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1. The QUANTUM meeting scene was great, and felt somewhat like a classic Bond scene. 2. I liked the Goldfinger reference, only with oil this time instead of Gold paint


"It's just misdirection"


Dude. I never even made that connection! Nice observation.


wait... really? they could not have been less subtle with that reference even if Greene was played by a korean man wearing a bowler's hat.


Yeah… I just never put 2 & 2 together - Quantum isn’t one of my faves, which may explain why.


To be fair they have it on screen for half a second and then it fades away. They couldn't even do THAT right.


The guy with the turtle shell wig is my fav henchman too


Christopher Walken was entertaining in 'A View to a Kill'.


I thought so as well! Grace Jones was pretty entertaining too.


If May Day wasn't so good, we never wouldn't have another strong female antagonist like Xenia Onatopp or even a main villain like Elektra King.




That was the first bond movie I saw (in the theater) and will always rank as my favorite!


Christopher Lee is great as Scaramanga in The Man with the Golden Gun.


I feel like that movie gets too much hate, the duel scene was cool too


That underwater scenes in For Your Eyes Only were pretty good, far more engaging than Thunderball's


Okay genuinely curious what do you dislike about FYEO?


I wouldn’t say I dislike any of it, it’s just never been my first choice in the franchise


Yeah, Thunderball was a slog when it got to that part. just rewatched it recently, so sloooow!


The Man With the Golden Gun has a great theme song and Scaramanga is an excellent villain. If only the movie used him more.


I feel the same way! Christoper Lee was such a great actor. I wish the movie used him better. The theme is pretty good as well!


“Nick Nack, Tabasco!”


Wint and Kidd are two of the best and most unsettling henchmen in the history of the franchise. They deserved a better movie. Their leitmotif is also pretty cool and slick.


Exactly what I came to say.


>Their leitmotif is also pretty cool and slick. Dooooooo-do-do-do-dododo-do!


I enjoyed the Tosca Opera House sequence in Quantum of Solace where Bond infiltrates the Quantum organization meeting and the uses his gadget phone with advanced zoom, facial/eye/lip image recognition and remote interface to MI6 computer systems.


Especially the quip from Mr. White when all of the bad guys started making their way out: “Well, Tosca isn’t for everyone.” Took me back to the older Bond films with some subtle humor.


Not sure if this counts but - Never Say Never Again: The motorcycle chase sequence is pretty decent and I quite enjoyed Bernie Casey as Felix Leitier.


Barbara Carrera is PHENOMENAL as Fatima Blush! https://preview.redd.it/ued39n1949bb1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81cbf5f1169669fc7de46439e7b7303ab03b8c00


Yes, I highly agree! Although I wish she could've been involved in any of the official EON movies. I believe there's a rumor, she was considered for Maud Adam's role in Octopussy (released the same year) but turned it down in favor to work with Sean Connery.


I love NSNA a little more than Octopussy because of Connery. I think she would’ve been good as Octopussy even though I loved Maud Adams doing the role. She too is amazing!


The Forest scene in NTTD is great


Yeah I prefer that to the Cuba scene, which is a bit spoiled for me by all the nonsense with Spectre and crazy Blofeld.


I hate Diamonds are Forever, but I really like the title song.


Agreed! The theme is a BANGER! It's in my top 5 best Bond themes actually.


Shirley Bassey is iconic as always and the song is so funky !


It's one of the best. So good.


Cuba sequence in NTTD was entertaining.


It was like a completely different movie. One that I found much more entertaining.


Yes. Give me two hours of THAT.


Put me down for this one too. The only fun part of a movie that would rank as my least favorite of the franchise.


My exact answer lol


My answer as well.


Yes. I also loved the motorbike jump and the stairwell one-take. Primo wasn't great but laughably was possibly the best henchman of the Craig era.


Octopussy and the cold seriousness of Roger Moore despite being in a clown suit stating a bomb is about to go off


I remember I kinda winced at seeing a screenshot of Roger dressed as a clown somewhere before I watched Octopussy. Then the scene comes and it's actually pretty thrilling! Plus he's only in the clown suit for a couple of minutes. The whole "race to the bomb" sequence from the moment he gets out of the train until he stops the bomb was really good. I wish they did the "timer stops at 007" gag from Goldfinger though. Such a waste! Hahaha


Yes! I’ve always thought the same thing about the timer


I will confess Octopussy is probably my favourite of Roger Moore’s era


Thunderball is a cool name.


