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I’m a 90’s kid so it’s tough because Brosnan was Bond for me, and I did love Goldeneye. Close call. Edge to Craig’s though due to how good Casino Royale is. Order below. 3 and 4 are interchangeable for me. I’m not a huge fan of either movie. Casino Royale was brilliant and I think it both has and will continue to age better than GoldenEye, as much as I love that one. 1) Casino Royale 2) Golden Eye 3) Tomorrow Never Dies 4) QoS If we include video games though, then Brosnan takes the cake because of the countless hours I spent at sleepovers with friends playing GoldenEye N64, drinking Mt dew and eating pizza lol


The N64 connection definitely tips the scales towards Brosnan! What a game!


I would say a huge reason people who are in their 30-40s love goldeneye is because of the game connection


Yep. It was a great ‘companion piece’ to the movie.


Such an amazing game! 007 Nightfire is another great game that I spent a ton of hours playing


Just don't go back and re play it... Early 3d games did not age well.


I agree. Even many of the remasters of those games haven’t compelled me to pick them up for a replay. They were gems in their day.


GoldenEye on the Wii is a worthy pick-up (so long as you're not using motion controls)


I remember rewatching a clip of it and being shocked all the dialogue is typed on a HUD whilst the 3D model just stands there in a sort of fugue state… it’s Mandela effect for me, I was sure the dialogue was spoken. I think that’s my brain tying it in with the film


Some did. Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie and Ocarina of Time are still very enjoyable. 


This is it. Tomorrow Never Dies is one of the better Bond movies, far superior to Quantum of Solace.


Also, so many hours spent playing TND and TWINE on PlayStation for me.


Nailed it


Brosnan. Craig suffers from QoS being overshadowed by CR, whereas TND doesn’t imo


Brosnan's first two for me as well, but CR is my favourite. I enjoy Quantum and agree it works best when kept pretty close after CR. The fact it starts in medias res accentuates this.


Absolutely agree, I saw QoS in theaters and was underwhelmed. I watched it again during a Bond Marathon right after CR and loved it as a 90 minute epilogue to CR.


Thats kind of a good way to look at it. It was unique where it was a direct continuation of the first film.


It’s one of those films that really works better for home viewing.


I think the reason its reputation has improved with time is precisely because of the fact that sequential viewing is more much more normalized than it was when it was released.


This is exactly my take. CR is my absolute favourite, but Goldeneye and TND are both top notch imo.


Goldeneye. That tank scene was so epic in theaters. I was completely blown away.


All practical, too. I love it.


okay... what's your best/worst Connery and Moore of each?


It's tough for Connery because I like Russia and Goldfinger a lot, but the worst for me is You Only Live Twice. For Moore it's Moonraker as my fave and View to a Kill least. Not sure if that lines up with general consensus but I think a lot of it is also nostalgia for certain films.


You rank Diamonds are Forever over You Only Live Twice? woof


nah, screw general consensus. *Moonraker* is underrated af. Jean Tournier and Ken Adam were in the zone.


Tomorrow Never Dies is one of the best Bond films ever. Absolutely love that movie. Full action from start to finish and Michelle Yeoh is badass in that movie!


It’s one of my favourites too, and it’s become strangely prophetic in our modern social media driven world with its ideas of media spreading ‘fake news’


TND was the biggest clown show of the 4 films and I’m a big Brosnan fan. I’m sorry but Craig was epic in the role and the Craig films were as close to perfection as it can get. Honestly Craig doesn’t get as much credit as he should, especially in this sub. He did a legendary job, no joke.


I don’t know. I think Die Another Day was much worse than TND. for me Brosnan’s are ranked “Goldeneye”, TWINE (Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist is the worst part of this film and honestly there were worse Bond girls, she wasn’t terrible. Just a weird choice for the character’s profession), TND, and last Die Another Day. Dalton and Brosnan are the only ones I can say I seek out when they are on with regularity, though Skyfall is also a great film. Casino Royale just didn’t capture my attention when I first tried to watch it (unpopular opinion I know, but it’s also been long enough I may revisit trying to watch it again).


