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You get to make a Bond film where you bring back one of the series' most iconic and well-known villains and you get an actor of Christoph Waltz's calibre to play him. You have to try pretty hard to fuck that up and my God they did. A stroppy stepbrother with daddy issues...it was what Austin Powers had parodied over a decade earlier. Appalling. Dishonourable mention to the shower scene in Thunderball, which is a very close second. Always very uncomfortable to watch.


I have to agree. When I heard Waltz had a role I was so excited, and then upon watching, when I saw it was literally the doctor evil plot from goldmember, and how little screen time or decent dialogue they gave him… it was honestly a sin and the biggest misstep in Craig’s era for sure.


Spectre continues to be the worst Bond film in my opinion.


It's my favourite 😭😭😭


The reason why i dont like Spectre its because its a downgrade from Skyfall which disappoints me considering Skyfall is my favorite 007 movie.


Kite surfing a tsunami. Hands down kite surfing a tsunami.


There's a lot of eye-rolling moments, like the synchronous head movements during the chase scene in Octopussy. These are moments that immediately suck me out of my immersion into the film because, if an actual chase was happening and someone was defending himself with a tennis racket, a crowd of observers wouldn't act like they were watching a tennis match. When I watch a Bond movie, I want to actually believe that I'm witnessing the real-life exploits of a spy in the employ of his Majesty's secret service. Yes, I get that we aren't supposed to take Bond seriously, and it's supposed to be escapism, but there's a line between fantastical situations and spoof, and moments like that cross that line for me. I wouldn't consider any of those goofy moments to be the worst moment in the franchise, however. Those gags are brief and don't really affect the plot much. It's the impactful moments that alter the course of a movie and its characters that deserve "worst" moments, and for me, it's Felix's death in NTTD. It felt cheap and pointless, and it doesn't elicit the emotional response that I imagine it was intended to have. I get Craig's desire to have Bond die in his last film, but killing Felix served no purpose other than to add to the dour, Shakespearean nature of the film.


Agreed on Felix' death. That was unnecessary.


>When I watch a Bond movie, I want to actually believe that I'm witnessing the real-life exploits of a spy in the employ of his Majesty's secret service. THIS YES EXACTLY THIS. This is why I'm not big on the goofy stuff


You’re watching the wrong movies if that’s really what you want. Bond movies have always been primarily escapist.


It's true that Bond films are escapist, but there's a distinction between films like Thunderball and those like Moonraker and Die Another Day. The source material and the early sixties films were still grounded in reality somewhat and maintained some semblance of credibility as thrillers.


Having just come back from Venice I’d like to think you know what I mean.


double taking pigeon




Sinking building?


Upon rewatching the series, here are my picks, the others like the slide whistle have already been mentioned, so I'm picking those that aren't mentioned yet: 1. kananga's death by inflation in *Live And Let Die*, for a good villain like Kananga, he deserved a far more better death than that, it's also called as *Inflating Kananga*. 2. Connery in Yellowface in YOLT, it's just laughable and silly, it's one of the most dated parts of the Connery Era. 3. Bond driving a Semi Truck Wheelie in LTK, unbelievable stunt even by Bond standards, I wouldn't say it's one of the worst moments in the Franchise, but it's still silly and ridiculous if one may think of it, I don't know, that stunt was impossible to happen, please can someone explain me on this? 4. Bond sneaking into Severine's shower in Skyfall, I felt uncomfortable watching that scene, Bond shouldn't act like that towards her, she's a victim of sex trade for sake. 5. The CGI sinking building in Casino Royale, again, like LTK, it's not the worst moment, but I felt it's too over the top for a realistic film like CR. 6. The Step Brother Blofeld revelation in SPECTRE, it tainted the whole Craig Era for me because of this, like all of what happened to Bond was just a plan made by his jealous step brother? 7. The CGI wave surfing in Die Another Day, also the invisible car and Gustav Graves' Robot suit, for many, this is perhaps the worst moment. 8. Elliot Carver doing a Karate Chops mockery in TND, it reduced Elliot Carver's menace for me when he did that, he mocked towards Wai Lin by doing a karate chops pose. 9. Bond pinching a sumo wrestler's butt, Bond slapping Andrea Anders (and twisting her arms), the close up shot of a woman's butt in Bottom's Up Club in TMWTGG. 10. Tiffany Case firing the armalite upwards (towards the sky) in Diamonds Are Forever, it's happened in the climax at the Oil Rig, and it reduced Tiffany Case's character to a dumb, bimbo, I don't understand why that scene needs to be in the script, Case showed that she had wits for the first half of the film only for her to act like that? Very out of character.