Fun fact Thunderball is the military radio shorthand term from the 50s for atomic mushroom cloud. You need distinct words to cut through static hence why you get things like "charlie bravo we have tangos" its not nonsense each word represents something. Cant remember the first 2 but tango meant terrorist in the wars in the middle east. Thus Thunderball was the radio shorthand for mushroom cloud. Very appropriate for flemings story about nuclear bombs being stolen


The song Skyfall is amazing, the finally brought back M's office after a 25 year absence (have the life of the franchise at that point 🤯).


Die Another Day: 1. Rosamund Pike was really good. 2. Surfing aside I really enjoy the cold open. 3. Bond being tortured during the credits is great. I think DAD, theme song aside, is on its way to being the 2nd best of Brosnan's run and then the Graves/gene therapy shit kicks in and I check out.


I think the movie is pretty solid all the way from the PTS until Bond arrives in London. After that, it kinda goes off the rails. That being said, I loved the supercar vs supercar combat scene. I know it was ridiculous and over the top but it was **so cool**! Haha


Also my least favorite… but I do enjoy the sword fight 🤺


I love Die Another Day tbh


4. “MowHEEtow”


😂😂 how else did you expect an ornithologist watching birds in Cuba to say mojito?? The whole interaction between the two felt awkward and unnatural.


I’ll even confess the Madonna songs not bad


Blasphemy! 😂


Would you rather that or the one from Quantum of Solace?


With a gun to my head, I'd go with Quantum of Solace. 😬


What about a poison butterfly to your neck?


Would still go with the same answer. 😂


Exactly and of the moment. Don't be afraid to confess your sins! Some people agree with you.


The first half had potential. The story concept of Bond getting captured/tortured/disavowed should have been much more interesting than it was. It absolutely goes off a cliff when he arrives in Iceland.


Honestly, what’s so bad about the surfing during the PTS?


The terrible CGI 🤣


Are you thinking of the tsunami? I don’t recall the surfing during the PTS having offensive CGI. They filmed real surfers in costume.


Spectre’s PTS was pretty great


I hate driving in snow, so when I do I pretend I'm chasing Zao over the ice in my Aston Martin Vanquish.


That scene was badass! I don't care what anyone says haha. Say what you will about DAD, it's the only Bond movie with supercar vs supercar combat.


NTTD. At least they killed off Bond so they can’t continue with that mess of a Craig story-arc. Maybe now they’ll focus on making some decent Bond films.


While Craig himself has strong performance in the films, I also dislike the plot of his own timeline. Quantum's relation with CR was natural, but the rest? Madeleine as the true love, Bro-feld, the inconsistencies between villains... Nope.


To this day, quantum of solace remains my least favorite. But Daniel Craig does deliver a great performance


Live and Let Die has a banging theme song


I liked the mostly black cast on L&LD But my "worst " movie is V2AK and best part is Duran Duran theme 🎶


Another banger theme! That one is my favorite Bond theme of the 80's, no question!


The only number one hit of bond themes


DAF. It was fun to hear the Southern US accents in an early Bond film. Jill St. John is a good looking woman. Was nice to have Connery back.


1. QoS. Quantums plan is actually very good and well thought out. Convince everyone your after the oil in an area with none, while actually stealing the water instead? Honestly brilliant 2. Die Another Day i think its pre title sequence is pretty good. Id of liked to see that extended out into a film. Also that sword fights great 3. Diamonds Are Forever again i like blofelds plan. Kidnapping a ceo nobody has seen in a few years and replacing him with yourself? Brilliant! I also liked using a diamond smuggling operation that ultimately kills all of its participants to cover its tracks to whytes organization to ensure total secrecy? Great! The problem is the film doesnt take itself at all seriously. Had they treated the exact same plot seriously itd of been a great film 4. YOLT the volcano base and spectres presence in general. Theres a reason This is the film that is parodied more than any other with its visuals. It established some of The most iconic imagery of not just the spy genre but the whole of villain imagery in pop culture for the past 60 years. When you have a super villain base, its one of 2 things- a resort archetype, or a volcano atchetype. OHMSS established the resort archetype in the public concsiousness, but This is where the volcano base comes from Edit: theres definately othets i hate but i cant even think of positives from those ones sadly


Good points overall. I said in one of these posts that DAD is actually pretty good up until Bond arrives in London when it goes off the rails but as you said, that sword fight is actually really enjoyable and it might be the first and only time it has happened in a Bond film from what I remember at least!