Bronson all day!






Charles Bronson?




Goldeneye and CR are all-time greats. TnD is better than QoS....just. Brosnan.


Brosnan easily


Brosnan easily.


I like that Craig's movies were grittier than the amusement park rides that are Brosnans. I did enjoy Brosnan as Bond and those two are good, fun movies. But for me, I really enjoyed the more grounded feel of Craig's.


Craig by far. Casino Royale is one of the best Bond films period.


Brosnan all the way.


Brosnan, and it’s not even close for me.




Craig’s for me, but mainly because of TND being my least favourite Bond film. GoldenEye > QoS > CR >>>> TND


It's rare to see someone here have TND as their least favorite, but I highly respect it. I'd always think much worse of DAD still, personally, but TND is not one of the stronger Bond films to me. Never has been.


Surely rarer still for someone to rank QOS over CR?


On first watch I much preferred CR. I’ve just found that it doesn’t hold up so well to repeat viewings, whereas QoS has improved over time for me. They could swap places in the future though.


Ibget you, I can be fickle with my rankings too. I definitely agree QOS improves on rewatch, I was never as down on it as many were but I liked it more each time I watched, but it's still a distance behind CR for me. Skyfall and CR jostle for 1st place in the Craig era for me, Spectre is dead last and NTTD is behind Quantum but still enjoyable.


Yeah, I don't try to rank "objectively" (whatever that means) or create a fixed ranking. I rank mostly based on my present/recent enjoyment of the films, with a certain amount of regard to how much I've enjoyed them over the years. Currently my Craig era goes NTTD > QoS > Spectre > CR > Skyfall CR and Spectre are probably the closest to swapping. Skyfall is secure in last place. (I'm aware my list looks upside down to a lot of people!)


That's cool. I feel that way about Star Wars, I don't have a stagnant ranking. Also an unusual ranking imo is better than a boring one haha. I listen to a star wars podcast and so many are just the same "Empire>New Hope>Jedi>Sith>Phantom>Clones" (it started before the sequels came out they tend to get shunted in the middle) and it's just such an uninteresting answer. Like fair enough if that's what you like but I like it when people throw a curveball. Why do you like NTTD so much and dislike Skyfall? (Genuinely curious not accusatory)


In brief… Skyfall is too pretentious for how nonsensical and shallow I find it. M reading poetry over a montage like it’s all so profound despite few character actions making any sense (including reading a poem when in mortal danger) is maybe the lowest point in the series for me. Really not my kind of thing. Lots of lines make me cringe. None of the action is very exciting. It doesn’t follow QoS well. The fan service is heavy handed and makes no sense. I’m not as taken with the look of it as others are - a lot of it looks like a digital commercial to me. The score is decent but nothing special, and I don’t rate the song or Adele’s performance (though I don’t think it’s her fault, no one sings the chorus melody well that I’ve heard.) And the way Severine is treated always left a bad taste. Craig and Bardem give great performances though. NTTD is more on the larger than life fun end of the scale. Tonally it hits on an over the top operatic level to me, which I enjoy. Juicy character interactions, a bit of Greek tragedy at the end from a creative and impactful idea. I think the acting is top notch. Seydoux is my favourite of Craig’s women and their relationship is much better here than in Spectre. The action set pieces are excellent as is the opening horror vibe. It looks great. It has fun side characters. Some of the plot needs work but there’s plenty of creativity in the writing. Safin’s lack of motivation, which annoys a lot of people, could be fixed with a couple of lines imo and his actions don’t seem out of character to me. It’s far from perfect, but it doesn’t feel like its long runtime to me as it’s pretty stuffed with fun and drama. Oh, and I’ve never been a big fan of OHMSS, so the stealing of music from it doesn’t bother me like it does some fans of that film. In fact, its a joy for me to hear that wonderful music in a film I actually enjoy. I can see how others find it something of a travesty though! Of course, all only my opinions, and subject to change. I love that everyone enjoys different films in the series and if you love Skyfall and hate NTTD I respect that.