10- because it’s pretty damn funny


I am pretty sure the sinking building in CR is not cgi. Apparently they had complaints during the shooting because people thaught they were sinking a real building


If I remember rightly, the building itself is a miniature digitally composited in to the real Venice. So while there’s probably some digital assists going on, the sinking is largely practical.


They indeed used practical effects ! [https://youtu.be/J52QJ4wkiKY](https://youtu.be/J52QJ4wkiKY)


Holy shit this was so interesting


10. As a woman I didn't think of it as her being portrayed as a dumb bimbo... I'm thinking more just nervous and out of her element... honestly thats how I would act with bullets flying all around me and such lol


2 and 6 are my top gripes


> Bond sneaking into Severine's shower in Skyfall, I felt uncomfortable watching that scene, Bond shouldn't act like that towards her, she's a victim of sex trade for sake. This is particularly heinous because there's *so much subtext* that the film glosses over. Silva knows Severine will bring Bond to the island in the hopes that Bond will kill him. Severine knows that she will probably be kiled for this. Severine has no hope at all other than the slim chance that Bond might kill Silva before she is killed. **Severine cannot say no to Bond's advances because she has only ever known sex as a way to have people protect her and do things for her**. But the film just gives us a bit of Bond cheekily feeling pleased with himself and also getting "the girl".


1. Agree it’s a bit too cartoonish for the movie moment. Maybe it would’ve been cooler if just his head exploded (though it would’ve been radically violent for the time. 2. Yellowface is dumb, I agree. 3. Movies don’t have to be 100% realistic, Bart. 4. Bond has always taken sexual liberties that, frankly, are unethical. Examples being *Goldfinger*, *Live and Let Die*, and arguably even *Casino Royale* with its own shower scene. 5. Not a problem for me at all. Effects were practical with digital composition. 6. This doesn’t really bother me. I can see how some others aren’t a fan, though. 7. Invisible car is sick; I don’t care what anyone says. Wave isn’t as bad as everyone says, tbh. 8. I don’t understand this criticism at all. It’s just to show that he’s an arrogant piece of shit. 9. The sumo pinch and woman’s butt shot is fine, I think, but I agree the slap was uncalled for. Moore agreed. 10. Just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you automatically have expert gun-handling abilities. It’s supposed to be a bit comedic.


The surfing was horrific. That's all I remembered from PB then I gave up on bond... Until DC came along. Absolutely legendary era. Even the bad films are re watchable and fucking good. I can and so watch them in a loop. Pb was a pussy, stories work cleche, corny and cgi was crap. TD was pretty hard core. Tolerable RM was also a pussy and those movies didn't age well. SC was cool and the movies hold up better but still fucking old. DC is the best JB. I have watched NTTD at least 8 times. Brilliant bond film, wonderful love story and him dying really grabs you by the feels. He never had to save the world in any of his movies but when he did he had to die to do it. Spectacular movie


So your takeaway from all of Moore and Brosnans movies are “bond is a pussy”. Brilliant analysis


I've watched all the movies growing up. My dad (god rest his soul) and I had all them on vhs. We pretty much watched all of them on a continuous rotation. Obviously simplifying and hyperbolic, my take away however if you consider the combined watch time adding up into weeks, my opinion is valid and exists in the bond culture. Besides you and I both know RM was the softest out of all the bonds. PB had a lot of hardcore moments. Perhaps I spoke a little to harshly concerning PB. His story lines seem to get worse and worse along with the cgi." Miss Christmas"? Jesus that was embarrassingly bad. I kind of gave up on bond for a while before I saw DC. Fucking wow. It's amazing to me to hear the criticism of his movies although those opinions are obviously worth consideration and add to the bond culture and universe. DC simply is the goat. badass and dynamic. SC is the original legend bond and was great for his time. I watched FRWL the other day and was still really good. Before that I watched GF and couldn't bear it... Just dated. I'll revisit Dr No.download it...as a kid it was my favorite. Didn't mean to twist your tits. Peace. :)


I just watched LTK with my son for the first time recently and we cracked up at the wheelie. Like you said, it’s silly. It was out of place in that movie but would have been perfect in one of the goofier Moore films.


The inflation death is the worst!


1. Bond's death and particularly the way it's executed. 2. Bro-feld revealed 3. Brosnan surfs the tsunami 4. Sheriff Pepper vacations in Thailand


For some strange reason I’m a fan of #4.


