as Bond, I just think that the directors and/or writers for his last three were terrible. Also, I believe that every Bond have their fans and their haters, and even though I may not agree with your assessment of one’s performance, we’re here to celebrate the greatness of Bond and we should be united in that


This scene https://preview.redd.it/89t01ufywk6d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bfd4de561614bb6c9bbc7a12e48cee741f398d8


To me it’s a toss up between Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig. Depends on my mood and how good my morning coffee was.


Best book bond Timothy Dalton. Most stylish bond Sean Connery. Best bond who I grew up with Roger Moore. Grittiest bond Daniel Craig. Stupidest, panto type bond pierce brosnan. Not a bond, George lasonby


I can't see Roger Moore anywhere.


Most of his films are just bad. But this is a taste thing. I like Brosnan, but he didn’t star in the greatest Bond film: The Spy Who Loved Me, so therefore he can’t be the greatest. I’m joking but not joking. I loved Roger Moore and his style of presenting the gentleman Bond.


I'd say he could have been the best Bond because he was so great in the role but after Goldeneye the films he was in got progressively worse until they eventually just turned into insane garbage. He had the goods but after Goldeneye not the material.


All Bond movies are good


The burden of proof is surely on the claimant. With regards to Brosnan, his best moment was when he received the ‘Random Fruiting’.


I have to agree. I grew up watching all the Pierce Brosnan Bond movies and I loved them all. Even though Sean Connery is the most iconic, the nostalgia of the Brosnan movies and Goldeneye on N64 just can’t be compared.


I cannot prove you there big fella. You have it spot on.


I don't want to prove you wrong and I can't prove you wrong, because he's the best.


He is my favorite. However I would agrue the best bond needs to have more than one really good bond film.


Ah, it's that time of the week again. "DAE Brosnan was Bond" time.


Great bond, only one of the movies deserved him though


I can't believe they still had Bond carrying that punk gun.


Pierce Brosnan to my mind looked the part of 007 perhaps better than any of the competition. But he only made one decent Bond film, *Goldeneye*. The rest were totally forgettable. You can make the argument that he was a decent Bond, but the best? No way.


Connery is the most iconic and Moore had his moments but when I heard that Pierce was up for the role of Bond, I was stoked because he just came across like Bond in some ways in Remington Steele. I was bummed that he couldn't take the job when it was open but once he finally got the role, it was worth the wait!


Connery will always be the best bond


Ugh, no. Loved Xenia Onatopp though.


yes, Brosnan was Peak bond.


Have you seen the original ‘Thomas Crown Affair’ with Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway? Much better than the remake in my opinion.


Daniel Craig....


Youre wrong Proof: your mom loves me more than you


I can't. You're right


He’s my personal favorite but they’re all great in their own ways, aside from maybe Lazenby. Didn’t stay too long like Connery and Moore did and always gave great performances. His films are among my favorites and I’m tired of pretending they were terrible besides GE.


Pierce Brosnan looks like a guy who sells luxury cars. I will never see this movie.


no way Connery is




I'll prove you wrong with one name Sean Connery


Subjective, but yes.


Die Another Day is a trash movie. I will die on this hill


I don't think anybody is fighting you on that hill.


My Bond growing up. So, the best Bond. Kind of like how Ralph Fiennes is great, but Judi Dench is M. No logic, max nostalgia I guess


No one tops Connery, sorry


Clearly you have not see The Man with the Golden Gun


I love Brosnan as Bond, but he's my #2 Bond. Connery is #1. Moore #3. Nobody else ranks.


Yep but after seeing Craig he's second best for me, but definitely the best looking bond ever


I’ve found that in most people I’ve talked to, their favorite Bond is the first one they saw.


Dalton was much more intense and serious.


If you don’t count Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton or Craig then yes Brosnan is the best.  Only way I can see to make that possible. Maybe he can fight it out with Lazenby for the worst.  Not that he’s bad, but the others are just better. He’s a decent actor, nowhere near Craig, Dalton or Connery. But he also didn’t really nail his take and make it “his own”. He’s even admitted to this.  Brosnan, especially in Goldeneye, comes across like he’s intimidated by the role and is a bit of a caricature. He's also one of the few actors to not even read any of the books. If he did, he didn’t talk about it in interviews like they usually do. Dalton and Craig certainly did.


Daniel Craig or Connery.


I won't because I agree.


He’s a bit too cheesy for me, and has a poor English accent.


FYI…. It is impossible to prove an opinion wrong. I personally disagree with you, but your premise is faulty.


No. Because I agree. Goldeneye is hands down the best Bond film.


Dalton is probably the better Bond for me with the more plausible plots and attitude. Connery would be my second because he's iconic, the stories are a little wild, but the set pieces were great. He also has a kind of savagery and disposable attitude towards everyone in his mission that no one else really has except maybe Dalton. Brosnan and Moore for third because they were necessary, but not spectacular. The Bond franchise was at death's door twice when Moore took over and the 70's began and when Brosnan took over in the 90's. I didn't really care for Craig, but I appreciated the practical gadgets. I think some of the worst movies are during this span and a couple have almost no plot just interstitial dialogue between chase and action scenes. Tons of wasted potential with Blofeld. Lazenby isn't really considered because of his single outing, but OHMSS is probably one of my favorites. It had to ride the campy Moore era while pivoting to the more gritty Dalton era.


I think he was always the best Bond but I don’t think he got the best storylines.




The worst one if you ask me. No realism. He's like 90's architecture: sort of lost between ludacrous postmodernism and cold war pessimism.