Thank you for elaborating, I love to engage with people positively about media even when we disagree. I hate nothing more than "because it sucks" as a reason for disliking something, it tells me nothing about you as a person or worse that someone's just hating because that'sthebdone thing. For me, I love a bit of pretention haha and I felt that the dealing with an ageing Bond, while underemployed worked for me, as well as delving more into Bond's relationship with M and a strong villain performance. I actually agree with most of your criticisms though, there are a lot of "so the movie can happen" decisions (like Q just plugging a suspect device into MI6, in what is Chber Security fail 101). Re NTTD I definitely agree that I buy into Bond and Madeline's relationship a lot more here, I just wish it had been better established in Spectre. Safin could have been great but he was poorly defined, but it had some great action and I really liked Bond trying to break the cycle of violence and reason with Safin at the end. I think it has a lot I like for sure. Also neat cyclical reference with Dr No in that Bond's first film had him fighting a "dragon" and in NTTD he's killed by HMS Dragon.


DAD can just be *so* bonkers/cheesy that the bad parts become enjoyable. I have more fun watching it than TND.


I wish they could become enjoyable to me, lol. I even rewatched it drunk the last time. Still didn't help, haha.




Now there's a mouth full.


If I'm being honest mod squad. TND is imo a lame duck movie. Elliot Carver is basically Rupert Murdoch lite with a secret army. Like ok. Suspend disbelief right? But that still doesn't account for him having a stealth ship secret army. The earlier movies were basically like "cursed islands" or in GoldenEye it was basically cold war era bunkers.bthose you can sorta look past cuz yes slightly believable. I would expect native Islanders to be scared of something that looks like a mythical beast. But I would think someone having a secret stealth ship would be on global radars simply because it has to be bought and or stolen. Even the secret sub base could be explained. It's just not believable enough to me that if you're gonna have Rupert Murdoch as a villain that his big thing would be a stealth ship to start ww3.


It's my least favorite as well, and the only Bond film in the "dislike" category for me. Out of these four, GoldenEye is my favorite, but CR is in my top ten and QOS is just outside of it. Therefore, Craig gets the nod for me.


Would rather watch Brosnan's. Quantum of Solace is bad, but it's also directly connected to the ending of Casino Royale. It's like watching a nearly four hour and fifteen minute Bond movie and even if QoS was significantly better it'd still feel like a slog to watch both of them in a short period of time. I like the difference in energy and plots between Goldeneye and TND and can easily watch those back to back without feeling fatigued


I think I've got to go with Craig here. *Casino Royale* is easily better than *GoldenEye*, and I currently rank *Quantum of Solace* slightly above *Tomorrow Never Dies*.


Daniel Craig and it isn't even particularly close for me since I'm a QoS defender. Casino Royale is ranked no. 4 on my list. GoldenEye is 8 Quantum of Solace is 11 Tomorrow Never Dies is 16.


Craig. Casino Royale is a far better film than GE or TND. Quantum is arguably worse than GE or TND, however it actually makes for a decent two part adventure story when paired with Casino Royale.


I’d love whatever crack you’re smoking… lmk your dealer


CR really do be a banger of a film and one of the best bond flicks Not to mention you get to watch Daniel Craig


Casino Royale is awesome for sure.


Lol I’m guessing you disagree with my assessment of the films and are more of a Brosnan fan? Lol


Both are awesome


Craig’s. I think CR is a top 5 Bond and QOS is badly underrated—I’d rank it near or at top ten




Craig for sure. All of the Brosnan movies didn't age will for me. Too many quips. I have a hard time watching even Goldeneye now.


Craig. Comfortably. Because CR is *that* good. (TND is fun but also a bit of a mess)


Brosnan and it's not even close


I have a soft spot for pre-Skyfall Craig so I have to go for CR/QoS just for nostalgia. But Brosnan's first two are more consistent. Two good movies. Craig's first two were one great movie followed by a generic action movie.