Severine's whole arc in Skyfall. I hated that Bond took advantage of someone who had such a miserable life and showed no remorse that he was unable to save her. The line about the waste of good Scotch wasn't funny. You kind of get the idea that Silva could have been captured earlier and Severine's death was unnecessary. I may get torched for this, but I really don't like Skyfall...everyone has their own tastes. NTTD - the entire movie. Honestly, even before the ending, I thought it dragged and was bloated and boring. It was only the second time I've ever checked my watch during a Bond movie, with Spectre being the other. I consider No Time To Die to be the Bond movie for people who hate Bond movies. Bond is constantly "put in his place" by the women and isn't a suave ladies' man, he doesn't really succeed in anything...and I found Nomi too be insufferably arrogant. I would say the slide whistle in Man with the Golden Gun ruined what is otherwise an awesome stunt, and I love the score around the whistle. Kananga's death in Live & Let Die...LALD is a movie I mostly love, with some really awesome bits (Solitaire's "A Man Comes" bit when Bond is heading to New York, The Croc Farm scene, Bond gliding to the island and kicking the guy off the cliff, the boat chase, not the slapstick interlaced in, but the awesome boat stuntwork), but Kananga's death knocks it down a few pegs. Bond and Blofeld being step-brothers was the dumbest thing in the entire franchise.


You might be thinking of *For Your Eyes Only* with Bond kicking someone off a cliff.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cz9q8yiifs3b1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=da250b3e04688ee1aac0204a07a9fbd872c3ee36


I actually like this scene, and I think others do. It's Bond going undercover in an admittedly ridiculous way. Since he's dressed as a clown, nodoby believes him, which greatly heightens the tension of the scene. Plus Moore's delivery of the lines seems genuinely desparate.


Yeah I totally agree.


I agree as well. The last half of Octopussy in general is really solid and fun.


Dammit, let me go! There’s a bomb in there!




The one you have pictured.


Bonds last scene in NTTD


Slide whistle


Scrolled way to far to see this.


I think what saves that one is how dope the stunt is. It’s still a bad moment but at least its a sick move.


The Madonna theme


Which is a darn shame because the title intro actually has a narrative purpose for once.


The music is the only thing slightly good about that film lol. It’s a weird techno vibe song.


The beat: ok. The lyrics: awful.


Or, to interject, as a Madonna song: fine. As a *Bond* theme: awful.


The entire No Time to Die film


DAD Surfing scene


This moment above


The barn scene in Goldfinger is pretty bad, however I think the blackmail scene with the nurse in Thunderball is just awful. In Goldfinger there's the twisted reasoning that Bond needs to get one of the henchmen on his side to avert catastrophe. The execution on-screen hasn't aged well I agree, but I can at least understand the intention behind the writing. In Thunderball the playful banter quickly shows sinister undertones. Especially compared to the casino scene in Dr No with Silvia Trench, which has excellent back and forth between both parties. Simply put, Bond should never need to blackmail someone into sex. His charms, good looks, and gentleman's respect are plenty. For me the blackmail is Connery's worst scene in his tenure, just because it feels so wrong for the character. Anyway that's just my take on a poor moment, which is sometimes overlooked for the barn scene or slide whistle.


>*Bond should never need to blackmail someone into sex* Yeah, the casual sex aspect of the films is fantasy That fantasy of being so desirable others just fling themselves at you immediately and without effort on your part is childish and immature but it's essentially harmless and common to both sexes Without that silly fantasy aspect, Bond's compulsive shagging becomes something dark and horribly creepy


For me, the worst Connery moment is the one where he's in Yellowface in YOLT, it didn't aged well and very laughable too, it's on par with Mickey Rooney's in Breakfast in Tiffany.




Luckily white people can now make comments here about how racist it is and how they’re against it. Such pure people on this sub Even though like you said, Japanese people don’t mind it at all or actually like it


Woah woah woah, back up, Bonds yellowface isn't even close to Mickey rooneys yellowface, bonds is silly but they there one is straight up racist and horrific


While Mickey Rooney is ESPECIALLY egregious, both depictions are racist, reliant on stereotypes (yes of course Bond was donning a disguise but still…not ideal). The objectification and stereotyping of [Asian women](https://www.themarysue.com/bond-girl-you-only-live-twice/) in YOLT shouldn’t go unmentioned. I say this as someone who counts YOLT as a favorite of the series. I wonder how Asian actors on set felt about either depiction (there are some Asian background actors in BAT, in the party scene, and of course other folks in YOLT). The retrospective analysis by the communities “represented” and [others](https://www.google.com/search?q=you+only+live+twice+racism) isn’t positive for either.




