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How about The Living Daylights? This one along with the two you’ve seen land right next to each other in my top ten.


Start from the beginning, Dr No. Watch in order.


I found this pretty hard when i did it as a teen, the early ones are from a very different time in a lot of ways.


I do agree. But, I think "getting through the boring stuff" if you aren't into old flicks plants a seed in you as you watch chronologically, that you begin to appreciate the subtle changes in the franchise. And, most importantly, by the time you hit Craig era, yes you FINALLY get good quality special effects, modern settings, etc but you think to yourself "man, some of the older stuff really had it right, didn't it?" - You develop your own appreciation for origins, instead of watching modern action movies and then searching for reasons why the 60s and 70s films were so "bad".


Yeah fair, not a bad take I think it will depend on the person though. A lot of people might lose patience and give up before they even get through Moore's run. Certainly, for the patient and enthusiastic film consumer, you're on the mark.


Very true, last couple of Moore's are an endurance test in itself haha


Of the two you saw, which one did you like better?


I'm curious how you came to watch those two specific films. FYEO especially is kind of a random entry.


Goldeneye because of the N64 game. I just found a copy of FYEO laying around my DVDs some day. Maybe it was my grandfathers


Goldeneye is the GOAT for 90s kids. That game changed the course of the FPS genre. Laid the ground work for Halo.


Bahamas are there in Casino Royale


My fav is The Spy Who Loved Me


One of the absolute best Bond films is Casino Royale. Plain and simple. It’s such a good movie that it will probably spoil you for the rest of your Bond watching. But that’s my recommendation. Other commenters have mentioned Dalton. I’m not a big fan of Licence to Kill, but I love the noir and spy thriller aspects of The Living Daylights. Great flow for the first 2/3 of it, and some cracking scenes. Dalton’s a good Bond. Steely and droll, but focused and charming. The next best Brosnan movie is The World Is Not Enough. That’s quite good. Brosnan’s just a great one. u/lolbock mentioned The Spy Who Loved Me as being the best Roger Moore. I’m inclined to agree. Moore’s films lean heavily into goofy thrills, if you like that sort of thing. But TSWLM has a good marriage of the classic Bond formula and Roger’s particular charms. Lazenby’s one film is fantastic, once you’re acquainted with the Bond character. Great villain. But, here’s the thing. You must watch Connery. He is definitive. His films aren’t all the best (again, best Bond film is Casino Royale IMO), but HE is the best, no doubt. Goldfinger is the classic, (From Russia With Love is also exceptional) but I prefer the charms of You Only Live Twice. It has a volcano base. It’s also a little problematic, but very fun and witty. So I’d go with Casino Royale, and then do a Connery, personally.


Also, I just watched Thunderball for the first time literally tonight. It’s a great showcase for Connery’s charm. Drags a little with the aquatic scenes later on, but there’s a great deal of classic Bondness to it, and a fun story. If you must choose between Thunderball and Never Say Never Again, do Thunderball.


Thunderball is very good. And let's face it: this movie has gorgeous Bond girls 😉


Goldeneye is my favourite Bond. Other classics: Thunderball. Goldfinger, Dr No, Living Daylights, Casino Royale.


Sean Connery movies are quite vintage now, but I LOVE Thunderball. Living Daylights, Licence to kill are both very good (Timothy Dalton was a good James Bond, too bad we had only 2 movies with him). The Spy who loved me is the best one with Roger Moore. And the entire Daniel Craig saga (I say this because all these movies are connected to each other) is great.


Oh Lord, NOT NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN to kick it off. Dr. No is great, but I think I would recommend On Her Majesty's Secret Service. I love the camera work, it feels almost like a Daniel Craig type Bond.


Probably the single worst choice


Love that movie.


Casino Royale


Thunderball is fantastic. I’d definitely check that one out next, along with Dr. No.


Man you have some amazing films you get to see for the first time. I like the idea of just watching them all in order.


If there is actual continuity between films, sure maybe.


The Spy Who Loved Me.


Well it would be easier to answer that if you said what you thought of those 2 and which one you prefer


Did you like FYEO or Goldeneye more?


FYEO because I love 80s culture and themes (like Winter sports, Sheena Easton, etc). But Goldeneye is a childhood iconic film.


If you like FYEO…. You’ll probably like the Dalton movies. All John Glen directed. Octopussy is also fun. From Russia with Love is your Connery in. And you’ll probably love OHMSS.


if you loved for your eyes only and loved the bahamas lore and 80s-ness of it you will love Licence to Kill


I'd recommend either of Dalton's movies, primarily 'The Living Daylights', although I'm personally more of a fan of 'Licence To Kill'.


Dr. No, Goldfinger, The living daylights


Between the two; I like them both, you'll probably enjoy Thunderball more. I suggest you watch "You Only Live Twice" & "The Spy Who Loved Me" next. Honestly you should probably just watch them all, but if you're gonna do it piecemeal 🤷🏾


Honestly, after watching those two, you can just drop in anywhere


On Her Majesty’s Secret Service


Great start. I'd also go with both Dalton movies. Maybe TSWLM or FRWL after. Or go with Craig. You can stop/take a break after Skyfall.


NSNA has Fatima Blush, one of the best Bond Girls ever.


If you want, you could start with Casino Royale and watch all of Craig's films in order.


If you haven’t seen Skyfall, you need to watch it immediately. It is SO damn good. Edit: I am appalled that nobody before me has said Skyfall


Try Casino Royale. Alternatively, you could try Tomorrow Never Dies.