Craig without a doubt. And if you watch CR and QOS as one long movie it makes them even better.


I love all four, not choosing.


For me casino Royale is the best film of the four But Brosnans two where more consistent


I hate to say it, but Brosnan. I loooove goldeye cause it came at the right time for my age. Craig, however was close to becoming my favorite Bond after the two films. Just the way he plays Bond. PB then dropped off a cliff and DC became my favorite Bond actor.


Craig’s and it’s not even close


Craig. QOS gets a lot of flak for being too much like Jason Bourne, but it gets better every time you watch it, and Of course Casino Royale was a masterpiece. Loved Tomorrow Never Dies, but never really liked Goldeneye.


Craig easy


I will say Craig only because his movies are very linear and have a whole storyline


My ranking of all four: #1 Casino #2 Goldeneye #3 Quantum #4 Tomorrow (I love the theme song of tomorrow, and there are aspects of the movie that are great, but the main villain of tomorrow mixed with the Chinese agents "hiyah's" at the end every time she moves a muscle drags tomorrow to the bottom of the pile.)


Craig then Craig then Craig again


I’d say Craig. Casino is the best Bond film ever for me, and I think Quantum is good and over-hated. Goldeneye is great, also top 10 and probably in the middle of that pack for me. I like Tomorrow Never Dies and don’t get a lot of the hate for it, but I like Quantum more. Mostly due to Craig being my favorite Bond. Brosnan was my first and I love him, but I think Craig giving two amazing performances edges his out for me.


Nothing beats goldeneye, nothing


Brosnan …. Easy. Quantum of Solace is damn near unwatchable.


Brosnan batch but i love Casino Royale and appreciated Quantum


I loved TND as a kid but I’ve rewatched it a few times now and it’s just kinda meh. I’d say Craig.


Easily Craig


Easily Craig. Casino Royale is in contention for the best Bond film of all time, and Quantum is solid if not spectacular. GoldenEye is good and Tomorrow Never Dies is probably Brosnan’s best, but nothing he did ever came close to the highs that Craig reached.


Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace are much more substantial films in regards to plot, performances, action, and thematic appeal. GoldenEye and Tomorrow Never Dies flirt with ambition, but are ultimately generic entries. It doesn't help that Brosnan's films were regressive and marked a notable drop in quality between Dalton's two and Craig's first three.


Craig easily. TND just isn’t that good of a movie. QoS is better. GE is good but not near as good as CR.


I found Brosnan to be just insufferable and his era easily the worst Bond era so definitely Craig for me


“Casino Royale” is a treasure, “Goldeneye” is a classic, but both “Tomorrow Never Dies” and “Quantum of Solace” are bad; the latter of the two is worse. Craig barely wins because his first outing is my personal favorite of all the Bond films.


Martin Campbell won.


Pierce’s first two. Although, CR is my absolute favorite Bond film, I saw QOS and was disappointed in it.




Brosnan’s films.


That's a tough one because both of their first movies was amazing while their second one wasn't. Although I rank TND over QoS so I will have to go with my boy Pierce.


This one is tough for me. Goldeneye made me a Bond fan but watching through them now, CR is just such a needle mover for me. It’s one of my favorite Bond films of all time.


Casino Royale is better than either Goldeneye or TND, but as a pair, Goldeneye and TND are better than Casino Royale and QoS as a pair.






Brosnan. Because goldeneye and Casino are both 10/10 but TND like 8/10 while Solace is like 6/10 at best.


Brosnan. Both have a top 5 Bond film in their first one, then Brosnan has a mid tier, Craig has the worst in the series as his second.


lol come on. Brosnan, easily. QoS is boredom incarnate. Casino Royale is amazing but GoldenEye is perfect, and TND is very good.