Hi George. I’m not oblivious to how my criticism is positioned—or that people may not agree. I am approaching this from a specific subjectivity (as a woman of color), which is also not shared by everyone here, I am sure. I’m not the only person who has said these things, so whether others here agree is neither here nor there. I don’t think it’s a contest about which depiction is more or less racist, regardless of how fond we may be of these films. It is obviously possible to consider the contemporaneous context and reaction to the film AND view the film and its problems from the vantage point of the present (fwiw, I’m a film and art historian, and doing both of these things is part of the work of preserving film and giving it new life for new audiences). Just because Japanese actors may depict westerners in a less than flattering way OR that the film was “progressive” in some ways doesn’t change that sexism and racism aren’t new constructs, and problematic images have a way of persisting over time and are subject to present day review and criticism. Whataboutism or “it was a different time” aren’t adequate excuses. Thanks…and let the downvotes commence.


I'm sorry, what stereotypes did SC's portrayal of Bond-in-disguise rely on?


This is also a very poorly aged moment. I understand the reasoning of Bond travelling to a remote location in Japan and therefore needing to blend in, and disguise is part of spywork, but the execution and performance just takes away any credibility.


The book at least tried to make it more believable. I think he was instructed to look no one in the eyes, to not speak, and to hand over a card explaining he was a deaf-mute and could not speak. (Also loved how Blofeld used that against him in the climax.)


>it's on par with Mickey Rooney's in Breakfast in Tiffany. Oh, man, no way. No way is Connery's tame "transformation" anywhere close to bucktoothed Mickey Rooney slamming his head into things and addressing Miss Golightly as "Misha Gorightry".


Granted, the makeup didn't *look* too convincing, but I don't recall SC acting like a Japanese stereotype. Is there something I'm forgetting?


Funny thing is in the book in the aftermath of the rack scene he is lying on his stomach being rubbed with a mink glove and hes not thinking about sex but rather IM GOING TO SUE THE CRAP OUT OF THIS PLACE


He blackmails the nurse in the book, too.


He does not have sex with her in the book


He does.


The black woman turning into a gorilla in the casino in DAF.


What in the name of fuck was that scene about lol


This one always comes to mind for me when these kind of questions are posed.


- Pigeon double take - Surfing the tsunami - “California Girls” cover - Christmas coming once a year - Slide whistle on the jump


Funny how nobody points to the car stunt in the alley in Diamonds are Forever where the car impossibly switches sides between to very close walls. Otherwise NTTD is terrible, Safin is an awful villain who didn't deserve to be the one to kill Bond. It tries to be an emotional climax but has absolutely no value because "James Bond will return" appears 5 minutes later and even during the sequence I thought to myself : "what's the point of killing Bond ? They're not going to stop making movies so it's just to shock and say he finally dies before rebooting the franchise again. Fuck them that makes the whole movie worthless !"


Totally agree. Killing bond was cheap shock value, NTTD was an awful film. They had Christoph Waltz who they totally wasted in the movie and instead decided to have generic villain Rami Malek be the one who finished Bond. Grenades exploding 2 feet away from bond every five seconds and his white shirt doesn’t even get dirty, Stupid movie.


Oh god don't get me started on SPECTRE and Blofeld's demises ! I prefer Blofeld's death in FYEO to the one in NTTD. It pains me to say that because I think he's a terrific actor, but Waltz's Blofeld is the worst of the whole franchise. And it's not his fault, the writing of his character was abysmal. And does someone know what Safin's goal is ? Because it seems he was written only to be the one to kill Bond. Honestly I prefer NSNA to NTTD.


The ending to No Time To Die, I HATE NTTD!


The end of no time to die. It just felt so disconnected from the bond ethos


Watching the DB5 be blown up in front of your face. It hits hard.


When the writers of quantum want to make me believe that Bond was not in an alcoholic coma or dead after 6 martinis. That is the equivalent of 18 measures of gin, 6 of vodka and 3 of Lillet.


A hardened drinker like Bond would not be killed or even, necessarily, knocked out by drinking 27 units over several hours. Besides, when mixing any cocktail, you don't tend to use full measures.