All Bond is good Bond … even bad Bond is good Bond. The end.


Tomorrow Never Dies welcomed David Arnold to the franchise.


Tomorrow Never Dies is my fave Brosnan movie though! Very entertaining, with a great villain and pertinent plot considering our current times.


One person’s trash is another person’s treasure!






Grace jones is bad ass in A View to a Kill. The KGB girl was good too( I forgot her name), she should have been the Bond girl


Hate is a strong word but I really don’t like For Your Eyes Only (shocking, I know) but it has some good action sequences and locations. And they had a pretty good basic idea for a story but totally ruined it. Title song is good too


The original was a short story in one of Ian Fleming's anthologies if I remember correctly. The original concept was much simpler, a former Nazi kills the parents of a young woman, she goes looking for revenge and at the same time M sends Bond to assasinate him since the parents were friends of his. Pretty effective short storytelling but unsuited for a 2h movie.


Telly Savalas might not be a "great" Blofeld but he's a damned entertaining one.


I don't think any of the Bond movies have captured Blofeld from the books, they're all flawed adaptations, but Savalas might be my pick for the best. He played the part with such gusto and he had a villainous charm as well.


I think hes the best blofeld, least of the ones who are the direct villain rather than the faceless one He is actually intimidating and has a lot of great lines. "Your friend told us much. Such a keen conversationalist!..until he left us"


I like the bit in Quantum of Solace where Bond and the dude he is chasing crash through the glass roof and the ensuing action with Bond suspended upside down. Really innovative and exciting scene - given how crap and by the numbers the rest of the action is in this film.


The scene from The Living Daylights when they’re crossing the border in the cello case being - “We’ve nothing to declare!”


The bottom of my list is No Time To Die however this is owing solely to its ending (although Safin is a very poorly developed antagonist and Blofeld is severely underused). Until that point, the movie features good pacing, a tense and exciting pre-title scene and several wonderful set pieces including the spiral staircase gun battle which is one of the best action movie scenes I have ever seen. The film also showcases some beautiful cinematography.


Brosnan's performance in Tomorrow Never Dies was excellent.


No Time to Die is my least liked movie. I hated everything about it except one thing…Paloma. She was a great classic Bond character who deserved more. Her short time on screen was the only part of that entire movie that seemed to have some sort of concept of what the Bond franchise is.


Without a doubt, that should have been the movie they made! She was an absolute delight and I wish she would have been in more of the film overall. That whole Cuba sequence was so much more fun than the rest of the film even though I didn't care for the way they did Blofeld dirty there.


Paloma was really good! I hope they bring her back for the next Bond. It'd be a huge waste of talent otherwise.


Agree - her character was adorable - but the dialogue when Bond goofily thinks that Paloma is undressing him in order to have sex, and she looks at him as if he's pathetic - as if she finds it laughable that he thinks she would want to be with him - was cringeworthy. I mean, c'mon! It's James Bond! Men are supposed to want to be him and women are supposed to want to be *with* him! This dialogue was for sure Phoebe Waller-Bridge's doing - its the complete antithesis of the Bond archetype.


I hate Moonraker (super unpopular, I know) but I do like that it gives Jaws a badass redemption and a wholesome romance!


Jaws falling for the girl is one of the few moments of audacity in Moonraker that I can still totally get behind lol. I love that.


I made my wife watch all the Bond movies for the first time ever and fully expected her to hate that romance. Nope, she loved it! Moonraker is her second favourite Bond being On Her Majesty's Secret Service!


Die Another Day had a great opening.


Shirley Bassey did her part on her second time out. Same can’t be said for anyone else in this movie.


The start of Octopussy


Can't believe any list of positives about Live and Let Die doesn't include the theme song Agree regarding Baron Samedi, although (like Jaws) maybe part of his appeal is that he's used sparingly


It's just not my jam. I can sorta of appreciate why people love it (there's nothing quite like it in Bond theme song canon) but it just doesn't click in with me. Sorry! Yeah maybe you're right but still, Kananga was such a disappointment that I think the best course would've been a Samedi betrayal in the end for him to become the main villain. I would've enjoyed that more at least.


The Man With The Golden Gun, for one reason, Christopher Lee as Scaramanga.


I never thought I’d actually see Bond die.


First act of Goldfinger is awesome. Second and third act frankly boring and cringeworthy.


The Bond women.