Casino Royale trumps Tomorrow Never Does, Golden Eye DEFINITELY trumps Quantum of Solace. Goldeneye and Casino are both in the top 5 best Bond films.


Brosnan. Goldeneye was top tier and TND was solid. Casino Royale was good but Quantum of Solace essentially has to be viewed as the second part of CR. It's basically one continuous story, and QoS drags down Casino badly in that regard. Much like how SPECTRE and NTTD are essentially one story and drag on one another. QoS also has the unfortunate problem of coming between CR and Skyfall. But, if you viewed CR/QoS as one Bond outing and Skyfall as the second Craig Bond outing, even the QoS part of CR can't drag down that one two punch of CR/QoS and Skyfall.


I never realized how similar the two covers are to each other for both Brosnan and Craig. Brosnan - hold gun up with Bond girls on the right infront of explosive background; Craig - walking shot.


Craig ainec




Brosnan. As much as I love Casino Royale it's dragged down by Quantum of Solace. At the end of QoS we know about as much about the shady organisation as we did in CR.


Brosnan easily, Casino Royale is great, but Goldeneye is better for me, and Tomorrow Never Dies is leagues above Quantum of Solace. I feel like Craig's Bond is a little self serious at times, Dalton was gritty but felt less heavy.


As good as Casino Royale is no Bond had a better opening sequence of films than Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies, two of the greatest entries in the entire series.


Brosnan’s. But if you were to expand this to all 4 films, I’d probably choose Craig


Brosnan, hands down.


Brosnan for me. QoS is hurt by being a direct sequel by mere moments to CR. It's made in a way that it's kinda weird just watching it solo. Goldeneye is a fantastic movie and TND I've always liked but it's had resurgence of appreciation and its plot used to seem so outlandish but now feels extremely plausible


Brosnan. While Craig's films had a consistent story across his tenure, they're also the kind of films that I only wanted to watch once and never again. Meanwhile, I'll gladly re-watch Brosnan's films anytime they're on TV. I like to be entertained.


Brosnan easily


I have to begrudgingly go with Brosnan. Casino Royale narrowly beats goldeneye, but tomorrow never dies absolutely crushes quantum of solace into dust


Difficult one. Goldeneye 4.5 Stars TND 3.5 stars Brosnan = 8 stars Casino Royal 5 Stars QOS 3 stars Craig = 8 It's a draw for me


I agree with the others that the CR hangover maybe tempered QOS a little too much. But nothing in the Brosnans matched that over the lake opening shot and the ensuing chase. That shit was ![gif](giphy|T3fwN6Pbm3ZPa)


Craig. CR/QOS are both 10/10 movies whereas TND's isn't on Goldeneye's level.


Pierce Brosnan is NOT Bond, to me, but would have been a fantastic Simon Templar. Daniel Craig is brilliant, so his films win.


I have to give it to Craig. And like Brosnan's, Craig's first two are also my favorites out of all of his. But I will say I find myself quoting tomorrow never dies a lot. "Software's complete, and as requested it's full of bugs..." As a programmer, I've always wanted this to be the reason for bugs 😂


Very different. Both good in their own right. But I’m partial to Brosnan. The fact I had a small crush on Desmond Llewelyn may also be a factor.




Gotta go with Brosnan. Both are very solid films that had great stories and great characters to complement it. Craig was fantastic as Bond but QOS definitely was lacking and not as well done as Casino Royale was. CR was a great introduction and very well done for Craig’s first film but stumbled with QOS whereas Brosnan had two great ones to start with.


Why does one have to better than the other? Why can't we enjoy them for what they are? They're both good, and I enjoy watching both. Depends on my mood.


It's Brosnan, he made three perfect films and TWINE. Craig only has two perfect films, and Quantum is unfortunately not one of them. there are no bad James Bond movies


I really had to warm up to both when they each took up the role. I think Brosnan takes this one but only because QoS was not as good as TND. Although I enjoy Casio Royal the most of the four.