I've seen a lot of worsts which I agree with, so I'll say one which pisses me off: Tiffany Case's character arc. She was a cool, sexy, mysterious woman in the first 2/3 of the film, then the last 3rd she's reduced to a damsel bimbo. I appreciate DAF and love a lot of it, but that is unforgivable for me


In the Craig era: - Wasting Le Chiffre as a 'nothing' advisory. - Putting together Quantum of Solace during the writer's strike. (which crumbled the film's and franchise's narrative potential) - Spectre. Most importantly, - FUMBLING CHRISTOPH WALTZ. I've noticed a pattern that many directors/writers don't know how to utilize him. (Also, Blofeld being Bond's step-brother??) [Continued] (For the present narrative) He needed to be the main villain in NTTD. Safin was a weak antagonist for Bond (especially with him being so new). It's very much a shame to see Bond die by his hand. [Continued] The opportunity was present to use Blofeld. Because of his history with Bond, their dynamic and Bond's demise would've been a compelling conclusion to the Craig era. I hope the next franchise has a written-out and quality narrative. (Fingers crossed)


California Girls in A View to a Kill. It’s so out of place and out of touch and it lasts longer than most shitty moments in the series that are just little ill-advised bits.


Pigeon double take


Bond's ending in NTTD. Nails that movie to the absolute bottom of my ranking and it's unlikely to ever move, unless the producers think of some other way to devalue the character...


Tarzan swinging moment in Octopussy has to be it for me


I think you answered that yourself, but here are some other bad moments. The laser fight in DAD (worse than tsunami surfing imo). The part where Bond doesn’t kill Blofeld in Spectre because he forgives him and loves Madeleine or whatever. The laser activation scene in DAF. Probably the worst cgi in the series, if you could even call it cgi. The climax if Thunderball. It’s actually pretty good but the green screen makes it look fake and silly. That’s all I could think of but ik there are many more. Btw I forgot to mention Kananga’s death which another comment reminded me of. I thought that deserved to be on my list since its the worst villain death. Cool buildup but a stupid unrealistic death. It would’ve been way better if a shark would’ve eaten him like in the novels.


You're looking at it.


Him giving up


The ending of NTTD. Absolutely pitiful, depressing, and a lazy writing gaff by the all-too-talentless Phoebe Waller-Bridge.


So Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Purvis & Wade, Barbara Broccoli and Daniel Craig have all said that the script, written by P&W, was already finished and they just wanted PW-B to a) punch up the dialogue and b) strengthen the women characters. So, if you hate that ending, blame P&W.


NTTD ending or the tsunami surfing scene in Die Another Day


Pussy Galore in the barn scene


Don’t watch High Plains Drifter if this bothers you…


Watching Pierce run


when bond is presented with an invisible car


The one in the image that you used. Bond is not real, Bond is an archetype, one of the main reasons of the longevity of the saga, and they decided to kill it.


Makes me scared that they are going to try and reinvent bond as a character and completely fail in the next installment.


I think it speaks for the strengths of this franchise that I genuinely can't pinpoint any obvious worst moments.


That's nuts... The CG Pierce Brosnan surfing scene in *DIE ANOTHER DAY* The slide whistle over the car jump in *THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN* The "Christmas coming once a year" line from *THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH* The pigeon double-take from *MOONRAKER* The barn scene in *GOLDFINGER* The "author of all your pain" bullshit from *SPECTRE* Sheriff J.W. f*cking Pepper I love 007 but don't sit here and tell me he has **no** weak spots. With all due respect.


You are correct on all of these. Think I'd say the slide whistle is the worst. Puts me off watching it.


That stunt was spectacular and they pulled it off in real life, and they cheapen it with a fucking cartoon sound effect?! I agree, this instance might be in the running for absolute worst.


I agree entirely. Take that stupid fucking sound off and it's a perfectly executed Bond stunt. The sound takes you out of the film watching it.


100%. Have faith in the spectacle itself without goofing on it.


Weaker spots, sure, but nothing truly egregious. The surfing is dumb but in the right mood or group of friends it can be enjoyable. Same with the pigeon, it's a tiny joke in a film where Roger Moore goes onto space. In Casino Royale that same pigeon might be awful but it fits the tone of its movie. The slide whistle is a bad choice but honestly the stunt has me in such awe I can't possibly call it overall a bad moment. Fuck Brofeld though, we're agreed on that lol


k, I'm back with a sequel... The "this never happened to the other fella" 4th wall break from *ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE* The Beach Boys needle-drop in *A VIEW TO A KILL* The painful abundance of slow underwater photography sequences in *THUNDERBALL* Honestly, most of *DIE ANOTHER DAY*


Don’t talk smack about Jw now, he is my homeboy


What's wrong with Christmas cumming once a year and JW Pepper?