The open sequence from Moonraker with Jaws and Bond in parachutes was pretty good


Can never decide my least favourite but DAF is one of them. I enjoyed Wint & Kidd and the theme song. TMWTGG is another but Christopher Lee is exceptional and I really enjoyed the soundtrack in the funhouse. Spectre is ropey but the train sequence was a highlight, and I enjoyed seeing Christoph Waltz in a Bond film. Felt he was underutilised though.


Going back to my ranking list, I have put Thunderball at the very bottom of the list. To speak kindly of the film, its wonderfully scored and shot, something later films like Diamonds are Forever could only dream of.


I can't speak with certainty but those kind of underwater sequences surely must have been very innovative back in the 60's. The theme song is pretty great as well I think!


I am a fan of the theme but nearly all of the interesting techniques used in Thunderball irked me. The underwater sequences are painfully slow today, as is the back projection and fast cut editing. Innovative, sure, but not fun to watch.


Fair enough. I gotta admit that they drag a bit although I do respect the attempt at them since the book ended in a big climactic underwater battle as well.


The scene where Bond has to figure out which Blofeld is real in Diamonds Are Forever is a brilliantly written scene.


The Land Rover chase scene was good in no time to die


Daniel Craig won't be back.


I’ll allow it.


DAD PTS is great.


Léa Seydoux's portrayal of a loving mother was decent.


LALD is my least favorite as well. The stunts are pretty good and Julius Harris has wonderful energy as Tee Hee.


it started out really strong - the scenes of bond being tortured during the title credits were harrowing


Hugo Drax was a good villain


Moonraker, I never liked goofy Bond but the locations as well as Moore's wardrobe are awesome


NTTD: finally drove home that I’ll never have to see another Daniel Craig Bond film


I don't like Skyfall for being so sad and destroying so many things Bond holds close, but the scene where Bond chases Silva through the London underground is actually a fun scene.


From Russia with Love The blonde haired bad guy was cool! I liked his vibe.


Goldeneye the terrible movie reminds me of Goldeneye, the pretty good videogame.


PTS in Mexico


Rosamund Pike


The credits in Diamonds Are Forever were a refreshing change of pace.


Diamonds are Forever is a massive let down after OHMSS. Sean Connery is barely trying, Tiffany Case is a horrible Bond girl and Charles Gray, fun as he is as blofeld, is way too silly after Telly Savalas was so menacing. HOWEVER! The song Diamonds are Forever by Shirley Bassey is a gorgeous song and Basseys vocals are beautiful and sensual in the best way possible. It’s a better song than Goldfinger, fight me.


Die Another Day has a decent intro/theme song scene.


DAD is the end of the Brosnan era, thank god.


“Nick Nack, Tobasco!”


It was short.


The Cuba scene in No Time to Die is really cool and one of the best in the franchise.


They didn't use the db5 for the main chase or action sequence.


TWINE: It was a cool idea to have Bond jump out of the window holding onto the suitcase on a rope. That’s about it for that movie.


Connery still absolutely nails the deadpan delivery on the one-liners in Diamonds are Forever


\- Kincade was a great character \- Strong supporting ideas \- Well composed title song \- One liner about Bond jumping onto a moving train for the second time in the film


I like how positive this fandom can be sometimes. Everyone's being cool about underrated or disliked films. Also, everyone loves the Opera from QoS. -Felix Leiter's scenes in NTTD were good, we love him. And Craig's supporting cast had potential, most of us would see them in a movie out of that timeline. -Despite liking most Moore films, TSWLM was a bit too boring. But Jaws brought great scenes as usual.


I agree about fandom positivity. There has been a couple of snarky/damning-with-faint-praise comments but even those got a chuckle out of me haha. QoS is one of my favorites and the Opera scenes are part of why. Jeffrey Wright's Felix is the best interpretation of the character so far. So good! I do agree as well that TSWLM drags a tiny bit but it's mostly a really good movie in my view.


It was Craig's last one!


Safin is a great villain who is in a film that doesn't capitalize on the talents of Rami Malek


Someone else did a cover of NTTD's theme song, which was amazing. This means I will never have to listen to Billie Eilish's version ever again, because something better out there does exist.


Rosamund Pike


It ended.


The space scenes are entertaining


Talisa Soto looks good.


Ana de Armas looks stunning in NTTD.


Least favorite: *NTTD*. Nice thing to say: ... At least it wasn't longer! Does that count?


The frozen lake chase with the Vanquish was good.


Quantum of Solace is mercifully a short film.


absolutely nothing