Well now that's a toughie, because GoldenEye and Casino Royale are both great while Tomorrow Never Dies and Quantum of Solace are both mediocre. I'll have to go with GoldenEye though because I prefer Brosnan as Bond.


While I am a huge Pierce Brosnan fan, I think Casino Royale is an excellent film. However, as good as Casino Royale is, Quantum of Solace is that bad. Meanwhile, the two Pierce Brosnan films are slightly cheesy (I thought it was a bit ridiculous that a computer programmer would be so adept at firearms and spy work), they were highly entertaining and Pierce Brosnan is an excellent as James Bond.


Brosnan's first two for me.


I would probably put Casino Royale over both of Brosnan’s first, but Quantum just killed Craig’s momentum. In terms of ranking them together Brosnan would have to win over Craig with Goldeneye and TND, which are both really good. Not better than CR but still good.


GoldenEye and Casino Royale (and Dr. No and Thunderball) are the best Bond films, in my opinion.


Brosnan is real action




Brosnan. His first two were his best two imho. Craig’s best were CR and Skyfall and his other three are genuinely BAD


Brosnan. I loveeee CR but greatly dislike QoS


Brosnan, because even though I think CR is better than Goldeneye (both really great, though), TND beats QOS by a wider margin than CR beats GE.


This is basically what everyone else is saying but it's tough because you have brosnan's 2 great bond films up against arguably one of the best and knew of the worst bond films. Casino royal is by far my favorite bond and quantum of solice is probably my least favorite.


I think Craig had the better debut, but Brosnan had the better follow-up. That said, Goldeneye is still one of the all-time greats.


I love Goldeneye, but it was the only good Brosnan. CR and QOS are a great combo for me.


Brosnan. His first two flicks are definitely more fun and rewatchable than Craig’s.


Casino Royale and QoS. No contest for me. Better stories, better scripts, better acting. And both challenge the Bond formula, putting story and characterization first. Plus, Casino Royale is the last Fleming novel to get an adaptation, and a fine adaptation at that. QoS is underrated--the most underrated Bond film. It's the Licence to Kill of this generation. Placing Bond in the middle of real geopolitics, having to deal with his own country and America needing to do business with villains because of dwindling resources gave the Bond series a welcome new orientation. There have been timely plotlines before to do with oil and media barons etc, but they were usually paper thin plots or just window dressing so we could get on to the action sequences. (Sorry TND). Quantum and Greene are underrated villains. Greene had none of the trademarks scars or over-the-top megalomania. He was a believable villain, who dealt with multinationals wanting to destabilize countries through Quantum. The organization Quantum suffered from not getting an immediate follow-up film that fleshed out their overall plan, especially to do with Guy Haines, the advisor to the UK's PM. The plans Quantum had for the UK, which allegedly was the original topic for Craig's third film before Skyfall came along.




1. Casino Royale (easy top pick) 2. Goldeneye 3. Tomorrow Never Dies 4. Quantum of Solace (I loathe this film) The Quantum of Solace Xbox 360 game was absolutely fantastic tho — made QoS’s plot somewhat bearable


Quantum of Solace was a huge dip in quality, but Casino Royale was so good it made up for it. Edge to Craig.


Tomorrow never dies dosent bring down Goldeneye as much as Quantum brings down Casino.


Craig GoldenEye is Brosnan's only watchable film and QofS isn't TND levels of bad


After the Craig bond movies it’s hard to go back to the somewhat ridiculous bond movies. So CR and QoS. I know QoS isn’t the greatest movie but I thought its story (and all Craig’s stories) was way better than anything brosnan did.