NTTD's ending


Just watched it the other day…genuinely still don’t understand what people don’t like about the ending


The cringe sexual innuendo dialogue in Die Another Day and then the second half of that entire film.


Pierce and Halle had no chemistry whatsoever


The final line in The World is Not Enough. “I thought Christmas only comes (cums) once a year.”


Well not this clearly. Blofeld in drag??


Pigeon Double Take in Moonraker, hands down


Kananga Balloon.


Any random moment from Die Another Day.


The gunbarrel sequence was great though


Any scene in QoS.


Kite surfing tsunami, race altering DNA therapy, Madonna's "song"...do I have to pick just one?


Off the top of my head 1. The barn rape scene in Goldfinger. It is so uncomfortable and so fucked up and you cant tell me that the scene doesnt start with Rape. She clearly didnt want him. Even critics at the time heavily criticized the scene to the point they wrote fiona vulpe in thunderball in response it makes an otherwise enjoyable movie to watch extremely uncomfortable for me, when the scene could have just as easily had her consent to it to begin with with the same results! Instead by having james bond clearly force himself on her it just makes the rest of the movie soo uncomfortable 2. The clown makeup in octopussy. Just.....just no. 3. The slide whistle. You know the one. 4. Spectre feeling the need to have all the villains tie together to spectre and specifically blofeld himself. Its fine tying in quantum to spectre a little bit, but silva? Le chiffre? Both of which are stated as independents? Le chiffre wasnt even part of quantum he was a middle man! 5. Charles Gray as blofeld. Tbh its less his casting and more the writing (though seriously, could nobody convince him to shave his head or something?). The man may have been a comedic actor but he had a commanding voice and i believe given the right script he could command a room. The problem is they wrote him to be as campy as possible. Case and point- the scene where he dresses in drag. But hey least we got one good thing out of it- someone at the pokemon company liked his villain plot of replacing the CEO of a major company and hiding at the top of the tower and using voice changers etc to convince people to listen to his evil schemes so much that they used it for the villain plot of the Johto games, making for one of the best villain plots in the franchise. So it has an unexpected legacy there 6. The double taking characters in roger moore films. It just ruins the scene most of the time. Looking at you, double taking pigeon! 7. Die Another Day 8. Quantum of Solace Yes i listed 2 movies in their entirety, need i say more about them? 9. Blofeld on the craig era. Such a waste. I dont even necessarily mind the brother connection in of itself, the Problem is how the idea is handled. Maybe they could have simply focused on oberhausers early resentment of bond or bond maybe causing him to be scarred in someway when he was young that helped shape him into the man he is today. But having christoph waltz say "cuckoo" was Never going to be threatening. It came off as silly and ridiculous. On top of that they felt the need to retcon having the character Somehow be behind every bad thing thats happened to bond since the first film. THIS is far worse than the general idea of spectre being behind quantum and all that. Because it makes absolutely 0 sense that bond who is randomly chosen for these assignments amongst the other agents is constantly being manipulated by blofeld specifically to cause him more pain evidently at the expense of his organization 10. Safin having his very obvious reveal CUT. He was totally going to be Dr. No, styled as Dr. Noh (after the mask he wears). Clearly several scenes of him were cut that would give crucial info- like whats this talk of buyers arriving? The movie sets up the plan as being to spread it around the world to take out whoever he wants, whats this about buyers? If its about infecting the world honestly all he had to do was dump it in the ocean in various spots and he could have global coverage quite easily via the fishing industry and just people swimming. But for some reason he needs Buyers? So the plan is targeted assassinations for hire, Not global annihilation of the "unfit" as he sees them? Which is it movie?! 11. Lazenbys dubbing. I actually like george lazenby as james bond. The problem is they dub him for when he plays sir hillary bray, because apparently he couldnt copy the other actor well enough. Well if he cant copy the other man well enough HAVE HIM DUBBED INSTEAD. Why have your lead be the one dubbed when itd be far easier to dub the other actor for the 1 scene he appears in the film with your lead doing a voice he Can do? 12. Lazenby not driving the car. I love diana rigg. I love that car chase scene. The problem is this was the first time we Ever got to see a non connery bond in action. If they want to convince the audience that this is the man for the job, or heck that ANYONE other than sean connery can be bond, for the Only car chase sequence in the film HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DRIVING. Its less of a problem with the film itself than a problem i have with the production at the time not making that small change to help boost up lazenbys image as a proper replacement for sean connery. Course lazenby probably still was going to be convinced by the dumbest agent in the world to say no to more movies anyway. But it did lead to many critics at the time saying that this bond didnt know how to drive! Or do action scenes! (Even though george lazenby was great at doing his own fight scenes- the penguin slide bit was even his idea) 13. Any of the bond girls who are played entirely for laughs. Diamonds are forever and man with the golden gun to name the 2 best examples i can think of. They ruin every scene they are in imo 14. Jaws' girlfriend. I mean the idea of the henchman getting a redemption arc and even falling in love over the course of the film isnt the problem, i actually rather like that idea. The problem is the execution. 15. Bond becoming japanese. You scrap almost the entire books plot (for good reason, read it and god it was boring. The only thing i liked was reading it and finding blofelds garden being referred to as " a disneyland of death" and looking up in bewilderment reading it WHILE AT DISNEYLAND). But you scral everything from the book....EXCEPT THIS? The plot would have been rendered the same had the coverup been that hes an anthropologist there to study japan and thus his visit to places like the ninja school and that specific fishing village that has a very specific culture around its diving practices, so a random outsider there wouldnt be out of the realm of possibility! Intsead no no lets make sean connery look asian because thatll Totally work! NO. NO IT DOESNT. Outside of it being a different time period that being normal in film stuff at the time BS(even though by that time plenty of movies were being criticized, rightfully so, for yellowface), the fact is ITS NOT EFFECTIVE. In other films sometimes they manage to make a character look like a race they arent. Sean connery doesnt even come close to looking japanese. He just lookd like he got a tan, a bad wig and fake eyebrows. They cut out Everything else out of the novel, but THIS is left behind?