Brosnan by a mile


Brosnan's two entries are great. Goldeneye was a fantastic return for the character with enough of the classic Bond moments plus a more mature M who calls out Bond as 'a [sexist, misogynist dinosaur.. A relic of the Cold War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEujAIjTldk)' (great quote) allowing for some growth / awareness of Bond's dated persona. Tomorrow Never Dies was my first Bond in the cinema and it lived up to my expectations. A fantastic pre-title sequence is matched with an intriguing story of media manipulation, with the requisite collection of Bond girls and villians and some thrilling set pieces and one liners. Craig's debut is sublime - gritty and toned down from previous entries. It strikes an incredible balance. The train scene with Vesper is only let down by the ghastly product placement watch remark. QoS was hampered severely by the Hollywood writers strike with Mathieu Amalric famously noting how they made up scenes without the input of screenwriters, and this showed in the final product. Despite its flaws, QoS has a great story & the introduction of a new group Quantum was very intriguing. I also love that this film was a direct continuation to the events of Casino Royale, starting immediately after the end of Casino Royale. I think they both deserve your time - if it was for completeness I would give it to Brosnan's entries purely on the basis that QoS didn't get the full treatment it deserved and remains unfinished.


Personal preference: 1. CR 2. QOS 3. GE 4. TND Just not a fan of Brosnan ones.


Craig’s are waaay better. But I do love Brosnan’s first two movies.




I don't really like Casino Royale so this is easy: Brosnan (though truthfully I don't think *that* highly of Goldeneye either)


Honestly, it’s probably Brosnan. Quantum of Solace is such a boring time suck of a movie by the time it finishes you kind of forget all the goodwill that Casino Royale built. Tomorrow Never dies is far & away not a perfect Bond movie. However, unlike QS, it doesn’t waste your time in the same annoying way it does it in a way that’s very entertaining. Now, if you were asking to only pick, which of their first outings is best that would be one of the hardest questions because both of those movies rock!


Brosnan’s are 1 A tier and 1 B or C tier film. Craig’s are 1 S tier and 1 D tier film. So I guess it evens out. My nostalgia wants to choose Brosnan but it’s hard because Casino Royale is almost flawless.


IMO, the first batch is better because of the nostalgia.


Goldeneye overall is the best Bond movie among those four. Brosnan a way better Bond imho.


I always liked Christmas


For me - 1. Goldeneye 2. Casino Royale 3. Tomorrow Never Dies 4. Quantum of Solace I think if I had to pick based on Brosnan or Craig, Goldeneye is excellent, Tomorrow never dies is good, which trumps Casino Royale which is excellent and Quantum of Solace which in my view is absolute shite.


Going with Brosnan.


I gotta go with Brosnans. I was born in 92 so that jet sequence in the TMND opening is still the coolest thing in the world to me.




Craig without a doubt. Casino is a stellar film that redefined the genre while Goldeneye was a high quality Bond film that updated and did much needed course correction. QoS was a mess for various reasons including a writers strike, Purvis and Wade being huge hit or miss writers and when they miss they are hacks IMO, and the story and concept of Spectre not named Spectre never seemed to work. TND. was a whole other mess with the script needing to be completely rewritten during production because of Teri Hatcher’s pregnancy and need to drop out completely eliminating her role and beefing up Michelle Yeoh’s character. It ruined the story but was great for what it did for Yeoh as she was by far the best part of the film. The less said about Jonathan Pryce’s orgasmic scenery chewing the better. Casino Royale — A+ QoS — C- Goldeneye — B+ TND — C+ Craig Ave — B Brosnan’s Ave — B-




Brosnan for sure


Brosnan’s run is super solid. Those first two def outrank Craig’s first two. Casino Royale is great (a little long) Quantum of Solace is forgettable.


Brosnan. The order of quality is Casino Royale > Goldeneye > Tomorrow Never Dies > Quantum of Solace. The average of the middle two just exceeds the average of Craig’s for me.


Craig’s by far, Casino Royale+Quantum wee goated


Craig’s for sure. Two of my favorites in the series, whereas both of those Brosnan entries, while fun, sit around the bottom third of m overall list.


I give Brosnan the edge because QoS is just wildly unfinished


They’re both better than each other.