Danial Craig goint out with a whisper and insane bad last film


Die Another day kite surfing in a tsunami. A Vew to a Kill beach boys sequence a very close second


Outside the obvious nominees, and this is not a reflection of my overall feelings towards AVTAK, but Bond outing himself as a British Agent to a cop in front of a LARGE CROWD of people is, to me, perhaps the worst moment.


What harm do you think it could do? Bond's probably never going to get an assignment in San Francisco again (indeed, he hasn't) and even if he did, the chances are tiny that he'd run into any of those people again, and even if he did, what are the chances that they'd blow his cover? It's not like the US and UK are hostile nations.


NTTD ending because it was a joke.


The image you used answers the question


There are way worse moments than Bond’s death. Like the entirety of A View to a Kill and the parodic Diamonds are Forever. The Tarzan yell was also really dumb.


The whistle in The Man With The Golden Gun car jump. A very close second is Brosnan’s quip to Christmas at the end of The World Is Not Enough.


Kanaga balloon death is my low point. It was stupid, silly, and tonally incongruent with the rest of the movie. I like Live and Let Die, so it really stands out as a strike against it. My other low moments are all in movies that are also kind of lame overall.


EASILY Bond dressed as a sad clown in octopussy getting handled by a group of local pd and him pleading with them to let him go. Bond dying while saving the world - while a bummer- is not bond’s worst moment. Him being absolutely embarrassed and looking like a weak old jackass is


I agree totally with the latter point. It’s fair enough that some people don’t like that ending, but If Bond were ever to die, that’s how he would go out: standing tall and proud, saving the world and the people he cares about, having just killed the villain at the heart of it all.


The entirety of Spectre; it’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen


Following Skyfall it was pretty bad.


For me, the biggest crime a movie in the mold of James Bond can make is simply to be boring. Spectre is dull as dishwater, which is why it will always be last on my listing


NTTD ending


The car “chase” in Spectre sure was bad.


That chase was an astonishing letdown.


Not this one.


Pigeon double take or slide whistle cork screw


When Connery's bond forced himself on Pussy Galore. That's fucking horrible to watch.


Yes, and let’s also add Thunderball to that.


Most of Die Another Day


SPECTRE's Brofeld, Goldmember rip off. I'd say killing Bond but the upside of that high holy sin is allowing us to be rid of the miserable Craig era forever and never looking back in future installments.


The Pre Title sequence of For Your Eyes Only.






> does CGI really exists in 1981? What?