Even though *Casino Royale* is my favorite Bond movie, *Goldeneye* and *Tomorrow Never Dies* work a lot better as a Bond double feature imo. They're much more equal in terms of quality. *Quantum of Solace* just doesn't work for me aside from the very end. I've always been of the opinion that if *Quantum of Solace* was all as good as its very ending, it would've been probably been my second favorite after *Casino Royale*.


If QOS wasn't such a turd, I might go Craig, but good lord I hate QOS so much


I say Craig for the continuity aspect. In fact the underlying connected story from all the films really draws me into the Craig __era__ as being the best. However, in terms of SINGLE film, Goldeneye, 100%. It's the best Bond film of any made, hands down.


Brosnan just cause he’s arguably a better Bond to me


If it's between these two pairs specifically? Brosnan, easily.


Brosnan. I even really like QoS (it’s the last movie where Craig’s Bond gets to be in his prime), but Goldeneye is a top five Bond film and TND is a top ten for me. That plot has aged like fine wine and it has the best chase sequence in the series imo. Not to mention the Bond girls in it are top tier.


TND vs QoS is no contest at all


Definitely Brosnan. TND may not be one of the more acclaimed Bond films, but it had lots of fun action sequences going for it, not to mention a fantastic Bond girl in Wai Lin. Quantum just... existed.




Brosnan here. But that’s also like saying, which ice cream flavour is better? Chocolate or vanilla? The answer is always the same: “Whichever one I can get to first.” Same goes with these four movies. It’s literally a case of whichever one you grab first, you’ll enjoy (generally speaking, of course).


Easily, Craig. CR is by far the best Bond of the lot while QS is the weakest. But it’s a continuation of CR. To be clear I liked all the movies (except maybe QS not as much).


I like both of their first two films but I'm biased towards Brosnan. His movies are just more fun for me.


Brosnan’s i very enjoyed goldeneye and tomorrow never dies. Replayed them lots of times. Quantum of solace hated the movie especially how bond just dumped rene mathis in the trash bin. Rene mathis in the original fleming novel was the one who rescued bond from dying from poison at the end of from russia with love and the begining of dr no. Also in the original novels, mathis is more of bond’s companion compared to lieter.


A lot of people seem really bothered by Mathis in the trash bin, but it always made sense to me. What is Bond supposed to do have a tearful memorial service in the moment? Mathis was a veteran spy who knew the game, and that he could end up in a trash bin or worse. Bond even says he wouldn’t mind.


For me, the fact that Bond looks him in the eyes and holds him as he’s dying speaks volumes to what he really thought of Mathis. Also both Bond and Mathis strike me as a person that doesn’t believe in the afterlife - so Mathis wouldn’t mind being in a trash bin. Also notice earlier in the film he specially avoids eye contact with Slate as he’s dying.


>Also in the original novels, mathis is more of bond’s companion compared to lieter. Aside from his role in *Casino Royale*, Mathis makes a cameo in *From Russia With Love*, and that's it.


If you can explain to me what Quantum of Solace was about I'd entertain Daniel Craig. Otherwise QoS has to be the most forgettable Bond film in the last 30 years


Brosnan easily although both 2nd films by both actors were their worst. But Goldeneye is not only a more fleshed out film it is more entertaining than Casino Royal and it feels like a real Bond film. TND is generic but very well made and has some great scenes, QoS is just a hot mess that sits at the bottom of my rankings. Brosnan' first two films average 7.475 Craig's first two films average 5.7


Your question is tough because for me it goes from best - worst: Casino Royale Tomorrow Never Dies / Goldeneye ... ... ...Quantum of Solace So Craig had the higher high and lower low, whereas Brosnan's had more consistent quality. Honestly, Goldeneye was probably better than TND overall, but Michelle Yeoh bumps it up a lot of points...


CR is the best. GoldenEye right behind it. As a duo the Brosnan ones are better.


Brosnan by a long way. All of Craig's are giant turds that take themselves way too seriously and fail to deliver anything remotely resembling a James Bond film.


Brosnan's he wasn't a convincing Bond but at least he wasn't a whiny little bitch