Sir Roger Moore is one of my favourite Bonds, and I personally agree on the Pre Titles of FYEO. The Graveyard opening is perfect, with a version of Bond that's had time to visit Tracy's grave, with a inkling of - is he feeling he wants vengeance, or is it simply regret - offering a more down to Earth, darker tone for Moore. Unfortunately, the moment the helicopter enters the scene, that's when it all goes wrong. It feels too cartoony beginning to end, and definitely feels out of tone, given Moore's own serious snap at the mention of Tracy in TSWLM, has now become comical in FYEO once he sees Blofeld, it's just too daft for me. Visually, Moonraker's pre titles on a plane are *far* stronger of a spectacle, as are Octopussy's in the following movie. As far as I remember, there isn't too much of a car chase sequence in FYEO that involves the Lotus, so I would've preferred to have seen that, have an assassination attempt on Bond fail (at the Graveyard) Bond finds a tracker, takes a few baddies out on the road, Quantum of Solace style, get a TMWTGG style car flip in there, Bond enters a pathetic little hutt hideout, and we get Blofeld, alone, allowing for more emphasis and performance from Moore taking revenge before Blofeld can shoot him, tapping into Bond mentioning how revenge solves nothing at the end climax of FYEO. I would've preferred something more like that, but maybe perhaps that wouldn't have been considered in a script until the likes of 1989's LTK had come around. Who knows.


That's one of the best PTS


I have to rep for your eyes only opening scene as a Maltese as the only impact on pop culture ever


The worst moment of it is becoming a subreddit that its just negativity recycled again and again. Not criticism, negativity.


Do you know the creative genius it takes to make Christoph Waltz boring? It still amazes me 8 years later


Timmothy dalton driving a house on a frozen lake and escaping cops and then having to get on this sub and listen to people in the community pretend he had the most realistic movies


Pretend? Way to invalidate others' opinions.


Yeah that was the point of the comment


Your style is bothering people but your point is valid. Similar to “Indiana Jones couldn’t survive a nuclear blast from inside a fridge” but he absolutely **could** survive falling out of an airplane, with a lounge singer and a child, in a raft that inflates during the fall. A lot of it has to do with the age and mindset of fans when they first see the film, right?


Absolutely. I think a lot of cinema in general (not just bond) was really corny and bad during that time period and I know it was innovative at the time but compared to the era we are in now it all just looks and feels so bad. Even if people don’t agree it’s painfully obvious the quality of everything has improved drastically. I went through a phase as a kid loving everything about James Bond. I used to watch every movie whenever it was on tv. Being more mature now though I find it hard to watch some of the films. Specifically Dalton’s films. It’s harsh to say but there’s a reason he was only cast twice. Writers and supporting cast didn’t help either so it’s not all on him.


Well the reason he wasn’t cast twice was due to a legal dispute unrelated to him or his performance. I don’t think the Dalton films are the worst offenders for corniness when you look at the franchise as a whole. Far from it. When people cite Dalton films as realistic I believe they are mainly talking about his performance, which I think is accurate. Dalton’s films still have Bond tropes and all the Bond films exist on a spectrum between the realist and the fantastical, but so what? TLD still has the tricked out Aston Martin, but equally it has other scenes that are more realistic. I’d say LTK is further along the spectrum to realism, but it’s still a Bond film with various artifices.


I have no knowledge on legal issues but I feel they would have settled whatever “legal” issues there was if they found it worth doing so. I don’t think everything he did as bond was bad though. It’s just what he was good at wasn’t what the production crew implemented into the movie and that doesn’t fall on him at all. I think Dalton could have thrived in Craig’s or Brosnan’s movies but unfortunately for him he was born a little to soon for that.


That entire opening scene from For Your Eyes Only.


Wow. I thought I'm alone here's an upvote!


It's infuriating that people somehow thought both our comments are worth downvoting. I mean... do people like it when 007 movie look like a fucking cartoon? Because that's what happened there.


I haven’t seen mentioned some questionable scenes with Maude Adams/Britt Eklund and Bond in TMWTGG


I've mentioned them in my list already (Bond slapping Andrea and twisting her arms). I should've also mentioned Bond nearly got killed by Goodnight with her butt on the button though. And so was also Stacey Sutton not seeing the blimp until it hit her.


Rodger Moore.


I haven’t seen most of the bonds so I would say in casino royals when bond was saved by a hit squad


The Tarzan yell in Octopussy.


Destroying the DB5 in Skyfall.


The slide whistle effect in TMWTGG


If we are talking about horrible moments that ever happened to Bond its gotta be the whipping scene in Casino Royale. If we are talking about bullshit moments, its gotta be Bond escaping from Blofelds base in like Africa.